A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

200K 6.8K 2.8K

In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Shouldn't Exist
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Never Make Fun Of A Halfa
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
We Will Fight
Halloween Special!


6.5K 202 94
By valblue1314

Phantom was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Aqualad speak. He told them that he and Robin would get close to the warehouse to see where the guards were and if there were any security systems. If there were then Robin would hack into the systems and tell everyone that they could move in.

Once they did they'd take out anyone that were guarding the warehouse and the weapons. They'd figure out who had set up the weapons exchange and hopefully capture them. Aqualad then turned to Megan, "Set up a link."

Phantom wasn't sure what he meant by that and after a moment they all looked at him. "What?" He was already done with all of the staring, he had one fuck to give and it was currently gone.

Megan seemed confused, "Aren't you part of the mind link?"

"I'm going to go ahead and say no since I have no fucking clue what you're talking about."

The teens looked at each other and Kid Flash spoke, "Megan can set up a telepathic link so we don't have to use our coms to talk. I don't know why it didn't work you you though, that's really weird."

"Not really, ghosts minds are a bit different from a living person's."

Megan looked straight at him, "You also have a lot of strong mental barriers."

Phantom hummed, "I'm not surprised." After Control Freak tried to control him and the GIW tried to break him he wasn't surprised that those were there. He didn't want anyone getting inside his head so he didn't have any intention of taking his mental barriers down.

Aqualad gave Phantom a questioning look, "How will we communicate with you if you can't use the mind link?"

Phantom shrugged, "That is a question I don't have the answer to."

After a minute or two of thought Aqualad shook his head, "We'll have to worry about it after the mission." They all nodded, aside from Phantom, and the halfa as well as Robin got ready to drop down from the ship. Robin used a line to slowly drop from the ship and Phantom waited until he was sure that Robin had reached the ground safely before he jumped down.

Everyone was surprised and Robin felt his heart stop but as Phantom dropped down his eyes widened. He knew it was corny but he looked like an angel dropping down from the sky, it was beautiful. Phantom silently landed on the ground without a scratch on him and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The only one that didn't was Robin since the sixteen year old was staring at Phantom in wonder. He had to shake his head so he could focus on the mission, he couldn't get distracted. The two got closer to the warehouse and Robin started checking for any security systems.

Robin looked at Phantom who was still a distance away from him which wasn't surprising. Now that he knew why Phantom had been staying away from them he tried to respect his personal bubble as much as possible. Phantom seemed to be scanning everything with a calculating look, he was pretty focused.

Robin continued looking for any security systems and only found some sensors surrounding the warehouse. He shut them off with ease and used the mind link to talk to the team, 'Systems are down.' Phantom was looking for anyone that was patrolling the grounds of the warehouse, he didn't want them to be spotted.

When he saw Robin hack into something he figured that he had hacked into their security systems. Once Robin gave him a thumbs up Phantom nodded and they waited for the rest of the team. They got there within minutes and Aqualad looked at the two, "Have either of you seen anyone.

Phantom looked at him, "I've seen three different people so far but I'm sure that there are more."

Aqualad nodded, "Alright, we'll take down the people outside and sneak into the warehouse. We'll figure out who's involved and stop them, Phantom can you mask your glow?"

Phantom nodded and his glow slowly dimmed before it was completely gone, Phantom's eyes also stopped glowing. They made their way to the outside of the warehouse where large crates sat, there were probably more inside. Phantom took down two people after going invisible and taking them out from behind.

Phantom met up with the team outside of the warehouse and they went inside as silently as they could. When someone spotted them and shouted that there were intruders Phantom sighed. Phantom punched him in the face because he was being so loud and it knocked him out.

More people appeared from behind the crates and they all had guns with pissed looks on their faces. Aqualad told them to fight and Phantom smirked, he hadn't had a good fight in a long time. Phantom got behind a few crates before going invisible and flying behind the large group of men.

Phantom took one guys gun by making turning it intangible and grabbing it from the guys hands. The guy yelled before Phantom was able to knock him out and Phantom had dropped his invisibility. People started shooting at him but Phantom dodged the bullets and kicked a guy in the face before punching someone in the stomach.

At least Phantom had gotten most of the guys attention so the team didn't have so many to deal with. Phantom saw someone hurling at him and Phantom caught them before setting them on their feet. It was Superboy, the black haired teen didn't have time to say anything to Phantom before he was already fighting again.

Phantom saw Aqualad handling three men, Artemis was on top of some crates and was shooting at the guys. Megan was using her powers to levitate objects and throw them at the guys, Superboy was fighting them up close and so was Robin. From the corner of his eye Phantom saw a guy with an missile launcher and it was aimed at the team.

