Two Sides of the Same Coin |...

By alexaveil

288K 12.3K 4.9K

If you lived in Gotham long enough you knew exactly who she was. People feared her. Criminals praised her. He... More

Chapter Zero | The Cast
Chapter One | The Heist
Chapter Two | The Meeting
Chapter Three | The Party
Chapter Four | The Interrogation
Chapter Five | The Capture
Chapter Six | The Escape
Chapter Seven | The Deal
Chapter Eight | The Call
Chapter Nine | The Hunt
Chapter Ten | The Chat
Chapter Eleven | The Secret
Chapter Twelve | The Week
Chapter Thirteen | The Cave
Chapter Fourteen | The Reveal
Chapter Fifteen | The Beginning
Chapter Seventeen | The Test
Chapter Eighteen | The Secret
Chapter Nineteen | The Mission
Chapter Twenty | The Chance
Chapter Twenty One | The Babysitter
Chapter Twenty Two | The Save
Chapter Twenty Three | The Score
Chapter Twenty Four | The Club
Chapter Twenty Five | The Homefront
Chapter Twenty Six | The Farm
Chapter Twenty Seven | The Game

Chapter Sixteen | The Team

8.7K 455 198
By alexaveil

"YOU'RE ACTUALLY JUST GOING to believe Batman and his bullshit?"

I rolled my eyes as I zipped my boot up. "It's not like I had a choice. And I don't believe him."

"Not like you had a choice?" the archer repeated questioningly. "I don't think you know what a choice sounds like, Brielle."

I stood up, glaring. "Think whatever you want, Roy. And don't call me that. You shouldn't even know who I am, anyways."

"What?" he chuckled as he slung his quiver over his back. "Scared I'm gonna tell Batman who you are?"

"If you could get close enough to him without getting your teeth knocked out, sure," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah. Now do me a favor and get out of my apartment."

I finished strapping my weapons on, flashing him a dry smile. "Thanks again, Harper."

"Whatever." He crossed his arms. "Just know that this makes us even, which means you can't just call me whenever you want anymore."

I paused on my way towards the fire escape. "You mean at least until you need something else from me, right?"

An eye roll.

"Goodbye, Brielle."

A smirk.

"Later, Roy."

* * *

"Orange juice, water, burnt cookies, soda, cookies, more cookiesー ugh! Who the hell is making all of these cookies?"

I slammed the fridge door shut, blowing out a single breath of frustration as I set my hands on my hips. This freakin' base is so lame and I've been here for about 20 minutes. I mean, can you say "teachers pets?"

I was just trying to find a simple glass of water to go with my turkey sandwich. A glass of water! Given the size of the place, how hard was that? Apparently very difficult. (It was probably all used up by Aquadude and Squidkid, let's not lie.)

I stalked back to the counter and hoisted myself up onto the gray counter top. Taking an angry bite of the sandwich with one hand, I picked at the corner of my nail with the other. What a snooze! I should be arguing it up with Supes or flirting with the Boy Blunder by now. And what am I doing? Eating a damn sandwich in a damn base all by my damn self!

A part of me started to wonder if Selina and Pam were right. Maybe I should've actually stayed; maybe I should've actually thought for a second and not just said yes to that stupid deal. I seem to do that a lot nowadaysー I guess arrogance is my fatal flaw.

But I still don't understand how Selina could have the audacity to blame me! She raised me to never back down from a challenge, and it's not exactly like she keeps her cool when Bats comes around either. And so in walks Superman all high-and-mighty, followed by the entire team of Justice Babies while I'm in a chokehold from Batman. He approaches me with a deal which would make me look like a coward to say no to, and obviously I had to show these children who was boss, so what did Selina expect me to do? Say no? Go to Arkham again? It's not like I had much of a choice!

I was suddenly snapped from my thoughts by a computerized voice filling the room.

"Superman 0-1, Batman 0-2, Wonder Woman 0-3, Aquaman 0-6, Martian Manhunter 0-7, Green Arrow 0-8, Black Canary 1-3."

Then it stopped, and I sighed in relief. Finally it wasー

"Robin B-01, Aqualad B-02.."

I groaned in frustration as voice droned on again, this time announcing the aliases of the team. I clamped my hands over my ears, trying to get away from the annoying tone. Honestly, how could they stand this every time a large group of people entered the base?

Well, at least I knew my welcoming committee was here.

I hopped off of the counter, the sandwich only half eaten. I started towards the exit of the kitchen, making extra sure to keep my heels quiet. I crept down the hall and turned to the left. Then I looked back. An eyebrow raised. Waitー how the hell do I get out of here?

