Chapter 14 & 15

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Chapter 14:

I went to my room, and Zayn went to his, as we needed to get changed before we both became sick. I walked in and mum looked at me in horror. “WHAT THE HELL?” I smiled. “It’s ok mum, Zayn and i went out, and got wet.” Her mouth dropped open, and then Lux started crying from her bed. “You left the HOTEL and didn’t tell me?” I rolled my eyes. “Mum, we were out for like an hour. And we are both back unharmed. Besides no one even noticed us.” She brought Lux out and gave her a bottle. “Fine, but DON’T DO IT AGAIN! And go get changed into something dry.” “yes mother.” I muttered and she huffed. “You know i don’t like you calling me that.” And i rolled my eyes and went and got changed. I threw on my jeans and jumper as it was getting colder. I walked out and went and picked Lux up off the ground. “hello sweetie, how are you today.” I lifted her up and she latched onto my hair. “Mum, why does Lux always go for my hair?” I moaned as i pried her tiny fingers off my hair. “It’s a comfort thing. Harry used to let her and she loved it.” I laughed. “Thanks alot Harry.” She laughed and took Lux off me. “You want some din-din?” She got up in her face and i laughed. “I would be scared if i was you Lux.” Mum glared at me and i giggled. “I’m joking mum, you’re not scary.” Lux couldn’t decide who to look at so she went from one to the other. There was a knock on the door and i went and answered it. “Hey Paul what up?” He looked at me and then went and talked to mum. I went to shut the door when some ones hand stopped it. “Hey, do you mind?” I heard a voice pant and i opened the door, Zayn almost falling on top of me. I giggled as he straightened his self up. “Come in.” I said and he slapped my bum as he walked past and i gasped. “ZAYN!” He looked at me as i closed the door and pushed me up against it. “not here!” I pushed him away and walked back into the living room and picked helped Lux eat the rest of her dinner. When she was done, mum told me to go into my bedroom, because she had to talk to Paul about some things.

I led Zayn into my bedroom and turned the TV on. I laid down on the bed and he laid next to me. “This is romantic.” He whispered and i laughed. “Did you know i love lying in bed to talk to a girl; Sounds a bit corny, but it’s my thing.” I laughed and he fiddled with my hair. “What do you wanna talk about then?” He kissed my forehead. “You...” “ME?” I sat up on my elbow and he nodded. “Tell me about yourself. Like how it was like growing up.” I lied back down. “There’s not much to tell really.” He kissed my neck repetitively and i giggled. “Ok, Ok... Where do i start. I have lived with my dad for as long as i can remember. I lived on that farm my whole life. I never had many friends, because people thought i was strange. ‘A country girl’ i was known as. People thought if you lived on a farm, you were weird. Of course i loved it. I had my own horses growing up and dad taught me to ride. I could jump and stuff, but when i was 11 i fell off and broke my ribs. Needless to say, i was a bit intimidated of them for a while. High school was alright. I met some really nice girls, but was still considered weird. I liked older things, like N-SYNC, and older clothing. I didn’t care though, because i had the most amazing father.” He looked at me with sadness. “What’s wrong?” I asked him and he smiled. “You’re so beautiful and strong hearted.” He muttered and i leant into his chest. “Anyway... I remember the day i found my dad. He went out to fix the tractor and didn’t come back. I went to look for him and that’s when i saw what had happened. The tractor had fallen on him. I still remember how i tried to lift it off, i was screaming and going mad. I finally gave up and ran back to the house and grabbed the phone. I bet they couldn’t even understand me, until i told them my address. I can still see them taking his body away.” I started to cry and Zayn held me close. “Sssh its ok sweetie.” He kissed my forehead and i buried my head into his chest. He smelt really good. He rubbed my back. When mum came in she realised i was crying and sat down on the other side of me. “Bianca? Are you ok? I looked up, my mascara had run and Zayn laughed and wiped it off. “I’m ok mummy.” She kissed my cheek and pushed my hair behind me ear. “Your father is in a better place now.” She whispered and left. “I’m sorry Zayn.” I muttered and sat up wiping my face with my sleeve. “It’s ok. I’m always here for you.” I laid in his arms for a while in silence. He just played with my hair as i watched TV.

