Academia del Patrimonio- Wher...

By Aidan-san

467 68 124

In a world where every person has some superpowers Flint has joined Academia del Patrimonio, one of the most... More

The Adventure Begins
Anyone who hasn't signed up for a team?
Target: Oberon Rodriguez aka the study geek

First Mission: Oh its a mess!!!

42 8 16
By Aidan-san

"Now we are a team we should quit wasting time anymore and look for a good mission", Flint wrote on a piece of paper and tried to pass it to Jason.

"Flint!!!!, why are you looking at Jason", Mr. Stanford, the maths teacher suffering from hair loss shouted.

"No Mr. Stanford, its nothing", Flint said hiding the piece of paper inside his pocket.

"Get out both of you", Mr. Stanford shouted till his voice cracked.

"Oh this dumb guys just can't concentrate on their studies", Oberon thought in his mind and continued his work.

Neither of them liked his class and thus went out without telling anything.

"Now we are free from his shitty lectures, we should check the job request board", Flint giggled.

"Yeah that old man always takes help from Oberon whenever he faces a very hard problem, who the hell enjoys his class, lets check the job board", Jason wailed.
"Whoa its full of awesome jobs, killing the one eyed ogre in black forest, catching the thiefs of the crimson valley. Oh yeah damn we will surely rock", Flint said full of energy.

"Oh great idiot, you are looking at all the A and B grade jobs. We need to do D grade jobs until we get promoted to the next grade", Jason sighed.

"Nooot faaaaiiiir", Flint sighed back.

"Well currently there's only one D grade job. It's from the senior girls of 9th grade. Wow this looks interesting, they want us to catch a peeping tom who peeps at the girls locker room and their bath hubs", Jason said as he unpinned the job paper from the board.

"Yeah yeah this one's pretty good. Lets do it.", Flint said with his shiny brown eyes.

"Hey no perverted thoughts, lets not become a peeping tom while catching one!", Jason exclaimed.

"You know that I wouldn't do that right?", Flint asked.

"Not now but from how much I know I am sure that you will do it after a few years", Jason sighed.

"Hey I wouldn't do that", Flint wailed while inside his head he thought "I might take chance in the near future".

The clock reached at 3 pm and the bell rang.

"Hey Oberon we are here. We got a job. Wanna join or you have studies?", Flint waved his hand.

"Nah I want some refreshment after that boring class. What's the job anyway?", Oberon giggled.

"We need to catch a perverted peeping tom", Jason chucked.

"Perverts are increasing in our school. Flint don't get inspired by them." Oberon chuckled back.

"Come on guys stop pulling my leg. Lets make a plan to do this job.", Flint wailed.

"Look the bath hours for boys are between 6pm to 7pm and for the girls its between 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm, boys are forbidden to visit the hallway which leads to the bathroom during that one hour. So lets meet up at 7:10 pm in the common room after taking our own baths. Oberon, just think of a good plan to catch the pervert.", Jason said looking at Flint and Oberon.

"Okay leave it to me", Oberon said.

7:10 PM

"Where is this Flint!!!!", Jason exclaimed.

7:12 PM

"Hey sorry guys I couldn't find my towel", Flint said gasping for air.

"So now everyone's hear let me tell the plan. We will turn off the lights of the hallway which leads to the bathroom so that the pervert can't see us but we will keep close watch on the bathroom door. Now when we will see a moving shadow we will use a rope trap for which he will fall down. Jason and I will pull the rope for the trap and Flint will jump on him so that he can't ran away. Then we will turn on the light and in that way my fellow teammates, we will accomplish our first mission. I have already told the girls about the plan so that they enter all at once. Afterall the bath is made like that so that everyone can accommodate. ", Oberon explained the whole plan.

"So lets take our positions", Flint said excitedly.

7:45 PM

"No sign of movements", Jason said in a low voice.

"Nope I also didn't see any movements. Hey Flint don't fall asleep.", Oberon replied in a low voice.

"No I am awake, but when will the culprit come?", Flint mumured.

8:10 PM

"Hey I see movements, pull the rope", Jason wailed.


"Turn on the lights quick", Oberon said.

The light were switched on.

"What. Flint?, what are you doing?, Jason resumed his low voice.

"I was just going to take a quick pee", Flint replied in a low tone.

"Oh geez you idiot......", Jason sighed.

"Hey I hear voices, quick, turn off the light and take your positions!!!!!!", Oberon exclaimed in a low tone.

"So the lights are off today huh......oh hell yeah its easier today.", they heared an unknown voice.

"NOW PULL!!!!!", Oberon shouted.

"Ouch..........ooowwww", they heard a scream.

The lights were turned on.

"So its you senior Loki, you are from 9th grade, you are the peeping tom!!!!", Flint exclaimed while held Loki by his hand.

"Peeping tom!, what are you talking about?, I just came back to take my towel which I left accidentally.", Loki replied in a cool tone.

"But the school rules forbids the boys to visit this hall until the girl's bath hour gets over", Jason said.

"Who gives shit to the school rules?", Loki replied.

"I knew you would tell just something like this so I recorded everything through this night vision video camera that I made a few weeks ago", Oberon chuckled.

Loki picked up his hand to counteract.

"Don't do anything in haste, Flint's urinary bladder is full, now if you don't surrender he will release it in your face.", Jason said as he caught Loki's other hand.

"Oh gosh, okay I surrender, I am the peeping tom but please don't tell anyone. I will never do it again.", Loki pleaded.

"Okay that's good, you are good to go, we will keep it a secret", Oberon told.

"Now I should run off to the washroom", Flint wailed and went away.

"Lets inform the girls that the job is over and mark this job as completed", Jason told looking at Oberon.

"Yeah, lets finish it and return to our dormitories", I need to study.

The next day, in the cafeteria.

"So I asked everyone to come here so that we can accomplishment of our first mission", Flint said as he ordered three softdrinks.

"Hey you three were the ones who caught the pervert right?, who was he?", a group of four girls approached them.

"Well it doesn't matter, he will not do it again", Flint replied with a smile.

The girls went away

"Hey Flint at that time when you fell down, you were going to the toilet or you were trying to peep inside", Jason chucked while the drinks were served.

" Quit it guys will ya!!!, I really had an urge to pee", Flint wailed.

"Anyways guys, lets toast for our first accomplishment", Oberon told.

"Yeah right lets do it", Jason replied.

The three picked up their glasses and........


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