Reaching Dusk [A Short Rosali...

By AliceLecter14

81.4K 1.8K 548

What happens when you get two best friends, a gorgeous love interest, and a pig together in one room? A shit... More

Bonus Scene


10.8K 218 114
By AliceLecter14

Bella Swan wanted to punch the intercom playing a Nickleback song. Her insomnia was not intense enough for her to just not care. Hadn't the memes tarnished any chance of their songs being played unironically?

Bella walked along the aisles, carelessly tossing small children's toys into the large basket, knowing that she wasn't going to buy any of them. She just wanted something to do. Anything to distract her from the pulsing desire to be with—

"Do humans really enjoy things such as...Silly Putty? I suppose it seems entertaining but not for long."

Bella sighed at Edward's remark, still heavily irritated by the song playing. "Humans are weird. We get it, Wardo."

It wasn't Edward she yearned for. No, it was someone else.

His sister. Rosalie.

Bella was aching for any and every chance to spend with Edward's sister who she'd had a crush on for over a year and a half. No other day would compare to when Rosalie slid through the cafeteria doors at Forks High. It had been Bella's first day at her new school but she knew it would be her last day on Earth when the blond-haired beauty had strutted across the room as if it were a runway. She laughed at something Emmett had said and Bella melted immediately at the sound.

Bella's body slumped and she felt her insides turn to jelly. Her entire body felt drawn to this more-than-human being. She thought her body was going to spontaneously combust from how hard her heart was stammering inside of her chest. Jesus Christ, she thought. Who the hell is she and why are there no girls like her back in Phoenix?

Well, actually, nothing compared to the day Rosalie had actually spoken to her. It was a few months after that day. Edward had befriended Bella in Biology class and wanted her to sit with them at lunch. Rosalie had greeted her but Bella had forgotten her own name, dumbfounded by the melodic sound coming from Rosalie's mouth. All she could think about was running her fingers through Rosalie's long, wavy strands. It was embarrassing but, damn, it was iconic.

Bella now ran into a corner and knocked over a few boxes of weird inflatables for the pool which were now falling into the basket. She looked at the pretzel and the swan and shrugged. What was another thirty dollars worth of shit to not buy?

"You should watch where you're going," Edward commented. "I know you're prone to falling into any and every thing imaginable and that it's more intensified at night, but—well, actually, there's no but to that."

Bella gritted her teeth. "I'm preoccupied."

"By my sister?" Her head snapped up, surprised. "Don't act like I don't notice you staring at her all the time."

She sighed, closing her eyes. Even though she was in major cringe session, she opened one of her eyes. "So you're okay with the fact that I'm—"

"Gay? Of course I'm okay with it."

"Bisexual, actually, but thank you. I didn't know what deep-rooted homophobia would be residing in you from the early nineteen-hundreds."

He chuckled as they made their way back through the aisles, putting items back where they had taken them. They worked like a team, making sure they were in exact spots to make it easier on those stocking the shelves.

"I've watched the world progress through each era. Plus, I have my own bisexual sister who has dated every section of the LGBTQ plus initials." He paused to give Bella his signature crooked smile. "Except for the G."

Bella knew that he was failing to tell her the one thing she perceived: he was gay. It was pretty damn obvious but she knew that even though Bella came out to him, it would take some time for him to come out to her. She was willing to wait.

Bella bit her lower lip as she thought about how her heart ached for Rosalie. What if she ever wanted Bella back? How exciting that would be! One date. That's all Bella wanted.

"I'll give you some advice, Bella." She leaned in, curious. "Just ask her out on a date." Her eyes widened.

"I thought you said you couldn't read my mind!"

Edward snorted. "I can't but it's nice to know we were on the same train of thought."

She groaned, swatting his hand away from the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch sitting at the bottom. "Don't you dare. I'm eating a bowl of that when we get back to your house."

He chuckled, his eyebrows furrowing. "But I thought you wanted to go to McDonald's after this?"

Her head snapped towards his, sarcasm dripping from her mouth as she spoke. "Edward Cullen, are you fat shaming me?"

He rolled his eyes, grabbing the cart to steer for her. "You know I believe that all women are queens. Every shape and size, no matter if they eat a lot or if—"

"Hey, Edwin?" He paused. "I don't need you to justify yourself. I know you think every woman is precious and should be protected. You and I talk about this every day."

Edward's features grew nervous. "Have you tired of our conversations on the matter?" Bella saw his insecurity and sighed.

She knew she should've touched him to comfort and assure him but she wasn't a touchy-feely kinda gal and it felt too awkward, even now. "Nah, I haven't tired of them but you shouldn't try to justify yourself when you know I was joking."

He nodded but didn't say anything as they walked to the self-check out and bought the box of cereal and the Silly Putty for the curious boy to play around with.

