The Night That Changed My Lif...

By carhnival

212K 1.1K 290

"If you get rid off me, what do I have left to love? You or your spirit that lives in my heart, forever." More

Wrong Decision..
Telling Him
Pain Is Demanded To Be Felt
Back To School
Janitor's Closet
Best Friend
Back Together
Someone New
Back Together
New Home
Saved A Life
No More
I'm Sorry
New Heart
Best Mistake
Q & A
Motel 66


6.8K 48 9
By carhnival

Nash and I walked out of the janitor's room, we were holding hands, i had my head on his shoulder, the bells had rung already but we didnt care, all we cared about was each other. I stopped "What's wrong Natasha?" "Nothing, i just don't want school anymore." "I know Natasha, i feel the same way, i promise when we go to collage i'm never going to let the fun slip away from us." "Promise?" "I promise" Nash pulled me into a hug, he was rubbing my back, i had never felt alone whenever he was around. I pulled away from him then smoothly kissed him on the lips. "Nash, let's skip this class. I wanna go somewhere only we know" He gave me a slight smirk and agreed. We sneacked out into the woods nearby our school. We were holding hands and were running into the woods together, we ran deep into the woods. We found a small pond, it had a small wooden dock but there was no boats, "Nash, are you thinkin what i'm thinking?" "Maybe, what are you thinkin?" "Let's go swimmin" "That's exactly what i was thinkin, let's go!" "Nash, i'm going to go behind that tree and take of my cloths, you take of yours and go inside the water. Don't peak at me" He chuckled loudly and finally said "Fine" "Thank you bae" "Anytime" I walked over to a big maple tree, i went behind it, i untied my bright purple converse shoes and took them off, i slowly un-buttoned my jeans and took them off along with my see through shirt, i untied my hair and it was in curls, it looked as beautiful as ever. I was done taking off all my cloths. "NASH! IM COMING OUT! ARE YOU READY?!" I yelled but there was no respond, i sarted to worry, not alittle, ALOT "NASH! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! COME OUT!" I kept on repeating his name over and over again, I felt something around my waist, it was moving i screamed out loudly. "Shhh, don't worry it's just me Nash" "OMG! NASH! DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN! YOU LITTLE PEAICE OF SHIT" I turned around and hugged him tightly. "Haha. sorry babe, i was just wanting to have some fun that's all" "So you want to have fun huh?" I say raising a eybrow he hesistated but he said yes, "Then how about we go into the water" "Great idea" "You'll have to catch me first" I started to run towards the small pond, i couldnt see Nash behind me but i didn't care, i wasnt looking where i was going so when i turned around i bashed strait into Nash, i fell to the ground behind me, "OW" I shouted scrating my head "That hurts" I looked up to Nash slowly, i scrinched my eyes. "Haha, sorry Natasha, come, let me help you up" He bend down and gave me a hand. I got up and immidietly kissed his cheek thank you i could see that he was blushing. "Now can we go in the water, my butt is dirty" He looked at me weirdly "Haha, sure" We walked hand in hand to the small river. We finally reached the dock "So, who's jumping in first?" "You should Nash, i'm a lady, i don't jump, you could see my v if i do that." "I can already see it can't i?" "Stop it you" I said shoving his arm playfully. He walked back a couple of steps then ran towards the dock and made a big splash. Water spalshed in my face and the the ground next to it, i covered my face and wiped some of the water of my body. "Come on in you big potato, its warm in here" I roleld my eyes at Nash, i didnt like it when he calls me potato but it sounds so cute! "Fine, coming you big watermélon" I slowly dipped one of my foot inside and it wasnt cold or hot so i decided to go in. I slowly sat down on the dock then pushed myself into the water, Nash swam towards me, and pulled him close to him, i had my hands on his soft chest, "Nash, stop, your making me blush" "Isn't that what boyfriends do?"

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