Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how...

By xXGalaxieXx

103K 3.3K 4.9K

"I told you, can't feel right!" The feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster jolted your stomach as yo... More

Falling In
Going Out
Out of Reach
You had Doubts
He Decided to Help
He Wouldn't Accept it
Your Heart Started to Swell
The First Sparks
They Formed a Fire
Were You Going Insane?
The Flames Rose Higher
Rainy Weather
It was Only a Dream
The Journey was Rough
Things Weren't What They Seemed
He was Confused
You Were Too
You Wanted to Say Something
But What Could You Do?
You Were Ready to Leave
It Was Then He Confessed
Secrets Remained
They Were Kept for the Best
The Dust Had Settled
It Was All Okay
Hope Shone Through
It Was Here To Stay

You Tried as Well

4.2K 124 111
By xXGalaxieXx

-Your POV-

You woke up feeling a lot better, and it took you a second or two to remember what had happened. After you remembered you calmed down a little. You were starting to get used to being stuck Underground with a weird talking flower, as crazy as that might sound. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and stood up. You were a little shaky from being in bed half the day yesterday, but you didn't collapse or anything.

Maybe we can start heading out of here today. You thought, feeling strangely optimistic given the situation. You opened the door and walked out into the hallway and spotted Flowey in a recliner next to a bookshelf. He had his little flower head drooped over the arm rest, and his eyes were closed. You realized he was sleeping, and you tried not to disturb him as you crept into the kitchen to see if there was anything you could eat for breakfast. You couldn't help yourself from taking a small peek at him in his sleeping form. He looked so innocent.

You tore your gaze away and opened the refrigerator, looking for something edible. After pawing around for a minute you found an apple that was sitting near the back of the icebox. How do they even get apples down here? You thought to yourself, grabbing the apple regardless.

It didn't look quite the same as a surface apple. It was a little more shriveled and felt a little mushy but you ate it nonetheless. It tasted a little different, but not bad. It was probably because there wasn't any sunlight down here. Did monsters, like, grow their crops with artificial light? Who knew, and who cares? You were hungry.

While you sat down on a stool in the kitchen to eat your apple, you must have made a little noise because you heard Flowey yawn slightly as he woke up. I didn't know that flowers slept. Talking ones anyway. You thought as Flowey waddled into the room on the little roots that sprouted out from the base of his stem.

"Hi." He murmured, extending a thorny vine to open the refrigerator. You weren't really watching, but you heard him clumsily feeling around until he pulled out some food. Or whatever was in there. You heard something slam onto the counter and you looked to see that huge cook book rested near the oven with Flowey looming over it, scanning the pages hastily.

You snorted as a sudden random thought came into your mind. "Do you like, eat fertilizer?" You asked. Flowey turned around to look at you and you turned around to look at him.

"I don't have to eat at all." He said. "I'm a flower. I mean, if I need more energy I can eat something with sugar or drink something with caffeine, but it's not necessary that I eat." Flowey informed you rather seriously. He wasn't grave about it but he didn't really say it in a joking manner.

"Okay." You murmured, a little disappointed that he didn't take it as a joke. Even if he was a bit of a jerk, the flower had a good sense of humor.

You continued to eat your apple, and Flowey continued to mess around in the kitchen. At one point you got curious about all the noise and turned around to see him with his back turned to you, apparently cooking a couple different things.

"Wow. I didn't know that you were gonna make a proper breakfast for yourself." You commented, watching as he juggled four or five foods at once.

"I'm not." Flowey answered simply. "I'm making food for the way out of the Underground." He turned around to look at you and paused his cooking. "You are feeling better, right?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks." You replied.

"Good. We can start heading out this morning." He turned back around and resumed preparing food.

You quietly finished your apple, and when you were done you sat there in silence for a few minutes, watching Flowey cook. He made the food in an organized way, making sure to set timers and check up on each dish every few minutes. You were kind of surprised by his skills; you had never really imagined that he could cook like this.

"How did you learn to cook?" You asked, and Flowey put down a spoon and turned around again.

"When I was Asriel, Toriel taught me from a young age. I guess it just stuck, even when I turned into a flower." He answered, then he went back to cooking.

You were kind of surprised he was putting up with all your questions. You had seen what a short fuse he had, but whenever you bothered him with another question he simply answered and turned back to cook some more. You got up slowly from your seat on the stool and walked down to the bookshelf. You scanned the books for something to bring in the journey, and found something called 'A History of Men and Monsters'. It didn't look that good to be honest, but there were no fiction stories or anything so you decided it was the most interesting-looking amongst all of the titles and pulled it out of the shelf. It wasn't that heavy, but it wasn't some book for a toddler.

You went back into the kitchen and held it up for Flowey to see. "I'm gonna bring this." You announced, and he grunted a response. It didn't sound like 'no'. You walked down the hallway with the book under your arm and went into the bedroom that you had slept in. You grabbed your bag from where it had been slung around the small chair that was pushed into the desk. Shoving the book inside, you studied the room a little more carefully to se if there was anything that you should take on the journey.

