Chapter 26, 27, 28

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Chapter 26:

I looked back up and Zayn held onto me. “Had a run in with fans.” I said as she walked over to me. Harry following her. “Are you ok?” I laughed. “Yes, I’m fine. Ooh, I better go tell my mum I’m back…” And I kissed Zayn. “See you later maybe? If I’m allowed back out.” I winked at him and walked down to my room. I felt bad, leaving him alone with Gabby and Harry, but he was a big boy. When I walked in, I was greeted to Paul, and I knew what that meant… He had told her what happened. “Oh My God BIANCA!” She ran and hugged me. “Ow, mum…” I gently nudged her away. “I told you to be careful! Why don’t you listen to me?” she suddenly got really angry. “You have no idea the pressure I’m under, I don’t need to be worrying about you going out and getting yourself killed. Have a bit more maturity!” I slowly backed away and went to my bedroom. I turned the shower on and locked the door. I wasn’t in the mood for her to start yelling at me. Before I hoped into the shower I admired my new bruises. The one of my back was slowly spreading, and my arm looked like I had it clawed at by Wolverine. I stood under the hot rush of water, it hitting my skin like tiny needles. It stung my arm for a few seconds, but I gritted my teeth and it passed. I couldn’t get Zayn out of my head. I needed a way to show him I wasn’t angry at him for what happened. I got out before mum thought I had drowned and threw on my trackies and One Direction t-shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror on the back of the door and laughed. “Please don’t let Zayn see me, Please don’t let Zayn see me.” I muttered as I opened the door. I was greeted to mum talking to Paul, still… “where is Lux?” I asked and mum pointed to her bedroom. “Oh, ok…” And as soon as I sat on the couch, my phone went off. “Seriously?” I mumbled and sure enough it was Zayn. “Answer the door.” Then somebody knocked on the door. “I’ll get it.” I said cautiously. I opened it to find a hotel guy standing there. “This is for you..” he said s he handed me a parcel and walked off. “Oh, um.. Thanks? I guess.” I said in confusion as I shut the door. I opened the little parcel and inside I saw a small hand written note that read, “Come Save Me Please?” I could tell from the scribbly hand writing that it was Zayn. I giggled to myself and brought the note up so it covered my mouth. I could even smell his deodorant on the paper. I gestured to mum that I was leaving and she ushered me out. I rolled my eyes and slipped the piece of paper into my pocket. I went to knock on his door when I realised what I had on. “SHIT!” I muttered, oh well it was too late now. I knocked on the door and he answered, smiling at me…

“You got my note I see?” I giggled and played with my hair. “Nice…” he laughed as he lightly grabbed onto my shirt. “Oh, god. You weren’t meant to see, I was going to change…” He kissed me and dragged me into the room. “Don’t… I think it’s cute. And I look quite good might I add.” I playfully hit him and he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up. I laughed and wrapped my legs around him. “BIANCA! I thought you had like ditched me with these ferals!” I laughed as Zayn placed me back down on the ground. She hugged me and Harry smiled. “Nice to see your contribution to our sales.” I raised my eyebrows at him until he pointed to my shirt. “Oh, USE ENGLISH NEXT TIME HAZZA!” I punched him in the arm then he started chasing me. “ZAYN STOP HIM!” I went to jump over the couch but got caught, face planting into it instead. We all started laughing and Zayn hovered over me. “You are so clumsy!” I laughed and buried my head into the nearby pillow and he started tickling me. “STOP!” I shouted and then I looked up to find Gabby standing at the end of the table. “HARRY, PLEASE, NO!” She squealed and he stared to chase her into the kitchen. “LET’S WATCH A MOVIE!” I quickly shouted, and everyone stopped. We laughed and agreed. “Truce?” I asked Zayn and as he bent over the back of the couch to shake my hand I pulled him over, he landed on top of me. “We should watch that new Saw movie…” Harry suggested and I looked up at Zayn… “Alright.” He muttered. I rolled my eyes. “I get scared easily…” He kissed me and we sat up on the couch. “I’m here to snuggle with.” I laughed and held onto his shirt; my head resting underneath his chin. I could feel his breath on my hair and I smiled. Gabby was hugging her knees as Harry put the movie on. “Harry do we have too?” She pleaded and he sat down and hugged her and whispered into her ear making her giggle. “Here goes nothing…” I mumbled as Harry pressed play.

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