My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
Vampire crap
My happiness
My Heart
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
breakup part 2
Forgive ?
100k ?!?


4.9K 251 17
By darkloving_

We all headed back to the house with James and his dumb girlfriend. James's face lit up when he came into the beach house.

"Wow this place is huge! Is it yours" I looked down knowing he didn't want to know who's beach house I was.

"'s dad's" Anger filled his eyes and his hands were now balls of fist.

"You still live with him don't you?" I nodded slowly and bit my lip.

"Do you know what hes done to him" his girlfriend snapped. Izzy took off her heals and stepped in front of me.

"Listen her you leach, I will-" I tapped her shoulder and Asher was trying to hold in a laugh.

"Hes my father too you idiot. " I looked back to james. "Listen mom told me to put the past behind us and it took me years but I soon did. James I miss you everyday. I just knew I would never see you."

Tears welled up in his eyes. "I miss you" He came and gave me a hug.

"Wait so you have an older brother" Calvin asked. He stepped back 5 spaces and Ash did the same.

"Yes why" I laughed.

"We can't flirt with you anymore or your brother might pound us" James started laughing and so did I.

"James you can spend the night if you want and I want you to." I smiled tugging on the sleeve of his shirt like I was 5.

"Fine, I know your a little nice so......can jenna stay here with me. Please. " He begged, Izzy crossed her arms, I sighed.

"Fine" I mumbled. He gave me a big hug.

I showed them to their room. I didn't like jenna, if she talks to me like that again...I will hurt her.

James pulled me aside before going in the room.

"Let me ask yoh one question. Do you still cut?" I knew he would ask that and I can't lie to him.

I held my wrist up so he could see one of my fresh cuts. He cursed loudly. Everyone in the living room peeked around to see who was yelling.

"What the hell Anna!" He whispered loudly. I shook my head and started to walk away.

"I don't care what you think" I yelled whispered back to him.

"You need to stop hurting yourself like that" I stopped walking, and turned around to face him.

"People need to stop hurting me." James's eyes widened.

I walked into my room hoping Darren wasn't in there but he was. I acted like I didn't see him.

"What was that about" I still didn't look at him ,I just went straight to the bathroom.

"I know your mad but please talk" I still ignored him. I went through the cabinet to find a blade but the box was empty.

I cursed loudly. Asher probably hid all my blades. This is so frustrating.

I pushed past Darren and walked out of the room. I found Asher's room and busted in. Calvin was sitting on the bed and Ash waswashing his face in the bathroom.

"Where are the blades" Calvin started to laugh.

"Ash took them and threw them away so you wouldn't hurt yourself. " I pouted and ran out the room.

I made my way back to my room. Darren was in the bathroom, so I got under the covers and went to sleep, hoping I would have a great dream. No one can hurt me there.

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I squinted my eyes and tried to sit up but I couldn't. I felt someone/somethings arm around me. I slapped his arm but all he did was mumble.

"MOVE!" I yelled but he didn't budge. I didn't want him touching me ever. I don't care if we are mates, I will rest in peace if I have too.

"I can and I will" I heard Darren mumbling half asleep.

"No, now move" He sighed and moved him arm. I quickly jumped out of bed and left the room.

James was in the kitchen talking to his girlfriend and I saw Carter, Calvin, Asher, and Kayla sitting on the couch.

"Oh look whos up" James said giving me a hug.

"Ew, get off I got morning breath. " I said but he hugged me tighter.

"I don't care, I miss you!" I hugged him tighter then before. His girlfriend rolled her eyes.

"Awwwwe!!!!! Family Reunion!" Carter shouted and I punched him in the shoulder.

"Shut up Carter" Carter poked me in my side and I jumped.

Darren came in the kitchen with pants and a black t-shirt.

"Can we talk" everyone looked at Darren but me. James hands sifted as he walked in. Carter left the kitchen giving me a weird face.

"No" I simply said not looking at him. I felt tears coming back to my eyes remembering how he hurt me.

"Anna ple-" I put my hand up and backed up too the wall.

"Just stop!" I yelled and dropped to the ground. I continued to cry, James reached his hand out but I didn't take it.

"Omg Anna!" Asher pushed through Darren and James to me." Are you ok." I laughed.

"Do I look ok....just give me them now!" he didn't understand at first but then caught on.

"No....Anna I love you but I don't want you to hurt yourself. " I pushed my self of the ground and ran into my room. I sat on the bed and cried.

The door slowly opened and a figure was in front of me.

"Go away, I never want to talk to you again!" Darren sat next to me and started to cry.

"Babe I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you , I-I just let my anger get the best of me and I'm sorry ok. I want US to work and I never want to lose you." He pulled me closer to him.

He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back. "I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" I said back even tho I couldn't believe what he said. 'I love you' for one I think someone loves me.

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