"Snippets of Love" In Sea

By ForeverTornWithTears

5.4K 166 91

Kong _ Arthit Jingyu _Weizhou Qing_Dayu Korn_Knock And Many BL_Ships Will Be Sailing In This Sea-Book :p T... More

Is This Where We Can Go..?
Pete's EARN
Whale Went On Sail ... Gone Alone
Do Read
"Unhappening" Love (Yo-Ming)
Save Me From ME.
Best Phone Call Ever

Is This Where We Can Go..? Part 2

461 16 23
By ForeverTornWithTears

Arthit's POV:

10 Years Later 

In a park. 

Lots of noise is around me. Why am i here? Why nothing seems peaceful like before. The only soothing my heart gets in this turmoil  is him

Yeah! HIM.

Kong. My Kong. 

Suddenly i feel a pair of lips on my palm. I already know the culprit. That's the only place the person infront of me could reach.

"Kong.... i told you not to do this in public." i grab his hand and leave that place , pushing his wheel chair along. 

At Apartment.

"Kong , did you wash your hands.?" i smacked his hands and snatched sandwich from his hand.

He pouted before going over to washbasin. 




I quickly run outta kitchen. I ran as if that's my last breath to catch.

I crouched down on to floor. He's struggling to breathe. I went and brought his artificial breath giver(something like asthma inhaler) and made him breathe.

After an hour.

He's sleeping. I brought luke arm water and started cleaning his face, hands and legs.A mole on his  neck made me think about certain someone again. 

This is my kid, my boy, my son. Kongnick prachaya. This 8 year boy is center of my world now, but that doesn't change what i lost a decade back. The person after whom i named my son. it's been 10 years from last i saw that man. He must've forgotten about me right now. Yeah!? Must be... Bt it's hurting me to think so.


I was asking this question myself everyday for last ten-years too. When He's all i ever wanted , why didn't i man-up? Why did i became a chicken-headed? Why did i ruin all that? Why did i let go? Why?

I let all that happen bcoz im single child and doesn't wanna disappoint my parents.? i let my only love to slip away.

Crap.No . You.Let.Him.Go.Because.

I sighed. 

Meanwhile , Kong  woke up and staring at me. He knew this. I told him this when he was 5. He said he'll make me happy, now that he's also  My Kong.

So, after this incident. I brought my boy to hospital next day so that he's all fine.

At Hospital

"So, Mr.Arthit ,Your son is doing good. This incident was less effective than previous  ones. So he's coping up with medicines. I guess  he got this from his biological parents." doctor said.

"May be. But it doesn't matter. He's well now. So, yeah.Thanks " i smiled at her and got up to leave.

I was just about to leave when she called me and said that she's dealing with another patient also and asked me to meet them for knowing more ways to handle any emergency situations.

I took the address from her and went to meet them starlight away as its Sunday.

I went to the house and almost dropped my jaw in awe.

This is a mansion in glass.

I rang the bell and came a little girl to open the door. I almost laughed on her face which my son already did.

Because she's so small thought she won't be able to open it. But I'm so wrong as she just pressed a button to swing open the glass doors.

"Who do you want?" she asked.

"  I want to meet Rose." My Kong said.

"Why? Do you know her?" she asked.

I said no and explained that I came to talk about medical information with her. I can't imagine I'm explaining myself to a little girl.

"Por, I told you right? That the doctor will set you up with the the uncle she has been praising all over these years. See, she sent him with the excuse of talking about my health." she all but yelled so loudly that I doubt whole Bangkok must have heard.

Just like that I saw both my son and her laughing so hard on the floor rolling.

I was about go talk when my son stood up and took a flower from bouquet we got knelt on one knee and asked her to be his little sister..

And she agreed. I was stunned to see such a scene.

And felt a presence of a person behind me.

I slowly cautiously turned around and without looking at him I said.

"Sorry, I didn't know something like this would happen. I really thought its about my son and his health. And don't get me wrong. I'm rejecting you not because you are not good or something like that, I just wanna say that..." a hand covered my mouth and what I saw next made me flinch..

