A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie...

By C-nan3

4.1K 153 143

What will happen after Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy got hit by a car? What makes things worse is...Pinkie Pie di... More

The Accident
Gaurdian Angel
True Love

The Hospital

830 30 76
By C-nan3

Pinkie Pie:


What is that? Are man killing robots on the loose? Good thing I'm not a man. There's another beep. I guess it's to boring to be robots, plus I don't hear any screams of terror or pain. I try to open my eyes, but they only open about a quarter of the way. My eyelashes are kinda blocking my view.

From what I can see I'm in a bed, but it's not my bed at home. It's all white, and ugly. I try to turn my head to look other ways, and scan my surroundings, but it wouldn't budge. That's weird. Even for me! I keep looking where I can. I'm in a room with windows that show a hallway. There's nurses. I'm in a hospital! Why am I in a hospital? Did something happen? I can't remember.

One of the nurses come in. She's carrying a bag of clear liquid. I try to ask her why I'm here, yet I can't. I get frustrated, and the beeping goes faster. She injects me with something, and I fall asleep.

One hour later:

I wake up again. My sisters are at the foot of my bed crying. I want to tell them it's ok, that I'll be alright, but I can't. I don't even thing they know I'm awake. Marble comes to the side of my bed, but I can't turn my head to see her. She grabs onto my hand, but doesn't say anything. She wasn't much for talking. She breaks down crying, and disappears. Next Limestone comes. This is the first time I see her cry. It makes me want to cry, but I can't. She grabs on to my hand like Marble, and says:

"Sorry this happened to you. When you get better I will let you sit on Holders Boulder." She wipes away a tear, and disappears too.

Finally comes Maud. She grabs my hand too. Instead of her normal neutral face, she has a face of concern, and sadness. She kisses my forehead and says:

"I should've stayed until you woke me up. I didn't even get to see you today." She intakes a gasp of air. Tears are flowing down her face fast. "I should have been there, but I wasn't. I'm sorry." She looks away and dissapears too.

I guessed they were all sitting in the chairs that hospitals normally provide by the side of the bed. It's nice to know they're there. I drift off to sleep once more.

Sometime later:

I'm awoken by someone grabbing my hand. I open my eyes the little I can and see Fluttershy. Tears are steaming down her face. She seems to be in a wheelchair.

"You saved me." She says. "You pushed me away from that car. Why did you do it? You paid for my mistakes. I shouldn't of stopped in the middle of the road, it was stupid. It's my fault your like this." She sucked in a rattling breath. "I-If i wasent so stubborn, and just walked across the street without the crosswalk we would be at school right now. The girls are coming over soon to see you. I love you." She kisses me on the cheek and walks toward the door. I try my hardest to get myself moving. I won't let her go away thinking she did this. In the middle of her explanation all the memories rushed back to my head.

I slap my bed. It surprised Fluttershy. She looked back. My eyes are opening more now. She rushes to the side of the bed. Her eyes are wide.

"Pinkie?!" She asks.

"I-I love-" Thats when I start spasing out. Maybe forcing my self up was a bad idea.

"PINKIE!" Fluttershy screams. She wheels out of the room, and comes back with a doctor, some nurses, and a cart. He lifts me onto my side. I puke up blood, and go still.

I'm pulled from my body. I sit there floating over myself. This is wierd. I hear a long beep that won't end. I look over to Fluttershy. She's trying to get past some nurses, but they are pushing her out. Tears are running down her face at an alarming rate. Finally she gives up and lets her self be pushed out of the room, and down the hall.

I float to one of the nurses and yell:

"HOW DARE YOU TREAT FLUTTERSHY LIKE THAT!" The nurse ignores me, and keeps working.

"HEY!" I yell. She still don't look. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" No one answers.

"CLEAR!" I hear someone shout, and I'm pulled back into my body. My head hurts, and I'm back where I can't move again. I feel the bed being pushed. Now I can't open my eyes at all. We walk for what seems like forever, till I hear the ding of an elevator. Before I know it I'm moved into the elevator and we're going down. I hear another song and we're moving again.

Finally we stop. I hear the doctor giving orders, but I don't remember them. I feel a pain in my arm, and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I'm pushed out of my body again.

"Time of death, 17:10P.M."

Death?!? Did I die? I can't die! I didn't even get to tell Fluttershy I love her! I float to the nicest looking doctor. Tears are streaming down her face.

"Your the doctor!" I say. "Bring me back! Your job is to save people! Do your job." She doesn't hear me. Tears are now streaming down my face too. I fly to a different doctor. "Please, just try!" I say. They start to close me up.