"Great," I muttered.

Just great.

* * *

It had been a good five minutes before I actually found the main room of the cave. I took a deep breath, hearing voices I couldn't distinguish coming from the large cavern. I made the sound of my heels on the floor loud.

The room suddenly silenced.

I took another casual bite of my sandwich, acting like I wasn't freaking out inside. The lights of the room suddenly hit me and I stepped into view. I pulled a smirk, looking up to find not only the team but a majority of the League powerhouses and mentors as well.

Though the moment was short-lived when I heard someone shout.

"No, wait!"

I glanced to my right, the only thing saving me from being impaled at the moment was my reflexes. I dropped the sandwich, stepping to the left as my food was suddenly pinned to the wall behind me. I turned around, hoping surprise was written all over my face like I felt it was.

A black and green arrow held my sandwich to the wall.

I turned towards the group of people and noticed archery chick with her bow raised high. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to glare. I wanted to shout and scream and tell her off and fight her, but I disregarded my instinct and instead put my hands up in mock surrender. Starting a fight with one of the Justice Babies while the Justice League was here would probably not end well for me.

"So you don't like turkey," I began slowly, "noted."

Then there was silence. I wasn't exactly sure if it was shock or just disgust, but it was awkward. Like, really awkward.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned towards the only voice in the roomー Superman. Thank God he at least had some common decency. All of those years on the farm, most likely. I flashed him a 'are you seriously dumb?' look. "Umm.. last time I checked, you invited me here."

"I mean, what were you doing in the kitchen?"

I stared at him weirdly again. "I was hungry?"

He sighed in frustration. "No, I mean, why are you early?"

"Did you want me to be late?" I asked.

His glare intensified. "How did you get in here?"

"I broke in?" I sighed before putting a hand on my hip. "Listen, Kansas, I know you're not the smartest one around here, but I didn't think you were that stupid."

"No, I meanー you know what I mean!"

"If I knew what you meant I would be answering you, wouldn't I?"

He clenched his fist and opened his mouth, looking like he was already regretting his decision. Everybody behind him tensed as he decided against yelling at me. I watched him in amusement as he slowly loosened his fist and turned back to the rest of the heroes.

"This is Blackout."

There was a brief pause, and for a second, the thought of awkward silence again struck a pang of fear in my heart.

And then all hell broke loose.

I almost sighed in relief. Finally, the reaction I was looking for.

"Is that really her?"

"Of course it's her, who else would it be?"

"She took on Batman? And won?"

"Ugh. This day couldn't have come any sooner."

"Why did Superman invite her again? I don't even want her on the team!"


Everyone froze and turned towards the Boy Scout. "Blackout is a part of this team, and will be treated with the respect you would show anyone else. If anyone has a problem with that, they can take it up with me personally. Dismissed."

There was a slight pause, before everyone started to break off into small groups and chatter filled the vast room. Tension still hung in the air, but that's not something unusual where I was concerned. I did a scan in the room, my eyes falling on none other than the Boy Wonder himself. He stood on the opposite end of the room with the rest of his team, all quietly talking amongst themselves.

About me, obviously.

With a flip of my hair, I started on my way towards them, heels clicking on the stone floor. A smirk tugged on my red lips when I was only a few feet from them, but it fell when I was suddenly stopped by a golden belt coming into my line of sight. I looked up to find long dark lashes shrouding deep blue eyes, a flash of determination rippling through them.

A hand was held out.

"I am Wonder Woman."

I paused, contemplating what I should do and partially taken back by her forwardness. On one hand, I should try to make a few friendsー or at least people who didn't completely hate meー here, but on the other hand, she could, well, you know, crush my hand.

"Yeah.. I've heard," I said cautiously, before slowly reaching out and grasping her hand in a firm grip, "Blackout."

"Yes, I've heard." She offered me a kind smile. "I want to commend you on your skills. I have also heard much about your integrity and daring acts. From where I was raised, that is very admirable."

I nodded my head slowly, trying not to let smug confusion take over my features. "Ahuh.. you're not too sucky yourself?"

She opened her mouth to say something else, when suddenly there was a streak of yellow and an arm around my shoulder. I looked over, panic momentarily sweeping over me before realizing who it was. I glared at the shit-eating grin of Kid Flash.

"Well," he started, "I guess I'll take one for the team and be the first to introduce myself. Names Kid Flash. I also go by KF, Kid, most charming guy on the team. Anything that sounds dashingly handsome, really."

I crossed my arms at his arrogance, which was so overwhelming it almost seemed fake. "How about.. Fastest Boy Alive?"