Chapter 15:

After almost 20 minutes of complete silence i sat up and hugged my knees. “Bianca?” He sat up and wrapped his arm around me. I used my thumb to wipe my cheeks and looked at him. “Do you want to go for a walk? I need some air.” He nodded. “But first.” He mumbled and pushed me down on the end of the bed. I giggled as i put my hands on his face. “Kiss me?” He asked and he leant in but i put my hand over his mouth. “Make me...” I whispered teasingly and removed my hand. He started to tickle me, but i couldn’t move. He had pinned me with his legs. I hit him and tried to push him off. “Ok, OK ZAYN! I’M SORRY!” I said through screams. He stopped and kissed me. His lips weren’t warm as usual. They were cold. He looked up and i closed my eyes and smiled. “I like seeing you happy.” He ran his finger across my jaw line and i held onto his hand. “Where do you wanna go?” he asked as i wriggled out from underneath him and stood up. “To the roof.” I said and he followed me. As we walked out quietly, mum was on the phone. She waved goodbye as we slipped out the door. He fiddled for my hand as we took the elevator up to the roof. The air was cold and hit me like a freight train when the doors opened and we stepped outside. I let my hand slip away from Zayn’s and spun around. “Watch out!” And Zayn’s arms clutched onto my waist and pulled me into him. “What?” I said and laughed. “You almost fell into the pool.” I laughed and i stood backwards. “What would have done if i did?” I stood back again and he reached out and grabbed my hand. “I guess i would have to go in after you.” I kissed him, and let my hands fall to his waist. “Really?” I said and pushed him backwards. I stepped back but this time i was greeted by water. I put my hands out and fell onto my back. “BIANCA!” I heard him shout. When i surfaced i wiped the water from my face and started laughing. Zayn was kneeling on the edge and he couldn’t help but smile. “So much for coming in after me.” I teased and i walked over to the edge and put my hands on the back of his neck. I leant up to kiss him, and he fell for it. I tightened my grip and pulled him in. He pushed his hair back and kissed me. We stood in the water, fully clothed; lips locked. I splashed him and he pulled away.”You little bugger.” He splashed me back and soon enough we were having a huge water fight. We were laughing and having the time of our lives.

It got dark quick. I swam over to him and pushed myself against his body. He kissed me, his hands getting caught in my wet hair. I slid my hands up his shirt and took it off. He did the same with me. The water was cold on my exposed skin, even though i had been in the pool for almost an hour. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gripped on to his neck, never once stopping from kissing him. He held onto my thighs and slowly walked over to the steps. He sat down on one, exposing my upper back to the cool night air. I had my hands on his chest and could feel his breathing becoming quicker. I stopped and looked at him, pushing my hair back. He placed his hands on my back and i smiled at him. “That was fun.” I smiled and he pushed a small strand of hair away from my eyes. I looked down at him and traced over his tattoos with my finger. “Do you have any tattoos i should know about?” He asked cheekily and i grinned. I looked at my right wrist and took off the bracelet i always wore. “Woah, i wondered why you never took that off.” He said as he looked at the inside of arm. “Dad...” he mumbled and i nodded. “Mum doesn’t know. I got it before i came and i didn’t want her to freak, so i always wore this bracelet dad gave me to cover it up.” I slipped it back on and it was like my tattoo wasn’t really there. “It’s really beautiful.” He said looking directly into my eyes. I went shy and leant into his chest. “HEY YOU TWO! THE POOL IS CLOSED YOU HAVE TO GET OUT!” I looked up and saw a not-so-nice looking security guard. Zayn turned around and the guard lost all seriousness. “Oh, Sorry... I thought you were...” he trailed off and Zayn butted in. “That’s ok, we were just leaving weren’t we?” I nodded and slowly got out. My jeans were so tightly stuck to me i had no idea how i would ever get them off. We didn’t even have towels so the guard brought us two huge ones. Zayn wrapped it around my shoulders and it touched the ground. “God i’m so short!” I moaned and he chuckled, and grabbed my waist. “I like short girls.” He smiled and i patted his shoulder and walked away. “Good, because i don’t think I’m going to get any taller.” He followed me into the elevator. When we reached our floor, we were greeted by a very happy Harry and Gabby. “hey have you guys seen Niall?” he asked us and we shook our heads. “He is probably at the restaurant.” Zayn said and Harry laughed. “You’re probably right. Hey Gabby, why don’t you hang out with Bianca for a bit? Me and Zayn have to find the others because Paul wants to talk about us heading to Australia tomorrow.” She looked at him in horror and i took her hand and walked away. “See ya soon guys!” I called back and Zayn waved as the elevator doors shut.

If Looks Could Kill (One Direction Fanfic (: )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon