His Errand Boy | Kihyun [√]

By myshatae

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Despite being a girl, Choi Minjae is the errand boy of the seven rich lads of Seoul. Hiding one's gender for... More

Chapter 1: Their errand boy
Chapter 2: A place to stay
Chapter 3: New life
Chapter 4: New world
Chapter 5: Rich jerk
Chapter 6: One sided love
Chapter 7: Gay Kissing
Chapter 8: The aftershock
Chapter 9: A silent storm
Chapter 10: Exposed
Chapter 11: Lies and hatred
Chapter 12: A bitter truth
Chapter 13: A new mistery
Chapter 14: Gay men
Chapter 15: Coffee prince
Chapter 16: An unexpected incident
Chapter 17: New family
Chapter 18: Off to camping
Chapter 19: He's mine
Chapter 20: My second kiss
Chapter 22: New feelings
Chapter 23: Second lead
Chapter 24: Confirming
Chapter 25: A secret date
Chapter 26: Coming out
Chapter 27: The truth
Chapter 28: Pain
Chapter 29: To others
Chapter 30: Goodbyes
facts about the book+author's note

Chapter 21: Going back

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By myshatae

If I were you
I'd like a guy like me

-I'll be there

Yoo Kihyun

His lips were soft. It almost felt like he was melting inside my mouth and I wanted more. I wanted more of those lips.

His hot breath mixed with mine as we were kissing, my hand went forward to touch his. His fingertips touched mine, hesitantly yet slowly I wrapped his hand with mine.

Wait, what am I doing.

Why am I kissing him!

I pulled away immediately breaking our contact. Minjae opened his eyes and he just stared at me wide eyed for a second, I was sure I was doing the same. His face flushed bright red and next second he ran away from my sight.

What did just happen?

I still couldn't fully grasp it, everything just happened. I was trying to clean that foam off his lips and they were really soft, his skin too. I was thinking of making fun of him for that.

And then I looked up, he was staring right into my eyes. And he looked, shy and embarrassed when our eyes met.

His face was so close, those large eyes, those soft cherry-like lips, his cheeks tinted with pink. Before I knew it I had leaned in and kissed him.

Why did I kiss him! Oh god! Suddenly I felt this heavy feel of frustration hitting me and I wanted to yell at myself.

Why the heck did I do that! What is wrong with me!

As I was still sitting there with so many mixed feelings inside my heart, I couldn't even name those feelings. I pulled the hair on the front side of my head as I bit my lip.

A strong sensation of his touch was still there.


"I wish we could stay here for longer," Wonho whined as he helped with the barbeque. "I can't believe we're leaving tonight!"

"You've been saying that for a while. Now concentrate on cooking the meat."

"I can't do this anymore!" He put down the stick with a loud clank. "My back hurts. Find someone else to assist you."

He then looked back and seemed to find someone. "Minjae! Help him with cooking!"

"I'm coming!'' I heard Minjae yelling from afar. Oh no.

I focused on cooking the meat as he came and stood beside me after Wonho ran off to somewhere. I didn't want to see him even from my peripheral vision and to be honest, I'd never felt so awkward and stiff in my life before.

It would've felt the same last time but that was an accident. He also acted normal before but now I could feel a stiff aura coming from him, I knew he feels awkward too.

This is all my fault. It was a mistake, I wish it never happened.

"I'm hungry!" Changkyun approached us from nowhere. Leaning in, he tried to judge the meat that was over the hot coal. "It still looks raw!"

I thought Minjae would say something in reply so I stayed quiet but he was silent too.

"What happened between you two?" Changkyun asked observing our faces.

"Nothing," we said in unison then looked at each other. It wasn't a second until we looked away again.

"This is fishy. What happened really?" He asked again, furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Oppa? Could you help putting the campfire? These dorks can't!" Byul came from the back shouting loudly.

"We aren't dorks!" Changkyun yelled in reply but she was only looking at Minjae for an answer, ignoring Changkyun's presence.

"Yeah, I could help. But Kihyun hyung needs-"

"I'm fine," I said concentrating on the meat. "You can go."

Without another word Minjae left with Byul. Changkyun did the same after giving me another judging look. Thanks god he didn't ask any questions again.

I could finally breath as they were gone now. Holding the iron stick tightly, I could only curse at myself.

I hate myself for doing that, the thing I did earlier today. I wish I could go back in time and held myself.

I shouldn't have even came here at the first place. Because since I'd been here I'd only faced weird feelings. Especially the day Jackson came, it began from there. I hate that I know how I felt back then. And that feeling is called jealousy.

Taking a look back where they were trying to make a campfire as Minjae was helping this time, Byul hanging by his side. That's how it should be. He should just like some guy or girl, whoever he wants.

And I should stick to liking Soyou. That's how it should be!

I'm not gay. I don't have any feelings for him. It was all a big mistake. A really big mistake.

