sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴏɴᴇ - sʜᴏᴛs 🍔🍺...

By Lexinator04

221K 3.3K 827

ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ? ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs. ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛɪᴄʏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴɢᴇʟs... More

|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
| Castiel X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean X Reader| PART ONE
|Dean X Reader| PART TWO
Dean X Reader PART THREE
| Dean X Reader | PART FOUR :)
|Sam X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
| Dean X Reader |
|Sam X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader |
|Dean X Reader|★ Part One
|Dean X Reader| ★ Part Two
|Castiel X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
| Dean X Cas |
|Dean X Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
|Dean x Reader|
|Castiel X Reader|
|Sam X Reader|
Supernatural X Riverdale
|Dean X Reader|
| Sam X Reader |
| Castiel X Reader |
|Dean X Reader| PART TWO
| Dean X Reader | PART THREE :)
|Sam X Reader|
| Castiel X Reader |
| Sam X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
| Castiel X Reader |
| Dean X Reader |
| Sam X Reader |
| Dean Loves Pie |
| Dean X Cas|

|Dean X Reader|

4.8K 71 15
By Lexinator04

"Dean... I'm so cold." Y/N mumbled, moving closer into her boyfriend's embrace. He sat up on the tiny couch in the dark. Feeling her forehead...

"Y/N/N you're burning up!" He exclaimed pulling the one cover off of them.

"Nooo... I'm so cold!" She mumbled, pulling them away from him.

"What am I going to do?..." He mumbled looking around with a sigh.

"Y/N, you have to make it until morning," He mumbled laying back down. 

She collapsed on top of him and now that she was... He could feel how cold her body is and that was when there was a knock at the door. Worry washed over him, as they banged on the door. He didn't know what was out there, yet he didn't want to find out either...

"Ok, so what do we need at the store?" His wife asked, looking around as they walked in.

"Just the essentials," The blonde husband mumbled, taking her hand.

Which meant pie, beer, and more pie.

They walked into the store, picking up everything that they were out of.

"Did you hear that?" Y/N asked looking towards the glass door. It was no longer light outside but was covered in a thick fog.

"Hear what?" The green-eyed man questioned picking up a bag of her favorite chips. Then there it was a scream... A scream from the outside.

He looked to Y/N as she looked at him. They could hear screams and that was when the ground started to shake. People around them started panicking as Dean thought quickly and went to the back room that was near them.

Slowly he opened the door, the couple running in a slammed it behind them. Dean looked at his wife, as she looked up at him...

"What the heck is going on?" He mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

He felt for my gun... But it wasn't there anymore.


"What are you doing in here?" Someone asked, from behind them.

Dean turned his head fast, pushing Y/N behind him. Seeing a man, brown hair blue eyes and some stubble who was quite fit. Dean noticed that he was starring... Not at him at his wife.

"We heard screams and then the ground started to shake so we came in here," Y/N explained gripping her husband's arm for dear life.

He just stared, for what felt like hours.

"Oh," Is all he got out after a while, taking a sip of what looked like was beer.

Y/N and Dean quickly moved a table in front of the door. They then got on their phones to see what was going on, however there was no signal. Worry washed over Dean like a rock to the face...

It must be a break room where they were at... Or something, there were two couches, a kitchen, table and chairs, and a bathroom.

The husband pulled his wife to one of the couches, sitting down.

"Everything will be just fine," He whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I hope so," She mumbled laying her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too," He replied stroking her hair.

"Dean, there is something, I want... Tell you-" She was cut off mid-sentence, by a loud noise outside. She jumped, and so did Dean.

This startled the guy, who they still don't know his name. He jumped on the couch, this made Y/N giggle. He was either drunk or really scared.

He peeked out and looked at them in confusion.

"Do you know what's going on out there?" He asked, eyeing the door.

"Nope, we just ran in here," Dean explained checking the time on his phone... 6:35. "Anyways, I'm Dean and this is Y/N."

"Y/N... I like that name..." He mumbled collapsing on the couch. "I'm James."

