When We Met (Alex Aiono fanfi...

By musiclover700

9K 276 99

A music-obsessed girl meets her hero in London when going on a field trip with her class. Then during senior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visual Guide #1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Best Day Today, Part 1
Chapter 31: Best Day Today, Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 1
Chapter 35: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 2
Chapter 36: Sara's Birthday Party, Part 3
Visual Guide #2: Sara's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: The Salex Reunion
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: More Complicated Feelings, Part 1
Chapter 51: Complicated Feelings, Part 2
Visual Guide #3
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings, Part 3
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Visual Guide #4
Chapter 59: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, Part 1
Chapter 60: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62: New Years
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Alex's Birthday ;)
Chapter 65: Almost At The End
Chapter 66: The End
Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise
Epilogue 2: One Big Change

Chapter 5

412 9 2
By musiclover700

*Alex's POV*

Sabrina: u good now, Aiono?

Me: a little better

Sabrina: u'll be fine

Me: i hope

Sabrina: u guys maybe diff but u guys work so well

Me: oh no Sab dont go there

Sabrina: too late. U guys work so well & we dont even know why

Me: ik why, opposites attract

Sabrina: ooh ur admitting it

Me: but its tru

Sabrina: u must rlly like her

Me: I rlly made it obvi

Sabrina: too obvi Aiono

Me: aw man

Whatever, I guess it's all on me now..

--Few Minutes Later--

I walk into the recording studio to find Sara staring into the control room. I sneak up behind her. "Hey!"

"Ahhh!" Sara gasps, as she immediately turns around to see me. "Martin, never do that again!"

"I'll try not to," I laugh.

"I'm serious," she tries to keep her serious tone.

"Keep telling that yourself, Sari," I tease.

"What am I to do with you, Mr. Spanish..?" Sara rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Let's get to practicing," I hold the door for her.

She turns on the mics and I signal her if I could cue the music. She nods, and I turn on the music.

She begins. "You like New York City in the daytime, I like New York City in the night time. You say you like sleeping with the air off, I don't I need it on. You like the light coming through the windows, I sleep late so I just keep them all closed. You ignore the music on the radio, I don't I sing along."

We start singing the chorus together."I don't ask for you to change. Baby, no no no. And you don't ask for me to change." Omg, perfect way to describe our relationship--friendship! Thanks for writing this, Sabs!

"Tell me how we're not alike, but we work so well, and we don't even know why. Funny how the stars cross right cause we work so well and we don't even know why. You can call it fire and ice cause we work so well, and we don't even know why, why. We don't even know why, no no no. We don't even know why, no no no," we finish off.

"Cold outside, and you're just in a t-shirt, I have cold blood, even in a sweater. You start your night sippin my the kilo, I don't. I know you know."

Omg, that is so true! I don't even wear jackets that much when it's cold, but I don't sip by the kilo..so you go that one wrong, Sab.

*Sara's POV*

So Alex has been staring at me, all throughout the chorus. And now, I'm starting to stare at him..I wonder WHY he's been staring at me. There's no way he'd like me, cause have you seen me? I'm a trashcan. I still don't get what Alex would see in me--well if he DOES like me..

We finally finish rehearsing. I sat down in the bungee chair, outside of the control room. 

"Alex, I think I better get going," I sigh.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asks, scooting his chair close to mine.

"Ya, I'm fine," I assure him. "Just a little tired," I yawn. My tummy rumbles.

"And hungry," Alex laughs.

"Shut up," I giggle.

"Chinese or Pizza..?" He asks with his phone in his hand. 

I get up, approaching him for his phone. I'm too lazy to get mine ;) "I decide that," I snatch out of his hands."

"You're too tired to get your own phone out..?" He asks with a muffled laugh.

I roll his eyes at me and dial Papa John's. "Papa John's, Hannah speaking, how may I help you?" Hannah asks. Hannah..?

"Um..1 large cheese with extra pineapples pizza...?" I request, after exchanging a glance from Alex.

"Wait is that you, Wilson?" She recognized my voice.

