Born Lucky

By Shayde1

692 22 16

Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 17 part 2

8 0 0
By Shayde1

"I think we could let you go for a couple days," Mark stated after Dylan told him about his conversation with her Aunt.

"So, you think you guys could handle it?" Dylan asked amusedly.

Laughing, Mark shook his head, "In case you haven't noticed boss, your not around a lot now." He stated, "And besides that, So far Cassidy's come up clean...Ray is double checking but it looks like she may be our girl."

Nodding, Dylan sighed, "That's good." She said having mixed feelings about bringing someone in that Devon clearly did not trust.

"I say, go be with your brother, your Aunt is clean and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to visit with your own family." Mark told her honestly.

"Okay, well get Cassidy in here as soon as you can to start showing her the ropes, I'll leave it up to you and Lisa on what duties and nights you want her to have, just keep me informed." Dylan finally said feeling a little useless in her own restaurant.

It was a good that Dylan didn't have to be there all the time; she trusted Mark and Lisa with her sole income and knew that they would treat the restaurant as if it were their own. It was a blessing to have them and she knew it, and now by bringing in another manager, they would actually have some time for their own personal lives.

"Will do boss, and hey, I heard about your friend Dan, is everything okay?" Mark added curiously.

Surprised because Dylan didn't think Lisa would have said anything, she asked, "How did you hear?"

"Josh," Mark began, "He said, Dan was pretty loaded and was making googly eyes at Devon last night." He added laughing a little.

"Yeah, he was but I put him in a cab and sent him home."

"Are you guys cool?"

"He owes Devon and me an apology, but yeah, we're cool." Dylan admitted.

"Good to know," Mark stated with a nod, "So are you going to be here tonight or are you taking off?"

"Since I made rounds last night, I'll probably take off tonight."

"Okay, I'll call you if anything comes up."

"Thanks Mark..." Dylan said and then added, "For everything you do around here."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He joked as Dylan headed out.

Dylan decided to waste some time by checking out the nightclub to make sure everything was clean and in order before heading downstairs to the restaurant to tinker around for a while. After doing a walk-through of the kitchen and dining area, she decided to go into the bar and chat with Josh for few minutes when she noticed Cassidy walking through the dining room.

Hey there, Cassidy." Dylan said with a wave.

Stopping to look in her direction, Cassidy's face immediately lit up when she spotted Dylan, "Hey there yourself." She replied, her lithe figure cutting through the tables to get to her. "I'm glad I you're here, I wanted to thank you for this opportunity, it means a lot to me Dylan."

"Well, you are qualified for this position so you're very welcome." Dylan stated making sure she understood that she got the job on merit and not looks.

"You won't regret hiring me..." Cassidy stated honestly, and then with a playful wink added, "In fact, I'll be so good, you may never want to let me go."

Clearing her throat uncomfortably, Dylan forced a smile, "Well only time will tell." She replied in a businesslike tone, "So are you looking for Mark or for Lisa?" She asked changing the subject.

"Lisa, she said to meet her in the bar at 3:30." Cassidy returned glancing at the small gold watch on her wrist.

Nodding, Dylan glanced toward the bar area to see if Lisa was already in there, but if she was, Dylan couldn't see her, so instead of going with her to talk to Josh as she had planned she just said, "Well, if she's not in there she will be soon."

Nodding, Cassidy smiled once again and her blue eyes seemed as if they were looking for some sort of sign but instead she just said, "Well, hopefully I will see you later this evening."

"Not tonight I'm afraid," Dylan stated, "I'll be leaving shortly for Devon's, so good luck," adding Devon's name for good measure to remind her that she did, in fact, have a girlfriend.

"Okay, well thanks again Dylan." She replied sincerely and with a nod, Dylan headed back up to her apartment before heading out.

Once upstairs in her apartment, Dylan poured herself a shot of bourbon and wondered if perhaps Devon had been right. Cassidy did seem to watch her with more than just a passing interest or even that of more than a boss now.

Shaking her head, Dylan pulled out her cell phone with the intention of calling Devon's number, suddenly needing to hear her voice, but was surprised when it rang in her hand and saw Dan's number on the caller ID.

