Lady Cupid (BTS)

By BellaReen

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"I wanna date you." He said. Both of us just stopped and stared at each other. Everything went slow mo for a... More

Lady Cupid (BTS)
Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
Chapter 2: Mistaken
Chapter 3: Splash
Chapter 4: Past things
Chapter 5: Ghost
Chapter 6: Keeping it in
Chapter 7: Double life
Chapter 8: Okay
Chapter 9: Things Happen
Chapter 10: Rose
Chapter 11: Star
Chapter 12: Surprises
Chapter 13: Changes
Chapter 14: Kings
Chapter 15: Brothers
Chapter 16: Family 💝
Chapter 17: To Love is to Lose
Chapter 18: New
Chapter 19: Acceptance
Chapter 20: I like you
Chapter 22: Jealous
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: I'll miss you
Chapter 25: Perfect

Chapter 21: Unexpectedly

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By BellaReen

Valentine Hart King

"I'm saying that I like you, more than you know." He stared right at me. It's like, if we ever get hit by a meteor, we won't probably notice it. His voice was all I could hear. His face was all I could see. What is this.

"W-wha--How can you be so straightforward like this? What am I supposed to say?" I tried to calm myself down.

"I know you're still caught up in all of this but I don't wanna rush things. I'm just telling you this since Jimin might do the same and we all know he looks like an adorable Pokemon, there's a possibility you can't say no." Though it sounds a bit funny, he's actually pretty serious.

"Well yeah that's somewhat true." I said and laughed.
"But...honestly speaking, I feel relieved when I'm around you. It's the same feeling I get when I'm with Daniel." I sad and he looked sad.

"Oh, I'm going in the friend zone then?" He asked as if he already knew the answer.

"Between friends, we have this line on whether people should just remain as friends, or maybe even more OR less...the difference between you and Daniel is that...I'm willing---I'm willing to cross that line." I said.

"Y-you're not---messing with me, are you?"

"Hurry up, we're starting in a few minutes." I started walking again and just laughed.

"Val!....Val!" He walked behind me.

It might not be fair for Daniel but giving him false hopes isn't any better. I love Danny, truly but he's just my friend. With Jungkook, I feel different.

As everyone started practicing and everything, Jimin and I ended up being the ones who'll be in charge of taking care of things backstage while the performances goes on. We started discussing with others the floor plan, the flow and everything. It's killing me seriously me.

When everybody took a short break, I decided to tie my hair since it's already to messy and I don't want it to get in my way.
"Uh, this is harder than I thought." I said as I almost forgot the fact that I have a cast on.

"Something wrong?" Jimin turned to me.

"Jimin, could you help me tie my hair?" I handed him hair tie.

He looked dumbfounded and was actually hesitating on coming towards me.
"M-me? You want me to--uh I don't if I---uh---" he started blabbing again.

"Ay shut up already. Give me that, I'll do it." Jungkook grabbed my hair tie and stood behind me.

"Oh, okay." That was all I could say.

He's actually pretty good at this, even without a hair brush he managed to tie my hair nicely. Then I noticed the guys were laughing and hitting each other for I don't what reason. They look awfully suspicious.

"Wow, Val...everyone's talking about you right now." V suddenly said.

He faced his phone to me.
"Will you look at that, I posted this 10 minutes ago and you've got more mentions than Jungkook." V said. He posted a picture of me and Jungkook while he was helping me tie my hair.

"V! This is so wrong! Why'd you posted this?" I literally ran to him.

They kept teasing me for the past 5 minutes already, and I feel like dying. I'm not sure if I'm okay to go out of the building.

"By the way, Val. I noticed you have a different understudy today." Jin asked.

"Well Alex has her own solo now. Basically she's currently the all around performer. A lot of people noticed her during some of our performances and she was casted to be the main character of a tv show." I said. Alex has really improved a lot since the first time I met her. When she's confident, she shines beautifully more than anything.

"Guys, Adam just texted me. We're having a family barbecue at King's residence and he said we can have a sleepover since it's Friday." Rapmon said.

"Sleepover?! YEEEES! It's been a while since we had that. Sleepover at the King's are THE BOMB!" V said.