"Yup, just studying with Ava," I lie.

"Well youe order will be done in a minute," she informs. "Delivery or pickup?" 

Hm...this is hard. I put myself on mute for a second. "Mr. 5million, delivery or pick up?"

"Hmm..pick up," he says. "And actually it's--"

"Ok, pick up it is," I confirm. "No extra information needed, Aiono," I joke.

"Did Sab rub off on you...?" He giggles.

"Everyones rubbed off on me," I joke. I turn myself off mute and confirm pick up.

"Ok, see you soon, Wilson," Hannah ends the call.

Phew, that's over.

*Alex's POV*

I really wanna tell her about my 10million subscribers, but--I guess I'll tell her after I get the pizza...

"Alex, I think I'll get the pizza," Sara offers.

"Woah, did Sara Wilson actually call me by my REAL name?" I ask with my mind blown expression.

"Let's not go there," Sara sighs.

"But I need to know.." I ask once more.

"That was not just any employee at Papa John's..that was Hannah," she admits in horror.

"Wait as in Hannah from spanish..?" I ask in panic.

She nods, and comes at me, embracing me in a hug. I put my arms around her. Aw,poor Sari. I can tell how much she dislikes her. And then there's me...standing in the background, watching her get pushed around by some..."tough" girl.

"I'm never gonna be low key ever again," I whisper into her hair.

"Huh..?" She asks, parting from the hug.

"Uh, nothing," I lie.

"Is Mr. YouTube embarrassed..?" She giggles using my OTHER nicknames.

"I will when you grow up with these nicknames, Sarbear," I tease her with her MOST-HATED name.

She playfully hits me as always. I just giggle at her. It feels like I'm forgetting something...

"PIZZA!" Sara and I chorus.

"I'll go get now," I tell her.

"No Alex, this is Hannah," she grabs my hand. "She's smart--she was so close to figuring out about..u--our friendship."

"Are you saying that you get the pizza..?" I ask her.

"Ya, you have a problem, Aiono?" She shoots back.

"How about we just deliver..?" I suggest, ending all this arguing.

"Fine," she says, handing back my phone.

"Thanks, m'lady," I bow.

"Oh, are you Robin Hood now..?" She asks with a sarcastic tone.

"Whatever you think I am to you," I tell her.

"Ok," she blushes.

"Well..I'm gonna call them..tell them where to deliver," I say, walking into the control room.

I make more and more obvious every time..

*Sara's POV*

Well this night gets more and more like...couple night. Or in my case, monthly date night. Whatever this. But I can't help wonder what Alex whispered, probably nothing. What would he have to say to me..? Whatever.

"Ok, so they'll be delivering to 251 Pine Cover Lane in a few minutes," he says, putting his phone in his pocket.

"So you're picking it up..?" I ask him.

"Well technically, they're "delivering"," he finger quotes. "But I guess, sorry, Sari," he coos, teasing me in the process. "I'll be back," he says, walking out of the building.

I can't let Hannah get suspicious. I have to go.

"Wait, Alex," I run out the door after him.

"Sarbear, I told you.." I wouldn't let him finish.

"I know--just let me go. But I couldn't let Hannah..." I shudder. Omg, it's so cold. I guess I do cold blood even in a sweater. Next time I need bring a leather jacket or something.

"Fine," he opens the door for me. Ooh, it's been a while since I got the shotgun.

--A Few Minutes--

"Sari, it's only getting a pizza, and paying for it," he says.

"Easy for you to say, you have a jacket," I scoff.

"Why didn't just say so. You know I wear t-shirts in the cold all the time," he modestly says.

I get out from the car, seeing Alex do the same. He puts the jacket on me and smiles. "Keep it, it looks good on you."

"Omg, did THE Alex Aiono just compliment me after a million years..?" I dramatically gasp.

"Just get the pizza already," he says, laughing.

I smile, and run over to the house. Thank god, they're not here yet. 

After a few seconds of randomly standing outside of someone's--probably Alex's--house, they finally show up.

