Various! Males X Male! Reader

By springs_rj

230K 3.7K 2.2K

So I've looked around the Internet and noticed that there aren't really many X Male! Readers. So I've taken i... More

Eren Jaeger
Yukio Okumura
Kaneki Ken
Annoyed And Sorry
Rin Okumura{1/2}
Rin Okumura{2/2}
oh mY GOD
Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}
Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
Kim Taehyung
Key Update/Author's Note
¡Heads Up!
Park Jimin
Kim Seokjin 0/2
Rin Okumura※
Crona Gorgon
Kim Namjoon 1/2
Kim Namjoon 2/2
Park Chanyeol X M!R X Lucas

Jeon Jeongguk

5.7K 106 25
By springs_rj

Jeon Jeongguk X Idol!Male!Reader

{Wish Come True}

"I'm sorry baby boy–I really am, but something went wrong with the shoot and we have to stay here for another three days to redo the photo shoot and mini videos."

"Will you at least be able to call me tomorrow?" The raven haired male asked as he leaned against the wall.

"I would love to call you tomorrow Jeongguk, but I don't know when the photo shoot will end and I don't know if they'll redo the mini videos tomorrow or another day."

Jeongguk held in a sigh as he felt tears threaten to fall from his eyes. The singer pulled the phone away from his face to breath in and out before answering."Oh, well maybe the next day then–unless you're busy then too." Jeongguk didn't mean for it to sound harsh but the way he said it made his H/c haired boyfriend's heart break.

"I'm so so sorry Jeongguk, I know how much you wanted us to be together with everyone else for your birthday–I promise I'll make it up to you as soon as I get there okay? We'll go shopping, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant–we can do whatever you want when I get back okay?"

"...Okay.." Jeongguk replied.

"I love you Jeongguk, don't forget that."

"Yeah, I know... Bye.."


Jeongguk hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket before wiping his eyes as he tried not to cry. The brown eyed male knew that things like this would happen, the life of an idol meant months away from family and schedules where family visits were rare. What's worse is if the idol decides to date another idol, that's where things are messier because of the schedules, paparazzi, fans, and rumors that could and would come up at random. Jeongguk just wished that it wouldn't have happened on his birthday.

Jeongguk put his hands to his sides as he took another deep breath in before walking out of the bathroom and back towards the practice room where he had been a few minutes before his boyfriend's call. Jeongguk tried his best not to look upset and smiled as he walked into the room where his hyungs had been taking a break.

"So how's loverboy?" Jimin asked.

"Y/n's photoshoot was messed up and now he has to stay in (Country) for three more days to redo the photoshoot and mini videos." Jeongguk answered as he walked over to put his phone into his bag.

"He's not gonna make it tomorrow?" Seokjin asked in disbelief as Jeongguk shook his head.

"What kind of dumbass screws up the photo shoot's content?" Yoongi said as he made a face that said "What the fuck".

"You were so excited for him to come back ((hOME)) in time for your birthday tomorrow..." Taehyung said with a pout.

"It is what it is, nothing can be done. It's just the way this business is.." Jeongguk sighed.


"Sorry hyung but can we not talk about this anymore? We should practice for our comeback, ARMY is expecting great things from us again and I don't wanna let them down." Jeongguk interrupted as he walked over to the audio set up.

The older members looked at the younger with sadness and hesitantly stood up to practice again. The seven member boy group got into their positions as the music started along with Hoseok's instructional "Five, six, seven, eight...!"

After another hour of practicing their choreography, plus another hour of rehearsing their songs, the group had gone home.

"I'm too tired to make dinner, I'll go pick up something. Any suggestions?" Seokjin asked as he stayed by the door while the rest went inside.

"Pizza!" Taehyung answered.

"Chicken!" Jimin added.

"Pizza and chicken, is that okay with the rest of you?" Seokjin asked as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

"Yeah that's fine, as long as I get fed I'm okay." Yoongi answered as Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jeongguk hummed in agreement.

"I'll go with you hyung, you stop by for chicken and I'll get the pizza." Hoseok offered as he stood up and walked towards the front door where he slipped his shoes on and put his jacket on.

"We'll be back in twenty minutes, don't destroy the house. Namjoon you're in charge." Seokjin said as he opened the door.

"Why can't I be in charge?" Yoongi asked.

"You don't even watch them, you just do whatever you do and if they do anything you just pretend you didn't see it." Seokjin said.

"True true..." Yoongi nodded before yawning.

"Just go get the food please hyungs, I'm starving!" Taehyung said as he laid down on the floor.

Hoseok and Seokjin left the apartment to get the food while the others were in the living room. Yoongi still sat on the couch dozing off, Namjoon sat on the other couch with a book in his hands and a pencil behind his ear, Taehyung and Jimin sat on the floor with X-box controllers in their hands and their eyes on the TV, and Jeongguk was on his phone (sadly) texting his boyfriend who was miles away from him.