" P. Stop blabbering. You still don't Know how to straight out reject a person. It's okay. I don't mind this incident. Just go. "he said letting go of me.

At that moment I don't know what to say. I don't know what to feel. I'm all jumbled. But I know then how much I miss him.

I took hold of my son and turned around to leave. And suddenly the girl asked my son whats his name.

Before I react he answered "Kong".

And I heard a gasp and few footsteps walking towards me.

A finger tugged at my sleeve.

And in a voice too shaky asked me " Is he named after me?".

I didn't reply. I couldn't.

I spoiled his life. My life. And all our dreams and now I can't just spill that I miss him so much that I named my son after him.

But my tears are already flowing.

I can't control the sobs when he turned me around to face him.

And hugged. This is what I have been craving for years.

And that's how everything broke inside me and my heart.

After having dinner and making beds for both Kids he asked me to have a talk with him on terrace of the house.

We sat in silence. The night is so peaceful. This is far from the pollution of city.

Earlier after my breakdown session he asked us to stay the night when my son agreed on behalf me, so here iam to confront my past.

Literally after passing minutes what felt like years he broke the tranquil atmosphere around us with a singe syllable word.


I took a little time but answered nonetheless.

"Back when we were dating, I told my parents about us. They weren't partially supporting me. And I thought I'll handle when the things go wrong in future. And after my graduation, my relation with my parents was strained too much on this topic.  I wanted to tell you, but yiy were busy with hazing sessions and all, so I didn't want to add the pressure.... " I have a pause because I know he would've dealt the problem more idealistic than I did.

I looked at him but he didn't even look at me but had a far away look on his face.  So I continued.

" Then one day I got a call from hospital that my mother went through a cardiac attack and was hospitalised.
When I went there she's expressing her stress over my relation with a man to the doctor and how sad she's because of that. Later that day Por also told me that she wants to have a NORMAL life and not the life that she had to defend her son on every turn of life. "

He stood up from his chair and went to stand at near by edge of the terrace with a tightly closed fist.

I went near him and thought of holding his hand but I don't think I have any right.

" You were happy, so happy that you are about to come out to your parents. And I'm confused. I couldn't be happy. Not even after seeing you every day. I felt guilty that your happiness stopped effecting me as much as before. I thought my love for you was fading. That thought gave me an option of getting a normal life, like mom wanted. Like Por suggested. And like a fool, I grabbed the first Chance I got to jump out of the trouble.  I didn't want to cheat on you but I wanted you to feel the hate towards me. And that's how Namtarn came back in my life. And my mae was so happy. In between office, hospital, act of love with Nam and pressure from Dad I completely didn't notice the distance between us. She was always there when I needed the relief from all the stress and i thought I love her. But I didn't. After breaking up with you, I thought I'll be happy with her and you'll get over me. " .

I thought I can come clean with him. But this is a bad idea. My guilt is eating me away. This is all my fault. My uncertainity. I want to run away. I don't even deserve his forgiveness.

" Then I realised that I mistook the comfort she offered to me as a friend. When ever we went for a date neither she nor me behaved like lovers but as friends. And that's how we parted after 3 years of 'friendly-couple- relationship'. My parents were disappointed in me, believing that I drove her away, disowned me. I went away and started living along with my cousin P'Madiraand her hubby P'Thana. And then my cousin and her husband adopted a kid and were met with an accident on the way back home. So that's how 'Kong' came into my life and turned to be one. " I ended my side of story. Heaved a sigh.

" P'.. " he called. He turned around and I gasped at the view in front of me.

He suddenly slumped down and was sobbing. I also sat beside him and hugged him asking what happened.

Then I came to know that he observed my odd behavior even before we broke up but didn't bother to ask as he expected me to open up to him.  He apologised saying if he did ask before then we wouldn't be in this situation.

We held our hands and went to sleep in seoeratr rooms.

I don't know the relation between us but for now I'm feeling better than in all these years!


A/N :  Aaaahhh, finally second part is done! Ans there'll be third part for this. The final.

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