The team had been forced into the same area and the men were distracting them. Phantom tsked and ran at them before the guy launched the small missile and he knew he wouldn't make it. Phantom flew at top speed towards them and once he was in front of the group he created a shield.

A green shield in the shape of a dome formed around them and the missile hit before they knew what was going on. Phantom was forced back a little from the impact but he quickly recovered and held steady. Once he was sure that the danger had passed he dropped the shield and flew toward the guy that had the missile launcher.

Phantom turned the launcher intangible and took it from the guy before punching him and knocking him out. Phantom used his strength to break the launcher before he was shot at again and he went intangible. The bullets went through him and he flew at the guys and quickly knocked them out.

Then he heard a helicopter and he growled before picking up one of the guys that hadn't been knocked out. "Who arranged the weapons exchange." The guy didn't seem to want to talk but Phantom stopped suppressing his glow and he glared at the man.

He looked scared, "Two guys named Luther and Vlad, that's all I know I swear!" Phantom knocked the guy out and he growled before his ghost sense went off, his eyes widened. The others were fighting off the last of the guys and Phantom shot an ecto-blast at the last person that had a gun.

The gun was knocked out of his hands and Kid Flash knocked him out before Phantom ran out of the warehouse. The helicopter had already landed and Vlad had stepped out of the helicopter in his ghost form. The team had run after Phantom wondering what was wrong when they spotted Vlad and saw the look on Phantom's face.

The blue skinned, vampire like man's cape was billowing in the wind created by the helicopter. The man looked at the team and he looked disinterested before his gaze landed on Phantom. "Well, well little badger, it seems you've escaped and allied yourself with some humans."

Phantom growled, it sounded even scarier then all of the other times that the team had heard it. "Shut up you damn fruitloop, what the hell are you planning?"

Vlad smirked, "You won't be around long enough to find out." Vlad shot a pink ecto-blast at Phantom who dodged and created a shield around the team so they wouldn't get hurt. Phantom flew at Vlad and the older halfa flew into the air and Phantom quickly changed direction and followed.

Phantom sent an ecto-blast at him and Vlad moved out of the way just before he turned around and flew straight at Phantom. Vlad tried to punch Phantom but the white haired teen caught his fist and kicked him in the stomach. It wasn't long before a violent fight broke out between the two but it was all close combat.

The two flew in the air but that was the only power they used against the other since they knew that neither of them had an advantage when it came to their ghostly abilities. Vlad still didn't know about all of the powers that Phantom had because Phantom had made sure they were kept a secret so his enemies couldn't neutralize them.

Phantom delivered a swift punch to Vlad's face which earned him a glare and a kick that would have hit his head if he hadn't blocked it. Phantom got behind Vlad and kicked him in the back and Vlad took a second to recover before he growled. He managed to grab Phantom and throw him through the roof of the warehouse and he broke through several crates and made a small crater in the warehouse floor.

Vlad quickly flew down and placed a foot on Phantom's chest before he could pull himself together. He had trouble breathing because of the weight on his chest and Vlad had an evil smile on his face. Vlad stepped in Phantom's injured leg without even knowing that it was fractured and there was a loud snap.

The force had broken Phantom's leg again and Phantom gritted his teeth so he wouldn't yell in pain. He managed to push Vlad off of him and he punched him in the face before phasing through the ground. He appeared in front of the team that was still being protected in his shield and he dropped it.

"Take out the helicopter while I keep that guy busy, I can't keep fighting forever so make it quick." Right as he finished his sentence Vlad blasted through the wall of the warehouse and flew at Phantom. Phantom was hit with an ecto-blast and he retaliated with one of his own which barely missed.

Vlad flew at him and Phantom flew away before going higher in the sky and Vlad followed. Phantom and Vlad kept fighting while the team broke the helicopter and managed to get all of the men away from the warehouse. They tired them up before placing enough explosives to blow up the weapons and the blast knocked the two halfas out of the sky.

Phantom landed in a tree and Vlad landed about a football fields length away from him somewhere else in the forest. Phantom shook his head and his ears were ringing, he put one hand up to his ear and saw that there was blood. His ears had started bleeding because of how loud the blast had been but he didn't care.

His fast healing was already repairing his ears so he just wiped away the blood and got out of the tree. He landed lightly on his feet and took a step before remembering that his leg was broken. He hissed and he sat down for a minute and he bit the cloth of his coat before setting his leg.

He slowly stood up and walked on his broken leg, he found the team and they all seemed a bit relieved to see him. Aqualad looked at his team, "Let's go back to the mountain."

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