A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

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In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Shouldn't Exist
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Never Make Fun Of A Halfa
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
We Will Fight
Halloween Special!


6.5K 218 29
By valblue1314

Everyone in the room was silent for a moment, Phantom had gotten so angry as he said that. Batman quickly put two and two together, "You don't mean that..." He couldn't even finish the sentence, he was afraid of what the answer might be if he did.

Phantom nodded, "I told you that you wouldn't want to know."

KF was a bit confused, "Wouldn't want to know what?" Artemis glared at him but no one noticed since they were staring at Phantom with either looks of confusion or shock.

Phantom's eyes glazed over, "I was in that facility because they were experimenting on me." Everyone on the room looked shocked now and a few of them had looks of horror on their faces. Phantom didn't notice, "I was captured a long time ago and I was taken there, I haven't seen anything but the walls of that damn place since then."

Images were flashing through his mind again and he gripped his arm to stop himself from having another episode. Phantom's eyes started to glow brighter but it soon faded again, Black Canary wanted to help but she didn't know how. She looked at him sadly, "What did they do to you?"

Phantom laughed, the sound was harsh, "What didn't they do is the better question. They shot me with their damn guns, stabbed me, dissected me, broke my bones, electrocuted me, burned me with acid, tried to drown me, and that's not even the worst of it."

As the list went on they were even more horrified, Phantom wasn't even that old and he had gone through all of that? Superman hesitated, "What about your parents?"

Phantom growled at the mention of his parents, "They were the ones that did most of the experiments, those people aren't my parents." That was the last straw for everyone, he had been experimented on by his own parents for crying out loud! Phantom didn't seem to care at all, he was gripping the wound on his arm to keep himself grounded.

He could feel the familiar buzz of energy running through his body, it was comforting now but it hadn't always been. Because Phantom had been electrocuted he was able to absorb electricity and store it in his body. It was one of many powers that he had gained since he became a halfa and his powers were still developing.

The buzz calmed him down almost immediately and he let go of his arm, it was bleeding a little again. When Phantom realized that everyone looked horrified he sighed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "Would you calm down, it's not that big of a deal."

Megan looked sad and slightly angry, "But it is a big deal, how could someone do that to another person, especially their own child."

Phantom shook his head and realized that he head a headache, "I'm going to find a dark corner to sleep in, do whatever you want."

Aqualad looked at Robin, "Robin would you show Phantom where one of the spare rooms are?"

Robin nodded and he quickly walked after Phantom but he made sure not to get to close and Phantom sighed. He stopped and turned around to look at Robin, "What is it this time?"

Robin stopped as soon as he realized that Phantom had stopped and he took a breath. "Well I was going to show you where the spare rooms are, you can't sleep in the medical wing forever."

Phantom sighed, "Fine." Robin smiled just a little and Phantom moved away from him so Robin could take the lead. Robin lead Phantom down a hallway and opened the last door in the hallway, "You can stay in here for now."

Phantom looked into the room, "Why are all of the rooms so big?"

Robin gave him a confused look, "Why, is it a bad thing?"

Phantom hummed, "Just forget it." Phantom walked into the room and Robin was just about to walk away when Phantom said one last word, "Thanks." Robin's eyes widened but he didn't get a chance to look at Phantom because he had already shut the door. Robin stood there for a moment in shock, he didn't think Phantom would thank him after everything that happened that day.

He smiled a little and walked away from the room, the smile disappeared before he saw anyone though. He was still thinking about the fact that Phantom had been experimented on, it made him feel sick. It was bad enough that he had been experimented on but his own parents had done it? He couldn't imagine how hard that was.

Phantom was in his borrowed room, he was hoping that he wouldn't have to stick around for much longer. Phantom pushed the bed closer to the wall the door was on and he shut off the lights, he liked the dark. This room was still bigger then his cell had been but he didn't care, he curled up in the corner and went to sleep.

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