It's Definitely You

By KangHeeDae_1120

30.3K 974 124

Kang Dae Cha is the best bodyguard in Seoul, South Korea. She has succeeded well in her academics, which plac... More

Intense Encounter
Miss Coffee Stain
Thank You Captain Obvious
Natural Is The New Sexy
Mysterious Jacket
Drop-dead, Gorgeous Client
Birthday Surprise Pt. 1
Under the Same Stars
Fun and Games
Kidnapped in Hong Kong Pt. 1
Kidnapped in Hong Kong Pt. 2
Not Your Color
The Company Dinner
Cold Words
Pretty Please
Lack of Patience
Little White Lies
A Little Longer
Good Puppy
Miss Agent Coffee Stain
Ring Around the Rosies Part. 1
Ring Around the Rosies Part. 2
Credits & Bonus Content

Birthday Surprise Pt. 2

1.1K 36 9
By KangHeeDae_1120

"Yah. Kim Taehyung. You can't do this. Please..." His mouth was partly open, barely receiving any air. "Jehbal..."

"How long has he been like this?" A nurse asked, rolling Taehyung down the halls of the hospital on a bed carrier, along with three others. I couldn't think; I just ran with them down the hall, praying that he'll be all right. Jehbal... you can't do this... not now, I begged silently. "Ahjumma! We need to know right now!" I kept my eyes fixated on Taehyung, clearing my throat before answering.
"It started today. I--"
"We need to get him to the ER immediately." The nurse communicated through some kind of device that notifys the others. "Prepare a room." She let go of the bed that the other nurses were rolling into the entrance of the ER. I was still trailing after it, but the nurse grabbed my arm and held me back. I just stared at the rolling hospital bed that was carrying my client. "Ahjumma, you need to go fill out some forms."
I looked at her confused. "But I'm not his official--"
"You're his bodyguard, aren't you?" I nodded my head. "Then you're his guardian. You're also a witness, and the one who notified the ambulance. You have full responsibility." I felt a bead of sweat form on my forehead. I glanced back at Taehyung then looked back at the nurse. "He'll be fine... trust us." I took a deep breath and started walking down the hall back to the front of the hospital.
Mr. Bang and the Boys just entered the hospital, locking eyes with mine and briskly walked to the desk. "Where is the room Mr. Kim Taehyung will be staying in?" The nurse began typing into the computer to find his location.
"Is he okay?" Namjoon asked me the question all the members were curious about.
"Yes, but he's in the ER. I'm not sure where he's going afterwards..."
"He will be in room 332 on the 3rd floor after his visit in the ER. Also, Miss Kang Dae Cha?"
I gave her a sharp look. "Yes?"
"You need to fill out this form, please."
Mr. Bang cut in front of me and grabbed the form. "I'll do that--"
"We're sorry sir, but we're afraid his guardian and witness needs to fill this out."
"I insist--" She held the clipboard of forms firmly from Mr. Bang. Mr. Bang looked at me, gave me a glare and let me take the clipboard. Why is Mr. Bang so persistent on filling out a form?
"Fine." Mr. Bang gave in. "Boys, come with me. We'll go ahead and meet Taehyung to check on his health condition." He looked at me again and motioned the Boys to follow.
Namjoon fell behind and grabbed my shoulder. "Thank you Agent Kang." He gave a polite smile showing his gratitude and went onward towards Mr. Bang. I glanced at the form on the counter and began filling out all the information on the sheet they asked to be provided.

