2 Fates, 1 Love

By RoseNiji

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The Goldstein family is one of the most well-known family in Gedonelune. There is a contest called "The Lady... More

Chapter 1 - A bad or a good impression?
Chapter 2 - A sudden reversal
Chapter 3 - Getting dressed up! A disaster at the dining room!
Chapter 4 - First lesson to be a Lady ~ Walking on high heels!
Chapter 5 - Second lesson to be a Lady ~ Lunch time!
Chapter 6 - It's tea time!
Chapter 7 - A Gentle Treatment
Chapter 8 - Traditional Lessons (Nightmare)
Author's POV
Chapter 9 - Klaus' Jealousy?
Chapter 11 - Injured
Chapter 12 - A Trip With Klaus
Chapter 13 - Passionate Love
Author's POV (2)
Chapter 14 - Confession
Chapter 15 - Returning Home
Chapter 16 - Klaus' Punishment
Chapter 17 - An Unexpected Gift
Extra - Elias' Punishment (?)
Extra 2 - An Idle Chat with Amelia
Chapter 18 - The Lady Contest & The Unexpected Guest
Chapter 19 - "Love"
Chapter 20 - Mistake
Chapter 21 - Reservation and A Terrifying Plot
Chapter 22 - The Final Round
Final Chapter - Secret Revealing and An Eternal Love
Author's POV (3)

Chapter 10 - The Ignition

165 12 3
By RoseNiji

- Date XX/ Month YY/ Year 20ZZ -
After taking Sigurd's lesson, Liz said goodbye to Sigurd and went to the dining room to have lunch with a troubled mind.
Stooding before the door, Liz knocked on the door before timidly walked in.

Liz: Excuse me...

Walter Goldstein: What's wrong Liz?

Klaus & Elias' mother: Yes dear. Don't just stand there. Come on and take your seat~

Liz: Y-Yes...

Liz got to her seat and looked around the table. It seemed that Klaus wasn't there then.

Liz: Umm...where is Klaus..?

Walter Goldstein: I've had him go some errands for me so he won't be having lunch with us today.

Liz: I-Is that so..

Liz: (Phew thank goodness... I'm not ready to face him yet....)

Liz accidentally let out a small sigh of relief, which made Klaus & Elias' mother notice.

Klaus & Elias' mother: What's wrong dear? Why did you sigh?

Walter Goldstein: Did you fight with Klaus?

Liz: N-No, we didn't! Nothing happened! Haha...

Liz put on a fake smile, tried not to look suspicious. She picked up the glass of water and took a sip to cool her thoughts.

Klaus & Elias' mother: Oh? Or are you feeling lonely that Klaus isn't here?~

Liz almost choked on her water when she heard that.

Liz: *cough* ...Huh? Y..Yeah? I guess...

Walter Goldstein: Hahaha! Is that so? I see that you two are getting along very well!

Klaus & Elias' mother: *chuckle* Oh my~

Walter's laugh filled the room as Liz shrugged her shoulders in defeat. She began to eat her lunch while not pay attention to them.

As they had finished having lunch, Liz was on her way back to the ball room when Elias called back to her.

Elias: Miss Izumi.

Liz turned around and greet Elias.

Liz: Oh Elias. Do you need something?

Elias: I'm sorry to stop you but...did Klaus do something wrong?

Liz: H-Huh? I-I said that nothing happened right! Everything is fine!

Elias: ...Is that so? It doesn't look fine to me. It's written all over your face.

Liz: Ugh..

Elias: ..I don't know what happened but...please don't mad at Klaus.

Elias: He might looks scary and cold, sometimes he can be so straight-forward and his words are usually harsh too...

Liz: True...

Elias: But...he's very kind deep inside.

Liz: Huh?

Elias: I-I mean...he doesn't know how to express his feelings so people find it hard to realize that he actually cares for them..

Elias: ..Please don't tell Klaus that I said this though...

Elias scratched his cheek awkwardly and blushed a little as he talked about Klaus.

Liz: *giggle* You sure really love your brother.

Elias: W-What?! D-Don't get the wrong idea! I-I'm just saying the truth!

Elias blushed madly as Liz giggled.

Elias: A..Ahem... I should be going...good luck with your lessons. Goodbye.

Liz: Thanks, Elias. Good bye.

