If Looks Could Kill (One Dire...

By BradfordBadBoizGirlx

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Bianca had her life torn from under her feet. Her dad is gone, and she has been forced to live with her mothe... More

Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter 5 & 6
Chapter 7 & 8
Chapter 9 & 10
Chapter 11 & 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 & 15
Chapter 18 & 19
Chapter 20 & 21
Chapter 22 & 23
Chapter 24 & 25
Chapter 26, 27, 28
Chapter 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Chapter 34 & 35
Chapter 36 (the end)
Hey (:

Chapter 16 & 17

993 21 0
By BradfordBadBoizGirlx

Chapter 16:

I walked Gabby back to my room and slipped into my bedroom. “Bianca is that you?” Mum called from her bedroom. “Yes just me and Gabby.” I took Gabby to my room and she sat on the bed. I quickly got changed and joined her. “Harry is leaving...” Was all she could say... “Gabby, no. I’m sure Paul will let you come. Harry would fight for you.” I hugged her and she softly cried. “Awww Gabby please don’t cry.” She looked up at me, her makeup had run and i laughed. I ran and got a face washer and cleaned her up. “Gosh, I’m so silly sometimes.” I looked at her and she raised her eyebrow. “What?” I burst into laughter. “I have never heard anyone other than my grandma say ‘gosh’ before.” She smiled and we both started laughing. Suddenly mum came in with a tray of food. “You girls hungry?” we looked at each other and nodded. “Thanks mum!” I shouted as she left. We devoured our food and just laughed at the people on TV. Gabby’s phone started to ring, so as she answered it i muted the TV. “Harry? What’s up? Oh My Gosh, really? You mean it!” She got all excited and i knew Paul had let her come to Australia with us. When she hung up she almost jumped on top of me. “I should have listened to you. Oh Gosh!” I laughed. “Woah, Gabby what?” She had a smile from ear to ear and she held my hand. “Guess who is coming to Australia with you!” She exclaimed and i hugged her tightly. “See! I told you!” She smiled and a tear slid down her cheek. “Gosh not again.” I giggled and wiped it away. Then someone started knocking on the bedroom door. “WHAT MUM?” I shouted but when it opened, mum wasn’t standing there; Zayn and Harry where there. “Girls, we are taking you out.” I looked at Gabby and we squealed with excitement. “Can we get changed first?” We both asked at the same time. “sure go for it, we will wait outside.” And they left. “Oh no! Bianca i have NOTHING to wear!” I clapped my hands excitedly. “But i do!” And i dragged her into my walk in robe. “Pick whatever you want!” I said as i spun around. “Except this... I’m wearing this!” she laughed and got to deciding. I grabbed my black sparkling heels, my black skirt, that was see through from my lower thigh down, and my black singlet and cardie. I went and got changed in the bathroom. I quickly curled my hair with my brush and when i walked out Gabby had the most gorgeous Blue mini dress on. “Look! We are the same size in clothes and shoes!” she shrieked as she strutted around in my blue heels. “Be careful in them!” I teased her. “they are my favs.” I smiled and we walked out hand in hand. When the boys saw us they instantly stood up. “Wow, Gabby, you are getting more beautiful every time i see you.” She went shy and he kissed her. “You look absolutely stunning.” Zayn whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. I grabbed hold of his collar and tugged. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I said cheekily and he kissed me. “BOYS!” My mother walked into the room holding Lux. “make sure you are all back by 9 ok. We have an early start tomorrow.” We all nodded and headed for the lobby.

When we got there, Paul escorted us out another secret door and into a car. “Have fun ladies.” He smiled and we were off. “Where are we going?” Gabby asked and Harry kissed her hand. “Surprise.” He mumbled. I looked at Zayn and he smiled that gorgeous smile. His brown eyes were so captivating. “alright boy’s i will be back at 9.” The driver said and we got out. I was expecting the screaming girls but it was silent. We were ushered inside and sat at a four seated table. We talked about tomorrow whilst we waited for our food to come. “Gabby, really a salad? You don’t need that.” Harry said and she smiled weakly. “But i want it.” He laughed and kissed her cheek. “Well, if i ever see you trying to lose weight, i will force you to eat 10 cheeseburgers to you understand.” She laughed and nodded. I looked at Zayn and expected him to say the same thing. “Make that 20, if i catch you doing it.” I kissed him and we all started laughing. We talked about random things and had a good laugh. Before we knew it, it was 8:50 pm. “We better be getting ready to leave.” Harry said. “Awww, this was so much fun!” Gabby said and smiled. “We have to do it again!” I agreed and Zayn just sat there smiling. I loved it when he did that. We waited for the car and headed home. Gabby and Harry went up the room whilst Zayn and I stood outside of my room. “Zayn, i really should stay here tonight. Mum’s going to need help tomorrow morning.” He held onto my hands and sighed. “I understand. But i miss you when we are apart.” I smiled and he kissed me. I fell into the wall. “I love you Zayn...” I whispered and he leant his forehead on mine. “Not as much as i love you.” He whispered and i opened the door and went to walk inside. He still had hold of my hand and i watched it gently slip out of reach and it fell to his side. I blew him a kiss and shut the door.