"Nice leather jacket, Snake," Hannah winks, handing me the pizza box.

"Thanks..?" I confusingly thank her. "And are you actually calling me by my REAL name?"

"Not for long, Snake," she says, handing the receipt.

"When did I--" I ask, until I cut myself off.

"You paid through the phone, remember..?" She reminds.

"Ya, ya. I must've forgot," I fake face palm.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Snake," she waves, walking back to the Pizza car. I wait until she drives away and run to Alex's car.

"How bad was it..?" He asks.

"For the first time--"

"Don't say in forever," he pleads.

"..in forever," I smirk. "she called me by my REAL name.."

"That's good," he comments. 

"You got a problem, YouTube?" I ask him with one of his nicknames.

"Just happy to know that she finally appreciates your beautiful name," he smiles.

"Just shut up and drive," I giggles.

She nods, and starts driving.

--Back to the recording studio--

Alex and I are finally eating pizza. Finally..food.

"Enjoying that pizza, Willy?" Alex says, eating his pizza.

"Shut up," I tried to say, but the pizza made it sound like gibberish.

He laughs and continues to eat his pizza.

"But 5.1million, won't you let me do anything," I ask him. finally.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Alex tries to hold in his smile.

I shoot him a look.

"Fine, so I paid," he shrugs. 

"You.." I smudge pizza sauce in his face.

"Well you got me back," he examines. "Now it's my turn," he says. I feel something..in my hair. I comb through my hair to find..pineapples.

"Pineapples," I murmur. I get a quick glimpse at the pizza. Black olives. Alex hates those. I turn around to see Alex throwing a tomato to my face. Ok, Alex, you wanna play?

I start throwing black olives, running around the studio Sabrina and the band are gonna kill us for messing up their studio.

"Alex, I think we should stop before we kill this studio," I giggle.

"Ok," he walks over, and smashes a pizza on my head. 

"Aw, knock it off," I order him.

"I've only started, Sarbear," he giggles, as he walks closer.

I start stepping back, nervously. "Shut it, YouTube," I shoot back.

"I liked Martin better," he laughs.

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind next time," I step back to the wall stopping from going any back.

"Don't worry, I'm starting to warm up to Mr. YouTube," he assures me.

"Good, cause that's one of my favorites," I smile at me.

Then we were left with a silence. Not just any silence--a beautiful one. I look up to find Alex looking deep into my eyes. I look back into his brown eyes. He suddenly grabs my hands. Omg, what is happening?!

"Um, Sara, you said that Dava + Tessa could use the recording studio the other day," I could hear Ava says, walking in. Oh no. We can't let them..

"Are we interrupting anything..?" Danny asks, while Tessa gasps. 

"No, no," Alex snaps out of his faze and lets me go.

"Ya, you can, Dava and Tessa," I answer Ava.

Dava and Tessa walks over to the bungee chairs, while Alex and I are still trying to figure out what happened.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"Ya, it's fine," I blush.

He blushes. "So see you later..?" He develops a smile.

"Sure," I smile back. Ava comes behind me, and as Alex walks away, she pushes me into him. "You're welcome," she whispers in my ear. 

"Uh, sorry," I blush.

"Nah, it's fine," Alex excuses, smiling still.

"Ya," I say.

"And I was gonna tell you..I'm not Mr. 5million anymore," Alex cheers.

"Aw, did you get 1 more follower?" I give me puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, another 5 million," Alex embraces me in a hug.

"Aw, congrats, Martin!" I hug him back.

He smiles and continues walking away.

I go find Ava and lightly hit her. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because your boyfriend clearly wanted to talk," Ava giggles.


But I have to plan a party for Alex, he'll love it! Especially because he's been doing all the work lately..

*Alex/Sara's POV*

This has gotten so confusing on some many levels...

*Sabrina's POV*

I'm so happy for Salex. I'm so glad Fate played it's part in England. I should really write a song about Fate. Salex would love it. I write for their wedding. Or..omg, I should sing it at the concert. This concert's gonna be litt.

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