Chapter Four. Let's get sweaty.

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I looked at my dad. He was sleeping and then I looked at Henry. He was on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Goodmorning sleepy head."

"Hi, when did my dad get here?"

"He got here a few hours ago. About 4 hours after you got here. I'm glad I knew your full name. They said you're dads a doctor and they had his info since he's one of the best traveling ones."

"That he is."

"Do you need me to get a nurse are you feeling okay?"

"No I'm fine. Dad wake up." I spoke louder to wake him. It took a few minuets but he woke up and looked at me then stood up to do his doctorly crap. He was wearing scrubs like normal.

"You're head looks good. Let me check your eyes." My dad said pulling a little flashlight out. I did as he asked. Then he went to get the actual doctor.

"Daddy doctor to the rescue.." I mumbled to myself.

The actual doctor came in moments later and cackled and he pulled out a chainsaw and started to saw me in half I was screaming, my dad and Henry were laughing and then I woke up. I was sweating and screaming. It was 2 am Sunday night. It was all a dream. 

I stood up and walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I downed it and then checked my phone. I had a message from Gilligan. He asked me if I was still awake. I told him I just woke up from a bad dream and told him about it. He talked to me for most of the night. I fell asleep and got a few hours before I had to be up. 

I ended up skipping my workout and showered, I left my hair down and loose and I put a little bit of makeup on and I put on a cute skirt and top with some heels and then I left. School was weird everyone looked at me weird. I just kept to my own buisness like normal. 

I went to my afterschool volunteer job, I was a volunteer at the youth tutor center. I tutored middle school kids for 4 hours a day. After that I went home. My dad still wasn't here. I was bummed. So I called him. He didn't answer. 

So I felt guilty for not doing my morning workout and I plugged my earphones in and went to work. Then I did my homework had dinner and talked with Gill some more. We were growing really close. 

I spent the rest of the school week super busy and talking to Gilligan. It went by really quickly. 


Me and Gilligan were now talking on the phone. We were super close. I thought that I might love him. I was at dinner with my dad when our waiter came up to the table. I was still looking at the menu when he asked for our drink orders. I looked up to give mine and it was Gilligan.. 

"I'll have a shirley temple" I said smiling. He smiled too and wrote it down my dad ordered a scotch on the rocks. 

"So how long are you in town for dad?" 

"I don't know, I'm a legal heart surgeon now so I could leave at any time. You're birthday is this weekend, I won't miss it I promise." 

"I was thinking, that maybe we could just have a father daughter day for my birthday? Maybe have breakfast and go out fishing or something.." 

"Spencer, you don't fish." 

"I know, but you used to love too. And I just want to spend time with you dad." 

"I'll see. Excuse me I have to take this." He said as his phone rang. 

We were in the city having a fancy dinner. He was in a tux and I was in a black lace one shoulder half long sleeve dress, it went to mid thigh. My hair was curled to the side and my makeup was done. Gilligan came to the table with our drinks and he set them down and then smiled at me. 

"I guess I wish I could have met you somewhere different for the first time. But this will do. You look stunning Spencer. I am glad I have gotten the chance to talk to you. And I'm glad I got to see you tonight with your dad?" 

"I wish we could have met somewhere different too. Thank you Gilligan, and yes he's my father. I call him Doctor Dad. Sometimes Doctor Daddy." 

I stood up and gave him a hug. 

"Well I will come back and take your orders in a while." He said walking away. 

I grabbed my phone and texted Madds and told her I just ran into Gilligan. My dad came back a few moments later. 

"Sorry Spence we'll have to grab something on the way out. I have an emergency." He said coming back and grabbing his jacket. He waved Gilligan over and asked for the check. 

He ran back and grabbed it and my dad handed him 50 in cash and said the rest was a tip. Our drinks were 6 dollars. I smiled at Gilligan and told him to call me later. I put my coat on and we left. I got in my dads black corvette. He drove us to the heli pad and handed me his keys. Got out and gave me a hug. 

"Be careful with my car. I should be home in a day or two. I promise I wont miss your birthday." 

"Okay, be careful dad I love you." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He ran up to the helicopter and gave his name and I got in the drivers seat. I texted Gilligan and asked when he got off and he said in 20. I told him I would pick him up. If he wanted to hang out. He told me of course and then I drove back to the reasturant and plugged my phone into the car and turned on my music. 

The song All night came on. I turned it up and sat back in my seat and sang along. I took my coat off and put it in the back. I was so in to the song I didn't notice when Gilligan got in the car and sat down. He turned the music down and I screamed and he laughed. 

"I didn't know you got in!" 

"The music was loud. Lets stop by my dorm so I can change and then let's go to a club." 

So I drove and followed his directions and then I parked and I locked my doors after we got out. He looped his fingers through mine and smiled down at me. I smiled too. He lead me upstairs to his dorm room and then he grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I looked around his room. There were pictures of him and a little girl all over his cork board. 

He came out in a grey vneck tee and black skinny jeans and his hair was styled and he looked HOT!

"You look smoking." I said 

"You don't look so bad yourself." 

I smiled and I took my hair out of the clips and it fell around me and I looked even better. 

"Whos the girl in your pictures?" 

"My little sister Rena. She is 7 this year. Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room. We left and got back in my car. And as a little pre club warm up I played the song I love it and we jammed out. When we got to the club I pulled up and parked and then I smiled as I grabbed his hand and walked up to the bouncer and smiled and he let us in. When we got in the music was thumping. 

I felt comfortable with him so I let myself loose. I let go of my worries. I went crazy. We were dancing so close it should be illegal. We were all over each other. In the sexy appropriate way. 

He pulled me to the bar to get a drink I got a soda and he got a beer. We drank it and went back to dancing. When we felt it was time to go it was 3 am. We got back in my car and we went to a little diner since I hadn't eaten yet. We shared a plate of cheesy fries, nachos and pie. We talked and laughed. 

"I know this is so soon, but be my girlfriend. Be mine. I know everything about you and you know everything about me. It just makes sense. I like you so much. Actually I love you.." He said holding my hand and I looked at him and smiled. 

"I love you too." 

He leaned over the table and gave me our first kiss. It was a toe to head electricity molten lava feeling. I felt sparks fly and butterflies in my tummy. I pulled away slowly and I could tell he felt the same thing. 

"Did you feel that?" I asked him he looked at me and smiled.

an doctor dad to the side. 

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