You spotted a pad of paper and a couple pens and pencils that were scattered about lazily on the desk. You grabbed the sketch pad and a couple of the pens and pencils and stuffed them into your bag as well. Your bag didn't have that much space left, so you stopped there. The book and the pad of paper weren't that big at all, it was just that you didn't have a very large bag. It was more of a purse than a shopping bag or something.

Taking the bag with you, you exited the room and checked up on Flowey. He was scrambling to put food in small plastic bags and tupperware, and after a minute of you leaning in the door way and watching he straightened out four small bags and one little container. You hoped that most of it would fit in your bag.

"I've made food," he announced, and you hadn't even realized that he noticed you were there. "It'll last us until we reach Waterfall, so even if we don't find anything in Snowdin--which we will, by the way--we won't starve. Or rather you won't starve. I don't need to eat." Flowey said, gesturing with a vine to the food that was displayed on the counter in front of him. He let out a small sigh of relief.

You didn't know what Waterfall and Snowdin were. "Um... what's Waterfall and Snowdin?" You asked.

"Tch. Don't you remember from before? When Asriel broke the barrier? Everyone went out. You must have gone to the surface too, right?" Flowey replied. His tone had a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, yeah, but I fell asleep." You retorted.

Flowey laughed out loud. "You fell asleep?" He wheezed, "You managed to sleep through Snowdin, Waterfall and Hotland? How did you get there in your sleep?" He asked, his giggling dying down a little. Again, one of his dramatic mood swings.

"Toriel carried me." You answered. What's Hotland? You asked in your head.

Flowey sighed audibly. "Toriel did say that she had to go back to get someone. She returned a day later with a human. Now that I think back on it, that was you. She said goodbye to me without waking you up, and then she carried you out to the surface." He murmured. "Of course those are Asriel's memories, so I don't know."

"What do you mean those are Asriel's memories?" You asked, and immediately regretted it.

Flowey didn't answer that question. "Anyways, we really should start heading out soon. Go see if you can find a jacket somewhere around here. Snowdin's really cold." He said, waving a leaf as if he were signaling you to go.

"But Flowey--" You didn't really know what to say, but you continued anyway. "Look, I feel like there's something that's bothering you, or it's making you sad or upset or--something! I don't know, but--I don't know!" You couldn't put it into words. "Sometimes... sometimes if you talk to someone it helps. You can just tell me if you're upset." You said.

He huffed impatiently. "Look, I don't wanna talk about this. It doesn't matter anyway."

"Fine." You rolled your eyes behind Flowey's back as you walked down the hallway to try and find a jacket somewhere. You were trying to reach out to him, trying to help him. Why was he so difficult? Fine. Let him be like that, I don't care if he seems upset. You said in your mind, but really it was kind of bothering you. You hated to see others upset.

You took your mind off it as you entered the bedroom that you had slept in and dug around in a small closet. You found a blue hoodie that was lying on the floor among other childrens' clothes.

What happened to the children? The thought made you shiver, but you pushed it to the back of your mind and put on the hoodie to see if it fit. It was a little tight, probably because it belonged to a younger person, but it was better than nothing. You did one last check to make sure there wasn't anything better and returned to the room where Flowey was.

"Find something?" He asked, and you spotted him sitting on the floor doing nothing in particular. You held up the hoodie and he clicked his tongue. "You sure there's nothing warmer?"

"No, this was the best thing." I think. You added in your mind. You hadn't really looked that much but you figured that this Snow-whatsit place couldn't be that cold. You shrugged it off.

Flowey sighed. "Okay." He looked around silently for a moment. "I guess this is it. Put this stuff in your bag"--he gestured with a vine to the bags of food that were displayed on the ground in front of him--"and we'll be on our way. There's no point in standing around, and I wanna be done with this stupid journey as soon as I can be." He muttered, a little bit of exasperation edging his voice.

You didn't say anything, you just knelt down on the floor and scooped up the plastic bags of food into your bag, making sure to arrange them as best you could so they wouldn't be smashed. You didn't really pay attention or try to identify what was in the bags.

Flowey also put a container in front of you with some liquid inside. Seeing the color you realized it was the soup that he made for you when you were sick. You tried to fit it in the bag, but ended up not being able to zipper it all the way. Not a big deal, but still annoying. The bag wasn't too heavy--it just felt like a backpack. A backpack that was slung around your shoulder.

"Good." Flowey said, blinking as you stood up with your bag. "All ready?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I think so," You replied.

Flowey looked satisfied. "Alright. Let's head out. We'll probably get to the barrier in a day or two." He said. You nodded and followed him as he waddled down a staircase. He lead you into a weird hallway that seemed oddly familiar. Then you remembered your dream about the other human in the ruins. It was probably just a stupid dream, but the childish part of you wanted to believe that you dreamed about this place for a reason.

"I had a dream about this hallway!" You exclaimed, then suddenly realized how stupid you must sound.

"Good for you." Flowey muttered. "But I don't see why that's important." He stopped at the end of the corridor and gestured to an exit. "This is the exit to the ruins. Are you sure you're ready? I'm not coming back here after we enter Snowdin." He muttered impatiently.

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

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