The Blood of Olympus

By MichaelPeleshaty

88.1K 1.4K 509

In the house of Hades Percy and Annabeth escaped Tartarus. Nico and Jason visit Cupid. Frank becomes a Roman... More

The Blood of Olympus
Percy l
Leo ll
Annabeth lll
Jason IV
Nico V
Hazel VI
Percy Vll
Leo Vlll
Annabeth IX
Jason X
Nico XI
Hazel Xll
Percy Xlll
Authors Note Please Read!
Annabeth XV
New Book!
Percy XIX
Piper XX
Hazel XXI
Frank XXIV
Jason XXV
Annabeth XXVI
Poseidon XXVII

Jason XVI

2K 54 11
By MichaelPeleshaty

Dedicated to Awktwurtle for suggesting "Warriors of The Sun" by chococookie1607 go check it out!


About three hours went by on the ship Jason and Piper sat on the prow watching the ocean glitter around them while Frank was downstairs eating and Percy was in swimming some where. Jason looked over at the beach and saw three being walk down to the ocean they would be there in about five minutes. 

"Frank! Go get Percy!" Jason yelled. Frank ran up the stairs with a sword in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

"Why?" Frank questioned. 

"Leo, Annabeth and Hazel are right there so we need Percy to guide us there." Jason explained. Frank nodded and jumped off the prow turning into a seal in midair and diving into the ocean. About a minute later Percy and Frank burst out on to the ship. 

"Hey guys." Jason and Piper greeted. 

Percy smiled in his greeting. And the ship moved forward, sliding into Troy's beach about a minute later. Three awestruck, proud demigods got on to the ship. But Jason noticed something. "Leo where did you get that sword?" 

"My father showed me where it was. It is the sword of Achilles." Leo exclaimed unsheathing it. Jason could tell it was celestial bronze and mortal bronze instantly, he could feel the two metals fighting each other. It had a simply human bronze handle with leather wrapped grip. 

"That is cool." Percy whistled in appreciation, his hand wrapped tightly around Annabeth's waist. Jason sighed, he knew Piper wanted a relationship like theirs but it was hard. Percy and Annabeth have known each-other for six years. They know everything about each other, and it seemed like Jason and Piper knew so little about each other. 

Anyway Leo motioned Jason away from the crowd of demigods. "You and I are friends right, Jason?" Leo asked nervously.

"Of course, Leo. What is this about?" Jason asked surprised. 

"Is it ok if I ask Percy to train me with the sword?" Leo questioned while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Yea man that is fine. You are Greek best ask the Greek swordsman." Jason smiled. While Leo blew a sigh of relief. 

Jason watched as Leo strut over to Percy and asked if he could train him. He couldn't exactly hear anything but by the excited look in Percy's eyes. Percy looked up and seemed to be looking around for something, he noticed Jason and beckoned him over. 

"Hey what do you guys need?" Jason asked. 

"Well I was thinking." The boys heard Annabeth groan, Percy rolled his eyes playfully and continued. "I can train Leo all day today with the Greek part of sword training since I have more experiance with that and you train him Roman style tomorrow? Because the day after that the war begins and we won't have time to practice after that." 

Leo looked at Jason hopefully. Than Jason grinned. "Of course man." 

Leo looked at the two sons of the Big Three with the look of absolute adoration. "Thanks guys! It really means a lot to me." 

"Anytime Leo, meet me in the stables in ten minutes." Percy told him, Leo nodded looking more excited than a little kid on Christmas. The two boys looked at the retreating back of the son of Hephaestus with humor. 

"You think he will be able to learn this fast?" Jason asked worriedly, he didn't want to get Leo hurt by teaching him the wrong technique. 

"That is why I want you to train him as well. If Greek fails he has Roman as back up and vice versa." Percy explained before heading down to the stables. Jason sighed in disbelief, praying to every god he knew, Greek and Roman that he trains Leo well. 

He walked up the stairs to the deck of the ship to see Piper and Annabeth talking, while Festus drove them to mount Olympus where they would meet the armies of the Greeks and Romans and hopefully the gods. 

"Hey Jason." A startling soft voice said behind him breaking him out of his thoughts. 

"Hey Annabeth what do you need?" Jason asked the seemingly out of breath daughter of Athena. 

"Percy, where is he?" Annabeth huffed. Than Jason noticed her hair was wild like she just woke up and her eyes were brimmed red from crying. 

"Down in the stables training Leo with the sword of Achilles." Jason told her. She nodded in thanks and sprinted to the stables obviously Annabeth had a dream concerning Percy. 

I walked down the stairs slowly. I saw Percy and Annabeth talking softly in the corner and Leo practicing different stabbing techniques. I snuck in behind Leo, and crept in the shadows and hid in the stall closest to the two demigods. 

"But Percy, it might happen." Annabeth said. 

"No it might not. What happened to you?" Percy asked. 

"I lived. I saw myself with two, Jason and Frank till we were all thirty or so." Annabeth explained slowly and Jason could almost imagine her grey eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

"Have you had any dreams?" Annabeth asked. 

