Oikawa's little brother { hai...

By otaku_katsuo

325K 9K 4.9K

imma be straight forward, oikawa has a little brother that has always hung out with Tooru and Iwa-chan. becau... More

{1} match against Yukigaoka part 1
{2} match against yukigaika part 2
{3} Graduation
{4} we meet again
{5} Aoba Johsai vs Karasuno part 1
{6} Aoba johsai vs Karasuno part 2
{7} Inter-high
{8} Kageyama and [m/n]
{9} let the game begin
{10} Battle of the setters
#SPECIAL... //Practice//
{11} Mr. Refreshing
{12} Final set! (part 1)
{13} Final set! (part 2) the deuce
{14} Aftermath
#SPECIAL... //prank war//
{15} My setter
{16} Texts
{17} spring tournament
{18} Date Tech
{19} our final game
{20} Mad-Dog chan
{21} A Pinch Server
{22} The Final Battle
{23} Encounters
#SPECIAL... //Valentines Day//
{24} Day of the game
{26} EEEEHHH!?

{25} You What....?

6.3K 168 198
By otaku_katsuo

Kageyama's POV

After we won the game against Shiratorizawa, we bumbed into [m/n], things got weird, he kissed me, but what's even weirded is that I kind of liked it... but it must have just been a joke. After he texted me apologizing about what happened, i guess it was just a joke, but I didn't mind it though. I told him my parents weren't home and that he could come over if he wanted to, he asked for a sleep over and I accepted. [m/n] and I had a bunch of sleep overs in junior high, I was always fine with it, but now I feel so nervous, is it because we haven't had one in a while, or is it because.... I like him? I mean, I've had weird feelings whenever he calls my name, when he smile, and I want him to only be mine... do I like him?! nah, friends can act gay with each other, right?.... Shit, I think I actually like him, Oikawa-san will kill me. what should I do? should I tell h-- 

Ding Dong the doorbell rings, must be him, I rushed down the stairs and to the front door, I opened the door and in front of me stood... Hinata? 

"What are you doing at my house?" 

"I was talking a walk and I happened to pass by"

"Why didn't you keep passing by and decided to stop?"

"I was so excited that we're going to play more games and I became restless!"

"what does that have to do with me?"

"Toss to me"

"What the hell?! no!"

"Why not?!"

"None of your business dumbass!"

"Tell me! tell me! Kageyama tell me!"

"T-Tobio-chan?" we both look over to see [m/n] standing there caring a backpack, he was wearing (f/c) shorts and (f/c) oversized hoodie that had "Volleyball is lyfe" written on it "A-Ah I'm I interrupting something?" he stuttered 

"[m/n]?!" Hinata shrieked "why are you here?!"

"I could ask you the same thing" [m/n] giggled "I'm here for a sleep over with Tobio-chan" Hinata whipped his head to look at me, then back a [m/n] then pointed with his thumb back at me


"Yeah, anyways why are you here?"

"O-Oh! I was just walking by and I realized I was near his how and I was still excited about our game with Shiratorizawa, so I asked him to give me some tosses" Hinata replied

"Really?" [m/n] looked over at me "You'll toss too me too right?"

"I guess, I have a volleyball in my room and there's a place we could play"

"Yay!" both Hinata and [m/n] cheered, [m/n] went inside to put his bags down and I went to get the volleyball while Hinata waited outside for the both of us. Once we both came out, the three of us went down to a nearby park and there was an empty space where we could comfortably  play. Yatta~ I haven't played with Tobio-chan in a while! I'm so excited for this! [m/n] thought excitedly.

"Tobio-chan toss to me!" [m/n] chirped as he stood across from me, I grabbed the volleyball and passed it to [m/n], he received the ball, then when [m/n] bumped the ball back, I quickly got into position to toss the ball, [m/n] already started running to the ball and jumped as high as Hinata, I did the "King Toss" and [m/n] was able to spike it with no trouble, once he landed he stared at his now red hands. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face and I stared back with a small smile on his face

"It's been a while since I hit your spike, Tobio-chan"


"Whoa! Whoa! That was so cool, you were able to keep up with him! just like the match in junior high!"

"Well, we were together for 3 years" [m/n] chuckled "But after so long I didn't think we'd be able to do it on the first try, right Tobio-chan?" 

