Touching the stars.

Od incogneto333

5.5K 59 6

Carter Jenkins wasn't One Directions biggest fan. She liked there music, but she didn't go insane over them... Více

Culture shock
Ohana means family..
Abort the foetal position!
Meeting his girlfriend...awkward
Sticking to my guns
Mop monster and a red-haired siren?
Yeah, from Mt Olympus....
Was this our first...
Dogs bark, according to her.
There was a slap in the face, how quickly I was replaced...
The Game
Here goes nothing...Niall?
Jenkins...Carter Jenkins...
Do you want to know a secret?
Epilogue - Four years later

Touching the stars.

889 6 2
Od incogneto333

“Look out!” Tanya called out.

Frowning, I turned instinctively to her voice, a large white ball. Came flying towards me; ducking down I covered my head. The connection of the ball made a deep thud noise, I sighed in relief that it wasn’t my pride that was no shattered. Looking up, my boyfriend; Michael was curled away. The ball dropped beside him. The bubble of laughter rumbled into my throat; I couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter.

Michael was the sporty one, he played; Rugby, soccer and tennis and sometimes basketball in his free time. Looking up at me, he poked his tongue out at me; standing up he jumped forward at me. Tickling my ribs erupts in fits of cackling laughter I pushed away from him. Running away playfully, he jogged slowly behind me. He could catch me easily, but then the game would be over.

I was possibly 100 meters away from him, a giant grin on my face. A high pitch nasal noise erupted through the air. I felt the world around me begin to fade.

Snapping my eyes open, I looked to my ceiling. It was a dream, well a memory-type dream. Michael was very much real, but he was also very much deceased. He died in a car accident three months ago. Bitting into my lip I felt the tears begin to prickle in my eyes.

Pushing myself up off my bed, I sighed loudly and stretched out. Making the unattractive dinosaur noises, the dull clicks in my back as I rolled my shoulders told me I had a good sleep. Shutting up my alarm, I sighed. It was a cold morning; considering it was June in Australia it wasn’t to be unexpected. Grabbing my wool jacket off the end of my bed, I rugged myself up. Slipping on my oversized polar bear shapes slippers, I opened my bedroom door. I was instantly greeted by a chilly wind that washed through the empty house; my parents were in the Caribbean for three months. Travelling all over before heading into America, casually forgetting there seventeen year old daughter. Jogging down the large staircase, I was alerted to someone else’s presence in the house. Tensing up, I felt my pulse begin to race. Spinning around, I came face to face with my parents cleaner. Gasping I jumped back from her, my hand going to my throat.

“Desdemona!” I gasped out; she startled herself and stumbled back.

“Miss Jenkins! I’m sorry, I thought you knew I was here today” she said, with a light smile.

The wrinkles in her face, from years of laughter and smiles. She was a beautiful woman, old and fragile and didn’t do a good job cleaning the house, she hardly did anything. But we loved her company so much, we keep her on. My parents wanted to fire her, but I put my foot down. She was my mother in many ways; I had forgotten she was coming to keep my company while my parents were gone. Pulling a smile across my face, I shrugged casually.

“Sorry Desdemona, I didn’t mean to startle you either, of course I knew you were coming today!” I lied smoothly, it was a white lie.

“I shall let you continue to what you were doing” she replied, before hurrying off into the lounge room.

Choking out my cackle laugh, I moved off into the kitchen. Opening the cupboards, I felt a smile pull at my lips. Desdemona went shopping for me, buying me all sort of delicious things to eat. Bonus!

Licking my lips as I eyed off all the food that was filled up in my cupboards, pulling out a bowl and my favourite cereal; corn flakes, I chuckled to myself.

“It’s a standard, but not a favourite” I quoted my best friends favourite band’s member; Louis Tomlinson.

Almost like she knew I was thinking about her, the house phone began to jingle throughout the house. Her personalised ringtone allowing acknowledgment to her existence, or not...

Picking up the receiver, I tucked the phone in the crook of my neck so I could continue to make my breakfast.

“Hey homo” I said, answering the phone.

“Carter! Oh my god, seriously why aren’t you answering your cell I called you five times!” she gushed down the phone; I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“You called me once didn’t you?” I replied, she sighed.

“Off subject! Are you going to ditch school today with me and come see One Direction?” she demanded, I frowned.

“Hmm, let’s see I could miss school and go see and brave a chance to possibly see your favourite band or go to school and deal with Alana? Tough choice, are you driving or am I?” I asked, she squealed from excitement.