Then they turned around and walked away in opposite directions. While walking, Liz thought about what Elias said.

Liz: (Hmm....a kind and caring person....)

Liz: ....

Liz: No. There's no way that's Klaus haha...

While sorting out her thoughts, Liz arrived at the ball room and found a piece of paper was stick on the door instead of meeting Sigurd.
It said: "Come back to your room. Your lesson will start there."

Liz: Hmm? This is so sudden... I wonder if Sigurd is busy..

Liz turned her heels around and started walking back to her room, also was Klaus' room.
A while later, Liz found herself standing in front of Klaus' room's door, hesitant to open it.

Liz: Uhh...not again...

Liz walked around in circles, trying to calm down. Then she went back standing in front of the door.

Liz: ...But I have to study... Okay, here goes nothing!

Liz gathered up her courage and opened the door. But as soon as Liz opened it, she found Klaus, the person she didn't want to meet the most, was standing right in front of her.
She was so shocked that she was totally lost at words. Klaus was also surprised to see the door suddenly opened. But 2 seconds later, Liz shut the door closed with a loud thud.

Liz: (..Am I too bothered about Klaus that now I see illusions of him!?!)

Liz took a deep breath and slowly opened the door again, and Klaus was still there. Liz shut the door again as soon as she saw Klaus' face. She tried once again and did the same thing, only this time Klaus used his feet to block between the door, preventing her from closing it.
Liz was startled and raised her head up, only to see Klaus' angry face amd his death stare. Liz tried to pull the door closed but Klaus' had put his hand on the door and pulled it in the opposite side.

Klaus: ....What do you think you're doing?!

Klaus used his strength and pulled the door wide open, made Liz lost her balance and was yanked into the room with the door.

Liz: Eepp!!

Liz managed not to fall onto her face and glaring angrily at Klaus.

Liz: That was dangerous Klaus! I could have been fallen!

Paying no attention to Liz, Klaus closed the door and walked toward Liz, of course, with a scary mood.
Feeling his anger, Liz took a step backward as Klaus got closer. The tension made Liz shut her eyes tightly and prepared for a lecture.

Klaus: ...Do you know how long I've been waiting?

Liz: Eh..?

Liz slowly opened eyes a little as she saw Klaus came over to the couch and sat down on it.

Klaus: ...Why are you standing there for? Hurry up and sit down.

Liz: Y-Yes sir....

Liz sat down on the opposite couch as she was told to.

Liz: (...He acts so normally.. Doesn't he feel anything about what happened?)

Just then, Liz noticed that on the table between the couches was some piles of books, some white papers and a pen.

Liz: U-umh... What are these...?

Klaus: It's your lesson. Today you'll be learning about Mathematics.

Liz: Oh...I see. But I don't see my teacher anywhere. Hasn't he come yet?

Klaus: ...That won't be necessary, because I'll be the one who teach you about this.

Liz: ....

Liz: ........?

Liz: Ehhhh?? I-I'll be studying with YOU?!?

Klaus: ...What? Have any problems?

Liz: N-No.... It's just...

Klaus: Just what?

Klaus furrowed his brow as he glared at Liz, which sent a shiver down her spine.

Liz: N-No..nothing...

Klaus: Good. Then let's start studying. You're wasting time.

Liz: Ugh....yes sir..

Liz opened her textbook as Klaus began lecturing. Klaus was teaching Liz, but seeing Klaus only made Liz recall the bad memories, which made her impossible to listen to what Klaus said.

Liz: (...Ugh... I can't focus at all! I can't get rid of that event out of my mind! Gahhhh..!)

Liz's head was about to exploded as she was filling in the paper about math which Klaus gave.

After a while...

Klaus: ....How many times did I tell you that you have to divide it here instead of multiply it!?

Liz: Eekkkk!!! I-I'm sorry!

Klaus: Pay attention to your lesson!

Liz: Aw...

Klaus angrily shouted and glared at Liz, who hadn't been listening to anything he taught. Then he let out a sigh and stood up.

Klaus: ...Let's have a break. I'll go make some tea.

Liz: U-Umh...Klaus... (D-Did I made him mad?..)

Klaus started making the tea as Liz leaned against the couch and looked at the clock. It's 5:06 p.m. already.

