By the_mazetrials

4.7K 216 230


meet the cast
elizabeth mason
additional characters
i, two
i, three
i, four
i, five
i, six
i, seven
i, eight
i, nine
i, ten
i, eleven
i, twelve
i, thirteen
i, fourteen
i, fifteen
i, sixteen
i, seventeen
i, eighteen
i, nineteen
i, twenty

i, one

420 12 9
By the_mazetrials


They came out of nowhere. Elizabeth had been driving back home from the university of boston when it happened. She hadn't known back then that it was an Electromagnatic Pulse that had disabled everything that ran on electronics. 

It had been that which had caused the accident on the crossing between Brattle Street and Sparks Street, the two cars ahead of hers crashing into the crossing cars of the connecting streets. 

Her car had flipped over several times after trying to crash her brakes without any luck. She later on had realised her belt had saved her life, looking around her car as she tried to undo her safety belt to see what had happened.

She had placed one of her hands on the roof of her car, her other reaching for the lock as her body had crashed into the roof while her hands were clawing at the door in seconds. Her flight adrenaline had kicked in, every inch of her with every vessel in her body told her she had to get out. 

In fact she hadn't known, couldn't know, whether she had somehow gotten wounded one way or another since the adrenaline was most certainly covering up her pain at the moment. Her eyes blurred with tears, those mostly from the shock despite seeing the accident happening right before her and knowing she were to be next in the collusion. 

The twenty year old had crawled onto the concrete, cars behind her had come to a halt somehow, but none of them helping those in the accident ahead of her nor her own. Instead they stood staring at their phones or the sky for some unanswered questions. It was then that she had figured something was wrong, that there were blasts heard though they weren't nearby it said enough.

She hadn't bothered looking back as she began stumbling her way onto her feet, trying to get home as fast as she could and to not collapse over the dizziness taking over her headspace and balance. 

 Seven minutes later she had stood at her home's front door, keys shaking anywhere but in the lock as she tried to put them in the barely there sloth. The second she had gotten in and the door slammed shut behind her back, she had stumbled away from the door eyes staring back at the wood as if it were some ominous creature, the walls her only reassurance of being inside the wooden building.

"Honey, is that you?" She heard her mother's voice from the living room, calmth filling her words whenever she spoke no matter the situation. 

She could hear the soft voices of two of her brothers and father in the back, something about the power not working and it probably just being a temporary black-out but they were wrong and left in the deep unknown. 

However the young woman hadn't answered the figure calling out to her and could do nothing but stare at the door in horror. "Elizabeth?"

The eldest hadn't moved an inch, hearing her mother call out for her husband as the girl stood there motionless in silence. The delicate hands of her mother's had reached for the twenty year old's face, noticing a trail of blood that had dried up on the side of her head, but Elizabeth moved away from her mother's fingers as she felt the sting caused by her touch. 

She hadn't known she had been wounded until now, or that her head started to pound about fifteen minutes post the accident caused by them.

"What happened?" Her mother had exchanged looks between the front door and her eldest child, trying to discypher the horror that had been displayed on the girl's face directed at the front door in combination with the wound she had. 

 All she could do was shake her head, frowning at the sight of the door as she thought about the past hour. It had started off as a normal day, another day at Boston University and another class of her dad's lectures and many others. 

And there few miles from the Mason house, the accident had happened, the accident that would be her first memory of the invasion of earth in the third month of 2011.

It was then and there at the sound of the youngest mason's call, her oldest brother had moved to the window at which he had stood watching at the skies. Rebecca Mason had moved away from her daughter to see what the fuss was about, her father could only exchange looks between his daughter and the three standing at the window with questions rattling his mind. 

 Rebecca Mason had no longer sounded calm, her voice alarmed at the sight of ships harbouring the skies of Observatory Hill, Cambridge. The EMP had only been the start, already killing citizens around the world before the neutrons were dropped on the capital cities, such as one they were living next to, Boston.

"Elizabeth, what did you see?"

Once the eldest had opened her mouth, telling particles of about her car crashing, the pile up to her parents. About the people that had stood staring at the then empty skies and their phones, before running or rather stumbling the entire way home. It had been their mother who tried to leap for the door, to get Ben. 

It had been right there and then the girl had ran after her mother, for the first time since the accident she dared to move. Ben's friend Nick had been closer to Boston than she had been, and seeing as the ships had come from that way, along with the blasts she had heard earlier, she had known it was too late to find him. 

She had known it could've been too late for her son, her own little brother but they couldn't risk with them harbouring the skies and bombing the grounds to find the blond, no matter how torn up she felt about it herself.

Hal had stood in the living room's door way in horror, realising that he possibly lost his brother in these unknown circumstances, the youngest noticing the panic amongst the older Masons when just few times in his seven, almost eight years, they had shown visible distress amongst his presence. 

 It was then and there their lives had changed forever, them soon finding out more about what the invasion would bring and cause. Them soon experiencing more loss and trauma but too love and memories than they ever had thought to experience in several years worth in time.

Welcome to Mundane my dearest readers, I've had few parts of this story in word drafts for years but never found any inspiration or development in the story but am restarting and picking it up slow paced along with many other long drafted ideas of fics. I do ask for time for publication of chapters since I have a job as well as training requiring most of a day's time let alone each week counted in hours. But I wil work on it whenever I can with various books per time I can work on it, therefore I too want to look after my own health still so don't pressure updates with the few time I do have would be much appreciated! 

I hope former Falling Skies fans and future readers (possibly being introduced to the series) do enjoy, there will be new parts added to the story for Elizabeth's storyline or adapted so it will be different in perspective than the show since there's many povs in the show but know some parts will be new or adapted. Feedback or commenting for enthusiastic and emotional or other reason is always welcome. 

Thank you for reading Mundane and much love, Angie.


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