“You’re the best person ever!” she squealed, I could hear the rustling of her jumping around in her bedroom.

“By the way, dad left his keys at home today so I am driving the car” she said, I could hear her smirk.

My stomach knotted, to be honest my mother was a doctor and my father was a lawyer. So we had some kind of money in my family, but Carly put our family to shame. The car she spoke of was a lambo. Yes, a Lamborghini; no joke.

“Are you sure, I don’t think I can afford to repay that car if we crash it” I replied, she laughed.

“Like you say ‘if I break it, I’ll make a deal with the devil to repair it’, hurry up I’ll be over in halve an hour!” she said, before hanging up on me.

Carter Jenkins, what have you gotten yourself into...

Pulling my fire truck red hair back into a high ponytail, it fell just below the top of my shoulders. Pulling my fringe out, I quickly straightened it before fastening a red bandana around my head instead of a hair band I moved on to my makeup. I was always self conscious about my face, so I hid behind my makeup. Foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, liquid eyeliner and to finish it off bright red lips; I never had a real modern sense of fashion in many ways. I very much loved the 1950’s rockabilly vibe. So today I was sporting a navy blue and white polka dot halter dress with a black and white varsity jacket. Slipping on my black ballet flats, I took a deep breath and eyed myself off in my full length mirror.

Three soft knocks at my bedroom door, had me turning around to smile at Desdemona as she popped her head around my bedroom door.

“Skipping school again Miss Jenkins?” she asked, I felt my cheeks blush darker than my original colour.

“I have a school excursion Desdemona, don’t worry” I smiled back, she smirked lightly.

Peeping around, she came over to me “I don’t know why you wear so much makeup, you look so much prettier without it” she said, reaching up and fixing my ponytail.

I smiled lightly “Thank-you” I mumbled.

Patting my shoulder she shrugged lightly “Miss Winters is here” she said, guiding me to my door.

Picking up my small side bag, slinging it over my shoulder I smiled “Thank-you, I’ll be home before five, I promise!” I said, jogging down the stairs.

Shutting the door behind me, I spotted the red machine at the end of the landscaped path. My stomach knotting again, the car scared me. Putting a smile on my face, I jumped in the car. Her mouth gaped open at my hair.

“You look like someone’s set your hair on fire!” she gasped, I frowned.

“I like it, so zip it!” I replied, with my sarcastic purse of the lips.

“But you looked so cute with your natural blonde, Carter” she groaned, I rolled my eyes.

“I didn’t complain when you got your tramp stamp tattoo last year, so don’t complain about my hair!” I replied, flicking on the radio.

“Welcome to 99.7, today where here with the world famous international hit One Direction!” the overly bubbly presenter cooed, I bit my lip and glanced to the enlightened face of Carly.

“Hello!” they all chorused.

“So, boys; you have it all, the fans, the girls, the money, the car basically your living the dream; how does it feel to be each be one of the worlds five most singly wanted boys by teenage girls?” she asked, I frowned.

“All they do is ask the same questions, honestly if I was them I’d start making up complete random ass things” I said, Carly snorted a response.

Driving to the city wasn’t that far of a drive, but it was long enough that we listened to their entire interview. Watching from the corner of my eye, Carly answering the question about them before the boys could get the chance. I smiled; she really was passionate about these boys.

“You’re not going to get beaten up for having a directionator with you, are you?” I asked, as we hit the main drag heading into the city.

She laughed “Just don’t speak and if anything comes up about the boys just smile and shrug” she replied, I laughed lightly.

“Today though, I want to hit up boost juice and culture kings” I replied, she sighed.

“I don’t get it, you’re so vintage clothing but wear varsity and Ray Bans I mean seriously!” she complained, I frowned slightly and took a deep breath.

I wasn’t even going to start. Snagging a park near the hotel there were meant to be staying at, we looked on as about 500 girls flocked outside. Calling out to the boys and screaming the moment anyone came out the front of the hotel. I bit into my lip harder, I really didn’t want to be here. Dragging myself from the car, we locked it behind us. Turning to Carly, her eyes were glued to the hotel.

“Hey Carly, seeing where doing a stake out, I’ll go get us something’s for the day” I smiled at her, she nodded and waved me away.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my pair of sunglasses from my bag and put them on. With the help of a nice police officer, I crossed the road safely. Receiving glares from girls younger than me, which baffled me slightly. Poor boys, I knew they loved their fans but honestly not being able to leave there hotel is quite scary. Defiantly dedicated fans they had. Walking into a small connivance shop, the clerk looked at me in shock. Frowning I walked in slowly. He was an older man, his eyes flicked to the back of the shop several times.

