Thats Enough (Maximum Ride Fa...

By MetronomyGirl

20.1K 541 153


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

1.3K 39 7
By MetronomyGirl


I close my eyes, trying hard to get the images out of my head. I wonder how many years I'll have to live with these pictures. Probably forever... these things don't just go away, they scar.

"Max? Max, please don't look so sad, besides I know about one good thing that you got." Chase says offering a helpful grin. I tilt my head, what could be so good about that. As if reading my mind, he answers.

"You met Angel, Gazzy, Iggy, Nudge, and Fang, didn't you?" he said. I ignore the last name he says. But beside that he was right. I don't know what kind of person I would be if I had never met Angel, or the others.

"Yea I guess your right." I say. The sun was out of sight now, leaving behind a purple haze. Chase looks up at the sky.

"And I guess, I wouldn't complain if I could be free to fly everywhere I wanted. Away from the people I didn't like." he whispers. I get up slowly. Walking over to stand in front of Chase. I unfurl my wings and outstretch my hand. He blushes deeply and takes my hand.

"Chase, would you like to fly with me?" I ask. Chase puts his hands in his pockets and stares at his feet.

"I... don't think you can carry me." He says quietly with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and turn. I take a running start and jump into the air. I was so close to falling in the water but I was already airborne. I fly up into the air and look down at chase. I cross my arms across my chest.

"So... you think I cant carry you?" I say with a smirk. I dive bomb over to him and grab his arms. Before Chase had a chance to react I was already high up in the air. It was getting darker by the minute so I doubt anyone can see us. After awhile of flying around I landed on top of a small building, It was probably a flee market or something.

I drop Chase down first then come to a running stop. I look over at Chase, who had a cute sideways smile and his eyes shined like a child on Christmas morning.

"That was amazing! Best thing I've ever done in my life. I cant believe how high we went." he says putting a hand though his caramel hair. I wouldn't really say we went up SO high. But if I had taken him up farther it probably would have been harder for him to breath.

"So, now what?" he asked when all his adrenaline had died down. I shrug and extend my finger and poke him.

"Your it." I say before I jump off the side of the building.

"That's not fair!" Chase calls as I laugh.

Maximum your getting careless. The voice said.

Whatever. I think continuing to laugh.


How could she be so comfortable showing her wings to him? And then she has the nerve to take him for a joy ride.

Whatever, I waited a couple of minutes before following them. God I hate that guy.

Finally after a while Max looked into Chases eyes while he jumps around, apparently excited he was the first wingless person to fly (not counting airplanes). I quickly land and stay behind a tree. The streets were dark and empty, everyone already retreated to their homes.

"Your it." I hear Max say before jumping off the building. I watch as Chase went from an excited kid to a worried mess, then back to a playful expression. Had he really expected Max to fall and die?

"That's not fair!" Chase called. Max laughs then starts flying around for a minute smiling down at him. She smiles so much more these days...

Max goes over a few feet over Chases reach. Chase jumps, but fails. He tries over and over, until he finally gives. He puckers his lips and stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets. Max laughs in return.

She looked beautiful like an angel. So lovely in every way. I take a glace back at Chase and stagger back.

"Damn it." I whisper.


While Max laughs, I couldn't help but look away. She was being so nice to me. And I know I must be CRAZY, but I couldn't help my feelings. And I couldn't be away from her. I was going to show her how I felt tonight. I let my eyes wonder on the ground, if I kept staring at her I probably wont have enough courage to do it. I come to a stop on a dark figure looking up at Max. I recognized him as Max's "brother" Fang. When Max had explained to me that they all weren't related, It clicked. Could it be that Fang had a think for Max? Maybe. I just had a feeling.

I couldn't help but blush, well I minus well kill two birds with one stone. While Max was distracted I jump just high enough to get a hold of her wrist. I pull on her until I get the other. Max turns pink as I put my hands on her waist. She lands on the ground gently. I put a hand on her cheek. Her eyes shone beautifully at me.


I think I'm going to faint...