"She was so young." One of the doctors say. The rest nod in agreement. They're all crying now.

"Don't give up!" I say. "Please." Of course they can't hear me. I fly on top of my body, and I just cry. What am I didn't even get to tell Fluttershy I loved her." I burry my face in my hands.

"Oh, Fluttershy." I sob. Fluttershy. I have to see her. I didn't want to be in this stupid room anymore. I fly through the doors, as I'm no longer able to open them. I look up in down the halls. Till I hear faint crying. I make my way to the crying.

I come to a room. When I look in I see a woman laying on a mans body, crying. Doctors are surrounding the man. The same man that is on the bed is patting, what I assum to be his wife's, shoulder. He must've died. I walk up to him. I notice that tears are running down his face too.

"Excuse me." I said. He looked at me surprised. He wipes his tears away, and asks:

"You can see me?" I nod. "Then that means that your dead." Tears well up in his eyes again. "But your so young! Who could have did this?"

"I don't know." I say. I give him a small smile so he feels better. "I'm sorry you died. I was hit by a car trying to save my lov-I mean friend Fluttershy. Speaking of Fluttershy, I have to go and find her. It was nice meeting you. I'm Pinkie Pie by the way." I say.

He smiles. "I'm Speedway." He says, then goes back to trying to comfort his wife.

I walk out of the room, slightly happier. I just died, and I made a new friend. That must be some kind of record. I walk down the hall again looking in each room. I finally came to the right room. The door was closed but written on the door was Fluttershy's name.

I walk through the door to see a crying Fluttershy. I go to her and hug her. She shivers all over. I step away quickly. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. She reaches her hand out to where I am going through my body. She pulls her hand away rubbing it against her blanket.

"Pinkie?" She asks her eyes full of confusion.

"Yes!" I say. "It's me Pinkie!"

Her eyes widen."Pinkie...ghost...dead?!" She says starting to cry. She threw her blankets off, and scooted to the side of the bed. Her right leg was wrapped in a cast, and her left leg was totally gone. I gasped surprised. She pulls her wheelchair closer.

"No!" I say. "That's dangerous your going to get hu-" I'm cut off my Fluttershy falling. She hits her head on the wheel chair, and she's out cold.

I hear fast beeping, and a nurse comes in to pick her back up. She lays her in the bed. I stay by her side the whole night.


I open my eyes. Memories flood back to me of the accident. I remember Pinkie trying to tell me something, but I can't remember what, and her pushing me away from a car. I remember her lying on the road barley alive.

I shot up in my bed. I have to see how Pinkie is doing. I'm slow rly pushed back down by a couple of hands. I look and see they're my moms hands. Her eyes are red and puffy. I look behind her to see my dad wiping tears from his eyes.

"Hi honey." She says.

"How's Pinkie?" I ask. I don't care to say hi. All I care about is Pinkie.

"Um, we don't know much. We will let the doctor tell you." My mom says. Avoinding eye contact. Something's wrong with Pinkie.

"Get the doctor." I say. She nods and walks off. Now I'm alone with my dad. He don't say much, so I just stare forward. The wait is to long. I swing my legs over going to get up, but something's wrong. I pull the blanket back, and let out a scream when I see my legs. The right ones in a cast, and the left one is just...gone! From the knee down there is nothing there.

Dad comes over and lays me back down.

"Wha-" I start to ask, but he cuts me off.

"Let's let the doctors, explain." I nod, with a loss of words. How can I do anything. Wothout my leg? I need my leg!

Moments later the doctor comes in. My mom is following close behind. He gives me a nice warm smile.

"How's Pinkie Pie?" I ask.

"She not doing to good." He says giving me an apologetic look. "She is in a coma. We don't know when, or if she will wake up." Tears come down my face.

"My leg?" I ask.

"We had to get you into an emergency surgery to take it off. There was nothing we could do for it. I'm sorry." He says. I pull back the covers to look at my leg. It looked so wierd for it to be off, but that was the least of my troubles.

"I wanna see Pinkie." I say.

"Your in no state to move that far. You need rest." He said.

I slap my hand on the bed. "I wanna see Pinkie!" I say.

"Now honey," my mom says. "Do what the doctor says. It's the best for your health." I know she's probably right.

"If I can't see Pinkie, than I want food." I say, even though I'm not even hungry.

"That's something we can do." The doctor says with a chuckle. Why is he chuckling at a time like this? What's wrong with this doctor?

"Get me something from the cafeteria. All of you. I want to be alone." They nod. My mom kisses my forehead, and they leave.