Putting my head down, I walked over to the drink fridge and pulled out a V for me and juice for Carly. Turning around, I moved over to the chips and began to scan through the variety of things when I heard voices linger over from the back of the store.

“Reckon she’s a fan? She came over from where they are” I heard a thick British accent ask, I felt my heart momentarily stop.

Glancing up, I spotted the last person I ever thought I would get to see in a shop. Liam Payne and Zayn Malik stood not only three meters from me. Dropping my eyes I continued to look at the chips.

“Well she just glanced up at us and didn’t react, I think were safe” Zayn mumbled.

Bitting my lip, I sighed loudly. Looking up at them I flashed a halve smile.

“You guys honestly suck at subtleness and I’m not a hard core fan, you save” I replied, dropping my eyes back down.

Grabbing three packets of salt and vinegar chips, I headed away from the boys to the counter. I could feel two pairs of eyes looking at me from the shop; I smiled up at the man who weakly replied.

“I’m not going to begin to squeal, relax” I said, he exhaled loudly.

“I want a meat pie, I never got to try one in Sydney” I heard a thick Irish accent, which could only be Niall’s say.

The ding of the shop door opening, took my attention away from the counter. Putting down card, I had just pulled out of my wallet. Stepping in was the trio that was missing from the group. Niall, Harry and Louis; I felt my heart begin to race. Carly would be half dead if she had come with me.

The three boys stopped and looked at me. Harry’s mouth popped open.

“Oh god, a fan?” he said, I frowned slightly.

“No, not this one; bit feisty though” I heard Liam say, he made his way down the aisle.

“Like her hair” Niall said, I felt myself begin to blush.

Bitting my lip, I turned back to the cashier and passed him a twenty dollar note “Keep the change” I replied, he frowned.

“That’s a fifteen dollar tip, are you sure?” he replied, I shrugged and smiled.

Taking my chips and drinks, I smiled at the boys walking past them. Stopping at the door I decided to leave with a bang.

“If you want to try a pie, go to Yatala pies down the coast slightly. There the best pies in Brisbane, defiantly try the cheese and bacon; you won’t regret it” I said, before pushing out of the shop.

I had made it to the small strip before I heard the bell again. Choosing to play it cool and ignore it, I continued to walk.

“Carter!” I heard the Irish accent call, stopping me in my tracks.

He knew my name? Turning around, I frowned confused.

“You left your card on the counter don’t want to lose that” he said, I smiled and laughed lightly.

“No not really, thank-you; so much for my awesome exit” I replied, he laughed and smiled brightly.

“Almost nailed it, I’m Niall by the way” he said, I bit into my lip and nodded.

“Carter” I replied.

“Carter, that’s different” he replied, I shrugged.

“So is Niall, I have to go, if I don’t return to my friend she may miss the chance to see her favourite band leave there hotel” I replied, winking.

Only realising I still had my sunglasses on, so he missed it. He frowned lightly “You do know...” he started to trail off.

I nodded “Yes, Niall” I replied, laughter boiling up in my voice.

He chuckled and shrugged playfully “Hope you like Australia” I replied, he nodded.

Turning around, I stepped off the side of the road. Checking for cars, “Where was that pie place again?” he quickly asked, I turned my head and laughed.

“Yatala, it’s hard to miss, I’m sure your driver knows where it is” I replied, I was beginning to blush madly.

“Yeah, but I’d rather you showed us instead” he replied, my heart was sent off into a frenzy.

I pursed my lips, pulling up my sunglasses so I could asses him properly. He smiled awkwardly over at me, I shrugged.

“Was that your attempt at getting my number Mr Horan?” I asked, slightly amused.

“And if it was?” he replied, I smiled and giggled.

“0401” I began, he quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket.

Waving goodbye to the Irish boy, I made my way over to Carly. She smiled up at me and reached for her drink.

“Geeze took you long enough!” she said, I smiled.

Wait; did I really just give Niall Horan my phone number?

Author note – I hope you liked this chapter, I’d love to see a comment or a vote. I spent three days double checking this chapter for mistakes and all, so I do try :) Stay tuned for the next chapter. By the way, this story is copyrighted. Give credit to me if you want to put it somewhere else :)

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