"Oh yeah, it's been a while" 

"Kageyama! Toss to me too!" Hinata bounced

==========Time Skip==========

After about an hour of constantly playing I got tired, but these two... these two are still at it, they keep asking me to toss to them again and again. I love volleyball but these to are similar when it comes to endless stamina and I can't take them both at a time, we just had a game with Shiratorizawa

"Moippon Kageyama!"

"Tobio-chan Moippon!" I placed my hands on my knee, panting heard. "Ah. T-Tobio-chan! Have you reached your limit!? Gomenasai! I didn't notice! Are you okay!?" [m/n] got closer to me 

"I'm fine dumbass! just tired"

"Kageyama, is 'dumbass' the only insult you know? you even say it to [m/n]" Hinata chuckled at me

"shut the hell up" [m/n] began giggling at us, making me blush at the cuteness 

"well it is getting darker by the minute" [m/n] looked up at the sky "we should head home soon"

"I'll head home, I don't live too far from here" Hinata said

"cool, we'll walk you home, right Tobio-chan?" I looked down to him as he had a cute smile, god damn that freaking smile of his

"Yeah. yeah, whatever"

Narrator's POV

The trio began walking in the direction of Hinata's home, it was quit at first but Hinata soon broke the silence with a question for [m/n]

"Ne, [m/n]" he began "what was Kageyama like in junior high? you two seem pretty close, how did you guys become friends, was he friends with others?" [m/n] stopped in his tracks looking down before looking at Kageyama, kageyama looking at his shoes, Hinata began to panic feeling that he shouldn't have asked that "G-g-gomenasai! y-you don't have to answer, I was just curious and--"

"Relax, if it's fine with Tobio-chan I don't mind saying it" he looked at Kageyama to tell him whether he can tell Hinata or not.

"Whatever, tell him what you want" he continued to walk

"Well, the first time we say each other was in our first year of junior high, but the first time we talked was at the vending machine, I got the last milk juice and he wanted it but it was finished so I gave him mine, the next day he gave me one and since he had same class and were on the volleyball team together we naturally bonded."

"so let me get this straight, you guys bonded over milk juice?" Hinata questioned 

"Yes" they both answered him with a straight face

"Ok... continue"

"Well, in our volleyball team, we would always get paired up, so we ended up working well together, that's why I can keep up with his crazy tosses. I would also hang out with Iwa-chan and Nii-san in my first year"

"Iwa-chan?" Hinata tilted his head to the side

"Iwaizumi" [m/n] said but Hinata still had no clue who that was

"Seijoh's ace" Kageyama said

"Ooooo! #4? His spikes are seriously cool!"

"Right! I'll be just like him, Seijoh's next dependable ace!" [m/n] stood confidently 

"You hung out with him in junior high"

"Of course!" 

"Iwaizumi-san has known [m/n] since he was born, since Oikawa-san and him are childhood friends"

"Seriously?! Cool!"

"Anyways, I hung out with them and Tobio-chan, but in my second year they went to Aoba Johsai so it was just Me and Tobio-chan, we didn't have other friends so we just played with each other"

" 'Played' with each other huh?" Hinata smirked 

"DUMBASS!" Kageyama blushed


"Haahahah! Sorry, sorry, Nishinoya and Tanaka taught me to say it when someone says something like that. HAhahaha!" 


"Anyways" [m/n] continued "In our second year, they (Iwaizumi and Oikawa) left and it was just us, we weren't very good at talking to people... since we were already really close already we just self consciously shut out from others, we talked to people but... didn't really befriend them. we talked to Kindai-chan and Kunimi-chan, well... mostly me.... Oh, that's when Kageyama got his name as 'king of the courts'... we didn't know what it meant at first... but we eventually found out" [m/n] looked down remembering that game

"Did anyone like you guys?" Hinata oblivious to the situation at hand 

"...hm... People claimed to like me, but I know they only wanted to be friends with me because of Nii-san and people didn't like Tobio-chan that much, one, because he was the only one close to me so they were jealous. Two, especially from the volleyball team, they didn't like how he had to control the game."

