Chapter 36 (the end)

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'A/N sorry i have taken so long to write this, and sorry it had to end. Hopefully you have enjoyed reading this, as much as i have enjoyed writing it for all of you lovely people. Again thankyou for your support. and who knows. A sequel might be in the future? x B'

Chapter 36:

We stood there, together; finally. He had wiped away his tears and mine. My hand was still resting on his heart.





We both looked at the same time to see 4 boys running through a crowd, all looking as equally worried. Then Louis spotted him. I watched the relief wash over his face. As soon as he signalled to the other lads I stepped about a metre back, knowing what was coming. But then, Louis saw me. And instead of all running to Zayn; they split up, Louis and Niall bolting towards me. Louis lifted me up in a massive hug as Niall waited his turn. “BIANCA!” I heard Harry shout and I smiled. I couldn’t imagine life without this anymore. Zayn’s entire mood had lifted and I saw Paul push through the security guards circling us. “Bianca! It’s good too see you. Wait… Does your mother…?” I shook my head. He smiled and walked closer, tapping Louis, gesturing for them to continue this in a more private place. I smiled as Paul hugged Zayn and whispered in his ear, grabbing his bag. Zayn then looked over at me, and reached for my hand, squeezing it tightly. He pulled me to his side and wrapped his arm around my waist. Things seemed to be finally correcting themselves. I braced myself for the push and pull of getting from here, to the car that I guessed was waiting for us all to come back. Zayn never loosened his grip on my waist; it was like he was afraid he’d lose me again. “Zayn…” KI whispered into his ear. He turned to look down at me. “Yes sweetie?” I smiled. “You don’t have to hold on so tight, I’m not going anywhere.” As I was pushed into the car I remembered Gabby, and how much I missed her beaming smile and gorgeous eyes.

The boys would shut up the entire way back. They kept asking Zayn what was running through his head. I tuned out and stared out the window. Was this all I horrible dream? Was I going to wake up in the back of that car? The one that tried to rip me apart from everything I had ever loved. I looked up at the sky and had a thought… “Dad… thankyou…” I quietly whispered to myself and smiled. “Where here gorgeous…” I was brought back to reality as Zayn lightly kissed my cheek. As I walked through the double doors I saw her. I knew she was waiting for Harry to return. She flicked her beautiful hair and saw me. “BIANCA!” I felt the tears come back again and she ran straight for me, tears also streaming down her face. I embraced her in a hug and she started softly sobbing in my ear. “I thought id never see you again…” I rubbed her back. “Well I’m here…” I smiled and she hugged me tighter. “Did you guys find him? I hope so….” The voice was sweet and familiar. Gabby stood back and that’s when I saw her again. Her mouth dropped and she froze. She was holding Lux; who was looking in my direction… “Mummy…” I whispered and ran towards her. She opened her arm and I fell into them. We both dropped to the ground crying into each others shoulders. Lux just looked at me, her beautiful big eyes glowing. She ran her hand through my hair over and over again. “Oh baby, I should’ve fought, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have been put through this…” I kissed her cheek. “I’m here, I will always be here. You aren’t getting rid of me.” She stood up and helped me up, never letting go of my hand. “We MUST CELEBRATE!” She said and the boys cheered. She kissed my cheek again and walked over to Paul and started talking.

I stood there with my arms crossed. Blessed to be here again; a place I’d never think I’d be at again; with people I never thought I’d see again. I felt arms wrap around my stomach. “God I missed you…” I turned around and buried my head into Zayn’s chest. I looked up at him and he placed his lips onto mine. He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed my harder. It felt good, to finally be back. When he pulled away I smiled. “Don’t ever leave me again.” I smiled… “That’s a promise I’ll die trying to keep.” And with that he kissed me again…

If Looks Could Kill (One Direction Fanfic (: )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora