Madness ( Jason the toymaker...

By timerlor

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Let's see... Where to begin the story. Ah! Let's start from here shall we?. Loneliness. That was all that I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Short Skit (kinda Like Flashback)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Short Skit 2 ( FLASHBACK)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Guys.... Omg!!!!
Chapter 19
Request Open
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (The Final Chapter)

Chapter 15

4.2K 142 52
By timerlor

Hoodie pov.

' The hell? What is all that noise about? '. " Hey Jason, should we...", he agreed and told April Fools to take care of (y/n) while we go and see what's all the fuss is about. " Oh hell na,I'm going with you guys cause I want to see what's happening as well." , " Me too, me too! I want to take pictures!". I don't know why pictures are involved with this but she's just 8 years old so I think that's fine.

"Fine, but you'll going to carry (y/n) cause Idon't want her to get lost or anything. "," Since when do you care whether she gets lost? ". And Jason has to tell her what happened when she was gone again to her. When that was done, we went to see what the yelling was about and damn it was not pretty, Candy Pop was being yelled at by Candy Cane, his I don't know what girlfriend.

By what I'm seeing here, here's what happened to have 'this' occurred. Apparently, Candy Pop thought Candy Cane wasn't coming back today so he decided to get laid or something and so he decided to bring back a whore. I heard flashes and I assume it was (y/n) taking pictures but when I turned to make sure it was her,she wasn't even taking pictures, she was waiting for the right time to take one. 'Wait, if it wasn't her,than... Oh shit the whore is still here.'

I searched the room and found the whore at a corner taking pictures. 'Now where is my gun at. Ah here it is, guess I should practice my aiming now'. I carefully aimed my gun at the woman, I turned to make sure Candy Pop and Candy Cane were busy doing their arguments but it didn't seemed to get unnoticed by Jason and April Fools. April Fools covered (y/n)'s ears with her hands and I pulled the trigger "*BANG!". Candy Pop and Candy Cane stopped their arguments and turned to my direction.

"Y- Your w-welcome. " Candy Pop grapped me by my hoodie and yelled." WHAT'S THERE TO THANK YOU???". " I-I w-was n-not t-talking t-to y-you, I w-was t-talking t-to C-Candy C-cane". But before anything could happened, the Doll maker came in, pissed and angry at the noise and what's happening. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF ZALGO IS HAPPENING HERE?!" 

(y/n) pov.

" why is he mad? " I asked April." It's because someone in this room was naughty and noisey, so you better be nice ok? "."Ok.", the man with the blue hair looks very familiar to me even though I've never even met him before... Oh well! I saw the smiley man and the black clown too, I ran to them and showed them the picture I took of them. They looked at it for a second before the black clown started giggling while the smiley man looked mortified. "Eh, (y/n) why don't we make a deal? You delete that picture and you can get whatever you like". Whatever I like? " REALLY? Than I want... CANDY!!!".

Smiley man seemed relief and went on go get what I think to be my candy. I turned to the black clown " Black clown, are you and smiley man going to get married and have kids?". The black clown started laughing but stopped after a while. " Eh, well... Hey! Look!there's your Candy!". "CANDY???!!?!". I saw the smiley man holding a jar of Candy and I ran to go get it.

" No so fast, delete that picture than I'll give you the candy. ", I stared at him with disbelief but deleted the picture anyway." OK, here is your God DAMN candy. " but before I could take it, Jacy took the jar away from the smiley man." No candy until I prepare lunch . " before I could argue I saw lulu, Sal and lazari." LULU!!".

Jason's pov.

That girl doesn't need Candy, she already has a candy rush in her veins I swear. I still need to make lunch though. I went to the kitchen and just started to make lunch. OK, this is what I'm deciding to make, hoodie and masky will be having cheesecake. Lazari, eyeless jack will be having having flesh of a human and kidneys respectively. LJ, Candy Pop, Candy Cane and April Fools will be having sweets or something that has sugar. Jane, Jeff, Ben, dark link, lost silver, Sally, Lucy and (y/n) will be having sandwiches... Though I have no clue what lost silver eats and his not even here right now.

Not many pasta's are here right now but eh, I'm really tired right now.

After some time ~

I'm finally fuckin done with this shit. "Guys! Lunch is fuckin done." and man everyone pushed each other out of the way cause everyone didn't have breakfast in the morning. Within 15 minutes, everyone was done with their food. ' I knew making more food was a good idea.' Candy Cane was still pissed at Candy Pop but I'm sure she's going to forget about it and continue on like as if nothing happened.

April Fools was best friends with her but ever since she caught him cheating with Candy Cane... Well all hell broke lose and she almost left a mark on her face. Candy Pop was now eyeing (y/n)...that guy just can't have a stable relationship can't he.

I didn't noticed April Fools near me and when I did... I almost screamed. " Relax, Jason. I just have a question to ask you".
" What is it? "."Your in love with (y/n)  aren't you? Even of you don't love her, you at least like her?". I was going to punch her before crashes were heard.

Candy Cane was trying to attack Candy Pop and she was messing the whole of the dining table. Jane was holding back Candy Cane while EJ saw to Candy Pop's wounds. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CANDY CANE ??!?!". The doll maker had to hold her down while Dr smiley injected her with something that made her unconscious. " Is Jill spreading her sickness to everyone now?!!?!" Ben said while watching the whole thing with amusement.

" Jacy,is everything going to be okay? " (y/n) asked while she watched while trembling. I picked her up," Yeah, everything's going to be fine. ", lucy, Sally and lazari were giving me 'the look' but were also smirking at me." Um, guys what's happening here? ". And we were all Fucked as we all realised that it was Tenderman. Everyone was confused as we all saw with our own eyes that he and the slender's had already left to find Evil.

Tenderman was giving is confused looks as to why he was seeing Candy Cane unconscious and Laughing Jill being tied to a chair and to make things 'even better', LJ said this, " Surprise?"

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