{13} Final set! (part 2) the deuce

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[m/n]'s POV

First team with a two point lead... will win

"Don't panic! Make sure you call out!" Iwa-chan tells us as we take a break


The ref blew the whistle and it's time for us to get back to the game, this won't be easy, honestly it could go either way, at this point I'm not even sure anymore. 

Tanaka-san served the ball and Mattsun-senpai receives it but it's a little off, so when Iwa-chan spiked they got 'one touch' Hinata-chan went for another broad cross but we used the same strategy of no one marking him, so Watari-kun got a clear view of the ball and was able to save it. Hinata-chan does another broad cross and Watari-kun stops it again, He does another one but he hesitates a little before jumping.

"There's no point in leaving you open if i know you're gonna jump!" Iwa-chan yells as runs to block him. he's jumps are running out of power.... so the timing will be a bit off somehow he still manages to touch the ball, but just barley, making it an unintentional feint, the ball goes over Iwa-chan's head and I see the ball begin to fall so I ran after it, I dove for the ball along with Watari-kun, unfortunately neither of us get it, and now Karasuno is at match point Kuso! if we point get a point we'll lose I cursed as I stood up.

"Let's calm down. We'll get it back!" Nii-san reassures

"Right!" Luckily we were quickly able to get the point back, with Iwa-chan spiking the ball.

25-25 were tied once again. Once again it's Nii-san's turn to serve.

"Nii-san nice serve!" He takes a deep breathe and serves the ball, it heads directly to the Libero but he moves he's head out of the way... the ball was out, it's out? shit! I guess even Nii-san would be nervous in a situation like this, i mean... we all are. should I say something...

"Don't mind!" it that really the best you can do, I mentally face palm myself

Luckily for us Karasuno wasn't in the lead for too long, because Iwa-chan quickly scored for us

"And that nullified it. We each have a point now" Iwa-chan said

"Iwaizumi-san/Iwa-chan, you're so cool!" Watari-kun, Kindai-chan and I fan boyed, while Makki-senpai stood there like a proud father

"I feel like I've lost to Iwa-chan" Nii-san whined

"When the hell did you ever beat me?!" Iwa-chan growls

"Overall, I'm always a winner" this earned him a smack on the head from Iwa-chan. After we huddled together

"all right. Let's get one" Iwa-chan says


Things went on for a while, as points are being scored left and right, neither of the teams are taking it easy, it's easy to see that both teams are trying their hardest and trying not to crumble in this intense pressure. Sweat dripping from everyone's face, breathing heavily but none of the teams slow down, in the end who ever wins this deuce will deserve it, even if it's not us.

31-31 it's been a full rotation already, which means that it's Nii-san's serve again. Last time the ball went out, I wonder how he's holding up this time around. I turn around to see Iwa-chan saying something to Nii-san, for some reason I calmed down a bit, he certainly isn't saying some inspirational shit, but I can tell that Nii-san will do good, at least it won't go out.

Nii-san serves the ball, Daichi-san receives it but it comes right back to our side.

"Chance ball!"

I jump to spike the ball, but I only spiked the air because Nii-san tossed to Kunimi-chan, he spikes the ball and it hits Tobio-chan's hands and came back to our side once again

"Chance ball!"

Nii-san tossed the ball to Kunimi-chan again and this time he does a feint, Tobio-chan dives for the ball but it was too late, the ball already touched the floor. 32-31, we're in the lead again, one more point, honestly though this is like the 7th time I've thought of this, I don't know how much more of this I can take, everything in back and forth... like the relationships in my school....

we all gather around Kunimi-chan, patting his back and shit, with him laughing 

"Eh~!" I fake gasped "Kunimi-chan you have teeth!"

"What are you talking about? of course I have teeth"

"It just I've never seen you laugh during a match or in general!" I smiled, he put his hand over my face and gently pushed me away, causing everyone else to laugh. We were on the same team for three years in junior high, and this is the first time he's ever laughed normally during a match, Nii-san.... who are you? just exactly how am I supposed to be like you

..... (still Oikawa's turn to serve)

"Nii-san nice serve!"

"Nice serve!"

"One point!"

Nii-san served again but this time he did a feint serve, so the ball went forward, Daichi-san still managed to get it up, but it's off so they won't be able to use a quick, their ace spiked the ball but Kunimi-chan Kindai-chan and I were able to 'one touch' it so Watari-kun was able to save it, Nii-san tossed to Iwa-chan, he spiked the ball past the blockers but Tanak-san was still able to get it but it was coming closer to our side


he jumped up and spiked the ball but their libero was able to save and Tobio-chan ran after the ball he's gonna do another quick.

"Kunimi! [m/n]!" Iwa-chan called


Tobio-chan tosses the ball to Hinata-chan and he spikes it with everything he has, but alas, Kunimi-chan, Iwa-chan, and I were there to blocked it, as we land we watch as the ball hits the ground, it was as if everything was in slow motion, the ace, libero, and Tobio-chan all dove for the ball but neither one of them got it.


we won

Yo! Yo! Yo! I know this chapter was short don't kill me, but I will get to writing the next chapter after I post this, so be patient with me, it's like 12:06 a.m. right now, but whatever man, I can sleep in the morning, ain't got no life so nothing to do anyways....hehe

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading! Arigatogozaimasu~ 

P.S. I'm not sure if I'll post soon after this, cause my mom might wake up and force me to go to sleep.... the struggle.

Ja ne!

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