Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male...

By Daintypurpleeyes

61.6K 2.9K 511

So, basically, the humans have turned against the witches. Poor (M/n) was told by his family to run and leave... More

The school
The girls' dorm...
Elizabeta and Lili
A little chat between boys
Meeting a young 'gentleman'
New clothes and my own personal bodyguard
First day of school
Werewolf territory
Another day
Background Story
Almost devoured
Werewolf Base
Hidden Confession
Spending time with the Italians
The heartless have a heart, they just don't show it.
Secret admirer
Three days off
Accidents happen
Forgotten memories
Never too young for Vodka
Drunk P.2 and a Dream
Battle and escape
A tiny, little secret
Final battle
~Gabriel ENDING~
~Allen ENDING~
~Luciano ENDING~
~Oliver ENDING~
~Lovino ENDING~

~Matthew ENDING~

532 35 1
By Daintypurpleeyes

I saw Matthew holding a bloody hockey stick. He seemed to have hit the man against his skull with it, resulting in his quick death. I was surprised how Matthew could ever kill someone. He was too quiet, sweet and just simply adorable! To say I was surprised was quite of an understatement. I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't get the words out. Instead, Matthew began for me. 

"(M/n)...I'm so glad you're still alive.", He stated, running towards me to engulf me into a big hug, not noticing my gaping wound. 

"Aghh...", I groaned when he painfully but accidentally touched my wound. Confused, he looked down and a look of horror made its way up his face. 

"H-How? W-When...?", He asked, his eyes wide. Finding it hard to speak, I simply looked over at the dead man. His eyes followed mine and he let out an angry growl which surprised me. 

"I need to get you to the nurse room!", He shouted, moving to pick me up, but I stopped him. 

"No...I won't survive that.", I denied, not meeting his eyes. 

"B-But...I'll protect you! Come on!", He moved to pick me up again, not losing his hope. Letting out a hiss, I slapped his hands away. 

"Matthew. No. A man knows when to give up.", I stated, my eyebrows furrowing. 

"But, that's it! You're not a man! You're a teen, just like me! We have a whole life ahead of us...So please, let me save you...", He tried to convince but deep down he knew that I was unsavable. I would definitely bleed out and die, even if we made it to the infirmary. Tears glimmered at the corners of his eyes, begging to fall down. 

Slowly, I moved my hand up and cupped his cheek, giving him a sincere smile, "Open your eyes, Matthew.", I told him, using the famous saying my dad would always use. 

His lips curled as tears started flowing from his eyes and he broke down sobbing, holding my hand that was resting on his cheek, "Y-You can't go...I love you.", He confessed, a lump building up in his throat. Without thinking twice, he leant forward and kissed me roughly. All his emotions were put into the kiss as I slowly kissed back. Some of his tears landed on my face, but I didn't mind. My attention was on his lips, anyway. I closed my eyes as I relaxed, ignoring my aching wound. He held the back of my head tightly, deepening the kiss. I, painfully, moved my arms around his neck, also deepening the kiss. He tilted his head, making the kiss more comfortable. 

After a while, I needed air and separated from him, only to have him leaning forward to kiss me again. I stopped him with my hand, motioning that I needed air. After regaining my breath, I stared lovingly into his purple eyes, "Mattie, I love you too.", I confessed, using his nickname. Gently, I pecked his lips and pulled away, "I always have...", I continued. 

"Then why are you l-leaving me...?", He questioned, softly, "I-I can't live without you."

"Someday...We'll meet again.", I told him, starting to feel lightheaded, feeling ready to pass out any second now. Or rather, die any second now. 

"It's time.", A voice spoke from next to me. I looked up and saw the black figure with the scythe looking down at me. I still couldn't see its face. 

Slowly, I felt my eyes starting to close as I heard Matthew call out to me, "(M/n)! Please!", I would do anything to stay alive, but I don't have a choice right now. I'm was going to die and I needed to be a man and face it. 

My heartbeat decreased as I bid Matthew a goodbye in my head, '...Until next time.', My heart skipped a bit when I said those three words. Mostly the last one. 

'Time...', I thought, an idea building up in my head. 

With the last piece of power and strength that I had, I spoke in a quiet voice, "T-Turn...u-us back i-in....time."

--------------------400 years later----------------------

It had been quite a few years since I had turned back time. The reason why was a big blur to me, but something inside of me told me I did the right thing. And if not...Whoops. Right now, I was in the human world, paying it a visit. 

My father and I decided to watch a game today. We first decided to go to a football game, but I changed my mind when I saw a hockey game going on in the distance. I don't know why, but something was pulling me towards it. Leaving my dad behind, I made my way to the hockey station, taking a seat. 

There were many people surrounding me, but I didn't pay them much attention. All my attention was on the hockey players on the field. I must say, they were quite good. But one stood out the most. I couldn't really see his facial features because of the helmet he was wearing, but he was quite violent when it came to hockey and his running speed was almost unnatural. If I had to admit, I would say I was pretty into this game. 


After a while, the game ended and people were already leaving or getting ready to leave. Luckily, the group with the man who had caught my interest won! 

Without me noticing, I was one of the last people in the station. Coughing, I stood up and brushed off my clothes and was planning to leave. Till I noticed one of the members of the team that had won leaning against one of the ranks. Looking closer, I noticed it was the man I had been eyeing. 

Pondering a bit, I decided to make my way towards him. He had his eyes closed, so I bet he didn't notice me. When I finally made it towards him, I greeted, "Hello."

Jumping a bit, the man opened his eyes and looked at me with a surprised look, "M-Me?", He questioned, looking at him. 

"Who else, silly?", I laughed, confused. 

"I-I...No, nevermind...", He stuttered out, shyly. I was surprised, he looked quite of an outgoing guy on the ice. 

"Your game was great, you totally nailed it.", I complimented, smiling a bit. 

A tiny blush adorned his cheeks as he looked away and muttered a quiet, "T-Thank you.."

Chuckling, I reached my hand out to him while introducing myself, "I'm (M/n) (L/n), pleasure."

Slowly, he intertwined his hand with mine, introducing himself as well, "Matthew Williams."


I feel like I did something wrong with this one, but whatever. Just enjoy. Anyway, Kuro's next! Cya!

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