My little pony: friends, love...

By supernova295

211K 5.9K 3.2K

*COMPLETED* [EDITING IN PROCESS] A loving story based on the blossoming romance of Twilight Sparkle and Flash... More

My little pony: friends love and magic
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Dedication :)
3k special!! :D
The winner of the compie :D

Chapter 3

14.3K 375 140
By supernova295

~ Twilight's point of view ✨~

My big brother paced back and forth in front of me. I'm glad he wasn't mad at flash, but he had been pondering for the last hour now to come up with the princess' perfect present.

"A ring?" Spike suggested, "with lots of diamonds!" His mouth watered.

"She already has heaps of those and her wedding ring was the best of the best, getting her one that looks horrible compared to her wedding ring would be terrible!" Shining managed to say in one breath, chocking on the word terrible.

I tried to think. What would you get a girl that has everything? This was impossible.

"Has she ever wanted something that she couldn't have?" I asked.

He gulped.

"I know what she wants Twi, but I can't give it to her."

"Why not?" I asked slightly frustrated.

"She wants a sister..."

"What?!" I screamed "I'm her sister!"

"Sister-in-law Twilight."

"So? She has always thought of me as one!"

"She wants a REAL sister!" he screamed.

We paused for a moment and the room was scilent.

"I think I'll go now, Night Twili." He said soft.

As he closed my door I answered with a "Goodnight."

"Finally, time to get some shut eye." Spike said as he plonked on the bed face down, eventually turning his body and putting a blanket over himself."

I slipped into bed as well. I placed my crown on the dresser.

"Better not do that." I whispered to myself.

Instead I put it in one of the dresser draws. My wings were finally tucking, what a relief! I soon had fell asleep...

"Breakfast is served!" Princess Cadence announced. The long table was filled with food like a range of fruits and vegetables to oats and jars of honey.

"Whoo-wee! I sure am hungry!" AppleJack said excitedly taking in all the looks and smells of the food, she added,"sure smells nice too!"

I flashed every pony a wide smile. Spike, who was on my right, had a nice bowl full of various gems and diamonds.

Princess Luna and Celestia took the chairs at each end of the table. On the right side from Luna to Celestia went AppleJack, Rainbow, Fluttershy and pinkie. On the left side from Luna to Celestia went Cadence, Shining, Me, Spike and rarity.

All the unicorn/alicorn ponies started using levitation spells to put what they wanted on a plate. I had apple slices covered in honey with a side of oats.

"Mmm! This food is sooo good!" Pinkie squealed after a bite of her toffy apple.

I was the last one to leave the dining room. Flash had come in to take me to my friends. I had stayed back reading "History of the Crystal Empire."

"Princess? are you ready to go?"

I jumped. I fell off my seat and the book had landed open on my face. Great, just great. I heard him gallop towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern, lifting the book off my head and placing it on the table before helping me up.

"Me-e, I a-am f-f-fine-e." I stuttered.

"Alright. Ready to go?"

I looked up and got lost in his amazing eyes. Oh my Celestia! Get it together twilight!

"Hungry?" I blurted out randomly.

"Not really princess."

He had to try the toffy apples, so I levitated one to him.

"Oh no, I couldn't." He shook his head.

"Come on!" I teased. "Princess's orders!"

"Fine" Flash took a bite.

"Wow that's good!"

"Told ya!"

We giggled for what seemed not long enough before it was time for me to meet the girls.

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