When We Met (Alex Aiono fanfi...

By musiclover700

9K 276 99

A music-obsessed girl meets her hero in London when going on a field trip with her class. Then during senior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visual Guide #1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Best Day Today, Part 1
Chapter 31: Best Day Today, Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 1
Chapter 35: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 2
Chapter 36: Sara's Birthday Party, Part 3
Visual Guide #2: Sara's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: The Salex Reunion
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: More Complicated Feelings, Part 1
Chapter 51: Complicated Feelings, Part 2
Visual Guide #3
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings, Part 3
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Visual Guide #4
Chapter 59: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, Part 1
Chapter 60: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62: New Years
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Alex's Birthday ;)
Chapter 65: Almost At The End
Chapter 66: The End
Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise
Epilogue 2: One Big Change

Chapter 6

377 10 9
By musiclover700


*Sabrina's POV*


I never thought Alex would do that...

Sara: he cornered me into a wall, and looked in me in the eyes & I looked at him in the eyes and we had a moment


Sara: he said sorry so I guess that rlly wasn't a moment

Me: u never know..

Sara: Alex would never like me anyways..

Me: whatd I tell u in the beginning..?

Sara: that he did like me..?

Me: that's right..and u'll see if I'm right soon enough

Sara: it's fine if he doesn't cuz I'm pretty use to it

Me: aw

I have to have a talk with Aiono. He calls himself a "cover expert," but that's true. But he's no love expert.

--Text convo with Alex--

Me: u idiot

Alex: Sara told u?


Alex: well I'm sorry, ok. I didn't mean to trap her in a corner

Me: not for that mister. WHY didn't u tell her then? At least ask her on a date dude

Alex: I guess I was scared...

Me: of what? That she'll reject the famous Alex Aiono?

Alex: yes..?

Me: oh wow.

Alex: what?

Me: I mean u could at least take a chance

Alex: I'm actually planning to tell her after the show

Me: but then it'll be too late

Alex: well there goes salex

Me: if u like her that much then use now while its still here

Alex: I hear u sabs

Me: then if I were u then u would ask her to meet up right now Aiono

Alex: ok mom

Me: good boy

--Text Convo with Sara--

Sara: hello?

Sara: whered u go?

Sara: did u ditch me for tweets w/ Peyton?

Me: nope but I did do something helpful for ur relationship

Sara: thx..?

Me: trust me u'll be thanking me later

Sara: I'll keep that in mind then

Me: kk gtg

Sara: k bye

Now it's all in your hands, Aiono. 

*Alex's POV*

Ok, I'm terrified right now..Sara and I had a moment last night. I think I went a little overboard. And we've been ignoring each other all day. All Spanish I had to call on Hannah or Ava or Hannah's posse members..never again, am I subbing for a Ridgewood class--no offense, Sara. 

*Sara's POV*

Sab said that something would happen..Salex related. Nothing's happening... Maybe a little walk will take my mind off this..Salex drama.

"Mom, I'm going out for awhile!" I shout, grabbing my shoes and..Alex's leather jacket. I'm too lazy to take off the jacket--it feels so comfy.

"Come home soon!" Mom shouts back, as I close the door.


I finally made it to the lake where Connor and I had our moment, and then there was Barry..I think. Who am I kidding..Jon Davis was right..I am a player. Why am I even pinning for Alex..I'll be even more of a player..omg. Why can't I just be a robot?

Omg, this leather jacket is so comfy. I need to ask Alex where he gets these. Probably custom made or something..

"Actually, I got them at Forever 21," I hear Alex from nearby, I think a few inches away.

"Good to know," I giggle.

"You really like the jacket..?" He laughs with his cute smile.

I nod with a smile.

Then a light breeze filled the silence.

"Well..we didn't have our awkward daily conversation at school.." I nervously giggle, breaking the silence.

"Ya..about that, I need to talk to you about that," he scratches the sides of his neck.

"Ooh, what's Mr. YouTube have in store for Sarbear..?" I joke using my nickname.