"Hello." She answered with a sigh.

"Dylan, man I am so sorry..." Dan started, "I have no excuse except that I'm an ass when I'm drunk."

"Yeah, that's true." Dylan agreed.

"Dude, can you ever forgive me?" He asked hopefully.

"You were all over Devon." Dylan told him shaking her head as she took a drink of her bourbon, "It's a good thing I came up when I did."

"I'm sorry Dylan, I really I am, I feel like shit...I barely remember but I know I was out of line." He said sounding truly remorseful.

"Yeah, you were toast." Dylan laughed a little, "Just remind me to never leave you alone with my girl in the future." She added, then after talking to him for a little while longer, she hung up and then called Devon.

"Well, hello good-looking," Devon purred into the phone, "I was just thinking of you."

Feeling warmth spread through her body at just the sound of her silky smooth voice, she said, "Great minds think alike."

"Mm, I miss you." She purred sexily again, sending a not entirely unwelcome excitement in the restaurant owner's lower extremities.

"Hmm, I wonder just how much?" Dylan asked teasingly deciding to play along

"Considering my body is still having little aftershocks of this morning, I'd say quite a lot."

"That sounds like you need my tongue to calm it down a bit?" She smirked knowing exactly what she was doing to the green eyed beauty on the other end.

With an audible moan, "I might pass out during but I'd be willing to give it a try." She responded huskily..

"That sounds very inviting." Dylan told her truthfully.

"That is an invitation that's always open to you my love."

Shaking the dirty thoughts from her mind, Dylan smiled, "So did you talk with Chuck?"

Taking a deep breath to try and get her bearings again, Devon said, "I did, and I got my job back starting at a higher pay than I left with."

"You're kidding, even after telling him to fuck off."

"I think he realized how much he needed me finally." Devon replied happily.

"That's great babe, I'm happy if you are...I've got some pretty good news myself." Dylan told her.


"Yup, remember how you wanted to get away for the weekend?" Dylan started, "Well, how about flying to Boston with me Wednesday and meeting my brother at the airport Thursday with me and my aunt?"

"Wednesday as in this coming week?" She asked sounding hesitant.

"Yeah, I thought we could make it a mini vacation, meet the family Thursday and have Friday and Saturday for us." She suggested but immediately noticed the quietness on the other end, "Why, what's wrong...when do you start work?"

"Tomorrow." Devon said softly.

"Tomorrow...?" Dylan said unbelievingly, "Why so soon?"

"Mainly because Charles is so far behind schedule right now it's laughable and because, I thought it would be best for me to get back to work as soon as possible so I could stay out of your way and let you run the restaurant without me fretting over...everything." She told her truthfully.

"What about our getaway, the one you wanted to go on so badly?" Dylan asked surprised at this turn of events.

"I was going to give you some time on that." Devon replied softly.

"I don't need time, I thought we had it all worked out." Dylan stated feeling more than disappointed.

"Maybe, I can talk him into letting me start next Monday instead." Devon said hearing the disappointment in her voice.

"No, never mind, we'll just do it later when we have it all planned out better." She said.

"I'm sorry darling, I had no idea you'd want to go to Boston." Devon replied, her mind racing, trying to figure out how to make things better.

"How could you, my aunt only suggested it today." Dylan stated trying to sound calm while inside she was still feeling something...something close to rejection, but that was ridiculous, right?

"We'll figure something out darling," Devon told her softly, and then trying to lighten the mood, she added, "When are you coming home?"

"Uh, pretty soon," Dylan said trying to mask her feelings, "I guess a celebration is in order then, I mean with you getting your job back and all."

"No, I want to just have a nice quiet evening relaxing with you, just cuddling in your arms and watching some TV." She told Dylan.

"Okay, well whatever you want, I'll be there in a little bit." She stated.

"I'll be waiting." Devon told her softly.

Devon could feel the change in Dylan even over the phone, but she wasn't sure if it was because she was going back to work or if it was because she wouldn't be able to go to Boston with her. She wanted to, but she had just gotten her job back, how could she ask for time off already? And she was thrilled to be going back to work, she hadn't even realized just how much she had missed working until she sat down and started talking to Charles. Feeling torn because she knew this was a momentous occasion, Devon wondered how she was going to make this work. The fact that Dylan had even invited her was promising; she was willing to introduce her to her family...the only family that she had any ties to in the states. Somehow, she knew deep in her heart that this might very well be one of the most important decisions she'd ever make with Dylan.