I slowly tiptoed back to my room and saw mum sitting on the couch. “Mum, are you ok?” I went and sat next to her and she hugged me. “Oh Darling look at you! You’re all grown up!” I laughed and she hugged me tighter. “You should be in bed! We have a big day tomorrow!” she smiled. “You’re right. Anyway, you better be too so off you go!” I smiled and she kissed my forehead. “I love you Bianca.” I hugged her. “I love you more.” I went and slipped into my pj’s and hopped into bed.

Chapter 17:

I woke up earlier than i should have, so i started packing my things. I put on my jeans and converse’s on along with my loose hang top that had the words ‘SWAGGER JAGGER’ plastered across it in purple. As i finished packing mum came in and asked me to feed Lux. I sat her in her high chair and warmed up her weetbix. She was a good girl and ate without a fuss. “Want me to dress her?” I asked mum as she ate her breakfast. She looked beyond tired. “yes please sweetheart.” I took Lux in and put on a cute little dress with leggings. I decided to pack mum’s bag. Lux played on the ground as i ran around grabbing mum’s things and shoving them in her bags. She came in and hugged me. “Awww sweetie thanks. You should go help Zayn pack, he takes forever!” I laughed and she picked up Lux. “Off you go!” I almost ran out the door and when i knocked on his door he opened it slowly. “Morning.” I said and he half smiled. “Are you ok?” I quickly came in and saw his stuff everywhere. “I can’t get anything right this morning.” He moaned and i hugged him tightly. He buried his head in my shoulder. “That’s why I’m here to help you!” He looked at me and i kissed him. When i pulled away he just stood there. “You look like shit!” I said as i knelt down to put his stuff together. “Thanks...” He mumbled and sat next to me. It only took me 10 minutes to get everything into his suitcases. “There done!” I said as i stood up, quite proud of my achievement. He seemed to cheer up almost instantly. “Thank you! You have no idea how much that stresses me out!” He kissed me, but this time it was more passionate than the first. He placed his hands on my bum, but i didn’t move them. I didn’t want too... For the first time i felt totally comfortable around him. I wasn’t self conscious. He started to kiss my neck and his hands ran up my back. I stood back and smiled. “Sorry... I...” I went to talk but he stopped me. “It’s ok... Just remember i love everything about you. Even this...” and he pointed to my wrist. He leant in to kiss me again when there was a thud on the door. I jumped and he smiled. “Paul, i bet.” He was right. “Ready you two?” I nodded and I went to pick up a suitcase but Paul took it off me. “You’re with me now, you don’t carry your own stuff.” He winked at me and i laughed and Zayn took my hand. We met with my mum in the corridor and she passed me Lux. We were hurried into big vans. I saw the other guys and Gabby came running to me. “Can i ride with you guys?” “OF COURSE!” She hugged me and we got in. I buckled Lux in and we were off.

When we got to the airport it was utter madness. The girls were screaming so loud i couldn’t hear myself think. “Bianca, i have to go a different way, see you soon.” Mum said as her and Lux was taken a different way. I started to freak out. I couldn’t handle this! Zayn came up followed closely by Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam. “Hold my hand, and whatever you do; don’t let go!” I gripped his hand tightly and Gabby did the same. “Hey Niall, come here!” Zayn yelled and i remember that Niall was claustrophobic. “Ready Guys.” Paul shouted, and then it started. I couldn’t believe the amount of people that were there. We were all in a tight group and were being pushed through the girls like the aeroplanes drive through clouds. Zayn’s grip tightened as he felt me falling behind. I looked over at Gabby who was losing her grip on Harry as some girls and tried to grab her. She looked at me as she slipped out of Harry’s reach. I shook free from Zayn and pushed my way towards her. “GABBY ARE YOU OK?” i had to shout over the girls. She was in a bad way; her arm had welts on it from where someone had grabbed her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and helped her out of the crowds. I stood on my tippy toes and tried to see the others but it was no use, i was still too small. “Oh what do we do?” Gabby was almost in hysterics. “Gabby, it’s ok.” Then i saw Paul pushing his way through the girls. “PAUL! PAUL!” I shouted and waved! He saw me and ran over. “Girls what happened?” I showed him Gabby’s arm. “Gabby was being dragged away by the girls and lost Harry so i let go of Zayn and stayed with her. I’m sorry.” He smiled. “Don’t be sorry.” And with that he pushed us through the crowds. “GABBY!” Harry yelled and ran at her. She still had hold of her arm and his face went pale when he saw it. “Baby, i’m sorry.” He hugged her and then Zayn came from the bathroom and ran at me. He picked me up and looked like he had been crying. “What happened? You let go?” I looked at Gabby. “I was making sure Gabby was alright.” He hugged me. “This is why im so madly in love with you.” He whispered and i smiled. “Bianca... Thank you.” Harry said and he hugged me. “It’s nothing really.” Gabby hugged me as well. “I love you!” she whispered shakily. “Plane 209 to Australia is boarding now” The lady on the speaker said. “That’s us!” Paul sung and we all stood in line to get on. I sat down next to Zayn in first class. “OH MY GOD! NO WAY! FIRST CLASS!” He laughed. “Yeah, first class, for a Very Important Person.” I kissed him as the seat belt sign flashed on.

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