"Well you see," he comes closer. "I have this thing.."

"Ooh, tell me more," I giggle, stepping back.

"I have this friend, and she's the best--I love her," Alex overexpresses, coming closer one step.

I step back," oh really?"

"Ya, she's very good with nicknames," Alex adds smiling, coming one step closer.

"Omg, if she took Martin, I'm going to hurt her," my voice roughens.

He giggles.

"Oh, I bet she doesn't call you Mr. Spanish or Mr. YouTube," I modestly say.

He giggles some more.

"Or Mr. 5million."

"Actually it's Mr. 10MILLION," Alex corrects.

"Ya, or calls you YouTube casually," I brag in is face. Wow, jealousy does really show easily on me.

"Haha about that--" He trails off, but I interrupt him.

"Does she start a pizza fight with you--"

He cups my face.  "It's you," he looks into my eyes.

"What?" I ask with a light giggle.

"I love you," he kisses me. I kiss him back.

After a few seconds, we break apart. 

"Um, Alex, I don't think we can do this," I shrug as I rub my left arm with my right hand.

"I know there's a 4 years gap," he sighs. He sees me frown, and looks up at me, grabbing my chin. "We're gonna make this work," he declares.

I looked it his eyes with another glassy look.

"I mean, Josh and Maya made it work," he says.

"I guess," I shrug.

"Hey, it's been 5 minutes since you called me Martin or  YouTube," Alex points.

"Alex, now's not the time," I look down at the sleeves of Alex's leather jacket. "And it's MR.Youtube. And don't forget Mr. Spanish, and Al," I remind him with a smile.

"Eh, I still think Sarbear's the best out all of the names," he lets out a sigh, looking into the sky.

"Alex, that's MY name," I laugh with a smile.

"Now there's that smile I know," Alex smiles at my laugh.

I smile back looking into his dark brown eyes. "And love," he adds, looking at me, smiling.

I giggle. 

"I think the answer to this QUESTION, is a little bit obvious. But I'm gonna ask you anyways," he says.

"This better be good, Martin," I tease him like usual.

"Much better," he smiles in satisfaction. "And will you be my girlfriend..?" He asks with a chuckle, while I give me an annoyed look. I wrap my hands around his neck and give him a hug. Then he wraps his hands around me, returning the hug. "You didn't need to ask, Mr. Spanish," I tease him.

"Not Mr. Spanish for much longer," he reminds me.

"I know that you won't be my sub for long," I develop a frown. "But at least I have Mr. Spanish from our library Spanish sessions," I develop a smile, while thinking about our first time in the library.

"Those were the best," Alex trails off.

"But which um, Salex moment," I cringe. "was the one you'll remember forever?" I ask him.

"When we met," he smiles, giving another hug. I hug him back of course. Me too, Martin.

--The Next Day-- 

"Ooh, was there a salex moment?" Ava smirks, through my phone. FaceTime with Ava Hester is always interesting.

I blush. I couldn't sleep all night, thinking about it.

"Aw, Sara loves Alex," Ava chants.

"Shut up," I demand, still blushing.

"You're still blushing," Ava smirks.

"No thanks to Sabrina, she said she'd do something for Salex," I roll my eyes.

--Sabrina joined the call-- (A/N: ik u can only ft with 2 people, but I thought it would be cool to add Sabrina in this ;))

"Was I summoned?" Sabrina says, filling her nails.

"Well, no thanks to you, Salex is confirmed," I fill her in.

"Actually, guess who told Alex to take a walk?" Sabrina smirks.

"Then in that case, thank you," I thank Sabrina. "And I'm sorry."

"..what happened?" Sabrina asks with a smirk.

"They were at a lake, and we had a moment," I referred to Alex and me in third person.

"And they kissed," Ava coos.

"Ava," I hiss.

"Aw, Salex," Sabrina coos.

"Ugh," I sigh.

"Sara loves Alex," Ava and Sabrina chorus.

"WE ALREADY COMFIRMED THAT," I remind them. "But Sabrina."

"Oh no," Sabrina sighs.