Ggukie Boi😘💍

hey ggukie👋


have u eaten yet?

Jin hyung n hobi hyung
went to get food rn

u better eat enough
for u okay?

I will

I know ur still upset about
me not being able to come
back in time for ur birthday
but please don't be sad tomorrow
it's ur special day
u don't need me to be ur
main source when u have
your hyungs that have been
shaping u to be who u r now
promise me u won't be
upset tomorrow okay?

I promise

I gotta go to a shoot now
Love you ggukie😘❤

love u too

Jeongguk sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket and laid his head back.

"Don't worry so much about him Maknae..." Yoongi started as he kept his eyes closed and his head against the couch."You knew that a relationship with someone wouldn't be easy, especially if the other person was also an idol."

"I know hyung, but I just wish it wasn't on my birthday.." Jeongguk sighed.

"It happens Jeongguk, just like how you wanted to visit your parents for their birthdays but we had a lot of things to do those days." Yoongi replied.

"I guess you're right.."

"I am right..." Yoongi said before yawning again."Now stop sulking, but if you're gonna keep sulking do it in your room."

Jeongguk chuckled with a nod before focusing his attention to the video game that the 95-liner duo was playing.


"So what're you planning to do tomorrow?" A H/c haired male asked as he sat on the couch of a hotel room.

"We were planning on taking him out for the day to shop before going to a restaurant for his birthday dinner." Seokjin answered.

"What restaurant?" Y/n asked as he took out a pen and a sticky note before writing what the older had told him."Okay, I'll meet you guys there then."

"Okay." Seokjin started before sighing in disbelief."I can't believe we're letting him be sad because you wanted to surprise him."

"I know it's not the best thing to do, but I needed a reason to show up late with his parents as his surprise." Y/n replied.

"I guess, but after his happiness is gone he's gonna want to fight you." Seokjin joked.

"I'll gladly fight him if you know what I—"

"Don't finish that sentence." Seokjin cut off."We're near the dorms so I'll have to cut our conversation short."

"Alright, text me when you're at the restaurant." Y/n said.

"Will do." Seokjin said before hanging up.

Y/n put his phone away in his pocket before coming out of the restroom and into the living room of the hotel room. A man with dark colored hair seated next to a woman with raven hair looked over his shoulder at Y/n as the H/c haired male walked closer to them.

"Alright, so," Y/n started."They're going shopping before heading to a restaurant to celebrate. We can go shopping for presents tomorrow at a different mall before we head over to the restaurant. Seem like a plan?"

"That works perfectly fine with me." The woman said with a smile as the man nodded.

"Great! I'll leave you both here to get settled in for the night and have good rest before we start our plan tomorrow." Y/n said before bowing and walking towards the door.

"Goodnight–oh and thank you so much for being us here to see our Jeonggukie." The woman smiled.

"It was the least I could do for my future family," Y/n started with a smile."Goodnight."

<The Next Day: Restaurant>

The hyungs had taken their beloved maknae out shopping and the youngest member pulled in a great haul of new clothes, accessories, shoes, and other various items he had decided to buy. They had just arrived at the restaurant after leaving the bags at home, the seven members entered the private dinning room where a long table was placed in the center of the room with ten chairs around the table and three stoves on the table.

"There's three extra chairs." Jeongguk noted as he took his place to the left of an empty seat.

"Maybe they miscounted or gave us the wrong room." Jimin suggested as they each took a place at the table.

Jeongguk shrugged it off and just watched as Seokjin and Yoongi prepared the different meats on the stoves as the waiters brought in plates full of meat, lettuce, various side dishes, bowls of rice, and seaweed soup. Before Jeongguk could begin to eat Hoseok stopped him.

"What why can't we start eating now?" Jeongguk asked confused.

"The cake hasn't come yet." Hoseok answered.

"Shouldn't that come later?" Jeongguk asked.

"It's never to early for cake." Namjoon said as Jimin nodded in agreement.

A few minutes passed before the door slid open, a waiter had come in with more plates of food before walking out and coming back with more. Jeongguk was beyond confused as the waiter had put the plates and bowls where the three empty seats were. Jeongguk's phone rang and Jeongguk excused himself from the table to take the call in the hallway. When the raven haired male walked out he was met face to built chest.

"I'm sorry—"

"Happy Birthday Ggukie!" Y/n smiled before wrapping his arms around Jeongguk who was still in shock.

"Y-you're here! I thought—"

"I'm sorry Ggukie but I lied, I've been back in Korea for the past two days." Y/n answered as he brought Jeongguk back into the room.

"Finally! Jeongguk's not pouty anymore!" Taehyung smiled.