Edward drove them to McDonald's where Bella ordered chicken nuggets, fries, and a McFlurry. They headed back towards the Cullen house — Bella already done with her meal — and Edward sat next to her while she munched on her cereal, trying to mess around with the putty.

"I'm no critic," a low and enticing sound emitted. Bella's head snapped around as more was heard from the blond model. "but that doesn't look appealing in the slightest."

Rosalie was standing closely behind Bella, startling her. Bella lost her grip on her spoon and scrambled to get it back into her fingers. The clinking of the spoon against the bowl was the only sound to be heard.

Edward looked up from his fascinating time-consumer and watched her haste with amused eyes.

Rosalie laughed internally, always filled with joy when Bella became clumsy. Did I really scare her that bad? Is she okay? Rosalie asked herself. Edward chuckled to himself, moving the putty between his fingers. Rosalie raised an eyebrow, turning to face her brother. He just shrugged. She looked back towards Bella's frantic eyes, noticing her racing heart and lifted an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

Bella gulped and turned away from Rose to take another bite of her cereal so she could hide her blush. But Rosalie could hear the blood rushing towards her face.

"Is it though?"

"Hmm?" Bella responded, still trying to sound distracted.

"Is it appealing?"

Bella turned to meet Rosalie's eyes once more to nod. "It's all that's sweet and wonderful in this world."

Rose's eyebrow lifted. "That's just some stale bread with cinnamon and milk." Bella chuckled and shrugged. "Edward, we have to take her to Paris or something. Get her something from there to call 'all that's sweet and wonderful in this world.'"

You're all that's sweet and wonderful in this world, both Rosalie and Bella thought at the same time.

Edward smirked and nodded. "Of course, because that's the only thing that's sweet and wonderful in this world."

Rosalie let out a low growl, too low for Bella to hear. Edward began to cackle, getting up.

"Come on, Bella, we should probably get you home."

"I can take her home," Rosalie volunteered. Both Bella and Edward looked to her with different expressions. Bella's held shock and excitement. Edward's was smug.

Edward locked eyes with Bella and nodded. "Of course. I've been driving her around all night. See you tomorrow, Bella."

"Bye, Eddie," Bella said quietly, following in tow behind Rosalie to the garage. As they walked, Bella said, "You didn't have to volunteer, you know."

Rosalie chuckled. "You act like I hate you, Bells."

"You never talk to me."

"I would if you stopped talking to Edward so much." Rosalie unlocked her bright red BMW and opened the door, pausing. "Maybe next time you can let me go with you to Walmart at 2am."

Bella's heart stammered in her chest as she nodded. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. That's a great idea. Really—" by that statement Rosalie had gotten in and started the car, "great," Bella's voice faded. She sighed, getting inside the car.

They talked about different subjects, mostly on new makeup products coming out. Well, Bella would never tell Rosalie, but she only kept up with the makeup trends so she could have something to talk to Rose about. Rosalie couldn't wear make up but, damn, did she love being the most popular makeup artist in town.

When they arrived at Charlie's house, Bella noticed that Charlie's cruiser was sitting in the driveway. He hadn't stayed over at Sue's like he'd promise her. Jesus, were they in a fight? Was Sue at their house?

She wouldn't be able to sneak in through the door but she noticed that her window was still open from Edward stopping by to get her.

"So you need to get from point A to point B," Rosalie said with a chuckle. Bella nodded. "Come on, I'll get you up there."

They both got out of the car and Bella felt nervous. She would have to face physical contact between them and she knew that she wasn't going to sleep tonight.

Once they were under the window, Rosalie said, "Alright, let's get you up there."


Before Bella could get prepared, Rosalie hooked her arm around Bella's waist and jumped up towards the window, swinging both of them around the windowsill and into Bella's room. Bella's crop top hiked up and her skin was almost on Rosalie's and Bella knew that she would have something to think about for the next time she mastu—

The swirl of movement stopped as Bella's eyes focused on the fact that she was sitting on her bed and Rosalie was crouched in front of her.

Bella's stomach felt queasy. "Oh god." She knew she was turning greener by the second.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked softly with panic, taking Bella's face in her hands. Bella closed her eyes and immediately felt better, the cool touch easing her stomach back to reality. "Shit, I'm sorry, Bella."

She shook her head. "No, no. It's alright, Rose. Don't worry about it." She gulped, now becoming aware that her face was very close to Rosalie's. So close. If only their mouths touched—

Rosalie backed away then, killing any chance of a silver screen moment. She moved towards the window but paused. "I'll see you tomorrow after school."

Bella's eyebrows furrowed. "I wasn't aware I was going over to your house tomorrow."

"I thought we should hang out."

Before Bella could respond, Rosalie gave her a wink and was out the window in an instant.

Bella flopped back onto her bed, clenching her thighs together at the thought of Rose's wink. Guess who won't be sleeping tonight. Oh, yeah. That's me. Shit.

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