I start to cry. It's all my fault. All of this. We should have just jay walked like Pinkie said. There was no cars coming. Tears are falling on my lap, but I don't care. I shouldn't've stopped in the middle of the street. That was stupid! She could die, because of me.

I curl up in a ball, and cry myself to sleep.


I'm awoken by shaking. Is this an earthquake?!? I put my hands over my head, but I feel them being removed, by two very soft hands. My moms hands. I look at her annoyed that she woke me up. She holds a tray of food out to me. I take it, because it would be rude not to.

She pulls a little sliding table over, so it sits infront of me. I look down at what they got me, a salad.

"It's all they had that didn't have meat." My mom says. I sigh, and start eating. It tastes like it's a month old. Eww.

I push my salad aside. "Can I see Pinkie now?" I ask. He shakes his head "Why not?" I snap. I cover my mouth. "I'm so sorry!" I say.

"It's ok." He said. "You can't go, because this time is reserved for family. You can go when visiting is open for everyone."

"I am family." I say. He shakes his head.

"Blood related, or married are allowed now, then who she is dating now, and finally everyone." He said. A thought came to my head.

"She's my girlfriend, and we're dating!" I lie. All faces turn toward me. My face goes red, but I stand my ground. I will do anything to see Pinkie sooner.

"Fluttershy!" My mom says. "We did not raise you to be this way!" I was shocked. I never knew Emmy parents were so...so...judgmental! "We want to go to the hospital church." She says. "I saw one on my way up from getting food."

"Mom!" I say.

"No!" She snapped. "We're going to the church and that's that! Please help her into the wheelchair." She said to the doctor. He looked really uncomfortable, but he still did anyway. Before he fully set me down in the wheelchair he whispered:

"I'm so sorry."

He set me all the way in the chair, and patted me on the back.

Why was he sorry? He assent the one dragging me to "pray away the gay". I've always been strong into religion, and I know God wouldn't want this. He wants everyone to be treated with love. This isn't love.

She pushed me out of the room. I was furiously hitting at her hands to let go, but she wouldn't. I've never seen her this mad before. Why does love make her so mad? Tears started to form under my eyes.

"Honey!" Dad said. Mom turned around and glared at him, but he stood his ground. "What had gotten into you? Your going overboard! Who cares who she loves as long as she's happy?" Mom stopped. Tears were trailing down her face.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I don't know what got in to me." Her sorry sounded bitter, but at least she stopped. She let go of my wheelchair, and walked away muttering: "I guess I have to pray by myself, or she'll never get better." I had a feeling she wasn't talking about my legs. I burried my face in my hands, and cried.

Dad put his hand on my back. "It's ok." He says. "She still loves you."

"Why did she j-just change?" I ask wondering what got into mom.

"She didn't change. She's always been like this." He said. I look at him confused. Normally mom is nice, and laid back. "Remember all those times we would go into a resteraunt, then just leave without eating?" He asked. I nodded we did that a lot it got kind of annoying.

"Well." He continued. "It assent because the restaurants were too busy. She would insist on leaving if she saw a same sex couple." I gasped. How can she be so cruel?

"Wh-why?" I ask.

"I don't know. I've tried asking, but she would stop me, or plain ignore me." He replied. I say in silence. I never knew she was like that. I thought she supported all types of love.

"Don't loose respect for your mom though. " He said. "Don't think about that one flaw, think about all her good traits. She still loves you." I tried to believe him, but with what just happened, I need more time before I actually believe what he said.

"Lets go back to the room." He says, and he pushes me the way to the room.

Once we're there he lifts me into the bed, and kisses me on the head. "I will see when your allowed to go see Pinkie." He says walking out of the room.

I cry some more. I've probably just lost the love of my mom, and Pinkies in a coma, and it's all my fault. I turn the hospital TV on and lay my head against the pillow.

After a while of waiting, dad comes back. He taps my shoulder to get my attention. He gives me a smile, and says:

"You can see her now." I light up st the news. He puts me in my wheelchair, and wheels me out of the room. I look at the halls of the hospital. I've never liked hospitals. They're two white. Maybe if they added some green to the walls I'll like it.

We finally make it to Pinkies room.

"How did you know where it was?" I ask looking up.

"I asked the doctor, so I can take you myself and give you privacy." He smiles, and I hug his waist. He is wearing his favorite blue sweater. It's very soft. I could fall asleep on it.

I pull away and look through the windows. I see Pinkie laying there as if she was asleep. I choke back a sob, and wipe away the tears. Dad opens the door, and I go in.