"Um... Thanks." Y/N whispered scooting closer to her husband. Dean didn't know about her but this guy is giving him the creeps...

He eyes the ring on Y/N's finger, as Dean interlocks their hands. The husband can hear, more noises outside. As it got quiet for a long time... To quiet... Y/N was about to fall asleep, but then the power went out and what little light they had was now gone.

Y/N jumped startled at what had just happened. Dean wrapped an arm around her, sighing. Using his phone as a flashlight getting comfy, as the guy tapped Dean on the shoulder. He held a blanket handing it to to the blonde man... Where did he get a blanket?

"Thanks," He mumbled, pushing his questions away and laying it over an already asleep Y/N. Dean feels bad that they were in this situation... This morning she wasn't feeling well, he guessed that's why she fell asleep so fast. He can only hope that she's better...

He tried to stay up all night keeping watch, but it was too much… Although he slowly felt his eyes droop as he fell asleep to James's snoring.


"Dean... I'm so cold." Y/N mumbled, moving closer into her boyfriend's embrace. He sat up on the tiny couch in the dark. Feeling her forehead...

"Y/N/N you're burning up!" He exclaimed pulling the one cover off of them.

"Nooo... I'm so cold!" She mumbled, pulling them away from him.

"What am I going to do?..." He mumbled looking around with a sigh.

"Y/N, you have to make it until morning," He mumbled laying back down. She collapsed on top of him and now that she was... He could feel how cold her body is and that was when there was a knock at the door. Worry washed over him, as they banged on the door. He didn't know what was out there, but he didn't want to find out either...

"Please stay with me Dean," She mumbled closing her eyes.

"Always," He whispered, hugging her tighter. Dean stared at the door for he didn't know how long. But then he needed to use the bathroom, so he got up slowly trying not to wake Y/N. Going into the connected bathroom doing his business... As he was walking out he saw something shocking, James was kissing Y/N, as he pinned her hands over her head.

"Hey!" Dean yelled Angrily.

The husband pulled James off of her, pushing him back. Instead of him pushing him though he punched Dean square in the eye.

The blonde man punched back as it turned into a full-blown fight! Y/N stopped him halfway through pulling her husband away from the bad man.

"What are we going to do?" Dean questioned his busted lip hurting while he talked.

"I don't know, but as long as I'm with you I'm ok..." She mumbled fixing up his face.

"You sure?" He asked, knowing when she stretches the truth.

"No, Dean I'm scared... I don't know what's going on and to top it all off..." She trails off at the end...

"What?... Tell me!" He exclaimed, putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled, looking down. It was those two words that shocked him... What are we going to do?... He hugged her as tight as he could trying to shield her from the world around them...

"I love you," He whispered hugging her.

"I love you too." She mumbled under her husband's arm. "Dean... I'm so scared." She could feel her tears on his arm, as he lifted her chin so she had to look into his stunning green eyes.

"Don't cry..." He murmured while whipping her tears away with the pad of his thumb. "Please..."

"I can't help it." She cried kissing him.

The kiss deepened, as her arm went around his neck and his to her waist.

They broke the kiss as someone clapped, turning they saw James standing there with blood gushing from his face.

"What do you want?" Dean asked in annoyance.

"Y/N..." He said, with an evil smirk.

"Not over my dead body," The husband growled, pushing his wife behind him.

"Dean-" Y/N started, only to be cut off.

"That can be arranged!" James exclaimed jumping at him. 

He tackles Dean to the ground, punching the blonde over and over. His eyes are so swollen he can barely see when the bad man was done.

"I will stop, if-"

"NEVER!" Dean exclaimed cutting him off. She is his and only his... like she said, Dean's a fighter.

The husband regained all his strength hearing Y/N start to cry as he pushed James off, kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine. Dean got up fast as he was still on the ground. He grabbed Y/N's hand pulling her away. They moved the table and Dean was just about to open the door but... James pulls Y/N by the ankle, making her fall face first onto the tiled floor.

