A human angel / Allen Walker...

By WhiteDemonQueen

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A fanfiction about you and Allen Walker marshal theodor found you in a village in England. Your life... More

chapter 1 : The deal
chapter 2: passed out
Chapter 3: My lost past
Chapter 4: My real powers
Chapter 6 : The dream
Chapter 7: A new mission
Chapter 8: I'm not weak
Chapter 9: Friends...
Chapter 01: lemon!

Chapter 5: Eyes

420 12 2
By WhiteDemonQueen

Komui's POV

She had two cursed eyes...

I just stared at (Y/N) face.  i'couldn't believe it. It's fascinating at the same time terrifying . "(Y-Y/N) your eyes..." I said not sure how to react to it "You look like " she cut me of

"like a monster? a demon? an akuma?"she said finishing my sentence

I looked down saddened by what she just called herself. Is this what she thinks about her? Is that how she sees herself? I looked at her again. My face in a frown. The white-tuqoise marks on her hand spread a little to her face but just reached her cheeks. Her eyes where black with red circles in the middle. They looked just like allen's but she had two cursed eyes and...black marks came from them. They are similar to black thunder and somehow she looked like she is crying black tears. "What on earth has this girl been through?... What ever it was it must have bean terrible."

" Please don't look at me like that." she said cutting my thoughts of "Sorry I didn't meant to stare" "It's ok you don't have to apologize. To be honest, you had the best reaction to my eyes so far. normally people are scared. I guess it must be normal for someone from the black order to see thins kinds of things" She said with a little sad smile and added "I can see akuma souls with these eyes you know... not a lot of people have seen them."

" I was right, they really are like Allen's eyes"

"I see...how...did you get them?"

" You know about my past, right? I suppose that Theodor told you about it." I nodded as a sign that I know "I did know about her past and had a hint about her innocence's power but nothing about her eyes"  I thought. "Well yeah... I had them already when my master adopted me... and I don't remember anything before that *sight. INNOCENCE DEACTIVATE" the white-turquoise  marks on her face and hand disappeared, the black thunders on the exterior of her eye-frames retracted and her eyes turned back to normal. "Weirdly enough I can only use them when I activate my Innocence"

"So they aren't completely like his" I thought out loud

"What do you mean 'not like his'?" "Well you know you aren't the only one with cursed eyes. There is another exorcist with the same kind of eyes like yours but he doesn't need to activate his innocence to use them" "WHAT? Really ?who? " she asked me suddenly very exited. I smirked "You probably already met him if you were in the cafeteria. His name is Allen Walker." She closed her eyes probably trying to remember something "Ah I remember now. Does he have snow white  hair and eats a lot?" she asked "Yes thats Allen Walker" "I... see" a small smile formed on her lips


"So now we cleared everything up,we have to go to Helvaska to know your synchro rate. Follow me please, and don't worry about anything, these informations will be treated with care. You can trust me"He said turning to the door

"I hope so Kumoi, I hope so..." I thought while following him


Kumoi and I were going deeper and deeper in to the darkness with this weird elevator thing when it stopped. There was nothing but darkness when suddenly appeared a gigantic white glowing figure. Tentacles picked me up and I couldn't reach the ground anymore .It was too fast, I couldn't react

"Kumoi?..." I turned my head to him, sweat dripping from my face "Yes,(Y/N)?" he replied simply with a small smile

"What in the name of god Is THAT!!" I screamed at him veeeery scared. I looked at 'that' and

I could recognize a pretty feminine face but the rest of 'her' is covered in hair like tentacles. 'She' spoke to me "Show... me...your innocence" "LET ME GO!!"  my innocence activated. White-blue flames enveloped my entire body. I was trying to hurt the tentacles so that I could be free but nothing happened "That's impossible, there is nothing my flames can't burn. What on earth is that? " The creature spoke again "Please calm down. I won't do you any harm. I just want to test your synchro rate."

I tried to calm down and my innocence deactivated. When the white figure approached me to her what I assume is her face, I had a strange feeling. Like some kind of vibration going through me like a second heart beat and 'she' began to count

 " 10%...15%...24%...39%...45%...62%...71%...78%...89%...89% is your highest synchro rate for now, but I am confident that it will grow even more. (Y/N) (L/N) you will become one of the strongest exorcist the world has ever seen and when the darkest time comes you will be one of the chosen by the innocence to save the world." she said while putting me down

"Who are you and what does that mean?" I asked the creature

"My name is Hevlaska. I'm the guardian of the innocence fragments who don't have accommodators yet. As for the prophesy I can't tell you more, we will have to wait and see what happens"

"I see..."

"Well I don't know what all that means but well, it sounds like you will become a strong exorcist" He interrupted "Kuuuuumoooiiii! I think we have to talk later about how to greet new members don't you think !?" My bangs where in front of my eyes while they were glowing red "Calm down (Y/N). So much anger isn't good for you"

"You know what isn't good for me?... You not telling me that Hevlaska will examine me and NEARLY SCARING ME TO DEATH!!" I tried to stay calm but the last part I screamed at him

"*sight Whatever... I'm tired. Do you know were I could rest a little?" I said giving up on trying to kill komui with my dead stare. I don't want Lenalee to be mad at me because I murdered her brother. He is really lucky to have such a beloved sister ( for his own safety...) "Oh yes we have arranged your room for you I will show you. See you Hevlska" You turned your head to the white glowing giant "Yeah see you next time, Hevlaska" you smiled at her warmly and the elevator began to move gain "Yes, see you next time (Y/N) (L/N)"


Still your POV

I'm in my bed remembering everything that happened today especially my encounter with Allen "Why am I thinking about him so much? I just met him today... Well he did seem nice and... apparently has the same eye as I. Could it be the one with the scar? (She is talking about witch one of his eyes is his cursed eye. Don't know if you understood it or not soooooo.... here your answer)" I closed my eyes and smiled a little

"Hm...Perhaps I could try and trust him?"

 "~WITCH!!! MONSTER!!!! DEMON!!!!~" my smile faded and my eyes dulled. I opened them slowly. "There they are again. The voices who remind me what I really am. NO! I will not trust anyone even if they seem nice, they will just betray me again"

And that is all for now. hope you liked it and comment pls It would make me really happy to read comments from my viewers 

By the way I thought about writing a lemon Allen x Reader too, has nothing to do with the story but I'm motivated to do it if you want. Simply write your answer in the comments and if you have other wishes I see what I can do

Thats all I had to say soooo writer-chan...out  :D

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