I wheels up to Pinkies chair as the door closes. I see dad walk away. He's probably going to find mom to calm her down.

Once I'm at Pinkies bed I grab her hand, and I tell her everything. I start to cry, but I need to start speaking before I just break down in tears.

I tell her everything. I tell her how she saved me, how it's my fault she's like this, I tell her that I shouldn't have just walked across the street without the cross walk, and I finally told her our friends were coming, even though that was a lie. Our friends didn't even know we were here yet. It was only 2:05A.M. Then I did something I didn't think I would ever do, I told her I loved her, and kissed her on the cheek.

Once I'm done talking, I start to walk away, but I hear a loud thump coming from behind me. I look back and see Pinkies eyes open. I ran over to the side of the bed.

"Pinkie?!" I ask with hope.

"I-I love-" She tried, but was cut off when she started to have a seizure.

"PINKIE!" I screamed and wheel as fast as I can out of the room. My arms are hurting, and almost fall, but I keep going. I come up to the doctor that was in my room earlier today.

"Pinkie...room...seizure!" I gasp out of breath. He looks rounds up some nurses, and a crash cart. The come into the room. Him in the lead.

When we get back in the room Pinkie is still thrashing around. I'm crying. I don't like to see Pinkie like this. The doctor lies Pinkie on her side. She pukes up blood, and she lays still. The monitor flat lines. Pinkies dead.

I start bawling. I try to get passed the nurses, but they keep pushing me back. I just want to be with Pinkie. It gets strangely cold. I hear the sound of laughter. Kinda like Pinkie Pie. There's nothing I can do. I give up and let them wheel me back to my room.

I start to cry. It's not fair. Why was she punished for my mistake? I should be in her place.

We make it to my room, and the help me into the bed. My dad is probably still with my mom trying to talk some sense into her. I cry, because I killed Pinkie Pie.

There's some commotion outside. I look up to see Pinkie in her bed being wheeled down the hall. The monitor tells me she's alive. I sigh, for now. They're probably taking her into surgery. Not everybody makes it out, but I smile anyway.

I send a text to my friends telling them that Pinkie and I are in the hospital, and how me and Pinkie were doing. Than I turn and fall asleep.


I'm awoken by voices. I lift my head to see my friends speaking in hushed voices.

"Hello." I say. They all look at me. My face gets red. I've never liked being the center of attention. I go behind my long, pink hair.

"What happened?" Twilight asked adjusting her glasses. They all looked at me expectantly.

So, I told them what happened. The whole thing. (Except the part where I lied about being Pinkies girlfriend, and kissing her). They all stood open mouthed, and teary eyed.

"Can I see your leg?" Rainbow Dash asked. My friends glared at her, and I blushed. "What?" She asked.

"Sure." I say pulling back the blankets. I cringe at the sight of my leg. I will never get used to that. Rarity gasped, Twilight started studying it, and Rainbow admired it.

"Awesome." Rainbow whispered. I roll my eyes.

"Wanna switch legs?" I say with a laugh. They all laugh, but there's one laugh that's missing, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

We talked for a long while. We cried we laughed, and at one point we took a silent moment for Pinkie Pie. At around 5 everybody had to leave. I said my goodbyes and laid back in my bed.

Once I made sure they were all gone I started to cry. It wasn't the same talking to my friends without Pinkies funny comments, or her beautiful laugh.

I cry for about ten minutes, until I get a very cold chill. I hear the laughter of Pinkie Pie. I've read many books that say when you a ghost touches you it's very cold. The coldness goes away, and the laughter stops. I reach my hand out to were I felt the coldness being pulled to. It feels like my hand is being pelted with ice. I hear faint laughter.

"Pinkie?" I ask. I'm extremely confused.

Of course there was no answer. You can't hear ghosts talk. Wait a second, if Pinkies a ghost, then she's dead. My eyes widen in fear. I can only get out three words:


I throw my blankets off revealing my legs. I try not to look at them. I scoot to the edge of the bed, and reach for my wheelchair. I don't know if that was just a draft of cold air, or if Pinkies really there, but I do know one thing: Pinkie is dead. I can feel it in my gut.

I grab ahold of my wheelchair, and pull it closer. Something in the back of my mind is telling me to stop, and that I could get hurt, but I ignore it. Before I even figure out what's happening I rocket head first into the wheelchair.

Everything's black, and the last thing I hear is rapid beeping.

Here comes the sad, Doo doo doo-doo

Hope y'all liked it

Have a nice day😄

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