Reverberation - Guns N Roses...

By gnrjunkie

30.8K 1.1K 704

Sequel to: Crash - A Guns N Roses Fanfiction Cassidy Goodwin has it all. She's funny, kind, athletic, and min... More

ONE - the page
TWO - the lunch
FOUR - the decision
FIVE - the meet-up
SIX - the movie
SEVEN - the roadtrip
EIGHT - the diner
NINE - the understanding
TEN - the room
ELEVEN - the night
TWELVE - the fan
THIRTEEN - the date
FOURTEEN - the rink
FIFTEEN - the surprise
SIXTEEN - the agreement
life update
thank you
last update

THREE - the visitors

1.5K 62 31
By gnrjunkie

September 3rd, 1991

My apartment was small. The front door was in the space between the kitchen and living room, and when I stood in the doorway, I could see part of the bathroom door--half obscured by the wall of the hallway--at the other side of my apartment. On either side of the bathroom were two rooms: one my own and the other a spare. To the far left of the living room were large sliding doors that led to a small balcony with two metal chairs and a matching table.

On evenings like these, where I was not working, I always made sure I sat out there and watched the sun go down; and, again, if my schedule allowed it, in the mornings I would take the time to enjoy watching as the sun rose over the water and buildings. Those times were easily my favourite part of living here. And, sometimes, I thought of it as a sort of blessing--after all, if I had not met Guns N Roses, I would still be whittling away in Los Angeles, instead of thriving here in my real home. So, in a way, I could thank GNR.

I'd just gotten home from work the day after I'd seen Izzy--so, at around 5:00 pm--when there was a knock at my door.

That man really wastes no time, does he? He must be in a rush to get me to put the guys of Guns on the right track--assuming that's what he's here for, of course.

I picked myself up off the couch I'd just gotten comfortable in, placing my book on the coffee table, and answered the door.

To my surprise, it was not Izzy.

"Colin?" I said in disbelief, shocked to see him since he usually calls before he visits. Plus, the last that I heard, he was in South Africa, and heading to Italy.

"That's me," he chuckled, stretching out his arms for an embrace that I gladly accepted.

"I wasn't expecting you!" I exclaimed once we'd pulled away. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Did I miss your call?" I looked to the phone on counter, its long curled cord dangling off the side, but saw no blinking light.

"No, this was a surprise; although, Mom knew I was coming."

His mom, as in my aunt--the one who I stayed with when I visited home from LA.

I smirked. "Sneak."

"I try," he gloated, stepping into my living space once I moved out of the way. Colin removed his shoes and immediately threw himself onto the couch, stretching his legs out onto the coffee table and crossing his arms behind his head. I sat down next to him.

"Any plans for the evening, or can we have a movie marathon?" he asked with a smile, already extending his hand to the remote on the table.

"Actually," I began, looking at my hands, "I'm--" there was a knock at my door. "--expecting someone." I sighed, heaving myself out of the seat.

He twisted his head around to ask me, "Anyone I know?"

My walk to the door was slow, and I didn't turn around to reply, "Not... entirely, I suppose. But, sort of."

Before Colin could respond, I opened the door. This time, it was exactly who I'd suspected.

Izzy Stradlin stood smiling shyly at me from my doorway with a bouquet of flowers--yellow orchids.

My eyes widened. I blinked several times. I heard Colin stand up from the couch.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me to our guest, Cassie?" he came over to flank me, holding out his hand for Izzy to shake. Izzy accepted the gesture and clasped Colin's hand with his own. "I'm Colin, Cassie's cousin."

Izzy's shoulders seemed to relax slightly upon learning that I was related to the man in my apartment and that he wasn't there for other... activities. My cheeks burned as I wondered what thoughts could have been wandering through his head before that realization, though.

