Where We Left Off - The Shield

بواسطة harleyreigns

40.9K 943 99

Corey Gonzalez and Jaylynn Conners both return to WWE after leaving for 7 months due to injuries. But before... المزيد

1. Back At WWE
2. First Match Back
4. Lunch Date
5. Weird But Fun Night
6. Triple, Triple Threat
7. Wasted
8. Seriously
9. Info On Our Friendship
10. Some Time Out
11. I Think You Should Rest
12. The Triple Threat Match
13. Waiting Room
14. Going Home
15. New #1 Contender
16. Wrestle Mania!!
17. She's Back
18. I'm Sorry
19. Raw
20. Chicago
21. Quality Time
22. Thick As Thieves : Part 1
23. Thick As Thieves : Part 2
24. Hotel
25. Funeral

3. At The Hotel

2.8K 60 14
بواسطة harleyreigns

(Corey in the pink/red, Jaylynn in the blue)

"What the hell are you two doing?'' Dean yelled, me and Jay were in the kitchen.

"We're making cookies!" I yelled back at him as I pulled the tray of cookies out.

"God their nosy." Jay said to me.

"Yeah I'm aware." I said as we grabbed our chips and went back into the living room. We all couldn't really sleep so we decided to watch some movies, the boys wanted to watch some scary movie to start off the night, so we all agreed on 'The Conjuring'. Me and Jay sat on the floor while Dean sat on the couch with Paige and Seth and Roman sat in the fancy rocking chair.

"It's starting turn the damn light out." I said and someone turned the lamp off and we all watched the movie.

"OK that dogs not going inside, that is the first sign that your house is haunted." Jaylynn said.

"Yeah I'm well aware, I don't know about them." I told her.

"Can dogs see ghosts?" Seth asked.

"Yes they can, that's why the dog don't wanna go in she sees something. Just about any house animal can see ghosts, I've had plenty of dogs, cats,hamsters that could see ghosts cause I've lived in haunted houses. Plus new born babies, under a year old can see ghost to." I answered.

"You've seriously lived in haunted houses?" Roman asked.

"Yeah we both have." Jaylynn answered.

"What was that like?" He asked.

"I got pushed down the stairs and I broke my right ankle cause I landed on it wrong which I always have problems with it, ever since that happened. It's also the same ankle I broke 7 months ago. And we've also had a lot of Poltergeist's when I was growing up. And since I didn't know any better I would sit there and talk to it and then later on it hurt me numerous times." I answered.

"And I've been almost pushed off a balcony, thank god I held on other wise I would of fallen 3 stories. And I've been thrown threw a sliding glass door." Jaylynn explained.

"Holy shit." Dean said.

"Yeah its not fun." I said.

"OK back to the movie, cause you two are freaking me out." Paige said, we laughed and paid attention to the movie. About 25 minutes rolled by and stuff was getting very interesting. The mother just got locked it the basement and that little boy said 'wanna play hide and clap?' And then he clapped his hands and that match burned out.

"I would be so fucking scared." Paige said.

"Eh it's not that bad, plus this is based on a true story so she lived through it." I said.

"Wait something like that happened to you?" She quickly asked.

"Yeah when I was 16 and I got locked in the attic and the only thing I had for a light was a fucking flashlight and the batteries in it died, I didn't have my phone or anything. My mom was at work, the only thing I could do was jump out the damn window, I think it was 2 stories high which wasn't to much but take a wild guess at what happened." I answered.

"You broke your ankle." Seth said.

"Hair line fracture." I said and we paid attention to the movie again. Now Cindy was sleep walking in Andrea's room into that closet thing. Andrea put her back in her bed and something was knocking on the door of the closet and she opened it and nothing was their.

"Oh shit." Jaylynn mumbled. Cindy slowly sat up in bed and was staring at something. Andrea looked up and that ugly ass women was on top of the closet.

"Ahhh!" Jaylynn screamed which made me scream and she threw her fucking chips at the tv, like wow bitch what was that gonna do?

"I don't know who scared me more, you or that bitch." I said pointing to Jay and then the TV and we busted out laughing.

"You just wasted a perfectly good bag of chips to, I doubt the bitch was hungry." I said started helping her clean it up. Everyone was laughing and a little scared, I think when she screamed it made everyone else scream.

"I'm sorry she scared me." Jaylynn said.

''I don't blame you for being scared." I told her chuckling a little bit.

"God I feel bad for those kids." She said.

"Trust me I do to." I said.


"I can't believe we're wide awake." Dean said after looking at the clock.

"Right, I was so tired earlier and now I'm not, thank god we ain't got anything planned for the day." Jaylynn said. I rolled my eyes and went into me and Romans bedroom. Yeah we all get to share, I'm with roman, Jaylynn with Dean and Paige with Seth.

I grabbed my phone off the night stand and checked my messages. Nothing new or anything, I'm a loner.

"What you up to?" Roman asked walking in.

"Nothing, was just checking my phone." I answered and sat in bed.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Actually yeah. I don't know how they aren't tired." I answered.

"Right, it's only almost 5:00 in the morning." He said.

"Only?" I asked.

"Yeah only." He said and we chuckled.

"Maybe we should call it a night." I suggested.

"You are tired aren't you?" He asked.

"Maybe, but nobody's tried going to bed so." I answered.

"True, mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Just don't get to touchy." I answered and he chuckled as I pulled the sheets down.

"I'm not Dean." He said.

"Dean's really like that, I thought it was just an act." I said.

"Not all the time, trust me he gets around." He told me.

"Do you and Seth do that too?" I asked.

"Nope, Seth usually gotta girlfriend, and I haven't been involved with anyone since my divorce." He answered.

"Divorce." I mumbled.

"Married almost 2 years, we divorced 4 months ago. It's was a quick marriage, I guess we moved to fast instead of taking it slow and realizing that we weren't meant for each other." He explained.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"Life lesson I guess." He said and got in bed and we actually kept talking for a little while.

"So what about you, how's your dating life?" He asked.

"I've only had a couple serious relationships, but I knew a couple months into it they weren't for me. So I've been single for like 3 years and most of that is because of my trust issues that I have against men." I answered.

"Why do you have trust issues?" He asked.

"Well, my parents were together for 15 years before they had me, they meet in high school freshman year and even went to the same college together. The way my mom talked it seemed like they were happy but 2 days before my mom went into labor she seen some text messages and apparently he was cheating on her. He acted like she was the one with the problem and ended up walking out on her." I answered.

"I definitely see the trust issue there." He said.

"Yeah, the only person that my mom really did have was Jaylynn's mom. They helped each other a lot and always stuck together, they've been friends since middle school." I explained.

"Wow, some long friendships that run in your family." He said.

"Really is to, we've known each other since my birth and at one point we had to sleep in a crib together because when we were apart we would cry a lot and it drove our moms crazy so until we were a few years old, they shared a house." I explained.

"Wow you two were really that close?" He asked.

"Yeah, sisters since day one." I answered.

"So you gonna get pregnant at the same time and have two daughter of your own to grow up and be best friends?" He asked.

"Probably, she'd want us to try to get pregnant at the same time." I answered.

"That's a little crazy." He said.

"Just a little." I said and we both laid down.

"It's 5:40, I'm gonna try to go to bed." I said looking at the clock, I turned the lamp off and laid down. I didn't even know that much time passed by.

"Yeah me too, it's quiet seems like everyone else already went to bed." He said laying down right next to me. I rolled on my right side so I'd be facing him.

"Probably did." I said and snuggled into the sheets and after a few seconds Roman pulled me closer to him. I smiled and just snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Before I knew it I was alseep.

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