Black or White ✔

Oleh blackxbelle

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"You and I both know, that skin colour matters." She pointed out. "It doesn't matter to me, or to you. And it... Lebih Banyak

Black or White
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Oleh blackxbelle

Song of the chapter: How To Love by Lil Wayne.


Toki had never liked anything associated with hospitals. Doctors, blood, needles; he didn't like any of that.

But he didn't notice the antiseptic smell that hospitals usually had when he frantically rushed in with Ava trailing worriedly behind him. He didn't mind the doctors and nurses as he made his way to the reception, his mind racing with a hundren possibilities of what could happen to his father.

For someone who was thinking of eloping with his fiancee, he seemed to forget about his father's blackmail for that moment and the only thing that mattered is that he would be alive.

"The doctor would be right with you Mr. Osoba. I saw your mother around here somewhere, maybe she went to the restroom. You can wait for her." The nurse said, flashing him a sympathetic smile.

He nodded and sat down, Ava sitting down beside him. She was calm, obviously handling the situation calmer than he was.

"It's okay Toki. I'm sure your dad would be fine." She said, trying to reassure him.

"You don't know that, he's old, and he lost blood. He can't just die, we aren't even on good terms." He replied, burying his face in his palms.

"Yes well, your father seems like a fighter. I don't think he would let go that easily." She stated calmly.

"What do you know anyway?" He snapped, his frustration taking a toll on him. "You don't even know him! You probably hate him with the way he treated you."

She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off.

"You're probably hoping he dies, that way there'll be no one in your way." He spat out, regretting his words the moment they were said.

She felt tears well up and his expression softened, realising how much harm he had caused.

"Ava-" His voice started out as a croak, but she shook her head and gestured to the doctor that was walking towards them with a small smile.

Toki stood up immediately, momentarily forgetting the situation with Ava, and looked at the doctor curiously.

"Mr. Osoba, Miss." He acknowledged them and they nodded, waiting for him to talk.

"I'll be in the restroom." Ava said quietly, excusing herself and walked away before Toki could protest.

His mouth was suddenly dry, as he regretted the words he said to her. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and looked back at the doctor, asking him about his father.


Ava splashed some water on her face, hoping that it wasn't obvious that she came to cry.

She had spent too much time in the restroom, and she had to eventually hold in her emotions and come out.

Toki's father's life was more important.

She knew Toki was under pressure, terrified and frustrated at the thought of loosing his father, but accusing her to about not caring that his father was dying?

He was almost calling her a murderer.

And it made her wonder if he trusted her at all.

But in Toki's spiteful words, she felt like there was some truth there. She didn't feel any affection towards the old man, probably because he never had a kind thing to say when she was around him. She didn't feel pressured when they were in the waiting room, partly because she was used to pressure (brides-to-be were a handful), and becuase she didn't know how it felt to feel like you're about to lose someone you love. She was just trying to calm him down. If they were both a blubbering mess, they wouldn't have even gotten to the hospital.

Her mind wandered back to his words. And if he died, she didn't know if she would feel cry much, not because she hated him or anything, but there was no connection.

Nothing to make her miss him.

Except that he was Toki's father.

And Toki's pain was her pain too.

She was about to leave when another lady walked out of a cubicle and splashed some water on her face, breathing in and out heavily.

It was Toki's mother.

"Oh Ava! I didn't realise you guys were here." She smiled, although it didn't reach her eyes, but Ava didn't blame her. The poor woman was on the verge of losing someone very close to her.

"We just got here a couple of minutes ago ma." Ava replied. "Toki is talking with the doctor, they should be doing the blood test by now."

"Oh O da be. I hope he's a match. They don't have his father's blood type here again, that's why all of this is happening." She said, her body trembling as she threatened to break down. "I just hope he's a match, I can't lose him now. It's too early."

Ava pulled her into an awkward hug, telling her repeatedly that it was going to be okay, even though she didn't know for sure.

After a while, his mother composed herself, put on a blank face, and left the restroom; Ava walking behind her.

"What do you mean it's not a match?" They heard Toki's voice roar in the lobby. Ava walked fast towards them, her mind racing with different possibilities.

She had totally forgotten about the fact that the dying man in there wasn't Toki's biological father, and the blood test just proved it.

This wasn't how Toki was supposed to find out, and now they wouldn't have blood to help save his father.

"Sir, your father's blood type is O, yours is A. I can't use yours to save him. He's getting critical as the seconds pass." The doctor explained to a confused Toki.

"What do you mean? I'm his son, he's only son. If I don't have my mother's blood type, I'm supposed to have my father's. How is this possible?" He asked, fuming in anger. "Tell your lab attendants to check it again, kia kia! They might have made a mistake."

"It's no mistake Toki." His mother said from behind him, touching his shoulder lightly, surprising him. "I would explain later, but for now, let's focus on your father's life." She explained and the look of confusion returned as he relunctany let the topic go.

"Wait, did you say O?" Ava suddenly spoke and everyone in the room looked at the slender white woman.

"Yes Miss. That's his blood type." The doctor replied, trying to talk with a little diction.

"Well that's my blood type too. I'll be happy to donate." She offered and Toki's eyes widened.

"Ava, you don't have to do-"

"Yes I do. We don't want your father dying now, do we? He still has to see our wedding." She cut him off, and his mind wandered back to what he said to her.

She avoided his gaze and looked at his mother with a small smile. "If its okay with you ma?"