"Did you hate it when he gets bossy?" Hinata asked

"Hate it? why would I? he's a setter, so he basically controls the game, whatever play he thinks will help us succeed then I'm always up for it, I trust him." [m/n] answered as if it was so obvious. "Watching him yell at the other players was so cute" [m/n] jumped in front of the two, faced them and held his hair down, attempting to look like kageyama "You have to jump higher! run faster! more!" he let his hair bounce back up and began to giggle 

"DUMBASS! I don't sound like that!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Hinata held his hair down and put a scowl on his face "I'd rather jump, spike, and receive all by myself" 

"PWAHAHAHAHAH! HE SAID THAT!?" [m/n] bursts out laughing 


"You guys are dead!" Kageyama growled making the flinch and began running, Kageyama chasing after them


"KAGEYAMA! WE'RE SORRY!" Kageyama chased them both until they eventually arrived at Hinata's place.

" ha *pant* *pant* we're here" Hinata breathed 

" *pant* haha, it was fun" [m/n] had his hands on his knees, as well as Kageyama, [m/n] stood up straight and waved at Hinata "see ya later!"


"Bye!" Hinata yelled as he skipped back into his home. [m/n] and Kageyama turned around and left in the direction of Kageyama's home, the walk home was filled with the two talking about random nonsense, laughing, and joking with each other until they arrived at the front door, they walked in taking off their shoes. 

"So, what do you wanna do?" [m/n] asked turning to face Kageyama

"Umm..." Kageyama watched as [m/n] began to stretch, making his sweater lift up and expose his cute little abs, also making Kageyama blush a deep shade of red, he turned his head away not letting [m/n] see his blush "w-we can watch a movie... or... something"

"Cool, lemme take a shower first" [m/n] grabbed his bag and went into Kageyama's bathroom while Kageyama was chilling on his bed waiting for him.

==========Time Skip==========

After [m/n] took a shower he went through his bag and realized he forget to bring his pajama shirt, he only had his shorts god damn it! I was so excited to have this sleepover I forgot the most important thing he had an irk mark appear on his forehead.

"Ano! Tobio-chan! I'm having a slight dilemma!"

"What is it?" he said

"I...I sort of forgot to bring a shirt, is it ok if I borrow one from you?"

"Yeah" he got up from the bed and opened his wardrobe, he got a black t-shirt that had 'soul setter' on it, he heard the door of the bathroom creak open, he looked and his face became as red as Tendo's  hair. [m/n] was standing there in black short that had an alien face on the left leg, no shirt on, and his hair still dripping from the shower.

"Is that from me?" he pointed at the shirt in Kageyama's hands

"O-Oh... yeah, I-it is" he handed [m/n] the shirt facing away to hide his ever growing blush.

"Arigato" [m/n] smiled cutely, he put the shirt on and just as Kageyama thought it was too big for him, it went nearly to his mid thighs, completely covering his shorts and it exposed his right shoulder. At the sight of this Kageyama nearly exploded, his given [m/n] his shirts in the past and they were a little to big for him, but he was confused as to why he felt like this now.

"So... any movies in mind you wanna watch?" he tried getting his mind of things

"hmm... let write down movie genera's on a piece of paper and draw one out, then we watch a movie in that genera."

"alright" the got sticky note and wrote down some movie genera's, comedy, romance, thriller, horror etc. after they folded the piece of paper and place them in a paper cup, [m/n] shook it and held it out for Kageyama to pick. He picked it and stared at the paper.

"What's it gonna be?" [m/n] asked

"Comedy" he answered, they got Kageyama's laptop and went online to find a comedy movie to watch. They settled on watching "Ride Along" a movie with Kevin Hart, they got drinks, potato chips, and popcorn. They sat on the bed with the laptop resting on one their legs, then they began watching the movie.

==========After the movie==========

"HAHAAHAAHAAHHA!! That was so funny!!" [m/n] wipes the tears in his eyes

"Kevin Hart is hilarious" Kageyama chuckled

"there's a part 2 you know, wanna watch it?"

"Sure" They search for 'Ride Along 2', they were able to find it and began watching it, they began laugh 5 minutes into the movie, [m/n] laughed so hard he had trouble breathing and he couldn't stop until the end of the movie.

"HAHAHAHAHA I'm gonna die!" [m/n] choked 

"HAHAHA he's so funny, he's small just like you" Kageyama teased 

"EHHH?! I'm not that small!"

"Right, right, you're fun sized"

"FUN SI-- tch, fuck me" [m/n] sighed  

"sure thing" Kageyama smirked 


"What?... I didn't, I just,"

"shouldn't you take me on a date first~?" 

