My Online Love.

Por skipow

12K 408 41

Love is the strangest thing, it never happens when you want it too. It almost never happens with who you alwa... Más

Authors Note.
Chapter One. Cha Cha Changes.
Chapter Two. Time to meet some boys.
Chapter Three. That time I was in a car crash.
Chapter Four. Let's get sweaty.
Chapter Five. You must lose something, to gain something.
Authors Note. Must READ! :)
Chapter Six. I'm tired of being the good girl.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight. Gilligan.
Chapter Nine. Birthday.
Chapter Eleven. Graduation.
Chap. Twelve. Final Chapter! :)
9/16/14 Authors Note! :)
December 2014! <3
February 2015!
Questions that require answers!
October 2016!!

Chapter Ten. What a Shocker I'm Back.

379 17 0
Por skipow

So today is my first day back to school in a long time I guess. I bet my former perfect 4.0 has dropped. I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced me as student body president. And I also wouldn't be shocked if I lost my place as valedictorian. Gil left early so he could get to his college on time for his class. 

I skipped my workout like I have been doing and I just showered. We hired a full time puppy sitter/ trainer person who would watch and train our boys while we were at school. She was like the puppy guru and she wasn't cheap. She was a little older. Our maids were going to make sure that she didn't do anything sketchy for me. 

When I got out of the shower I dried up and blow dried my long hair. I went into the closet and got into a pair of jeans and a regular tee shirt. I slipped on some socks and tennies and I grabbed a coat. I didn't do my hair. I didn't bother with my makeup. I just grabbed my bag and my car keys for my older car. There was no way I would risk getting my new one damaged at school. 

The drive to school was a quiet one, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed out on. Graduation was in 3 short months. My dad wouldn't be there to take pictures of me. He wouldn't be there to cheer me on. This is just perfect. 

When I got to the school I pulled into the half full parking lot. It was buzzing with teenagers. Everyone was sort of staring at my car pulling in. What a shocker I'm back. I parked my car and got out. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Everyone was staring. It's not like they've never seen me before I mean seriously. 

Just because my dad died and I went MIA for a couple days doesn't mean they need to gawk at me like I went and slept with the principle. I walked into the building and to my locker. I opened it and grabbed my books and went to class. When I got there my crazy cool teacher pulled me into a hug. 

"Welcome back Spencer." She said and then let go of me. 

"Thanks." I mumbled. 

"Me and the rest of your teachers have all of your work for you and we even picked out a great tutor for you so you can catch up for the next couple days. When you're all caught up you're more then welcome back into class. But until then we have booked one of the study rooms in the library for you for this week. You will meet your tutor there every morning at first period and you will get caught up on your classes from the beginning of period one till school lets out. You of course have the regular lunch break." She said leading me out of the room. 

"So who's my tutor then?" I asked her as we walked to the library. 

"Nick Houser." She said with a smile. I knew Nick he was the hottest guy in the school. He was a perfect jock in every standard. Girls worshiped him and guys wanted to be him. Everyone thought that he walked on water. Except for me. Me and Nick have been battling for the highest gpa at the school since freshman year. We were sworn enemies. He was part of the reason no one wanted to be friends with me at this school. 

She cannot seriously stick me in a sound proof study room in the library with him all day for a week! This is crazy! We'll kill each other! 

"I can catch up on my own you know, I mean I have the books and everything it won't be a problem. You know me I am very driven." I pleaded her. We walked into the library and to the back. 

"I know you can do it on your own and that you are driven, but you do need a little help Spencer. We all know you're the brain at this school but sometimes you need a little help." She said and brought me to the last study room. She opened the door and I walked in and took a seat on one side of the table. 

"I just don't think it would be fair to Nick if I took up his entire week of learning just so I can get caught up." Maybe that would do the trick. 

"Oh Nick finished all of this weeks classwork for all of his classes so that he could help. He was very understanding when we came to him for help. He has nothing to do this week besides help you. So take advantage of the extra help Spencer. Don't drive yourself crazy." She said and then left the room. 

Why would Nick go through the trouble of doing all of his assignments for a week just to help his enemy? 

I looked over at the end of the table and there sat a box with all of my work in it. 7 subjects. 5 days. This should be easy.. I grabbed out the first subject which was my favorite. English. I started looking at all of the work. This was too easy I could do this in my sleep. So I started. I got into the zone and finished one whole worksheet in 10 minuets. When I looked up from the paper Nick was sitting across from me staring at me. 

"When did you get here?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"I got here like 5 minuets ago. You didn't hear the door shut or see me sit down? I just figured you were ignoring me." 