Dylan found herself downstairs in the bar talking with Josh after all, he was a very philosophical kind of guy and they had enjoyed many a conversation, and today was no exception. She had gone downstairs feeling shot through the heart by Devon's rejection to go with her to Boston but, after a couple drinks and nice go round with Josh, he actually had her smiling again.

"Look at it this way boss," He started, "You'll have more time to catch up with your family without having to entertain someone."

Throwing back the Cuervo Josh had set in front of her Dylan grimaced and slid the glass back to him, "I know you're right, but..." She stated with a shrug.

"Well, if you just can't go alone, I'm ready for a little trip." Josh said smiling as he poured another shot.

"Who's going where?" Lisa asked stepping up behind Dylan with a smile.

Turning around with a smile, Dylan noticed Cassidy just behind her and felt a questionable uneasiness fill her.

"The boss is going to Boston to see her little bro." Josh stated and as Dylan turned back around to face him with a glare, he shrugged, "Sorry, guess I should let you tell her, huh?"

Lisa put her hand on Dylan's shoulder and slid onto the stool next to her, "Wow, really? Is he coming to stay in America as well?" She asked interestedly.

"That's the plan." Dylan admitted, "He wants to go to college there."

"That's wonderful Dylan, besides that you haven't had any real time off since we opened." She stated with another genuine smile.

"Does he know what college he would like to attend?" Cassidy asked as if trying to get into the conversation.

"Honestly, I have no idea; I haven't even talked to him yet." Dylan stated.

"Well, Boston is beautiful this time of year I'm sure you and Devon will have a wonderful time." Lisa said.

"Yeah, Devon's going back to work tomorrow so I'll be flying solo for this one." Dylan informed her hesitantly but only because Cassidy was standing there.

"Oh, that kinda sucks..." Lisa said hesitantly but then added "good for her to be going back to work again."

Nodding, Dylan finished her shot and then stood up, "Well, I'm off for the night..." Dylan informed them, and then as an after shot, looked at Cassidy, "How's the pupil coming along?"

Lisa laughed and said, "She's going to have all our jobs if we're not careful."

"Your job is safe I assure you, no matter how good she is." Dylan replied looking at Lisa with a smile.

"I'm after no one's job," Cassidy said, "I just want to be an asset to the restaurant." She then added with a smile of her own.

"And I'm sure you will." Dylan returned with a half-smile, "Call me, if you need anything." She told Lisa; then with a wave, she headed out.

Heading back upstairs to brush her teeth and make sure she still looked presentable, she grabbed a change of clothes and then headed to Devon's. It was close to six when she got there, and using her key to go in she found the living room and kitchen both empty and suddenly wondered if Devon was even home. She didn't have a garage door opener so she couldn't tell if her Lexus was parked in there or not.

"Anyone home?" Dylan called.

"In the office baby." Devon called back down from upstairs.

Was she working already? It wasn't even tomorrow yet, Dylan thought glumly as she headed up the stairs. Couldn't they even have one last night before she started her work routine?

Stepping into the office, Devon was sitting in front of her computer looking as beautiful as ever, typing in something with astonishing quickness.

"I'm glad your home darling, I've been missing you." She said with a smile as she looked up with love in her eyes.

Feeling a warmth flow through her when Devon had said 'home' made her feel incredibly peaceful so she was surprised by her own tone when she said, "I thought you didn't start work until tomorrow?"

Frowning a little, Devon reached out for her hand, "I'm not working darling..." She told her softly, "I'm looking for a flight to Boston for Friday afternoon, I thought at least we could spend some time together and give me a chance to meet your family."

Taking in a deep breath, Dylan took her hand and stepped up behind her to look at the screen...and sure enough it was showing, flights to Boston.

"I've been trying to figure out a way I could be with you and your family without taking off too many days right off the bat," She began, reaching up to wrap her arm around Dylan's neck to pull her down to her lips, "I want so much to share this with you."