I'm not sure how things will turn out but I'm pretty excited actually.
"Yeah? I'll have to go home first though, I'm just gonna pick up some stuff and I'll come right over." I said.

"I-I'll drive." Jungkook stood up.

The boys except for Jungkook went to my brothers' house.
After getting some things form our house, we went followed them there. I can sense some awkwardness between Jungkook in I when we were in the car since I still can't get over the fact that he wants to go out with me.
"The shareholder's meeting is next week, how are things holding up?" He snapped me back to reality.

"Oh uhm, Adam has been letting me practice the things that I'm gonna say, he's just making sure I don't end up saying something else." I said.

"How about the reporters? Are they still following you?" He said. Ah, right. The news spread like wildfire.

"It's not that I'm famous or anything, it's just that they find this quite entertaining. Adam told me not to do anything though."

"So...what's gonna happen after that? Everything's going back to normal right?" He asked.

It got me thinking for a moment. NORMAL. Define NORMAL.
"Truth is...I don't remember a time where anything was normal, but I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen." I smiled. I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can.

When we got to my brothers' house, it was livelier than I remembered. Maybe it's because of the kids running around and the amazing smell of barbecue in the yard. Ahhhh, family.

"Mom! I want brownies!" Jungkook came running to the kitchen. His mom was helping prepare the side dishes for dinner.

She slapped his hand when he reached for the plate filled with delicious brownies.
"Those are for later Jungkook. Why don't you help everyone set up table outside?" She said.

He glanced at Jimin, J-hope, and Jin who were arguing on how the table would turn out.
"Nah they're fine." He said.
Aish, such a cutie.

"Auntie, do you need any help?" I said.

"It's fine dear, besides you haven't recovered yet. Why don't you just rest." She smiled. Gosh she's so pretty. She actually looks like my sister or something, she looks so young.

"Ah I'm just gonna look after the kids with Taehyung." I said and went over to the living room. Actually, there's something bothering me for a while. I can't tell this to everyone or they'll start acting weird and everything.

I'm having second thoughts on whether to tell V but I can't take it anymore.
"V.." I said softly.

He came over to the couch and sat beside me.
"Yeah?" He looks adorable as ever.

"I tell you something." I said in a way that doesn't sound weird.

He grinned.
"Wait let me like me don't you? Oh my god I knew it." He's not even trying to be funny as if it was really his conclusions right away.

"V I'm serious." I stared at him and he understood it.
"I--I can't keep it anymore." I said and he kept on a straight face.

After talking to V, he didn't take it well at first but when I explained it, he understood. I'm glad that somehow I my heart feels a bit lighter after telling him. We walked over to my room so that he can help find a way to keep this from the guys.

"Yeah I know, that's why I'm telling you this and---" when I opened the door, I almost blew up.

"Oh, you're here." Jin said who was laying in front of the Tv, MY tv.

"GUYS! Why are you here?! This is MY room! That's MY bed, and MY blanket! Jimin get off!" I yelled.

He kept wrapping it around him.
"But it's so soft... I don't wanna!" He whined.

I saw Rapmon touching my collectibles, take note...they are COLLECTIBLES, not toys.
"Namjoon! Those are mine, don't touch them! Adam gave them to me as a birthday gift last month!"

"I want this little poke-ball." He stared at me and pouted.

I stopped and stared at the situation. It's like they own my room now.
"This is ridiculous! You guys are staying in the guest room remember? You even argued you wanted the biggest one! So shoooo!" I slapped Jimin, kicked Jin, pushed V, but nothing works.

"It's okay, we already brought our blankets and pillows." Rapmon said who was laying comfortably on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I said. Why would they---

"We're sleeping here." Jungkook smiled.


"O-Kay, what should we watch first? I'm thinking of a horror movie so we can watch a comedy after then an action movie later, how's that?" Jin said which J-hope immediately hid under his blanket.

"B-but---I'm still---ugh fine fine you won't listen to me anyway, do whatever you want." I sat down on the bed. Jimin was still so lost in my blanket that he kept hugging it.
"Is it comfortable?" I said.

