Replacing L

Par kiraspook

60 3 0


Replacing L

60 3 0
Par kiraspook

The park was dark and empty. He moved rapidly through the shadowed trees. The moon that hung in the ink black sky was merely a sliver. It’s brilliant light casting a soft glow against the green of the park. The young night had only, a few stars hanging within the darkness. His death god eyes pierced the sky, trained on the moon. His heart pounded in his throat. Tonight was the night he had been waiting for, for a very long time. Tonight, he would meet his god.

Kami, god… Kira. A man, just as he, himself was, but this man was different. Special. He stood for justice, he has discovered, and the only punishment human kind seems to understand. Death. Kira, God, he is what the world needs. He moved quickly around a tree to see a young man sitting on a bench. His arms draped over the back of it. One leg crossed over another. Was it he?

Thanks to Kira’s spokeswomen, this meeting was made possible. He paused, the red tinted world reviled its secret, he could see this man’s name, but not his life span, "God…" He smiled the moon’s light shining off his square glasses. "Light…Yagami…what a beautiful name…"

Slowly, he approached what he believed was his god. The man had short, dark tan hair, somewhat a mess. His sharp amber eyes gazed into the sky. Slender and tall, beautiful he stepped into the moonlight, "Kami?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Light didn’t turn his eyes from the slowly darkening sky, "Teru Mikami, I have been waiting for you."

Mikami smiled, "God…" he feel to his knees, "I am at your service."

At last, Light moved his cold eyes from the stars and down to Mikami, "That is good to know," He sneered down at the kneeling man.

* * * *

His heartbeat seemed so loud it seemed as if every beat banged against his ribcage. His hands shook so much that the tea cup he offered Light, clicked and clanked on the saucer. He couldn’t believe Light had actually agreed to come to Mikami’s home, and there he sat, just across from him. Cool, collected. He seemed flawless, smooth. Mikami’s eyes fallowed Light’s hand as he reached for his cup. Mikami wasn’t what to say as Light lifted the cup to his lips.

Mikami waited in silence, nearly afraid to breathe. Finally just as he was about to speak, Light’s voice filed the room, "you are doing well, very well. Your way of thinking is more closely parallel to my own. My last stand in wasn’t quite what I need." He sipped his tea again.

Mikami swallowed hard, "Thank you, Kia, I must admit the second Kia was not as smooth as he could have been."

Light smiled as he set his empty cup back on the table. "Her name was Misa loyal as she may be, she was a fool blinded by emotions."

"But, Kira is emotions not at the center of all we do?"

Light finally gave Mikami eye contact. "You have the eyes don’t you?"

Startled by the abrupt subject change, he hesitated, but a smile spread across his face, "Oh, yes, Kami. I was more than happy to sacrifice half my lifer span." Mikami let his eyes drop into his own hands, blushing, he replied, "For you, Kira, I would do it again."’’

"Then you know my name, and would prefer if you would call me such."

"Huh?" Mikami snapped his attention back to light.

Mikami attempted to push away all the emotions and odd feelings he felt god was right, he told himself, if I call him pet names for too long, I may forget to connect myself. "Forgive me Light."

Light heaved a heavy sigh, "You are far easier to talk to then Misa."

Mikami remained silent, he didn’t want to upset Light, anger him in any way. Finally, he replied, "Light, why did you insist on meeting me? It doesn’t seem necessary."

Light sighed again, "Because, I lost L…"’’

Mikami was confused, "But, you were the one who killed him."

"I am…" Light stood and moved to a large window, the moonlight washed over him. "And I would do it again. However, I did not take into account how lonely it would be without him. Intelligence is not easy to find."

Mikami followed light to the window. "I can see why you would miss his company but, my question remains…"

Suddenly Light grabbed Mikami by the wrist and pulled him into a tight embrace. "You Teru

Mikami, are the only one who understands. You are the only one who can be my partner."

Mikami flushed hard, "Kami…" slid from his lips, "I do understand." He wrapped his arms around Light’s waist. "I’ve always understood…"

Light held Mikami close. "I know you do, that’s why I chose you. You are perfect for me, perfect for my purpose."

"Perfect for you?"

"Perfect. The others were not enough. They are not what I need. But you are, you are what I desire…" Light moved his hands to Mikami’s neck, "You are what I need to complete my happiness and save the world."

"I am what can make you happy?!" His heart pounded in his ear what was god doing? What was he saying? "How can I complete your happiness?"

"Kiss me…"’ Light whispered.

"What?!" Mikami cried.

"They are not enough, not enough to be my lover. Come with me, Mikami. Rule with me…be with me…"

"But, we know nothing about one another…" Suddenly, Light tightened his grip on Mikami’s throat. Startled he griped the back of Light’s jacket. "God!" He cried.

"You call me that, you call me Kami but you refuse me? Don’t you worship me?"

He pulled at Light’s jacket, as his grip tightened, his eyes wide and sadistic. Death written across his face. Mikami’s oxygen running thin, tears filled his eyes, "Yes!" He squeezed, "You are my god…I worship you...I praise you…I love you…Light!!" He attempted to scream.

He was going to die! God’s wrath was going to kill him, tears flooded his face. The pain was gone. He could breath. Light replaced his chocking with a full mouth kiss.