Feeling like a jack ass, Dylan kissed her softly and whispered against her lips, "Thank you."

Closing her eyes, as Devon's fingers tangled in the short hair around her neck, she sighed audibly and stroked her mouth with her tongue, wondering if she would ever be able to stay mad at this unbelievable woman.

"I love you, and I know how important this is to you." She finally said a little breathlessly after their lips parted.

"You are the most incredible woman I have ever known." Dylan told her softly, her lips still hovering above Devon's as she looked into her deep green pools.

"Now you're just telling the truth." Devon breathed out teasingly as she pulled Dylan's head back down to her still parted lips and this time slid her tongue inside Dylan's to share a very passionate kiss before dinner.

They both ended up in the kitchen later after deciding on making a breakfast for dinner meal, which was delicious, and afterwards as they sat on her sofa in the living room with the TV on but the volume turned down, they talked about the upcoming trip and Dylan's brother. It had been five years since she'd seen her brother and three for her Aunt and cousins in Boston. Aunt Katie and her cousins all knew she was gay but Dylan wasn't sure if her brother did. Being gay wasn't exactly an open subject in Dylan's immediate family and she knew her father would have shunned her, so she never bothered telling anyone in Ireland, mainly because she never saw or talked to them anyway.

Having Devon come on Friday would actually give Dylan time to prepare Conner for the surprise if he didn't know already so maybe this was going to work out for the best anyway.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about our living arrangement lately." Devon said out of the blue as she stroked Dylan's forearm with a French tipped finger.

"You have, have you?" Dylan smiled raising an eyebrow.

"Yes..." She responded turning to look at her, "and I think you should move in here with me."

Surprised, Dylan studied her for a moment, "Even though it's only been, what, three weeks that we've been seeing each other?"

"Three weeks, three days, does it really matter...?" Devon asked reaching up to cup the side of Dylan's face tenderly, "I love you and I'm pretty sure you feel the same." She added with a soft smile.

"You know I do," Dylan returned evenly, "I just don't want to rush into this, and living together is a big deal."

"Yes, it is and I 'm not trying to take anything away from you by suggesting this," She started seriously, "I just want to wake up in your arms every morning in our bed."

Laughing a little, Dylan said, "That's a pretty flimsy reason for wanting someone to move in."

With a shocked look on her face Devon sat back and stared at Dylan unbelievingly, "Are you kidding me? That's a wonderful reason..."

Holding up a hand Dylan added, "Wait a minute, I didn't say it was a bad one, I just meant if that's the only reason."

Devon stood up taking Dylan's hand as she did so, "It's not the only reason..." She started as she licked her lips, "but it sure makes it easier to do this." She finished raising an eyebrow seductively as she pulled Dylan up to follow her upstairs.

"Hmm, you make a good point." She admitted, watching Devon's perfect rear end as she ascended the stairs in front of her.

Once in the bedroom, Devon began unbuttoning Dylan's shirt but abruptly stopped when she started to push it off her shoulders, "My God, did I do this?" She asked looking at the scratch marks she'd left this morning.

Smiling, Dylan turned her head to try and see them, "I like 'em."

"Do they hurt?" She asked worriedly, "Maybe, I should put some peroxide on them."

Laughing, Dylan grabbed her hands and pulled her close, "It's nothing baby, I'm fine."

"It looks like it hurts," She said softly, then leaned forward to kiss one shoulder, "I can't believe I did that."

"I can," Dylan smiled, "That was a hell of an orgasm."

Brushing her lips against Dylan's she murmured, "Can we do it again?"

Picking her up, Dylan layed Devon on the bed and smiled, "I'm certainly willing to give it a try." She replied with a smirk.


Hey peeps! If you really want to check out a good book, check out my good friend's, "Life. Love. And other misunderstandings" [Camren fanfic] by @waitingfor420, not that I don't appreciate you reading mine, but this Camren fic is where is at!!!

Now, hey if you do like me stuff, hit me up with a vote and feel free to give me your opinion's. I'm a big girl, I can take it although I would prefer for it to be in the form of constructive criticism!

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