He wouldn't. I didn't bother hiding anymore, Chase already saw me and now he was going, he wouldn't dare. I watch as Chases lips move closer to Max's. Why didn't Max flip him? Or Kick, punch him? RUN MAX! I clutch my fist as Chases lips meet Max's and he kisses her softly. He holds onto her waist and she keeps her hands to his chest as if she would push him away, but doesn't.


I pull away feeling my heart racing faster then I ever had. I held her in my arms cherishing every moment. I loved her. And now she knew that I liked her. It was a start.

I look down at the ground. Fang was standing there looking angry. This is the first time I've seen him with an emotion at all. He clutches his fist and out spreads is wings. They were black, nothing like Max's. He gives me a deadly glare then flies away.


Wow. Okay that was kind of embarrassing. We stayed there watching the stars until I was on the verge of falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Lets go home." I say getting up and offering a hand.

"Sure, but we're walking." he said standing up by his self and hugging me. He presses his lips to my forehead and gives me feathered kisses.

"Why? don't you think I can carry you?" I whisper, too tired to raise my voice.

"No, I know you can. Its just that your too tired to fly and... I want to walk you home." he says shyly.

"Oh, in that case, we walk." I say taking his hand. It took us a while but Chase kept me laughing with funny stories he had read in the library. When we finally made it there, we stopped at my front door. Chase hugs me and gives me a last kiss on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yea." He says smiling at me.

I walk inside and look around. The house was quiet, everyone was probably in bed. I walk into the living room and find that there was pillows and blankets, covered all over the ground. Angel, Nudge, and Gazzy were on the ground, huddled together, while Iggy slept on the couch. Well at least they went to sleep. Good Job Ig. I walk into my room and close the door. Today went better then I thought. I sigh.

"So, how'd it go?" came a dark voice from behind. I turn around and find Fang standing in the corner of my room.

"It was good. We talked and did stuff." I say shrugging and taking my shoes off, acting as usual as i could.

"Really?" Fang says in a quiet tone. He walks up to me and takes a strand of my hair. "Just friends... and since you just talked and your just friends. We can go out again." Fang says. I smack his hand away.


Fang puts his hands in his pockets. I make the wrong move and look him in the eyes. His eyes were the opposites of Chase's. Where Chase had hazel, bright, smothering eyes, Fang had black emotionless eyes. I wonder how he got them to lure me in the first time.

I look away quickly. "Changed my mind." I say. Fang stays expressionless.

"What happened? Why dont you love me anymore? You used to tell me everyday and you barley even talk to me." He says darkly. I watch as he lets out a breath and looks out my window. "We were fine until Chase came along-"

"Dont you dare blame this on Chase! He had nothing to do with it. He is just a normal, regular, person, i happened to meet. In fact, i would have never even met him if it wasn't for you!" I shout at him angrily. Fang trys to cover the confussion on his face but fails.

"What are you talking about?" Fang asked me in a low whisper. I keep my eyes away from him. I could feel my voice start to quiver.

Come on Max.

"-If you hadnt been cheating on me... I would have never even met Chase. If you hadnt lied to my face, for who knows how long-" i cut off, my vision starting to blur. If even the littlest lie comes out of his mouth, I am going to burst.

"Thats...not true." He says. Wow he was really going to try to lie his way out of this. I look up at him.

"YES! Yes it is! I SAW YOU FANG, you were kissing a red head in the store! Nobody told me, and i didnt hear it from a rumor! I had to rely on the freaking voice in my head, to find out!" I say furious with him.

Fang was quiet.

"Say Something!" I say getting fustrated.

"I dont like her." He says quietly. Really? I dont think i like her either.

"Well. Thats to bad." i say "I like Chase. You should have picked smarter."

Fang keeps an emotionless face, yet he clutches and unclutches his fist. I step back as Fang turns around and walks out of the room.

"where are you going?" I ask running out behind him. Fang doesnt respond, but goes to the front door. I stare after him as he opens it and walks out.

Max! He's going after Chase!

My eyes go wide. I try to grab Fang before he unfurls his wings and takes off into the dark night. I fall to the ground landing on a pile of stones.

Dont just sit there, Go after him!

I ignore the scrapes on my knees and stand. I look up just as the black clouds take in Fang.

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