He smiled. Aish, this little mochi. I can't even hate him.
"Yes, incredibly, terrifically, soooooo comfy. Actually, can you give it to me as a gift?" He kept blinking his eyes.

"Why?! You can literally buy every blanket you want at the mall right now, why is it that you want that? It's basically covered it gray fur with heart prints all over it." I said.

"Awe but it's smell nice, like drowning in strawberries." He said.

"Right, maybe when I decide to go back to London, then I'll give it to you." I said.

"I-I change my mind..." His expression changed. Gosh, he took it seriously.

I laughed at how adorable he is.
"Scaredy cat 😛, anyway what are we watching?" I said to Jin who was choosing between what movies to scared the hell out of Jimin and j-hope.

"Whoa, so THIS is your closet. You have nice clothes though but all you wear are sweatshirts and tees." V said who was going through my closet.

"WHAT IS WRONG YOU PEOPLE? You can't just go through someone's closet, that's so rude!" I yelled at him.

As he basically demolished my closet, he looks disappointed.
"Ay, I expected dresses and gold shoes." He said

"Oh I'm SO sorry if everything you have down to your socks is from Gucci. If I wear something girly, people will think I ate something wrong, if I wear something too boyish then people will think it's actually true." I argued.

"Then it's decided, let's go shopping tomorrow. I'll pick some clothes out for you." He said and I'm just dumbfounded.

"Whats this now? How can you---Ahhh never mind." I give up. He's judging me now, and he wants to pick out my clothes. How is that even real?

After going through back and forth as to what to watch, we ended up choosing the "Avengers: the civil war". I can't help but stare at the guys from time to time. This situation right now is to cute to be real.

"I've never noticed this before, but Jimin is really good looking, like... I seriously can't stop staring at him." I said out of the blue.

"W-what are you talking about? Stop saying w-weird things." He covered up his face. Aww, he's so adorable I wanna squish him to bits.

I grabbed my phone and quickly took photos of him.
"Stop moving, I'm posting this on Instagram." I said but he kept hiding his face.

"He's so embarrassed." J-hope said.

After how many unsuccessful shots, I finally got one that's perfect.
"I'm officially in love with Jimin, I'm not even kidding. I mean who wouldn't? He's so adorable LOOK AT HIM trying to hide his face. I have an idea, can you sign my cast? PLEASE?" I asked him.

"W-why are you acting like that? It's making me feel weird STOP IT!" He kept smiling.

"Just sign it and I'll leave you alone." I gave him the marker.

We were like that until everyone fell asleep. Jimin, V, and I had a huge argument on who to sleep on the bed. Of ourselves there's no way I'm sleeping on the floor, I placed my pillows in between me and Jimin.

When I woke up, they look like angels. I couldn't help but smile as I tip toed my way out of the room.
"Oh, Adam. Good morning." I said to Adam who was cooking in the kitchen.

"Do you want some bacon?" He asked.

I grabbed a plate and sat on the table by the kitchen island.
"Yes, thank you. Wow, I didn't know you could cook, there's so much to choose." I said.

"Well, it's like feeding a basketball team when they're here." He laughed.

I started eating breakfast when it went quiet.

"Valentine.." he suddenly spoke.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Are you okay?" He had this worried look.

"What's that supposed to mean? Of course I'm okay." I smiled.

"I just hope you're not doing this because of us. I didn't pressure you, did I?" He said.

I cleared my throat.
"I AM doing this for this for you guys. I can't let you have the spotlight all for yourselves, can I?" I kept eating my food.

"Val, I'm serious."

I've never been this determined to do something in my life before.
"I am being serious. You're my family, you have my back and I have yours. Isn't that how it works? I'm a King now, no one said it was a piece of cake." I smiled as I assured him that ill be fine.

"Did someone mention cake?" Jin popped up and so did the guys followed.
They look awfully tired, except for Jin though.

"Oh, you guys are up." I said.

"Well Jin smelled food so he kept stepping on us while going out of the room." Suga said as he sat down scratch head.

"About the cake." Jin said.

"It's in the fridge." I laughed.