Fear, pain and panic drained away and puddled on the floor. Love and worship filled his entire body. He returned the kiss, pulling Light as close as he could. All his muscles gripping Light to his body. Light running his hands threw his messy ebony hair. Light pulled from the kiss, "Will you love me, Teru?"

Mikami stood there, staring up at Light. Confused emotions he did not understand welled in his heart and mind. Light’s entire countenance had changed. He looked at Mikami with a gentle and loving gaze. Was he speaking true? Why did god want love so much? "I do, forever…" A whisper, "Do you want… love me?" A question.

Light gently stroked Mikami’s hair, "I was told once of love at first sight. I did not believe in such non sense. Not until you, Mikami. Before I saw you in person, I saw you worship. Saw you from afar… and I knew you were the one I wanted besides me… I just knew."

God loved him as much as he loved god. Mikami didn’t care about anything, anymore. Never before has he felt as such ease, such complete comfort. Mikami, smiled and then rested his head on Lights shoulder, "I am not sure if I believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in you and that is enough for me."

They lay together on Mikami’s bed, naked. Legs and bodies intertwined in a writhing dance of seduction. Light’s hand ran over the soft, pale flesh of Mikami’s side and hip, rolling over the tight ass. Their mouths meshed together, tongues dancing in an erotic power struggle. Light left Mikami’s hot, wet mouth to lick a trail down his neck and shoulder.

Mikami’s mouth fell agape as he huffed and panted, he moaned as Light licked at his nipples. "Oh, Light…" He whispered. He pulled on Light, lifting himself to his hands and knees. He moved down his lover’s body, taking his dick inside his palm. He rubbed his hand over it a few times, and then wrapped his mouth over it.

Color fluttered across Light’s face as Mikami sucked and pulled on his dick. Kneading and messaging his balls. He had slept with Misa before, but, it was only sex, a way to keep her loyal. However, this wasn’t just sex, no, it was something much more. He had once fantasized about attempting to seduce L… he probably would have let him. But, he was never in the passion to attempt. He was not about to allow this chance to slip away.

Mikami licked and sucked at the throbbing member, until Light could take no more. He yanked Mikami forward. They wrestle within the cotton sheets. They pulled and pushed on each other until Light had Mikami pinned against the headboard on n his hands and knees, pushing his face between Mikami’s ass cheeks. He poked and prodded the tight center, wetting and stretching it. Lubricating, he slipped a finger into the channel.

Mikami arched his back and pushed hard against Light. Light moved his finger out and replaced it with two more. Mikami cried out. Mikami had plenty of pairings with women, but this was the first time he himself, had been penetrated. Light worked the tight muscles until they loosened.

Light licked a wet trail up his ached back and kissed the back of Mikami’s head. He whispered in Mikami’s ear, "Do you want me, Mikami?"

"I want all of you," Mikami whispered back.

Gently, yet firmly, Light pressed his swollen cock into Mikami’s body. It was far more painful than Mikami had anticipated; he bit into the pillow bellow him. Light was gentle and kind, as if he could since Mikami’s sharp pain. He moved within his lover’s body, slowly pausing so every so often to push hard into him, so his muscles could relax even more.

The pain ebbed slightly as Light moved faster and harder. And as Light worked up a steady, solid rhythm within Mikami’s velvet tunnel, Mikami screamed into the padding of his pillow

Light grabbed his shoulders and pulled him backwards, balancing on the balls of his feet and sitting on his ass, he brought Mikami up to his lap. Sitting on his pelvic bone, Mikami sank even farther down onto Light’s cock. Heat filled his body as he began to rock his own hips over Light’s, grinding against his hips, "That’s nice, Teru. Faster."

Mikami rolled his hips in tight circles, as hard and fast as his spine would allow. Light pushed his pelvic upward as hard as he could. Cheeks, colored red, Mikami grasped his own hard erection in his fist. Pumping it hard and roughly but Light had other plans. He grabbed a handful of Mikami’s hair and yacked him to his back, flipping over him, he forced his legs apart and rammed his cock back into him. Mikami screamed.

Light fiercely rutted into Mikami’s body, his dick clamped in Light’s hand. Mikami gripped Light’s upper arms, as if attempting to draw him in his very body. Mikami tensed, yanked on Light’s arm as his seed sprayed across his chest and stomach. The muscles tightened around Light’s member that was all it took to finish Light off. He leaned over Mikami embracing him in a tight hold as he came deep within his lover body.

Light only lay there panting, huffing for breath. Mikami gripped Light to his body, holding him tight. He wanted this moment to last forever.

* * *

But, the moment had to end. He had to leave. Light held Mikami very close. Held him as if claiming him, "When can I see you again?" Mikami asked.

"Not for a little while, you understand?"

Being Kira, a personal relationship practically with someone like Teru Mikami, what they are attempting to do, was difficult. "I do understand, I will miss you."

"Wait for me, Teru; I will come back for you."

Mikami placed a peck to the corner of Light’s mouth, "I will wait."

"Until we meet again." Light kissed Mikami full on the lips, then left out the front door.

Mikami watched Light leave until he could no longer see him, then returned into his home. They would meet again.

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