Taehyung made it to his room in better condition then when he arrived. Jungkook, Jin and J-Hope were also in the room like they have been for the last hour. J-Hope was asleep in a chair in front of the TV; Jungkook was sitting on a stool, head on the bed and gripping Taehyung's wrist; Jin was on the other side of the bed silently reading to himself. He noticed me enter the room, closed his book and set it aside on the nightstand. "Hey," Jin said, stretching. "Just got done filling out paperwork?"
I walked over to a empty chair in the corner of the room. "Yeah... lots of questions." We both smiled and looked at Taehyung. He was lying peacefully on the elevated hospital bed with a oxygen mask attached to his face. I looked around the room and noticed Mr. Bang and the rest of the members weren't in the room. "Where are the others?" I asked quietly.
"They went to go get some coffee," Jin glanced at his watch. "They should've been back by now..." I looked at the clock on the wall. Realizing what time it was, I quickly looked at Jin, panic written on my face.
"Aigoo the concert!" I stood up, my hands to the back of my neck. "Uhtteokhae..." I whimpered to myself.
"Don't worry; we notified the fans that due to another Anti-fan threat the concert had to be canceled. We reimbursed them for the money they used to buy the tickets and gave them free BTS merchandise." I took all the information in and gave a sigh of relief, relaxing back in my chair. Jin smiled and stood from his chair to wake Jungkook. He told me that they were going to go check on the other members and Mr. Bang, and asked if I could stay here with J-Hope and Taehyung. I nodded my head and they left the room. I walked over to where Jungkook was sitting and studied Taehyung's condition. I was feeling extremely grateful that Taehyung's accident wasn't as bad as we thought. The doctor told us that he wasn't having any stomach issues or any problems with the intestines, but that it was a allergic reaction to something. They were going through his records still and running some tests to find the source.
I looked over at the TV, a reporter was on the screen notifying others about the canceled concert. Jeez, news spreads fast... I felt the sheet on the bed tense and looked at Taehyung's hands, now gripping the bed sheet. My eyes widened and I stood up in surprise, searching his face for any signs that he was awake and well. "Mr. Kim? Can you hear me?" He groaned quietly and scrunched his eyes, now moving his head slightly to the right to face me. He was trying to reach his hand up to his face to remove the oxygen mask. I removed it for him and he gasped for some air. He was now saying something inaudible to the ear. "What is it?" I asked him quietly.
"Jung- Jungkook..." He whispered hoarsely and quietly.
"Do you want Jungkook?" I handed him some water in a cup, a straw inside to make it easier to drink. He took a swig of the water from the straw and shook his head slowly. "What is it, then?"
"Is he all right?" He asked, his voice sounding clearer.
"Yes, he's fine. Just a little shaken up."
"Good," He said quietly. "That's a relief." J-Hope heard Taehyung talking and ran over to be by his side.
"Taehyung, gwenchana?" He asked loudly. I shot him a glare, making him shrivel up in fear. Taehyung licked his lips and opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted when the rest of the members entered the room. They were all carrying coffee and set the cups on the round coffee table in the middle of the room. Jin handed one over to me and joined the rest of the members crowded around Taehyung.
"Hyung! You're awake!" Taehyung smiled a sweet smile at Jungkook and looked back at the door when the nurse entered the room. The Boys helped Taehyung sit up straight in his bed to hear the news.
"Glad to see you awake; we can now tell you the news." We all sat down around Taehyung and waited for the nurse to proceed. "It seems you have developed a allergy to an ingredient in a stomach medicine. On the form it says that Miss Kang Dae Cha had given you a tablet to help with your stomach's discomfort. Is that true?" They all looked at me and I nodded my head. "Did you not receive information about his allergy?"
Mr. Bang spoke up. "You were given a drive, weren't you? With all his medical history and such?" I scrunched my eyes, realizing that I never took the time to study his medical history.
"Do you perhaps remember what kind of medicine you gave him?"
"No, a nurse had given them to me. I could--"
"I'll call the nurse back at the company," Mr. Bang stood up and walked towards the door. He turned around to look at me. "And I'll have a word with you later." He and the nurse left, leaving me and the Bangtan members alone in the room. I was so frustrated with myself. Why can't I do anything right? I stood up from my seat and walked over to the door.
"Where are you going?" J-Hope asked, a tint of concern in his tone.
"I just need to go home..." My voice cracked and I ran down the hall, passed the front desk and into the hospitals parking lot. I got in my car and put my hands and my head on the steering wheel. After I had taken a few breaths, I sat back in my seat and started the car, driving in the direction of home.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I watched her leave the room in distress and closed my eyes. I was really hoping she wasn't blaming herself. Jungkook turned to face me and I gave him a smile. He returned my smile and stood to go to the coffee table to grab the cup of coffee they had bought for me. "Here you go!" Jungkook said cheerfully.
"Kookie?" Jungkook gave me a questioning look. "Could you do me a favor?" Jungkook nodded his head. "Could you buy me a screen protector for my cell phone?"
Jungkook eyed my cell phone. "But there's nothing wrong with it..."
"I need it as a backup."
Jungkook thought about it and decided to accept Taehyung's task. Jungkook got up to go to a store he could find the specific screen protector, but stopped in fromt of the door and walked back to me. "Oh, hyung-- I forgot to give you this..." He held up a blazer in front of me. I instantly recognized it as the blazer I put over Agent Kang when she fell asleep out in the hallway next to the room Jungkook, Yoongi and I were staying in.
My face fell after catching sight of it and I reached out to grab it. "Oh... gamowo." Jungkook smiled and fled the room.
I slowly swung my legs over the hospital bed and put my feet in the slippers that were set aside for me. Jimin and Yoongi came over to hold me back. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asked.
"I just want to get out a bit..."
"We'll take you; just sit back."
I was shoving them away, hoping they would get the memo. "No, it's okay. I'm okay to drive." The members all watched me stand up and move towards the direction of the bathroom to get changed into the clothes Jin brought me.

