Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

18.7K 234 68

as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Lemon
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
From Red to Monster
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
A New Magic
Frisk's Magic Problem
Saving the Others?
A Night Like No Other
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update
Before Everything

Fire Magic

269 9 1
By RyanLaMotte

Author: sorry for not posting, I was either reading another story or trying to figure out how to tie the story together with the other parts chapter commence
When Frisk woke up she was trapped by Chara so she couldn't get out of bed, she sighs and looks at her phone. She sees that she had messages from Toriel saying "are you alright?" or "how have you been feeling?" She replied with "i'm fine and I've been feeling great," she seen that Chara was starting to wake up and she says good morning to her and Chara said good morning back. Chara then said "are you ready to learn about fire magic today or yellow magic?" Frisk answered "I would like to learn about fire magic today." They got out of bed and got ready for the day. They ate and went outside, then Chara calls Asgore over because Toriel was teaching, he comes over and asks Asgore if Frisk could battle him to train her for the use of fire magic, Chara then says for Asgore to attack her with just fire magic, Frisk dodges most of them but manages to get hit by one taking her go down from 20 to 19. Chara tells Frisk to focus some of her energy to learn the attacks that Asgore throws at her. She let's the fire keep hitting her until she was at ten hp left then learned how to control it. She threw fire at Asgore at lightning speed which caused Asgore to fall, battle sequence ends, and Frisk still awake and not tired asked if she could battle Undyne again this time for her to use her full power attack on Frisk. Chara nods and calls Undyne over to their backyard. They battle and Frisk won but after the battle ended, Frisk was exhausted and fell, she was then caught by Chara and set down under a tree. A few hours pass and Chara sees Frisk wake up. She then tells her to sit there while her and Undyne battle. Chara battles Undyne Chara using her vp magic almost struck Undyne before she could, her memories came back of the awful moments between her family, and the terrifying moment of striking and killing Frisk. She clutched her head and screamed, tears rolled down her face. Frisk worried for her went over to her before being pushed back by magic from Chara. Frisk then using her teleport power she got from Sans, teleported in front of Chara, and Chara said a few things that Frisk didn't hear but when she got close all she heard from Chara was "you comedian," then she struck at Frisk, Frisk caught off guard got struck, she then felt her hp dropping as a black slice was struck on Frisk's chest. Frisk knew she was dead but tried to heal it anyways, five hp, then to ten, back to five, then to four until it reached one then she said "goodbye everyone, I loved you all, please try to forget about me, and please don't blame this on Chara." She waited a few minutes and her hp didn't drop from one, instead her hp was black and red instead of the normal yellow and red. She then used all of her magic to break Chara and her out of the forcefield that trapped them both, Chara returned to normal, but saw that Frisk was at one hp and said before running off "I-I-I'm sorry, no this will never happen again goodbye Frisk." Frisk tried to run after Chara but she was still tired from breaking them out of the forcefield and being at one hp, she healed herself before calling Sans to try to get him to go after Chara. He finds her about to stab herself and Sans grabs the knife and chucks it with his magic and grabs Chara and teleports her in front of Frisk, Frisk hugs Chara and said " please don't beat urself up because of this I love you, and it was my fault for not trying to listen to your warnings, but I teleported anyways and you thought I was Sans from that one run." Chara hugs back tightly and Chara checks Frisk's stats although it looks the same Chara feels something is different about Frisk. She asked Frisk "do you feel different, because I can feel some different magic beginning to form in your body and I don't think it's vp." Fried said "well I think when you struck me and my hp was at one, I waited a few minutes and it didn't go down any lower, I guess i'm getting used to your magic I don't know." Chara then nodded and asked Frisk if she could battle her. Frisk said sure but when they did battle Frisk tried to use some of her magic but fell unconscious, the battle ended and Chara sighed and said "well I guess that was to be expected after what just happened to her." Chara carried Frisk inside and up stairs for the rest of the night they stayed in bed, and Chara wondered what magic did she sence in Frisk.

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