Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

18.7K 234 68

as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Lemon
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
From Red to Monster
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
Fire Magic
A New Magic
Saving the Others?
A Night Like No Other
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update
Before Everything

Frisk's Magic Problem

275 5 1
By RyanLaMotte

Author: Sorry for the short chapter, i'm mostly thinking about the next chapter I thought about today it's going to be the last chapter, it's going to maybe take about 4 or 5 days to write

As Frisk and Chara woke up, they look at the time it was 7am, they get out of bed and go outside after eating breakfast. Chara then told Frisk "ok are you ready? Because i'm not going to hold anything back ." Frisk nods and gets into her fighting position, Chara then ran her and swung her knife, she teleports behind her and summons a beam of light and swung at Chara, it hits her and she sees her health drop from 20 to 15. She then looks over to Frisk, after Frisk calls her name, and she sees Frisk clutching her chest and out of breath. She removes her hands and she sees black magic like V.P. magic start to slowly come out of her chest. Frisk looks at her hp but it's not dropping, she then feels a sharp resonating pain coming from her chest, she starts screaming and Chara ran over to her, she tried to reach out and grab her, but she teleports away and then comes back, her eyes are bitch black with red puples and her voice becomes distorted as she said "not so fast, you can't and won't try to take me from this body again." Frisk regains control for a second and quickly said "please Chara fight me it's the only way, he, he took my soul." The demon regained control and ran at Chara, before she struck Chara she got flung back by Sans, and Sans said "Jeeze I gotta stop appearing at the wrong time when something bad has happened." He then holds Frisk down, as he does this he checks her soul and saw that Frisk's soul was almost combined with the demon's soul. Sans said no and took the two souls and split them apart before they could fuse, he gave them to Chara to choose which one was Frisk's soul, Chara said it was the left one, Sans nodded and took the one on the right while Chara put the soul back into Frisk's body. Sans took the soul and trapped it so he could experiment with it back at the lab. He then tells Chara "watch out with the new magic that Frisk found out about because you find souls like this one that almost fused with hers," Chara nods and picks Frisk up and heads inside and upstairs to their room so they could sleep.

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