"tch, shut up"

"anyways, let's go sleep, well... lay down in the bed and talk hehe" They cleaned up the bed and moved the laptop to the table. Kageyama didn't have guest futons so they would both be sleeping in the bed, even if he did have futons, [m/n] would still stay on the bed with Kageyama. this bed is for one person, we're so close, I can feel his breath on my neck Kageyama thought. They we're laying together on Kageyama's bed facing each other, [m/n] had his face snuggled in Kageyama's neck, and Kageyama had his chin on [m/n]'s head, they had their legs tangled together under the blanket and laid there in silence. I'm gonna say it now

"ne, [m/n]" Kageyama calls out


"There's something I wanna tell you..."

"What is it?"

"Well, I don't know what exactly this is but... I... I think I like you..." Kageyama looks down

"You what....?"

"Like, whenever I see you I always feel weird, the way you say my name, the cute nickname you have for me, I felt upset when I saw you talking with Kindaichi and Kunimi, with that smile that you only showed me, I like how you're small but have determination to be the best volleyball player, I like how you could stayed with me even though there were better options in junior high, I'm... I'm saying that I like you"


"Sorry, it must be really weird for you, I'll just--"

" hahahaha " Kageyama looked up to see a laughing [m/n] 

"Uwaaah! w-what's so funny?!"

"you're too cute, I'm gonna die! "

"C-CUTE!?" Kageyama screeched, [m/n] sat up followed by Kageyama, they turned to face each other and stared into the others eyes for a moment. [m/n] leaned in and placed his lips on Kageyama's it was simple peck on the lips, but it was filled with a lot of emotions

"I like you too, tobio-chan, haha, I actually never thought you would confess to me"


"I-I thought that... maybe, y-you liked... Hinata-chan..." his voice lowered as he said the last part but Kageyama still heard him loud and clear

"the fuck?" Kageyama stared at him with the 'are you retarded?' and 'wtf'  face

"well, how could I not? he was like 'if i'm here you're invincible' that my line! and you look happier tossing to him than you did to me... so...I just... I thought you li--" [m/n] words were suddenly interrupted by a sudden presence of soft lips, unlike the previous kiss, this one was more passionate. Kageyama pushed [m/n] down as he hovered above the smaller male.

"The only one I like is you" Kageyama blushed at his own statement "no one can replace you, ever" [m/n] started up at him, face red as a tomato, he gave a big goofy smile and wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck and pulled him down to a kiss, after a few seconds Kageyama lick [m/n] lips, he opened his mouth without hesistation and Kageyama began to roam around the untouched area, they both moaned into each others mouths until they finally had to separate for air, leaving a string of saliva to connect them. 

"the only I like is you" [m/n] smiled

==========Extended Ending==========

"So... Tobio-chan, we're like dating right now...right?" [m/n] asked the boy laying next to him

"Yeah.. I guess so"

"Haha, I can finally call you my boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I'll go easier on you during a match" [m/n] said

"Neither will I" he smirked

"Are you gonna tell your team about us?"

"Hell no, they'll tease me so hard, you?"

"Not sure, but the first people I'll tell is my mom, Nii-san, and Iwa-chan"

"You'll tell Oikawa-san"

"Yeah, you don't want me too?" [m/n] looked up to him

"Well, he might kill me" Kageyama's sweat dropped

"Don't worry, he'll be fine as long as I don't go easy on you during a game, which I'm not planning on doing anyways, I will go to the nationals next year for him and Iwa-chan" [m/n] reassured kageyama

"Ok, but for now let's keep it a secret"

"Sure" [m/n] kissed Kageyama on the cheek making him blush hella red

Finally, done with this chapter! Hallelujah! also next chapter will most likely be the last chapter of this book, but I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, didn't think I would do this good on my first story.

P.S. I am planning on writing a 'Boku no Hero Academia x male! reader' story next, I've been brainstorming a lot of ideas for it and I can't decide which to pick, so after I upload this, the next thing will be a voting thing for a story plot, so if you watch this awesome show, it'll be very well appreciated if you guys could help me figure decided which one to go for. 

Thanks for reader and hope you enjoyed, sorry I take so long to update, in all honesty I only have 2-3 hours of free time in school (boarding school) I get shit load of homework and we turn in our electronics at night, so please be patient with me, thanks for understanding.

the voting thing will be upload soon

ja ne!

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