"Nope I was in the zone. But now that you're here I should be honest with you. I don't really need your help. We both know how smart I am. I'm sure I can figure all of this out on my own. You can go do whatever since you've already completed all of your work for this week and don't have to go to class. I won't tell. I would just rather get this all done on my own." I gave him the you can go stare and he just ran a hand over his face and then looked at me with his beautiful golden brown eyes. 

"Spencer, there is a lot of work here for you to do in one week. Will you please just let me help you? I promise I won't murder you." He said staring straight into my eyes. 

"Why do you want to help me Nick? We're enemies remember?" 

"Because I know what you're going through. It's not easy to just jump back into things like this. I know what it's like to lose your parents." He said and looked down. I had no idea he lost both of his parents. He always had parents at his football games and everything. 

"Then who are the people that are always at your football games and events and everything?" 

"That is my aunt and uncle. They took me in after my parents died when we were in middle school." 

"I had no idea.." 

"No one knows. The only people that know are my best friends, family, the school and you." 

"Fine. I'll take your help. Just please don't be mean to me this week." I whispered the last part and he nodded. 

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you for the past four years." 

"It's fine. I'm a strong girl because of it." I muttered and got back to work. 

For the first part of the day we worked on my English. We got a good amount done. When the lunch bell sounded off he jumped up. 

"I'm starved. You coming?" 

"Yeah I'm just gonna finish this up real quick." I said and he nodded and left the room. 

I wasn't about to go and get gawked at by people while I tried to eat lunch. I just stayed in the room and finished more English work. There was 5 minuets left of lunch so I left the room to go to the rest room. 

I got into the bathroom and into a stall and I was just about to pee when I heard a couple girls walk in talking. 

"Did you hear that Nick has to spend all week helping that nerd Spencer? I mean I thought she was smart. I guess just because the only person that ever loved you dies means you lose some brain cells. Poor Nick." Some girl snickered. 

"Oh I know. He's probably dying of boredom. I mean what is he suppose to do watch her? Maybe he's watching her for suicide watch. I mean if the only person that cared about me died I would probably want to die too." The other retorted. 

Is this really what people think about me? They left shortly after. I peed and then went and washed my hands. I went into the library and to the study room and I grabbed my car keys. I started throwing books in my bag and the rest of my English work. And my math as well. Screw it. I just threw all the work back into the box and I grabbed it too. I was just about to walk out of the study room when I walked smack into Nick. The box dropped and papers went everywhere. 

"Where are you going?" He asked. I bent over and picked up the papers and threw them back into the box. 

"Please move. I'm going home. I can't be in this room any longer. Let alone this school. I can handle this. I'm just going to work on it at home." I said and picked the box back up. 

"Why? Did something happen? Did I say something wrong?" He asked blocking the door. 

"No everything is fine. I just need to get home." I pushed past him and started walking out of the library. 

I felt the box being taken out of my arms. 

"Fine then I'll just tutor you at home." He muttered and followed me. I stopped when I got to my car and grabbed the box from him and put it in my backseat with my bag. 

"I'm fine Nick. Just go back to your kingdom. I don't need your help or pity." I muttered and got into my car and left. When I got home I brought everything inside and into the living room. I set everything down and I went looking for the puppies. 

"Hey Kara where are the dogs?" I asked the maid. She was an older women she had been working for us since I was a baby. 

"They are in the backyard with the trainer." She said and I nodded. I went into my room and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I put my hair up and I went out to the backyard. 

"Good afternoon Miss. Spencer." The trainer said and I nodded. I walked over and sat down on the grass and the dogs ran over to me. Chaos was licking me like crazy and Remy just climbed onto my lap and curled up. 

"What did you work on with them today?" 

"Teaching them to go to the bathroom outside." 

"Oh good. Thanks. You can go I'm going to be home for the rest of the day." 

"Thank you Miss. Spencer." And then she left. 

I was laying in the grass with the pups for a little while undisturbed and then my relaxation was broken. 

"Miss Spencer there is a young man here for you." Kara said from the deck. 

"Okay. I'll be there in a moment." I stood up and carried the dogs inside. I set Chaos down and carried a sleeping Remy with me to the door. 

I opened it and Nick was standing on the other side of the door with a pizza. 

"I told you I would tutor you at your house. I brought food. I have a feeling you haven't eaten yet." He said and then Chaos ran over to him barking at him and I smiled at the little guy. 

"Chaos stop." I said and he looked up at me and back at Nick and growled. Nick bent down and stuck his hand out for Chaos to sniff. Chaos sniffed it and then licked him. 

"Hello there little guy." Nick said petting him. I let Nick in and he stood up and we walked into the living room. He set the pizza down next to the box of work. 

"You don't need to help me." I said sitting down and laying Remy down on my lap. The dog was still sound asleep. 