"Izzy," he said with that quiet surety he always had. He turned back to me. "I don't mean to intrude; I can come back later if that's--"

"No, no! Come on in," I assured him, stepping aside so he could enter. I'm actually not sure why I refused his offer to go, since I really would have loved to spend some quality time with one of my favourite cousins. Izzy entered my living space, and held out his gift for me to take. "Oh! Uh, you really didn't have to--"

"I know, I know," Izzy said, bashful, a little sparkle in his eye. "I wanted to. I had some time to waste, so I went and roamed the streets to see what sort of shops you Canadians had."

I just smiled and took his offering, heading to the kitchen to clip the ends off the flowers and put them in a vase. Meanwhile, Colin announced that he would be in the other room to take a look at my music collection.

"I asked the florist if she knew the meanings of certain flowers," Izzy began, leaning against the counter, "and she told me all sorts of things about different coloured roses, but my eyes snagged on these, and when she said they meant joy, new beginnings, and friendship, I knew these were the ones to get. Anyway, she also said that they would be good to give to someone who just made a great achievement, and I figured becoming a surgeon is something worthy of a celebration, so... congratulations!"

I chuckled, but cherished the reasoning behind his gifts for me, the thought and time it must have taken him to attain, not to mention the cost... Once finished trimming the stems (at an angle, just like my mother always told me), I arranged the bouquet in the lukewarm water and gazed at Izzy.

"Thank you," I told him, meaning every ounce and essence of the words. A smile and blush trailed across my face as I continued, "However... I'm not a surgeon, yet, really. Just a resident."

Izzy looked at me with a knowing smile. "You know," he began, following me as I led him onto the balcony. Indeed, it was almost time to watch the sun set. "It didn't surprise me much to discover you became a surgeon--sorry, I mean, are becoming a surgeon."

"No?" I replied, setting the golden orchids onto the table separating us.

I watched Izzy's fingers as they delicately stroked the petal of a low-hanging bloom. "No. Because... journalism is just... and I mean this not to diminish journalists, this is just my opinion--it just seemed too easy for you. You deserve more of a challenge. You're smart enough to be a doctor, and, if I was, too, I know I'd take that opportunity and run with it. So I'm not surprised at all that this is where you landed." He laughed, but then sighed. "You're so smart, Cassie, it makes my head spin."

I snorted. "Not all the time--I mean, look at who I let into my house that night."

"Yeah, but look at you now: a doctor," Izzy lifted his arms as he practically shouted, "You're a doctor, Cassidy!"

I couldn't help but grin. "Again--right now, I'm just a surgical resident; but, yes, I suppose you're right... Letting you all come inside that night did in some twisted way lead me here, didn't it?"

"That's exactly what I mean--so smart!" We each laughed loudly at that, the sound decrescendoing after a moment. It had started so suddenly, it was almost a shock.

I cleared my throat quietly, not meeting his eyes. "Izzy," I said, "Let's not forget what you're here for."

He was quiet, watching the people on the streets as they bustled in and out of their cars, greeting people--both strangers and friends--on the sidewalks.

I looked at the skyline of uptown Saint John, raising my eyes over the tops of buildings and to the ocean and sun beyond. Sometimes, it was hard for me to believe I could afford to live here alone, without a roommate. For so long in LA it felt like I could never have enough money to live comfortably, and to think that now I could take a vacation to wherever I pleased several times each year...

The two of us out here became so quiet, I could hear the bass and treble on the song that Colin was inside listening to, even above all the sounds of the city--cars, voices, laughter, feet scraping on pavement, the steady movement of the ocean.

"I know," Izzy said, more to himself than anything. "I know," he repeated, a bit louder this time, lifting his eyes to meet mine. "I just hate to ask this of you."

"Please. Just tell me what you need. I know it won't be money, but... some things you can't buy with cash. So what is it?"

When I heard exactly what Izzy wanted me to do for them, the people who destroyed me... I almost slapped him.


Uh oh what do u think he asked ????? 😮🙃

-megan xx

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