Liz: (..I-It's already been this late?? H-How long have I been studying...?)

Then Klaus finished making the tea and brought it to the table. He also prepared some biscuits. Klaus poured tea into two teacups and places one in front of Liz.

Liz: Thank you...

Liz picked up the teacup and took a sip. The Lavender scent filled her nose.
Liz was enjoying her tea when Klaus walked over his desk, faced his back to Liz.

Klaus: ...I'm sorry.

Liz: ..Huh?

Klaus: For what happened this morning.

Liz: ..Ah..!

Liz placed her tea down and looked at the ground.

Liz: ...About that..

Klaus: ..I'm sorry for doing that to you. You should just forget everything.

Liz: ..Forget....everything...?

Liz felt blood rose to her head as she was told to prevent it was nothing.

Liz: ...You're...telling me to pretend that nothing happened at all...?

Klaus: ..Yes. It wasn't like me at all. I suddenly felt angry and couldn't hold myself back whem seeing you with Azusa..

Liz: ...Huh?

Hearing Klaus' words, Liz blushed and she didn't feel angry anymore.

Liz: (...Klaus.. So it's true that he was jealous...or...)

Klaus: Liz, close your eyes.

Liz closed her eyes as Klaus came over and stood behind Liz. Then he put something over Liz's neck.

Klaus: Okay.. Now open your eyes.

Liz opened her eyes and saw that on her neck was a silver necklace with a star-shaped in the middle and was attached with many colorful small gems, sparkling under the lights.

Liz: ...It's so beautiful.

Klaus: Take this as my apology. I bought this on the way home...I thought it would looks good on you..

Liz: You mean...I can take it?

Klaus: Yes. Now let me take a look.

Liz turned around for Klaus to take a closer look. Liz felt a little embarrassed and blushed a little as she was being stared at by Klaus.

Klaus: ...It really suits you.

Klaus' lips broke into a smile, a gentle one, as he look pleased with the beauty.

Liz: R-Really? You think so...?

Klaus: ..Yes. You look so magnificent that it took my breathe away.

Liz: H-Huh?

Klaus: There's no way a guy can hold himself back in front of this beauty...

Liz: H-Hoeee??

Liz began to feel dizzy as blood rose to her head. Her face was heated and beet red as a ripe tomato.

Liz: (W-What's wrong with Klaus?? I-I can't take this anymore..!)

Klaus: ..Liz.

Liz: Y-Yes!

Liz startled at Klaus' sudden call.

Klaus: ...You can show this beauty to me, do as I say only... Because you're my 'mine', understood?

Liz: (...Eh? His? I'm his? One and only one? Do things as he say?)

Liz: (...Don't tell me....)

Liz: (....Ah! He must be talking about the personal maid things! I get it!!)

Klaus: Liz?

Liz: ..Ah yes?! Sorry I wasn't listening...can you say it again?

Klaus: I'm asking whether you accept to be 'mine'.

Liz: Of course! That's what I am, right? I mean, I've already yours (personal maid)!!

Klaus was taken back a bit as he saw Liz's quick answer.

Klaus: I..Is that so? I'm glad that you've understood... (Nononon! She's totally got the wrong idea lol - Author)

Liz: Yeah?

Klaus: ...Alright. It's getting dark, we'll end your lesson for today, so go change and come back here.

Liz: Okay. I'll be right back then.

Liz stood up and took her maid uniform, then she went into the bathroom and get changed.
While she was changing, she thought that Klaus was acting a bit weird but she didn't mind it.

Liz: (Hmm...Klaus sure is weird. Haven't I already his personal maid from the beginning? ....Hmm.... Nahhh nevermind!)

After changing, Liz helped Klaus with his usual paper works, only with a happier mind, as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

Liz: (Hehe...! Thank goodness that I was able to make up with Klaus! I was afraid that I won't be able to face him anymore after that incident.. But it turns out well now!)

Liz was smiling and humming while she was working, which made Klaus smiled as he quietly looked at the childish Liz. Then they had dinner and continued working for a little longer and then went to sleep.

Klaus had accidentally ignited a small fire inside Liz's heart, but now it seemed that the fire has also turned back at him.
But would Klaus get burned by that fire...or would he being heated by the passion of love? Only time will answer...

12 days left until the contest...

To be continued...

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