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=====10:43 p.m.=====

[m/n]- Hey

Kageyama- Hey

[m/n]- I wanted to ask you something when I saw you today but I wasn't sure if it was ok

Kageyama- it's fine you can ask

[m/n]- why did you have a bandage on your face?

[m/n]- you don't have to answer if you don't too!

Kageyama- oh... I got in a fight with Hinata

[m/n]- Seriously!?

Kageyama- yeah...

[m/n]- I'm guessing it's about the attack he wants to do

Kageyama- Yeah

[m/n]- Are you ok?

Kageyama- yeah

[m/n]-   (-_-)

Kageyama- what?

[m/n]- is 'yeah' all you can say, I'm I that boring to talk to? :(

Kageyama- NO! 

Kageyama- Of course not! it's actually nice to talk to you again...

[m/n]-  (>////<) 

[m/n]- you miss me! 

Kageyama- D-DUMBASS! I DON'T!

[m/n]- LIAR!

Kageyama- tch...

[m/n]- let's meet up during our break

[m/n]- I know we're both busy with school and practice

Kageyama- I can't...

[m/n]- why~??

Kageyama- we have training camp for 3 weeks

Kageyama- Don't you guys have it?

[m/n]- we do.... but I thought we could meet up at least once, I wanna talk to you again and play volleyball together like we did in junior high, I want you to toss to me again

[m/n]- ... I miss you

Kageyama- .....


Kageyama- No! No! it's fine, that made me feel... good, I-I also want to.... toss to you...again

[m/n]- (>////////<) my heart can't take much more of this!

Kageyama- Oi! are you ok?

[m/n]- I'm more that fine, I feel great 

[m/n]- Ne Tobio-chan, do you remember the first time we meet?

Kageyama- yeah... at the vending machine, you let me have the last milk drink 

[m/n]- haha yeah, and... you told me my hands were warm... remember that?

Kageyama- oh... yeah

[m/n]- I was so embarrassed, at the time I was so shy and bad at socializing

Kagayama- you clung to me like a barnacle on the side of ships

[m/n]- ....

[m/n]- you don't have to say it like that though

Kageyama- I didn't mind though, if anything I liked how you clung to me so much.

[m/n]- (x///////x)

Oikawa's little brother { haikyuu x male reader }Where stories live. Discover now