A human angel / Allen Walker...

By WhiteDemonQueen

6.9K 159 36

A fanfiction about you and Allen Walker marshal theodor found you in a village in England. Your life... More

chapter 1 : The deal
chapter 2: passed out
Chapter 3: My lost past
Chapter 5: Eyes
Chapter 6 : The dream
Chapter 7: A new mission
Chapter 8: I'm not weak
Chapter 9: Friends...
Chapter 01: lemon!

Chapter 4: My real powers

457 12 0
By WhiteDemonQueen

Nobody's POV

You were walking to Komui's office. Apparently he wanted to check up on your health and your innocence ( A/N It kind of sounds wrong doesn't it ?😅)

You stopped at a wooden door you knocked  and opened it seeing tonnes of papers all over the flore. In front of you was some kind of structure that you guessed was a desk, it had giant piles of papers on it. You looked around observing the newly discovered room. The room was round and had shelves full of books all around the walls.Suddenly something moved under the mountain of paper and revealed a waking up Komui. For a moment you were a little surprised but quickly puled yourself together.

"Komui? Are you ok ? You told me to come and see you when I was finished with eating but I can come later if you want" you said concerned for the clearly overworked man "Huh ? Oh (Y/N). No, sorry ,I'm fine just a little tired but I'll manage. Why were you here again...?" 

you sweat dropped "Uh... you wanted to examine my innocence""Oh yeah right hahahaha sorry I seam to be a little tired." "Just a little ?!" You thought loudly in your mind

"Whatever come follow me" He said and stood up from the chair and walked out the room. You followed him without asking where you were going. After a while he stopped in front of a wooden door and he opened it. You looked in and saw a room completely in white, It had a strong sent of disinfecting products and medication. So you guessed that you were in some kind of treatment room.

Komui took out a chair and asked you to take a seat in front of a white table that stood in the middle of the room. You did as you were asked. "So (Y/N) would you please activate your innocence?" he asked you monotonously taking a sip from his coffee mug. "sure... but it is a little strange you know... " you answered unsure how he would react to the sightYou put your left hand on the table and said "ACTIVATE!!" the same greenish symboles appears on you left hand and it enveloped it self in White-blue flames. You tried to cover up your left eye with your bangs again.

"Yeah you are right it is a little off. What can you do ?Your innocence doesn't really have a physical form plus I can't tell what type it is" komui was looking at your hand intensely now but still taking sips from his mug " What do you mean? Isn't it a parasite type ?" " Well to be frank I'm not sure because it seams like there is innocence in your body but it doesn't really look like a part of you." He looked at your now worried face and continued " Don't worry though you are certainly an exorciste seeing as you can activate it without any kind of problems"you sighted in relieve "That's good, I was worried for a second" You openly admitted "As for what I can do with it... well not much, I can shoot them and so destroy akuma...

 Oh by the way it seams like they only burn the things I want to burn. Like even if I make them envelope the entire room if I don't have the will to do it they don't do any damage at all" you explained. He just nodded signaling you that he understood everything you told him so far. 

"Anything else I should know about ?" you hesitantly looked at him "Should I tell him or not ?" ou closed your eyes and turned your head slightly to the side. The ground suddenly became veeerry interesting to you. "I should probably tell him everything since I don't want him to be angry at me for hiding things as important as this " 

You sight and finally spoke " Actually there are somethings that you should probably know about..." You looked at up at him to make sure he was actually listening to you. And Yes he was giving you his full attention. That was when  you noticed that he was standing the entire time and continued.

"Well for starters let us be clear. What I will tell you now, you shouldn't go out telling people on the street ok?" Your voice was now more serious"*sight my flames can purifie other living beings, if I concentrate on a precise thing I want to burn, for example... the akuma virus... witch means that I can heal the infected people." komui's eyes widened and couldn't keep calm anymore.  He attempted to say something but you cut him of  "The problem is that... if the infected body isn't treated immediately and the virus is already all over the body even I can't do anything anymore. In the best case you wouldn't take any damage at all or just loose a finger or something, and in the worst case..." You looked at him with serious eyes " death

Komui gulped. taking in everything you told him so far "T-that is amazing if you can really do that it would be a great help..." "Yes and that is why I don't want everyone to know about it...cause if anyone knows that I'm from such good use to you, that shouldn't know about it and tries to eliminate me because of that, then I can't help anymore "

"Yes... You are right" He frowned a bit and you noticed it. You put your hand over his for comfort and he quickly looked at you "Please don't make that expression, you think that Lenalee would like to see that kind of face" He smiled at the mentioning of his younger sister. You gave him a warm smile. He probably already understood what that skill of yours meant. If the earl ever takes notice of such power he will try to kill you. Your smile faded and you had that serious look on your face again. "There is something else I wanted to tell you" You looked at your hand that  was still on the table and covered in these strange drawings. Your innocence was still activated. you could still feel the burning feeling of power flow through your body but there were no more flames.

You lifted your right hand to your face and pushed your bangs to the side so that your face was now clearly visible

Komui looked at you shock all over his face 

"(Y-Y/N) y-your eyes!? "



You know one day I woke up and read a chapter on wattpad but then came the end and it became suuuuuper interesting and booooom 

Clif hanger  and I had to go to (school/ work).

When my (friends/coworkers) asked me why I look like I'm gonna kill someone they just face palmed at the reason behind it. But com' ooon who wouldn't be pissed if they had to stop at the most interesting part ?

So I thought  'HEY are you REALLY that kind of B**** that wants to make other people suffer trough the same s**t you've bean trough ?'




The answer is ...



YYYYEEEEEEESSSS I AM THAT KIND OF B****So here you have it. Still love you thought and please comment it, would make me super happy to see people comment my stories. Even thought it is not perfect I hope that you still liked it. See you next time

Your writer-chan

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