Pulling my phone out from my pocket, I searched through the contact list for Soyou's number and then quickly sent her a text message.

Hoping she would be free after college tomorrow.

After I was done with cooking, Jooheon and Minhyuk helped me serve the food. We all gathered and sat around the fire to enjoy our vacation for the last time in a while.

Minjae and Byul sat together. I was at the opposite direction with a complete view of them. And I forced myself to think anything else.

Anything else but the kiss. Anything else but him.

"So what do we do to enjoy this evening?" Wonho threw the question at the crowd, us.

"How about Kihyun sings a song?" Hyungwon proposed. "We all know he sings very well."

Before everyone could cheer for it and drive me crazy, I insisted. "Yeah but Jooheon and Changkyun can rap. Ask them to rap something or whatsoever. You guys can sing too so sing for yourself."

"Whoa, no need to act this bitchy!" Minhyuk pouted as I rolled my eyes.

"He's always bitchy," Jooheon added. "Anyone else have any other ideas?"

"How about horror stories?" Byul suggested excitedly and Minhyuk almost started screaming. "Yes yes! That's a good idea." For the first time he had agreed with Byul on something.

"Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm leaving if you guys start that shit." Jooheon shook his head looking pale already.

"How about truth and dare?" Shownu finally said something as he was silent all these time.

"That's childish." I sighed but before that everyone started screaming, agreeing with Shownu.

God, I hate this game!

"I like this! How about confession time? Confess your feelings or get a dare!" Minhyuk came up with one of his foul ideas and as expected, everyone liked it.

An empty bottle of coke was placed at the middle, near the fire. Shownu span it since it was his idea and he was the oldest. The empty bottle span for a while then pointed towards Byul.

"We'll start from her!" Minhyuk announced loudly like he was an mc of some kind of variety show. "So Byul, among us whom do you have some sorts of feelings for?"

"I like Minjae. Duh! I'm his girlfriend." Byul rolled her eyes and a wave of laughter was born among us.

"We all know you ain't his girlfriend. Maybe you wish you were!" Changkyun said while laughing whilst Byul gave Minjae a shooting glare.

"Oppa! You told them?"

"They just kinda guessed. I didn't say anything." Minjae shrugged looking guilty.

"Minjae! Since you're beside her tell us your confession next!" Minhyuk yelled loudly saving him from Byul.

"Me?" Minjae pointed at himself then looked at others, his eyes landed on Shownu at the end.

Stupid, don't say it.

"I liked Shownu hyung."

There he went! That stupid boy!

Everyone became silent. I mentally cursed him for being this stupid. Sometimes feelings are better not spoken, especially in cases like his.

"Well, I like Jooheon hyung." Changkyun broke the awkward silence with his deep voice. "Jooheon hyung, I like you." He said in a serious tone staring at Jooheon's eyes.

"You like me?" Jooheon asked making his eyes wide. But soon he started laughing. "I love you too Jagiya!"

This time everyone joined in their laughter. I let out a breath of relief, thank god they took Minjae's confession as a joke.

"I like you too Minjae." Shownu showed his goofy smile and Minhyuk raised his hand.

"But I like Shownu hyung too!"

"Oh no! A love triangle has been born." Minjae cried dramatically.

"Make that a love tetragon cause I'm in love with Shownu hyung too." Jooheon suddenly said making Changkyun scream. "Jagiya! Why are you betraying me!"

"This just turned into a soap opera. Wish I had some popcorn," Byul commented putting her elbow up, then placing her chin on it.

"What about Kihyun?" Shownu asked.

"Yeah tell us your feelings. Maybe you like Shownu too." Hyungwon started laughing as he said.

Wonho made his mouth 'o' shaped. "Then wouldn't it turn into a love pentagon?"

"Huh he's too serious. I bet he's thinking of only Soyou now." Jooheon retorted and again they started laughing.

I cleared my throat so it could produce a louder voice that everyone would hear in this chaos.

"I'm going to confess to her tomorrow."

"Yeah right." Wonho nudged me with his arm but seeing my seriousness he took a double take. "Wait, for real?"

"It's finally happening!" Minhyuk screamed excitedly and everyone followed after him. Cheering, clapping, shouting loudly. I might just go deaf tonight.

"Minjae! Your hard work has finally paid off!" Minhyuk told Minjae as he was just looking at me with awe. Next second he snapped back from his daze and started clapping happily.

Minjae showed me a thumbs up. "I'm so glad for you hyung!"

I nodded giving a small smile. Soyou just texted me saying that she was free after her classes tomorrow. That was my chance.

I need a change. 

And I need to distance myself from Minjae.

A/n: Question time! Where are you from?

Anyway, has anyone ever wondered why I put Wonho and Shownu's stage names instead of their real ones?

Because as soon as I say Shin Hoseok someone screams Jhooope XD (love jhoe BTW) and only a few people knows Shownu's real name which is Son Hyunwoo.

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