The blonde man quickly kicked him in the face, he went to go help Y/N up but she whimpered in pain.

"My ankle." She mumbled, turning his head Dean saw that it was already starting to puff up.

Dean lifted his wife up bridal style unlocking the door running out. The whole store was covered in thick fog... He couldn't see a thing.

"Y/N, If we don't make it... I just want to let you know I love you with all my heart." He whispered.

"I love you too." She mumbled, coughing.

Dean ran out of the store, seeing less fog. It had cleared up and was just all stuck in the store. The blonde man ran into another nearby store, seeing people facing the other way.

"Hello?" He asked coughing too, knowing that the fog is bad for our lungs.

They turned around and their faces looked like James and their eyes were a dark red... And that was when they lunged at us... And Dean Winchester woke up...


Dean woke up sweating looking around, Him still in their room... And all that time he thought that was real...

"Dean, are you ok?" Y/N asked, yawning. Sitting up she looked at him with worried eyes.

He didn't reply back... As the husband pulled her into a tight hug.

"Dean, is everything ok?" She asked again, pulling away looking at her.

"I had a dream... Where you were pregnant and-" He cut himself off, as she looked like she got hit in the face with a rock.

"How did you find out?" She stuttered, looking away.

"What!?" The husband asked shocked.

"Well, I planned on telling you in a special way but now that you for-" She cut herself off, with a kiss.

"Anyway is a special way," He mumbled, against her lips.

"I'm glad you think that." She said laying back down, putting her head on my chest. "Continue."

"Anyways..." Dean then told her the whole story, not leaving out any details. He shivered at the thought of James. Glad he doesn't exist.

"Dean... I need to tell you something." Y/N mumbled looking at him with scared eyes.

"Yeah?" He questioned, sitting up stroking her hair.

"Well I was going to tell you last night but I forgot... We got a new employee at work and his name is James..." She mumbled not meeting his eyes.

"What does he look like?" He asked, praying to God he was nothing like in his dream.

"Brown hair blue eyes..." She mumbled as his eyes widened. "Don't worry, he seems nice." Messing with his fingers, she looked up at her husband. "Besides... It was only a dream."

"Yeah, I guess you're right... and besides, it can't actually be him." He mumbled feeling relieved... Everything will be ok.

Just then there was a knock at the door, Dean sighed getting up. Y/N joined her husband pulling on her robe. They walked down the stairs as Dean opened the door seeing James stood there smiling.

"Y/N!... I was on the job late tonight and saw that you left this there." He explained pulling out their wedding ring.

"Oh, thanks, James," She whispered happily taking it from him.

Eyeing Dean, the blonde looked down seeing that he was shirtless... Oh shit.

"See you tomorrow," James mumbled about to leave… However...

"Oh, Um... I have the day off tomorrow." Y/N explained taking the hand of the blonde.

"Good to know, and it was nice to meet you..."

"Dean! Y/N's Husband." Dean explained making sure to bold the word husband.

"Ok, well see you Thursday," James whispered walking away.

"See he's nice," The wife mumbled looking at her husband smiling. She slipped the ring back on her finger, kissing his cheek.

"That's the guy from my dream," He explained looking at her. "So, please be careful... I don't know what I'll do if something happens to you."

"I will, I will." She reassured yawning. "Now, let's go back to sleep."


Dean was getting ready to leave for work...

"Y/N/N," He whispered walking to the side of their bed.

"MMMM." She groaned turning over.

"I'm going to work," He explained kissing her forehead.

"You missed my lips." She whined, opening her eyes.

Dean laughed, kissing her.

"I love you." She whispered, pulling her husband into bed with her.

"I love you too... Now I really have to go, make sure the whole house is locked up!" He exclaimed being very stern in his voice. "If James comes here when I'm not don't answer..."

"Dean, I'm not a baby now go... I'll be fine." She reassured, turning over and going back to sleep.

However, a few hours later, everything was not fine... And that was only the beginning.

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