Battleblock Theater - The Adv...

By ILoveMinecraft55

439 8 0

After Hatty returns to his friends, he goes on many new adventures with his new best friend, Ferrin. What sil... More

The Mysterious Island - Chapter 1
Swimming Lessons - Chapter 2
The Visitors - Chapter 3
Homesick - Chapter 4
Stargazing - Chapter 6
The Bully - Chapter 7
Mystical Gems - Chapter 8
Fight or Flight - Chapter 9
The Confession - Chapter 10

Glowy Red Stuff - Chapter 5

43 1 0
By ILoveMinecraft55

Ferrin woke up the next morning. She looked out the window and saw the beautiful ocean laid out before her. She smiled, and thought that today looked beautiful. Ferrin was so comfortable in her bed that she turned over, laying on her side. But what she saw next startled her. Her best friend, in the whole wide world, was laying there. He was asleep. Ferrin nearly screamed, but quickly kept her mouth shut, not wanting to wake up Hatty or frighten the crew members. Ferrin then realized something. "I must've fallen asleep while talking with Hatty last night!" She thought. Ferrin blushed brightly. "I fell asleep... in Hatty's room..." She thought. Ferrin internally screamed. She had never felt so embarrassed in her lifetime. She quietly turned over to get out of bed and quietly tiptoed out of Hatty's room, back to her cabin. She quickly got dressed, and brushed her long blonde hair. She ate some breakfast, but then she remembered Hatty. "Wait, how is he going to feel if he finds out that I woke up before he did and slipped out? WHAT IF HE'S OFFENDED BY THAT!?!" Ferrin thought. Beads of sweat started to trickle down her forehead as she thought more about it. "I just hope he isn't awake now..." Ferrin thought to herself. "Hi Ferrin!" Hatty suddenly greeted her. Ferrin yelled in surprise, and whipped her head around to look at Hatty. He had a worried look on his face. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you!" He apologized. Ferrin took some deep breaths and looked at Hatty. "No no! It's ok!" She comforted him. Hatty calmed down as well and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "That wasn't very gentlemanly of me!" He said. Ferrin worried about what Hatty would say what she thought he was gonna say. "So, interesting night last night, huh?" Hatty said. "Y-yeah..." Ferrin admitted. Hatty walked up closer to Ferrin. "By the way, what happened to you this morning?" Hatty politely asked her. Ferrin screamed internally. Her eyes widened, and her heart started to race. "I-I wa-was j-just.... sc-cared about falling asleep in y-your room!" Ferrin stammered. She put her face into her hands, feeling embarrassed. Hatty instantly noticed this and said, "Ferrin! There's nothing wrong with that! You were just tired last night and you fell asleep next to me! I was going to carry you back to your cabin but I didn't want to wake you so I just tucked you in and let you sleep in my bed for the night!" Ferrin heard what Hatty said, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks Hatty! I was worried that you might have been offended!" Ferrin explained, rubbing the back of her neck. "Now why should I be offended?" Hatty rhetorically asked her. Ferrin chuckled. It was silent for a moment. "Your bed is actually really comfy!" Ferrin complimented. Hatty blushed. "Thank you!" He replied. Things were once again silent between the two. They both looked out at the ocean, admiring the beautiful scenery. Ferrin smiled, and breathed in the fresh ocean air. Hatty broke the silence by saying, "What adventures do you think we'll have today?" Ferrin looked at him again. "Maybe something awesome like a, pirate ship or a secret cave filled with gems?" She asked. "Hmm... those actually sound like fun!" Hatty admitted. Ferrin blushed, happy that Hatty liked her ideas. She then noticed something. She saw how shiny the buckle was on Hatty's hat when it was in direct sunlight. She thought it looked pretty. Then Hatty's hat started glowing a faint red. Ferrin immediately started to worry. "Hatty! Your hat!" She said. "Hm? What about it?" Hatty asked her. "I-it's glowing, red!" Ferrin said, getting a bad feeling about the hat. Hatty instantly took his hat off and saw that Ferrin was right! His hat was glowing a dark shade of red. "Oh no!" He exclaimed, hastily setting his hat down on the ship's deck. He protectively put his arm in front of Ferrin and backed away. "Be careful Ferrin, glowy red stuff is always bad!" Hatty warned her. Ferrin listened to Hatty's advice and got worried about what was about to happen next. Hatty's friends saw this and got worried as well. After a few minutes, the hat stopped glowing red. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Why was it glowing red?" Ferrin wondered out loud. Everyone said they didn't know or shrugged their shoulders. "I hope Hatty's ok!" Ferrin said. Hatty looked at her. "Don't worry Ferrin, I'm ok!" Hatty comforted. Ferrin smiled in relief. Everyone eventually continued to do their own things. When they were alone, Ferrin looked at Hatty. He didn't look back at her. He was in some sort of trance. He put his hat back on his head. Ferrin tried tapping Hatty's shoulder, but he still didn't respond. After a few seconds of Hatty being unresponsive, he finally snapped back into reality! Ferrin asked him a question. "Hatty are you ok?" Hatty quickly looked at Ferrin. "I... I had visions, of being back at theater, when the cats kidnapped me and all that stuff happened..." He said. Ferrin immediately felt worried for Hatty! "Oh no..." She said. She walked up closer to Hatty. "Are.. Are you ok?" Ferrin asked him. "Don't worry, I'm fine!" He responded. Ferrin breathed a sigh of relief. Hatty then remembered something. "Wait, Purrham's soul told me that one of the cats were coming for me!" He said in a serious tone. He looked at Ferrin. It looked like he was going to cry at first, but then he stopped himself. "No! I'm not going to let that cat hurt you and my friends! I'm not going to run away and just let that cat hurt you and everyone else!" Hatty confessed. Ferrin was amazed and inspired by what Hatty said. "Yeah! We're your friends Hatty! And we're gonna be here for you!" Ferrin cheered. Hatty looked at her once again and smiled. He felt so proud of her for what she said. He walked up closer to Ferrin. "That's right!" He said, filled with joy. Ferrin smiled, she could tell by the expression on Hatty's face and the tone in his voice that he was proud of her. Ferrin smiled widely, feeling good that she made her best friend proud. "Remember Hatty, we're all never going to leave you! Especially me!" She said. Hatty grinned some more and blushed brightly, he had never felt so proud of Ferrin. He hugged her gently. Ferrin hugged back, not wanting to let go. She nearly cried tears of joy, she'd never felt so appreciated in her life. "I'm so proud of you, Ferrin. I'm so glad to have a friend like you." Hatty confessed. Ferrin blushed brightly, and appreciated the compliment. "Thank you! I.. I'm glad that I'm friends with you too, Hatty!" Ferrin replied. Hatty looked at her and grinned, blushing a little bit. They both hugged eachother for a few minutes, before finally letting go. "Well, is there anything you want to do?" Hatty asked. Ferrin briefly looked at the ocean waves, then looked back at Hatty. "Can we look at the ocean waves together?" She asked him. "Yes! Of course!" Hatty said joyfully. He walked up next to Ferrin and put his hand on the railing of the S.S Friendship. Ferrin walked forward and stared at the waves, admiring the scenery. She moved closer to Hatty, and continued to watch, along with him.

A/N: *sigh* Finally! A new chapter! I'm sorry for taking so long guys, this chapter took so long to write and a lot of thought had to be put into it! Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye! ~ILoveMinecraft55

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