After breakfast, I took a shower and I almost flipped out when I saw V laying on my bed. I almost forgot, he said we'd go shopping today, I don't even know why it's necessary.
"V, I don't wanna go." I whined.

"It's fine, your Omma said it's a good idea. You're meeting Jungkook later anyway." He dragged me all the way to his car. Seriously, I rest today and there so much food left from last night.

I wasn't really interested in everything he picked out. He kept on choosing clothes that are too girly, or too short, or too colorful.

"Ah, how about this. It would really good on you." He said.

"It's a dress V." I rolled my eyes. I can't possibly wear that to school. Actually, I don't wanna be seen wearing that, EVER.

"So? It's cute, go on try it." He said.

"I've realized that I don't wanna change myself so people would like me, I hate the idea of blending in for the sake of popularity." I said.

"Oooh! Valentine, your so cute when you act all tough." He pinched my cheeks.

"YAH!" I slapped his hand.

"Well then, choose what you like and we'll go from there." He said.
For real? Like,he's seriously letting me choose.


After shopping with V, he drove me back to school. It was really fun actually. He gave me tips on how to wear simple clothes but still stand out.

"Where do you want to go? There's this new coffee shop near our school." Jungkook said.

"Actually Jungkook, I wanna ask you for a favor." I said.

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"Joy asked me if we could do a double date."

His eyebrows met and his face is all crunched up.
"You know I'm not good with other people, besides you promised me we'd go out today." He said.

"Please? It won't take long, I promise. She just wants to introduce me to her boyfriend. After that we can go to the movies or eat barbecue, anything you want so please? Just this once." I tired to act cute.


"Please? I'll even buy you the donuts you really like." I bit my lip as I wait for his answer.


"Pretty please?" I kept blinking my eyes.

"S-stop it, you win."

"YES! Thank you, I owe you big time. I'll be right back." I surprisingly gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran away.

"YAH! Valentine" he looks really flustered.


We went to the pastry shop where Joy said.
"Okay stop frowning, we're already here." I said to Jungkook who clearly doesn't want to be here.

"I asked if I could kiss you on the cheeks but instead you punched me." He whined.

"Shut up." We went inside and saw Joy sitting by herself.

"Val, over here." She waved at us,

"Hey, are we early or something? Where is he?" I said.

"Oh he's at the counter. By the way, Jungkook thanks for coming."she said.

"It's okay. I'm actually curious myself. So there's really someone who can handle your loud mouth." Jungkook said. Ugh, I don't know why he's like this.

"Ahhh ENOUGH!"
"Joy, who is this guy? You keep talking about him but you never really tell me who he is. Is he some kind of celebrity or something?"

"I'm not really into famous people, they're such a handful. I'm glad you're still alive considering Jungkook here has an army trailing him."

"You're one to talk" he mumbled.

Aish, why do they have to kill each other every time they meet.
"I'm trying to manage" I said.
"But seriously Joy, where did you meet this guy---" I looked at the counter and my jaw dropped when I saw HIM. I'm just praying to God that it's not him.

"Ah here he is! JOSH come here!" Joy said to us.

"J-Josh...Anderson?" I said as he walked toward us.

"Surprise! I wanted to tell you a bit sooner but I was looking for the right time." Joy said. Gosh, she's really happy. I've never seen her smile like this.

"Valentine, Hi." Josh said as he sat down with us.

Memories I had with him weren't actually that...memorable. Jungkook noticed how tense I was.
"H-hey" I tried to smiled.

"Oh, Josh did you order some brownies?" Joy said.

"Right, I forgot about that one." He replied.

"It's okay, I'll order them, be right back." Joy stood up and went to the counter. I tried my hardest so she won't notice that I'm ready to punch him right there.

When Joy left, Josh's face suddenly changed. He evilly looked at me.
"Well, it's nice to see you again Val" he smirked.

"I can't say the feeling is mutual." I rolled my eyes.

"There there, it's not like we weren't friends or anything, don't be too cold." He said. Friends? Wow.

Okay let's just cut to the chase.
"What are you doing?" I said.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me oddly, as if he already knew what I meant.