Dae Cha's P.O.V

I dropped my stuff at the door and cuddled into my bed, my blanket shadowing my petite figure. I was so frustrated with myself. I feel so irresponsible for not looking into Taehyung's records.
I felt something move in the covers and lifted the blanket off my head to look at Lulu. Lulu cuddled into the crook of my neck and began licking along my jaw line. She whimpered quitely as I picked her up from off my bed and cradled her. "Lulu, I'm a failure..." I croaked. "I just can't do anything right, it seems." I began to cry silently, sniffles filling the silence in the room. I rested my head on Lulu's and closed my eyes.
Knock knock. I opened my eyes slowly and wiped the tears that flowed down my face. Lulu had already gone running towards the door. I swung my legs over the bed and followed Lulu. She was skidding around the door as I unlocked it slowly. I opened it a little to see who had come.
I opened the door widely and stared at him, wondering why he wasn't back at the hospital. "Mr. Kim..." He just stood there, a very light smile on his lips. "Why aren't you at the hospital?"
He took a deep breath before answering. "I was worried..."
I felt a flutter of butterflies. Shhh it's just me, I reminded myself. "Um, why?"
"I was worried that you would be blaming yourself for what happened. It looks like you are--"
I sighed. "Just go back, Mr. Kim." I started closing the door, but Taehyung put his hand against it, holding the door still.
"I'm not leaving you in this mess like this."
"Just go away!" I barked. "It is my fault. I wasn't doing my job properly, and it almost caused a fatal accident." He just shook his head. "And you. Do you think these games are funny? You think it's okay for you to act up like this?"
He closed his eyes. "What are you talking about now?" He asked, his tone sounding like he was frustrated.
"It just don't know anymore. I don't care anymore. Have a good--" Before I could send him away, he came around me, allowing himself into my house, pulling me in for a hug, shutting the door behind him. I stood there in shock until I came back to my senses, trying to push him away. "Let go--"
"Stop." I slowly stopped my attempts to push him away, following his command, now relaxing into the hug. "It isn't your fault. You saved me, remember?" My eyes became glazed with tears and I fought hard to hold them back. He just stood there, patting my back in comfort.
After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung grabbed my shoulders and pulled away from me. He locked eyes with mine, then moved towards the front door. "Happy birthday Dae Cha." The felling of fluttering butterflies came back, and I glanced at him flicking a gift bag that was sitting on the shelf next to the front door. He closed the door gently, silence filling the house.
I walked slowly towards the gift bag, taking it with me to my bedroom. I sat on the bed and removed the tape that was folded over the bag. I pulled a plastic box out of the bag and read the lable. A screen protecter. A smile began to form on my lips as I began to remove my cracked screen protector off my cell phone and applied my new one. Once it was securely on, I received a text from Chief.
Cheif: Happy birthday.
This was quite the birthday surprise. I turned my cell phone off and layed it gently on the bed. Thank you Appa.

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