"You can call me whatever you want, babe. But you could do us both a favor and call me tonight," he yawned in mock boredom as he not-so-subtly flexed the arm which wasn't around me.

I rolled my eyes as I shrugged off his hand and pushed past him. "Don't look so smug, I didn't mean that as a compliment."

There was silence as I continued on my journey towards the Boy Wonder.

"Wha..? Waitー hey!"

My eyes zeroed in on Robin, who was currently whispering with the Archery Girl, and I continued on my way towards them. But (just my luck) I was stopped again.

"Hi! I'm Miss Martian, but most people call me Megan. It's an Earth name!"

I stared at the bubbly red-head that had flown in front of me with a blank face. What does a girl have to do to not get interrupted around here? And did she seriously just reveal her secret identity to me?

"Oh yeah," I hummed, my attention still on the blonde and ravenette behind her, "I remember you. Aren't you the one I set on fire?"

Her face fell, and I wanted to smirk. Disappointment was something I could work with.

"U-um, yeah.." she tried to act cheerful.

I stared a her for another moment before continuing on my seemingly futile journey towards the Boy Wonder.


I turned around, an eyebrow raised. "What? Don't tell me you're expecting an apology or something."

She looked down, playing with her fingers. "Well, I-I mean, I thought it was an Earth custom to apologize for a mistake."

I pouted. "Oh, sweetheart. What I did was no mistake. And you've clearly never been to Gotham, have you?"

As I turned around, I was suddenly met with the steely brown eyes of the Archery Girl. Her arms were crossed as she stared at me with narrowed eyes. She was still an inch taller than me, even with my heels on, so I tilted my head up ever-so-slightly as I copied her pose.

"Can I help you?"

She smirked. "So, what's the deal? Are they paying you? Or did you just get bad at the criminal life, too?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I'd watch your mouth, Blondie. I'm still a little pissed at the fact that you turned my sandwich into a painting."

"Well, if it annoys you that much.." she paused to place a hand on her hip, "I'd waste my arrows all day long. Or maybe I wouldn't. Why use such valuable things on the daughter of Catwoman?"

Irritation bubbled inside of me as I pressed a finger into her chest. "One, she's not my mother. And two, I wouldn't be talking about who's related to who, Speedy-Knockoff. Because it's a very well-known fact in the villain community about who you're related to. Is it a well-known fact here? Because if it isn't, I'd be happy to make it one."

She visibly paled.

I grinned. "That's what I thought."

Anger flashed in her eyes. She suddenly had my hand in a death-grip. "Don't you even dare say anything."

"Want to test me, Blondie?"


We both paused, glancing over towards the new voice. When we noticed who is was, Artemis sighed in frustration and pulled her hand away, spinning on her heel and stalking off. The mood automatically lightened as I turned towards the team leader.

"I am Aqualad, and I would like to welcome you to the team. I've seen some of your work, your skills are most impressive."

I grinned.

"Hey, Squidkid! Long time no sea! Ha! Get it? Sea? Because your from the ocean?"

His face briefly darkened. "Yes. Very.. amusing. As the leader, I have the honor of inviting you on a tour of the base, if you wish to accompany me."

I looked back to where Robin was, only to find him gone. I frowned. You've got to be kidding me! I still hadn't talked to Bats nor the Blunder Boyー which was honestly the only reason I showed up. But.. Squidkid was kind of cute. And he seemed to be the least of my problems at the moment, judging by the glares and probable telepathic death threats I was receiving from the rest of the team spread throughout the room.

Plus, it's always good to know you're surroundings. Who know's when I'm going to need a quick escape plan?

I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could. "Sure, I guess."

"Any particular place you would rather start?" he asked as he gestured for me to follow him.

A wicked grin crossed my face, and a look of panic washed over his features.

"Well, I heard you guys had a pretty sick weapons vault."

He was silent for a moment. "On second thought.. perhaps it would be wise to start in the dorms." He paused when we passed my poor sandwich and glanced down at it, some of the turkey now on the floor in a sad puddle. "I would suggest that we start in the kitchen, but you clearly have a good idea of where that is."

I chuckled, shaking my head as we continued down the hall.

"You know what? I like you, Squidkid."

* * *

And we're back! Sorry this chapter was a little bit of a refresher for everyone, but I promise the next chapter will be a lot more fun and completely brand new. Thank you so much to everyone who has stayed with me throughout this process, and to the newcomers as well! Also, my updates will most likely be on the weekends from now on. Thanks for 33k!

xo Alexa

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