"What are you doing hanging around my best friend you little---" I almost cursed in front of him when he cut me off.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. I didn't do anything wrong. I like Joy actually, but if things would have been the same, we could still work you know." He grinned and Jungkook already made a fist.

"What did you say?" Jungkook said.

"Normally I would just let him do what he wants and kick your stupid ass BUT since Joy's here and I don't want her seeing you all beat up, I'll let this slide. But if you EVER try to hurt her, arm might be broken but I can still hold a pointed arrow. I won't think twice where to shove it down." I glared at him. I know, it's probably risky to just let them be but Joy's happy. I don't wanna take that away.

"Hey bud, what do you really want?" Jungkook said to him.

"Oh nothing, nice girls are boring...Joy on the other hand, intrigues me." He said.

AAAAH! I have had eneough!
"Why I oughta--" I literally went fin for the punch but Jungkook pulled me down.

Joy suddenly came with a plate full of brownies.
"HERE IT IS! I ordered a lot since I know both of you eat like pigs yourselves." She smiled.

I don't like this, I'm not in any way comfortable sitting with him without thinking of murdering him.
"Uhm, Joy...would you mind if we leave a little early? We're gonna go to the pet shop. I ordered a new dog collar for Rose's puppy." I said.though it's a lie, I'd still probably end up buying Rose's puppy a collar now.

"Sure no problem. I'll see in school later." She said.

Jungkook and I left the shop but I begged him we should stay for a bit in his car.
"Okay, what was THAT about? I don't know what's going on but I hate him, don't you dare ever go near him again." He said.

"Oh GOD! This is so wrong! You've met him right? He's a complete ASSHOLE!" I yelled.

"Well what do you want to do? You can't just tell Joy not to see him, it's her choice too." He has a point.

After further consideration, I guess we have no choice.
"I have a plan." I said and he looked nervous.

"Why does this sound like a terrible idea." He said.

Honestly, I don't have a solid, fool proof plan but whatever works I'm okay with it.
"We'll have to follow them. I gotta know what Josh is up to. Who knows maybe he's just toying with Joy, I can't let that happen." I said.

"I guess we'll need help then." He grabbed his phone and called someone.

After a short while, we've been waiting for the 'help' that Jungkook mentioned.
"They've been in there for 45 minutes. How long is it before this so called 'reinforcement' comes? They'll leave any minute." I whined. I suffocating in here, and I'm dying to know what's going on.

We noticed a car stopped in just not far from the shop.
"Okay, let's go. He's here."

We got our of the car and carefully walked towards it.
"Wait what? I thought we were gonna use your car." I said.

"Seriously Valentine, have you ever went incognito before? I go to your school almost everyday, Joy practically sees me come out of that car for bunch of times now, don't you think it's too obvious?" He said. Okay, duh sorry.

"Well if you put it that way..."

"That's why we're using HIS car." The car window went down and I saw V waving at us.

"Heyo!" V smiled,

"V! 😨 Jungkook are you serious?" I said as he pushed me inside the car.

"B-but...if it was Jimin I'd believe you, but---V? In a room full of people, he's so restless that everyone's attention is on HIM! With the two of you combined, I'm not really sure if we can go home without a scratch." I whined. I do make a point. He wants everybody to notice him and with the fact that they're getting famous by the second, it's gonna be hard.

"Aish, you underestimate us too much. Why'd you think our hyungs don't have girlfriends. We basically set steak outs whenever they happen to meet up with friends. Everyone around them is really cautious since they know that we're keeping an eye on them BUT, they'll never know where we're watching." He explained it in a way that even weirdos would be creeped out.

"That---that's actually a little creepy. Anyway, how are we supposed to blend in? You guys are basically famous now."

"To avoid being recognized, it's best if we stay in the car as much as possible. If they happen to be walking around, we don't have a choice but to follow them on foot." V said.

"Okay yeah sure, but what if someone recognizes you? We can't just go out there like this. Joy's not stupid she'll recognize us like, in one second!" I said.

"Sometimes, the best disguise isn't wearing any disguise at all." V said and they both grinned.


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