"Did you guys know?" Jeongguk asked.

"Obviously, that's why we were calm about a lot of things." Yoongi answered.

"I got you something." Y/n smiled.

"What did you get me?" Jeongguk asked before he stared at the entrance to the room.

"Happy birthday son!" Jeongguk's parents smiled as they entered the room and engulfed him into a hug.

"M-mom, Dad..." Jeongguk said before hugging them back."I missed you both so much." Jeongguk said as tears welled up in his eyes before rolling down one by one.

"We missed you too honey." His mother smiled.

"We're so proud of you Jeongguk." His father said with a bright smile.

"You brought them here from Busan?" Jeongguk asked as he turned to Y/n. ((Idk if they do/don't live in Busan still so pls correct me if I'm wrong))

"I brought them here yesterday, I've been with them ever since." Y/n smiled as he walked closer to Jeongguk."I thought it would be nice since you haven't seen them in the past few months."

"Thank you." Jeongguk smiled as he hugged Y/n tightly before giving him a peck on the lips."Thank you so much."

"Give me another kiss as a thank you and I'll be okay." Y/n smiled cheekily before Jeongguk chuckled and gave him another peck.

"Okay, now that that's done, let's eat!" Jeongguk said before the newcomers took their seats.

"Wait wait wait!" Y/n said as he suddenly remembered something."Mr. Jeon, Mrs. Jeon," Y/n started as he looked to them."Its okay right?"

"What's o–oh. OH!" Mr. Jeon said as his eyes widened.

"Of course it's okay Y/n! Go ahead go ahead–I insist!" Mrs. Jeon said nodding her head frantically with a wide smile.

"What?" Jeongguk asked confused once again as he looked to his band mates for a clue. His band mates shrugged in confusion before Taehyung and Jimin dropped their chopsticks on the table and looked at each other with wide eyes and opened mouths."What?" Jeongguk asked again.

"My dearest Jeon Jeongguk," Y/n started as he turned Jeongguk around and held his hands."We met on a hot fall 2015 afternoon as we did a variety show together, we laughed, we joked, and you especially loved my cheesy pick up lines."

"We exchanged numbers and met up various times to hang out. On the third hang out I realized that you were something special and that I couldn't afford to live a life without you. So I asked you to be my boyfriend on the sixth hang out because I was too chicken to do it on the fourth and fifth hang out. The fifth especially since we went to see a movie and I asked you if you wanted a kiss only for you to ask me what I said since you couldn't hear me over the dumbass who started yelling at the screen."

"Aside from that, we've been dating for around two years. I've been dating the most wonderful guy for two years and I thought to myself a few months ago, if you have the most wonderful guy why not marry him? So my dearest Jeon Jeongguk," Y/n started before kneeling down and taking a black velvet box out of his jacket pocket."Will you marry me and do me the honors of becoming L/n Jeongguk? I mean you don't have to but it'd be nice if you said yes."

Jeongguk's eyes filled with tears of joy as his heart swelled at the emotion before nodding his head frantically."Yes, I will marry you!"

Y/n smiled widely and slid the ring on Jeongguk's ring finger before putting the box away and hugging Jeongguk tightly while the boys and Jeongguk's parents cheered in joy."Before anyone outside yells–do you wanna kiss?"

"That's not even a question anymore," Jeongguk giggled."Of course I wanna kiss."

Y/n chuckled before connecting his lips with Jeongguk's and having a loving kiss before pulling away and sighing in content."I love you Jeon Jeongguk."

"It's L/n Jeongguk now." Jeongguk smiled as he laid his head against Y/n's chest.

"Your fans are gonna freak when they find out you'll be officially off the market forever now." Y/n chuckled.

"Your fans too." Jeongguk said.

"There gonna write weird fan fiction about us." Y/n added.

"And you being the dumbass that you are, are gonna read it." Jeongguk chuckled.

"And I'll tell you all about it." Y/n said as Jeongguk chuckled.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you Jeongguk, happy birthday."

<E N D>

yooOO IM BACK FROM THE DEAD. I did this really quickly since there's still time left for me<it's 11:36 PM, still Sept. 1> so I wanted to get this done quick. OUR BOY JK BE GROWIN N WE BE CRYIN.

SELF PROMO (lmao) If u liek BTS u liek male!reader inserts, check out my other fic First Love which is a Min Yoongi x Male!Reader fic.

I hope y'all had a wonderful day! Love u guys!



(I heart radio on Snapchat be doin it right^)

(creds of ^ go to the user ((i don't remember the name I'll look it up later)) on tumbler)(it was so beautiful I wanted to share with u guys)

(Creds of a lot of stuff go to their original creators unless specified otherwise)(I wanted to share that gif too)

ok bye for reals this time.


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