"But I want to." 

"Why? What's in it for you?" 

"Well the tutoring counts as community service and it will fill in the needed hours for my perfect college application." He said and smiled. Of course there was always something in it for him. 

"Fine. Just sit on that end of the room." I said and he laughed. 

"Why do I need to sit on this end of the room?" He asked smiling like he thought the world couldn't spin without him. 

"Because when my boyfriend gets home I don't need him being suspicious of you." I said and grabbed some work. He walked over to me and grabbed the work out of my hands and then set it down before replacing it with a slice of pizza. Remy woke up and started sniffing the air and sat up and tried to snatch it. 

"Remy bad boy!" I said and tapped his nose. I grabbed him with my other hand and set him down on the floor. 

"So what made you get dogs? In all the time that I've known you, you have never had pets. Not even a fish." Nick asked eating pizza. 

"Well on my birthday yesterday, me and Gilligan were at the mall and we went into the pet store and I fell in love with these two. Chaos is Gilligans. And Remy is my boy. They are both from the same litter. They are just two cute." I said and Nick nodded. 

"They are beautiful dogs. So I'm guessing Gilligan doesn't go to our school?" 

"No he's in college." 

"Ah dating an older guy. I getcha." 

We ate pizza and then worked on my school work until Gilligan got home. It was probably almost 6 when he finally got back. We had finished all of my English and got half way through my math. 

"Honey I'm home!" Gilligan said loudly when he opened the door. 

"In here Gil." I said and he walked in. Nick looked up from the book and smiled at Gilligan and held out his hand. 

"Hello Gilligan. I'm Nick." He said and Gil shook his hand and then walked over to me and sat down. 

"What's up?" Gil asked looking at all of the school work spread out on the living room table. 

"Nick is my tutor for the week. So I can get caught up on my school work." 

"I see. You have a lot to do." 

"Yeah I do. But that's why I have Nick. We're done for the day though. Are you guys hungry?" I asked standing up. Remy was laying on my feet so I bent over and picked him up. 

Chaos was asleep under the living room table. 

"Yeah I'm starved." Gil said and Nick nodded. 

"Let me go put some pants on and we can go to dinner? My treat?" I asked and they nodded. I set Remy on Gils lap and walked to our room. I got into the closet and took my shorts off and put on some jeans and I slipped a vneck on. I put on a pair of sandals and walked back into the living room. 

"Lets take the dogs out so they can go potty and then we'll go." I said grabbing Remy and taking him outside. 

"Where's Chaos?" Gil asked. 

"Under the Coffee table." Nick said following me. I set Remy down on the ground and he went sniffing. When he used the bathroom I gave him a treat and a pat on the head. Chaos went to the bathroom and I gave him at treat and a pat on the head too and then Gil took them to their room. I went into the garage and pulled my new car out. 

When I parked it Nick got in the backseat an Gil got in the passenger side. 

"When did you get this beauty?" Nick asked. 

"My dad ordered it before he died for my birthday. It's the second best present he's ever gotten me." 

"Why don't you drive it to school?" 

"And park it where some stupid teen can scratch it with their hunk of junk? Pass." I said driving out to a restaurant. 

"I getcha." Nick said and I turned the music up. 

The song that was playing was Never Stop by Safetysuit. Gil sang it to me and held my hand while I drove. When we finally got to the restaurant I parked and we walked in and got a booth. I sat down next to Gil. We ordered our food and talked with Nick. 

"Yo man whats up! Where have you been?" Hank asked walking up to Nick and doing that bro hand shake thing. 

"I have been helping Spencer get caught up." Nick answered and nodded at me. Hank smiled. 

"Lucky bastard." Hank muttered and winked at me. 

"It's not like that." Nick defended. 

"Sure. Anyways I'll see you later man." Hank said and patted Nicks shoulder and left. 

"So that was awkward." I said and Gil nodded. 

"You guys look amazing together." Nick said and pointed at me and Gil. I smiled. 

I looked at Gil and then gave him a kiss. 

"I love you Gil." I whispered and he smiled. 

"I love you more." He said looking into my eyes. 

"I've never really felt like a third wheel before." Nick said ruining our moment. 

"Oh shut up Nick." I said and we laughed. 

After dinner I drove us home and Nick left. I went into my room with Gil and we talked about my school day and what happened. He was angry and told me that I should just have Nick tutor me at the house. 

So I just want to let you guys know that Nick is not one of Spencer's love interests! 

But he is going to play a huge part in her life! I promise you that! You'll be thoroughly shocked. 

Give me some love! :) First person to Like and Comment on this chapter get's a dedication for the next chapter! :) 

Photo of Nick to the side! 

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