A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

198K 6.8K 2.8K

In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Never Make Fun Of A Halfa
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
We Will Fight
Halloween Special!

Shouldn't Exist

5K 185 43
By valblue1314

When Phantom woke up he was breathing heavily and he was sweating, it took him several seconds to realize that he was also shaking. He had never had that nightmare before, it was completely different from the ones he'd had in the past. He continued to shake as he thought about the nightmare that had scared him so badly.

Everything was dark, he looked around but he couldn't see anything, there was only darkness. Then he heard screams, they were the screams that he had heard when he became a halfa, when half of him died. This was what his ghostly wail sounded like, the screams of dying people, of pain and agony.

He tried to cover his ears so he couldn't hear it but it didn't work and he begged for it to stop. Just when he thought he wouldn't be able to take the screams anymore they stopped as suddenly as they had started. He had no clue what happened but when he looked around again he saw his used to be family and friends.

They all looked at him with pure hate and disgust, his hands shook but not from sadness or fear, it was from anger and frustration. "Why?! I'm still who I was before I died so why, why do you hate me so much?!" He forced himself not to cry, he didn't want to cry, he was tired of crying damn it!

They all scowled at him, "You're a freak," Sam said.

"You're a monster," Tucker harshly said.

"An abomination," Jazz said with fire in her eyes.

"You shouldn't even exist," Jack said.

Maddie glared at him, "You aren't my son."

Phantom was still shaking with anger and he looked at the ground which was just as dark as everything else in this place. "Don't you think I know that?" His voice shook and he could feel the unshed tears trying to get free but he refused to let them out. When he looked up they were gone, he sensed something behind him but he didn't want to turn around.

When he finally convinced himself to look he quickly turned around to face whatever it was but there was nothing there. He would have questioned it but he didn't have time when he heard a familiar noise. He moved to the side and barely dodged a blast that came from behind him, his eyes widened.

He had rolled on the ground to escape the blast so he was on his knees, he didn't even bother to get up as he turned. Pointing a blaster at his head were several GIW agents, these particular agents had helped Maddie and Jack experiment on him more often than not. Phantom quickly dodged several more blasts and he ran, he didn't want to fight them no matter what they had done to him.

When he finally stopped they were gone but he was surrounded by darkness again. Just when he thought nothing else would happen the scene changed and he looked around frantically. He was surrounded by destroyed buildings, badly cracked streets, and a blood red sky.

There was dust and ash in the air and he wondered what the hell happened when he heard someone laugh. The laugh was cold and heartless, he had never heard something so utterly terrifying before. He had the same feeling he did when he had looked behind him before, when nothing was there when he looked.

He hoped that nothing would be there again and he slowly turned around with wide eyes. His hopes were crushed when he saw a figure standing in the shadow of a broken wall and Phantom's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

The figure laughed again and stepped out of the shadow and into the light, Phantom took a step back. The figure smiled, "I'm you." The figure looked like him but there were a few differences, he had red eyes and fangs. The dark Phantom smirked and made sure to show off his fangs, "Why'd you do it?"

Phantom was confused, "What are you talking about, what did I do?"

Dark Phantom gestured to everything around them, "This, you did all of this." Phantom wanted to respond but the words were stuck in his throat and dark Phantom sighed. "You even did that." He pointed to something and Phantom didn't want to look but he still did, he had to know.

As soon as he saw it his eyes widened and he took several steps back as a look of horror appeared on his face. About twenty feet away, partially buried in rubble and covered in blood, were the bodies of the Young Justice team. The Leaguers he had met were also there, lying dead on the ground covered in blood.

Dark Phantom sighed and shook his head, as soon as Phantom heard he looked at him. "You destroy everything you care about, everyone either leaves you or gets hurt and it's all your fault. You killed them, they're dead and it's all your fault, they're dead because of you. They shouldn't have died, it should have been you, you should have died instead of them."

Phantom was going to respond when he saw movement from the corner of his eye and he turned to see what it was. The bodies of his teammates and the Justice League members were moving and now he could see every wound they had. They all walked towards him with eyes full of betrayal as they all said "It should have been you."

Phantom took several steps back, "I didn't kill you, I never wanted you dead!"

Dark Phantom laughed, "Then why is their blood on your hands?" Phantom looked at his hands and saw the blood in his hands, he knew that it had to be their blood. Phantom's hands were shaking again, this time it was from fear, he couldn't have killed them right?

Phantom looked back up at the bodies walking towards him and he tried to move but he couldn't. Then Robin looked at him sadly, "Why'd you kill us Phantom?"

Phantom tried to answer but he couldn't, he knew that if he did the tears he was holding back would fall. He thought about fighting and his eyes started to glow brighter but then they stopped. He couldn't do it, he fell to his knees, "I can't do it, I won't do it, I won't kill you again."

Dark Phantom laughed and clutched his side, "You won't hurt them again? Don't you get it, you'll continue to hurt them until you do what you should have done since the beginning. You'll only stop hurting them when you leave, walk out of their lives and die alone."

Dark Phantom continued to laugh and Phantom started to tremble even more, he looked at the heroes in front of him. He was barely able to hold back the tears, "I'm so sorry." That was when the dream ended and he woke up, now he was trembling in the corner of his room.

Then he heard someone knock on his door, he didn't trust himself to answer so he stayed silent. Then he read Robin's voice, "Phantom, I'm coming in." Robin entered the room and immediately saw Phantom shaking in the corner, his eyes were glowing brighter than usual. Robin's eyes widened and he closed the door before taking a few steps towards Phantom but he suddenly stopped.

He didn't want to get to close to Phantom and make things worse, he knelt down in front of him. "What happened Phantom, what should I do?"

Phantom was hugging his knees to his chest and he hid his head in between the space from his knees to his chest. Robin wanted to help but he had no clue what the do, he wasn't even sure what was wrong. Phantom took deep breaths for several minutes before he finally calmed down and looked at Robin.

"Is there a reason that you're here?"

Robin looked at the ground for a brief second before he looked at Phantom again. "Everyone was worried about you so I came to check on you, what happened?"

Phantom's eyes glazed over for a moment before they cleared again, "It was just a nightmare, I'm fine."

Robin crossed his arms, "No offense but that's a lie, you're not fine so don't try to tell me that you are."

Phantom wanted to be angry but he wasn't, he only hated when people worried about him because they danced around him. They made it seem like he was made out of glass and the slightest touch would break him. He couldn't be mad because Robin wasn't doing that, he was treating him like he wanted to be treated, like a normal person.

Phantom sighed, "Fine I lied, I'm not okay, is that what you want to hear?"

Robin's eyes narrowed, "No, I want to know why you insist on hiding the fact that you're not okay."

Phantom looked straight at Robin, "I have my reasons, that's all you need to know."

Robin uncrossed his arms, "I know it's hard to trust people and I won't force you to tell me. Just remember that if you ever want to talk I'll listen, you're not alone anymore Phantom."

Robin walked out of the room and closed the door, Phantom smiled sadly, "That's where you're wrong."


Because I was asked to update I'm posting this chapter today, let me know if you guys liked it!

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