Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

18.7K 234 68

as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Lemon
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
Fire Magic
A New Magic
Frisk's Magic Problem
Saving the Others?
A Night Like No Other
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update
Before Everything

From Red to Monster

358 7 1
By RyanLaMotte

It was 11am, As Chara and Frisk wake up, they hear footsteps and voices they haven't heard before,  they try to call Sans or Undyne but found out that they had no service. Frisk and Chara soon hear them transferring upstairs when they decided it was best to climb out of their window and stay on the roof. Sans was working on a project for Frisk and Chara and he tried to call them both but ended up getting their voicemails, Sans left a message on one of the voicemails, and after he called them he said to himself "welp they might still be asleep, from what happened yesterday. Sans tried to call them two hours later but still didn't get an answer, he teleported in front of the house and looks up to see them sitting on the roof, he teleports up on the roof, and asks "why are you two up here, I've been trying to call you for the past two hours?" Frisk said "sorry, we also tried to call you, but the phone line must of been cut because there were people that we didn't know in our house and we didn't know it was safe to come back down, so we decided it was best to stay up here and wait." Sans teleports inside the house with Chara, and when he goes to get Frisk, she was nowhere to be found, he yells to Chara, and Chara ran out of the house and ran up to Sans Sans said "Frisk was up there, and now she is gone, I teleported to go get her off of the roof, but I didn't see her anywhere." Sans and Chara both heard a high pitch scream in the back, and ran to the backyard where they could see Frisk getting stabbed, and beaten, Chara tries lunging at the attackers but they move out of the way and hit Frisk, she drops her knife, and Sans used his magic to throw them out of the area, and then teleports to Undyne's police camp, and he told them what they did fast, then teleported back to the backyard and grabbed Frisk and Chara, teleporting both of them to the kitchen. Frisk tries to walk but her vision was fading fast, and falling to the ground on her knees, Chara held Frisk closely while Sans teleported to get monster food, and bandages. Chara then checks Frisk's stats and sees her soul has cracks and is fading, her hp  is down to two. Sans teleported back just in the nick of time when her hp was at one, he gave Frisk the food, but it didn't really help because her hp was still draining, Sans acts quickly and teleports away and comes back with Toriel, they both use their healing magic to try to help Frisk, but it's not working, Chara says "come on Frisk, please stay with me and with us." Frisk said weakly "you given me hope, all of you have, I thank you for that, but I will not last that long anymore i'm sorry that I can't stay longer, and Chara, you didn't do this to me, I broke my promise that I made with you like two weeks ago, last night, i'm sorry." Chara rose up Frisk's sleaves and it revealed small petels of a certain flower near the recent cut marks. Sans teleports every boss monster to Frisk and they all try to heal her, but Frisk's soul fades away, and they make a grave for her. Chara was the most hurt than anyone else, she didn't know what to do, she was lost in her own mind because she just lost her one and true love. She ran upstairs and locked the door. Mettaton went on his live broadcast saying that Frisk has passed away due to some natural causes, Chara procedes to rock herself back and forth, walking back and forth, trying to think how she could cope with this, she looks towards her grave and she could see Frisk's red soul at the grave, she goes down to her grave and noticed that her soul was fliping around and was turning pink then to white. Chara was wondering what this meant then called Sans to hurry up and get over here. He teleports instantly and he saw a white soul like a monster's soul. They then saw the ground that Frisk was buried under was moving slightly, so they undug the ground, and could see a skeleton that was alive, and Sans goes to teleport everyone back to the backyard to see a new formed skeleton in Frisk's grave, Alphys checks it's stats and it's the same description as Frisk's soul. She says this to the others, and the others are surprised that a human soul transferred to a monster soul. Alphys kept a good watch over the soul and noticed that there are different types of magic located in the soul, like blue magic, fire magic, green magic, yellow magic, and a new kind of magic she never heard before called black magic. She started researching black magic, and found out that if one can control all five magics at once, it would be impossible for them to die, but it could lead to their downfall aswell because if they use black magic without proper training of all other magic being at equal rates, then this magic would use her soul to compensate and destroy itself in the process. Chara then sees Frisk start to move and she yelled towards the others, the others walk over and Chara picks Frisk up. Frisk tries to speak but was not formally taught in speaking with her monster body just yet, so she used sign language to communicate to each other.

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