"None. I promise you I won't do anything that reckless ok?" Percy said gently. 

"OK guys please stop making out, I need to practice so I don't die." Leo said and Jason almost burst out laughing. He could only imagine the blushing faces of the couple, luckily for them Hedge wasn't there to tie bells around their necks. 

Jason sat there and listened to Percy give instructions on how to parry and the quiet hum of the ships engine and he soon drifted off to sleep, Jason tried to no avail to have a nightmare-less night but Gaea must have been messing with him. 


Jason was standing on a battle field but he wasn't a ghost like he normally was, no he was in somebody else's body watching their life through their eyes. To say Jason wasn't thrilled would be an understatement, The person studied the grounds carefully but only thought of one thing. 


Right away he knew he was in Leo's body and he wanted nothing more to than to get out of it because clearly had Leo's thoughts as well. But a female voice whispered. 

"Do not worry Jason Grace, this is in the future and you will absolutely love what you see." Gaea said with so much venom in her voice Jason shuttered. 

An army of monsters appeared seemingly coming out of the thick mist that once encircled the base of the mountain. It disappeared only to reveal the shocking horror of what the monster army consisted of. The pathway to the top of the mountain was swarming with monsters. two by what seemed a thousand. Jason felt Leo's heart drop knowing that the odds were terrible, what seemed like ten thousand monsters only verse four hundred demigods and gods. They didn't stand a chance. 

At the base of the mountain was about roughly five thousand more monsters along with eleven of the giants, the bane of Ares was missing. The gods and demigods looked on nervously. 

"Now!" Athena yelled. Artemis and Apollo fired and entire volley exceeding bow range to do so cutting down roughly fifty monsters. Zeus threw his master bolt and destroyed two hundred, with a flick of the wrist from Hephaestus several dozen monsters caught on fire, Dionysus sent thousands of vines to hold enemies in their place and made several go insane. This all happened simultaneously and before the monsters even knew what hit them. 

"Charge!" Yelled Porphyrion the bane of Zeus. The only thing Jason realised is that there was only eleven gods and goddesses with banes which were Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Minerva, Bacchus, Diana, Mars, Vulcan, Apollo, Mercury and Trivia. 

The monster army ran at the demigods, when they were in range the sons and daughters of Apollo, some of Athena's children and the hunters of Artemis pulled back arrows and let them fly cutting down several hundred monsters with the help of Artemis and Apollo of course. 

They charged and the voice of Gaea whispered in Leo's mind. "Come join me young demigods." 

As Leo got sucked into the Earth. When he looked up there was a flickering yellow orbs and Jason saw the torches, Leo looked around to see a groaning Percy and Jason. 

They all looked at each other. Jason shuddered as he saw himself through some one else's eyes. They nodded.

"So this is the prophecy part. To storm or fire the world must fall." Jason sighed coming from his own mouth.

"Yea I just want you guys to know you guys are my best friends and if I die I want you guys to carry on and do whatever it is possible to make sure Annabeth does the same." Percy looked at the two of them in the eye and nodded. 

"Good let's go kick Gaea in her godly sized rump." Percy smirked. They followed the only corridor and it led them what Leo and Jason guessed deeper in the mountain where they saw Gaea waiting, wide awake on her throne of dirt with a crazy smirk on her face. Two demigods must have fallen already and the thought saddened Leo and Jason immensely. 

"Time to go back to sleep dirt face." Percy yelled up at her. 

"Not so fast son of Poseidon don't you want to talk to your great great grandmother?" Gaea sadistic grin spread till she was smiling. 

"No, I would rather send you back to Tartarus!" Percy screamed back defiantly.

"Well come on than! Show me what you three boys have show me why you should be called the heroes of Olympus!" Gaea said shrinking down to eight feet tall holding two swords made of dirt. 

"For Olympus!" Percy yelled and charged, Leo and Jason folllowing close in behind. Gaea blocked Percy's sword with one hand and tried gutting him with the other but Jason blocked it. Leo swung the sword of Achilles at her neck but she ducked and kicked Percy away and slapped Jason to follow his cousin. 

Leo tried and upper cut with his sword but Gaea leaned back and kicked him in the chest. Sending him towards his friends. 

"Three on one isn't quite fair let us even the odds shall we?" Gaea smirked as a dirt dagger appeared in her hands and she threw it right at a unsuspecting and dazed Jason Grace. 

"No!" Leo yelled and dove with perfect timing intercepting the knife with his body, taking the knife right in between the ribs. Leo hit the floor with a thud and Jason almost blacked out in Leo's head from the pain. 

"Ah a beautiful sacrfice for a friend Leo Valdez but in vain. For Jason and Perseus will join you soon enough!" Gaea yelled as she charged the two other uninjured demigods. 

~End of nightmare~

Jason woke up with a piercing scream. He heard six pairs of feet running down the stairs before he sighed and wiped the cold sweat of his brow. 

There will be a lot of explaining to do.


I used this website for my information on the giants in this chapter on here. "" So please no comments about how the other gods or goddesses have banes as well because I tried researching them and nothing came up about the other banes or I just didn't try hard enough. 

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