"How's Peybrina doing?" I smirk.

"If you mean..retweeting and stuff, it's going good," Sabrina tries to hide her smile.

"Aw, peybrina goals," Ava and I chorus.

"But anyways..we need to celebrate salex," Sabrina says.

"Ya..but first I need to get into the pool. It's been so long," Ava groans.

"That's it! We can all hang out at the pool," Sabrina suggests.

"But I look like a potato in my swimsuit," I complain.

"Shut up, you're like a string bean," Ava argues. (A/N: I actually do look like a potato)

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Sabrina tries to persuade me.

"Fine, as long as you DON'T invite Alex," I inform them.

"K, I'll try to remember," Sabrina says, putting on some lip balm.

"Can I invite Danny and Tessa?" Ava asks.

"Of course," I allow her.

"Yay," Ava claps.

"Well girls, pool at 7?" Sabrina asks, closing her compact.

"Sure," Ava and I answer.

"Wait at the Cherry Grove Community Pool?" I ask them.

"I'm trying to go low key," Sabrina whispers.

"I guess then," Ava answers.

"I've gotta a skype interview with Billboard in a few. Bye, girls," Sabrina blows a kiss to us.

"Bye," Ava and I chorus.

"She's totally hanging out with Peyton now," I burst out a smirk.

"I ship it," Ava squeals.

--At the pool--

"Sabrina, why don't you come in the pool?" I ask her. 

"Eh," Sabrina sighs, putting on her sunglasses.

"Maybe she'll come in, when she sees.." I smirk at Ava.

"Ooh, Peybrina?" Ava asks with a whisper.

I nod with a muffled chuckle.

"PEYTON," Sabrina gets up from her chair, running toward her "best friend." They share a hug.

"SABRINA, IT'S BEEN SO LONG," Peyton holds her by the shoulders and smiles at her.

"I know, I missed you," Sabrina sigh, embracing him in another hug.

"Oh, Sab," Peyton coos, digging his hand into her hair.

"Sabrina's probably gonna get you back for that," Ava reminds.

"We'll see," I smirk. I doubt Ava heard that last line, she's too busy looking at the fact that Danny just took off his shirt showing off his 6 pack. 

"Losers," Hannah greets us.

"Ugh, what're you doing here?" I groan in hate.

"Just chilling at the pool, looking for... some new people," Hannah slyly explains.

"Well stay away from Danny!" Ava informs.

"That hot guy with that 6 pack?" Hannah says, pointing to Danny.

"You asked for it," Ava says, coming over to Hannah. "You deserve it," she pushes Hannah into the pool.

"Ava Hester strikes back," I laugh.

"Mr. Aiono tell that idiot--girl to apologize right now!" Hannah demands asking Alex.  Alex's here?!

"No Salex celebration is complete without the 'Alex' in it," Ava whispers in my ear.

"I hate you," I mouth.

 Alex faces Hannah, revealing his hot 6 pack. "Hannah, Ava just really likes her boyfriend. You should find some new material," Alex supports Ava.

"Thank you, Mr. Aiono," Ava thanks.

"Anything for Ava Hester," Alex assures.

"Hey," I shot him an annoyed face.

"And my Sari," Alex coos, as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Aw, goals," Ava squeals.

"And they say peybrina's goals," Sabrina chimes in.

"Wait do they know..?" Alex asks about Ava and the others.

"Yup, you're not the best with secrets, Aiono," Sabrina informs.

He turns to face Ava. 

"I was there on that library night, remember?" Ava reminds him.

"Ok, so how does everyone else..--Sara, why?" he groans.

"Because.." I trail off. 

"Because..?" He asks with a developing smile.

"C'mon, don't turn this into a QUESTION fest," Sabrina face palms.

"Because..I don't know," Sara giggles.

"Classical Sara Wilson, huh?" Alex laughs.

I nod with a smile, looking at Alex intertwining our fingers.

"Aw," everyone choruses in the group.

 "Shut up," Alex and I chorus.

"Even more cute," Sabrina awes.


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