"Of course it's okay! Ah! Thank God. Thank you very much. You are a good girl, omo dada, well brought up. God would reward you for this..."

Ava nodded as his mother continued to rain prayers and blessings over her while the doctor led her to the lab.

She glanced at Toki who still had a sorrowful look in his eyes. He still felt guilty and what he said to her, and the fact that she was saving the man who treated her worse than any one else made him fall in love with her all over again.


"How is he?" Toki asked the moment the weary looking doctor came out.

"He's stable now, but he's asleep. You can all see him, just keep quiet so he can rest." The doctor replied and he nodded.

They all gave him appreciative smiles as they walked into the room. Ava was eating wafers and some chocolates, trying to get her energy back from the blood she lost. Wafers and chocolate was the only edible thing she could trust around the hospital to buy.

Ava stopped at the door, suddenly realising that it was Toki's father she was coming to see.

"I feel like I'm intruding on a family thing. I'll just wait here for you." She said with a small smile.

"You don't have to. You're part of the family." Toki replied but she shook her head.

"He isn't particularly fond of me." Ava explained.

"Well you just saved his life! He should shove his unwanted opinion down-"

"Toki! I'm fine here. Just go. I'm sure they have a lot of things to talk to you about." She cut in, smiling so he would believe that she was okay.

He nodded hesitantly and gave her a hug.

"We still need to talk."


After sitting with his mother and watching his father sleep for a while, Toki's curiosity heightened and he turned to his mother, desperate for answers

"You and dad have been keeping something away from me shay." He accused his mother and she sighed.

"I wanted to wait for your father first before I tell you." She bit her lip nervously, wondering how to explain thr situation to Toki.

"He's still asleep. Tell me." He replied and she nodded, taking in a breath and releasing it.

"He's not your biological father. Before I was with your father, I was with another man. We dated, but he used to treat me bad. Abuse me, beat me, it was such a toxic relationship and I just had to get out. Your father helped me. The man was sent to prison, then he suffered from a lung disease and died. When your father and I started dating after, I realised that I was pregnant. He refused to allow it get aborted. After having you, I couldn't have any other children." She narrated and Toki stared at her for a while, trying to process everything they just said.

"Well, why are you just telling me now?"


"I just can't believe they lied to me. When I was old enough, they could have told me. 'Toki oh, your father is dead but he was once a girlfriend beater.' At least, I would know." He ranted to Ava, who massaged his shoulders, trying to roll off tension.

They were back home, although his mother insisted on staying with his father in the hospital. He's father had woken up, and had been surprised that Ava was the one who gave him blood. Then the stubborn old man said:

"Well, it's just blood. That doesn't make her a good wife material."

"Maybe your mother was just scared." She said.

"Thats not an excuse."

"The same way your behaviour towards me at the hospital has no excuse." She pointed out and he sighed.

He had hoped she forgot about it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I was so angry and it just came out and... I'm so sorry Arewa. You know I don't think of you like that." He apologized and she gave him a hug from behind, resting her head on his back.

"It's okay. I forgive you, but you have to buy me a lot of chocolate." She joked.

"Deal." He chuckled and they stayed silent until she finally spoke.

"Your father is your father, blood relation or not. The fact that he isn't related to you by blood doesn't matter. Family isn't related by blood, but by the heart. And he loves you very much."

"You're right." He nodded. "Thats true."
"I knew." She blurted out.

"You knew that what?" He asked silently, not paying attention to her words.

"That he wasn't your father." She explained.

"What?" He raised his head and she pulled away from him, chewing on her lip nervously. She told him about when she heard his parents talking about it.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked.

"I didnt know how to. I just thought that they would tell you at their own time." She whined.

"Okay." He sighed. "I understand. It wasn't your secret to tell."

He felt like this would be the best time to tell her about the marriage proposal/blackmail from his father, but before he could speak, there was a loud bang on the door.

Toki jumped up and Ava stood behind him.

"Let me go and check." He said.

"Nuh-uh. I'm going with you." She replied.

"You can't go with me. It might be dangerous." He whisper-yelled.

"What if they come and meet me here alone? I'm going with you." She said stubbornly and took an umbrella. He rolled his eyes, muttering something about crazy women and walked downstairs, towards the door.

He opened it cautiously while she held the umbrella, ready to pounce.

At the door, Ada stood there completely reeking of alcohol and looking thoroughly dishelved. Toki sighed in irritation, planning to have a talk with the gateman later on.

"You bitch!" She screeched and landed on Ava, slapping her soundly.


There you have it!  😆😆😆

Toki finally knows about his father!

'O da be' means 'its good like that'

'kia kia' means 'fast fast'. Nigerians have a habit of saying words twice.

' omo dada ' means 'good child'

Sorry I didn't use much doctor terms. Hospital scenes are not my thing.

If you were Ava, would you donate the blood?

And what do you think would happen next with Ava and Ada.

How was my chapter? I wrote it while my eyes were closing and begging for sleep.

Thanks for reading ! 😉

I changed the book cover. What do you guys think?

Advice, suggestions, criticism, they are welcome. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right.

Don't forget to:

Vote - You! Don't leave here without pressing that star button 😉

Comment - Let me know what you think. I'm a writer in training.

Follow - i'll follow back. I promise

Share - tell your friends and tell them to tell their friends.

Keep on being amazing my lovely rainbows 🌈🌈🌈

- Timi

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