Chapter Eleven. Graduation.

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A/N Time jump! Sorry! :)

One week until graduation. I've reclaimed and reearned my perfect GPA. I got accepted to my choice school I wanted to keep it low key and well the University of Montana Missoula sounded perfect. I haven't told Gill that I was going to attend college in Montana though. I still have to figure out how to tell him. I'll tell him when we go to his grandpas ranch. As for today I have my last day of finals and then we get to relax for a couple days and then we go and do graduation rehersal.

I got out of bed and showered. They dogs were now fully house trained and used their doggy door we had installed so we don't have to keep them locked up. When I got out of the shower I stepped on Chaos and he yelleped.

"Ah baby I am so sorry!" he walked out of the bathroom and Gil came walking in.

"What just happened?"

"I got out of the shower and Chaos was laying at the entrance and I accidentaly stepped on his tail."

"Oh. Well I just ordered the plane tickets. We leave the day after your graduation sound good?"

"Sure yeah." I said well tried to say while brushing my teeth. He laughed and walked out of the room. I finished getting ready. I went to school in a cute black skirt and a blue blouse tucked in. I had on flats. I let my hair do its own thing and I didn't bother with any makeup.

I got into my car and went to my last day of school.

Me and Nick had gotten really close. We have a lot of things in common that I never noticed before.

When I got to school I parked next to him and I got out. He walked over and we talked for a bit.

"So you're really going to spend some time out on a ranch after graduation?"

"Yeah I mean Gil really wants to. So of course I'll go with him. I still have to figure out how to tell him I'm going to College in Montana."

"You could always tell him in the middle of getting it on. He'll be to busy to get mad."

"You're a pig no. I was thinking of pampering him for an entire day and then while we're out at dinner I'll tell him so he can't yell."

"Good idea. I have to tell you something after graduation okay?"

"Yeah no sweat."

We went our seperate ways and finished taking our finals. It was a very interesting day that's for sure.

When my day was over I went home. Gil was at school and the maids were off already. I walked into my dad's study and pulled the box out of the locked cabinet. I looked through and found the graduation letter.

Do I wait for graduation? Or do I open it now. I want to wait but at the same time why wait a week. Screw it I'm opening it.


Today is your graduation, one of the biggest moments of your life and I am so sorry I can't be there physically to congratulate you on making it through 12 years of mean teachers and annoying kids. But know that while you're reading this I'm with you. I am so proud of you honey. You are such an amazing and beautiful young woman and you are going to go far in life. I can honestly say that you are the best gift that was ever given to me. Now since you've graduated I should be honest with you and this was not the way you were suppose to find out. I am truly sorry for that. Your mother isn't dead. Well your birth mother I mean. She isn't dead and you have a brother. I'm sure you know him, his name is Nick Houser. He's your half brother. Your mother had him a year after you. The woman you remember to be your mother was my wife, me and her had gotten married a while after you were born. Her name is on your birth certificate because your birth mother gave up all her rights when you were born. I wanted to tell you so many times but I never got the opportunity. I am so sorry you found out this way Spencer, but now you know that you still have family if you choose to accept them. I love you Spencer.

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