Her Stolen Innocence (Teen Pr...

By JasmineDahlia

1.4M 27K 3.5K

Evelyn Pearce has it all. The looks, the friends, the popularity, the personality. She never chose to be popu... More

Chapter 1 - Jerks
Chapter 2 - New Rims
Chapter 3 - Five Cheese, Five Pepperoni, Five Cokes
Chapter 4 - College Party
Chapter 5 - Blue Eyes
Chapter 6 - Gentleman
Chapter 7 - My 'Friend'
Chapter 8 - Ice Cream Challenge
Chapter 9 - Nightmares
Chapter 10 - Like A Zombie
Chapter 11 - Adventures
Chapter 12 - Not Alone
Chapter 13 - Keep Fighting
Chapter 14 - It Will Be You
Chapter 15 - Children At Heart
Chapter 16 - Chinese Food
Chapter 17 - Let Me Check You Out
Chapter 18 - Positive
Chapter 19 - La La Land
Chapter 20 - Possibilities
Chapter 21 - Every Step Of The Way
Chapter 22 - Young Man
Chapter 23 - Naughty Children
Chapter 24 - Small Yellow Box
Chapter 25 - Magic Glow
Chapter 26 - Baby Names
Chapter 27 - Yellow
Chapter 28 - Babies 'R' Us
Chapter 30 - Avalyn
Chapter 31 - Three
Chapter 32 - Small Bottle Like Thing
Chapter 33 - Beach House
Chapter 34 - Whole Again

Chapter 29 - Movies And Kisses

31.2K 649 51
By JasmineDahlia

Hello, lovelies! You good? I hope so! Anyways, here's a chapter that I really enjoyed writing. I hope you like it and please remember to VOTE, COMMENT, & FAN if you do! I really appreciate it and it motivates me write more, guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Tell me what you think. (:


~8 Months Pregnant~

I was colossal, bloated, and extremely huge as I sat down in my couch, tired and bored. Mom was at work and Jake had gone out with some friends. I had nearly dragged him out of my bedroom so he would finally spend some time with his dude friends, Tommy, Jay and Omar, the new addition to the group of friends that Jake had met in the new high school. He really liked it there and he said he couldn’t wait for me to join him. I must say I had gotten just a wee it jealous when he said that he needed me there to keep the girls away from him. I had thrown a little fit and he just laughed, saying he was partly joking. Partly.

So as I rolled a little bouncy ball over my belly, my phone vibrated beside me. I picked it up and saw Kayla’s name. We had grown quite close in the last month since I had seen her and we had rekindled our friendship on a much better foundation. One I never had with Erica. I was glad to have a female friend going through the same things as me to talk to because Erica and I had drifted apart in the last few months. I guess you could say that that was my fault because I had been the one to disappear and avoid her but I didn’t feel that gnawing guilt in me either. Erica just wasn’t someone who’s friendship was compatible with mine, our personalities way too different. We could never have survived past high school and I was somehow too old for her childish games and annoying party habits. It just wasn’t me. I very much preferred to watch a movie with Kayla and be around my boyfriend or my mom. Call me a dork. 

I read the text message and instantly smiled. I guess I wouldn’t have to be alone too long. Kayla was coming over and she said there’d be no excuses on my part since it was saturday and she wanted to hang out. I gladly agreed. 

About twenty or so minutes later, a knock thudded on my door. I made sure to watch out the door, still feeling that fading twinge of fear and paranoia at being completely alone, and smiled when I saw Kayla’s face. I quickly opened the door and Kayla and I embraced each other in an awkward pregnant woman hug.

We laughed.

“Oh, those hugs just never get boring!” She exclaimed, laughing.

“Tell me about it.” I chuckled and opened the door wider to let her in. I closed the door behind me and locked it. 

“So what have you been doing and how come that boyfriend of yours isn’t here?” She asked, looking confused before sitting on my couch and rubbing her ankles with a happy sigh. I chuckled. I definitely knew the feeling.

“I practically forced him to leave me alone and hang out with the guys.” I answered, smiling at Kayla.

“Ev? Come here.” She said, patting the seat on the couch beside her. I went to her and sat down.

“Yeah?” I asked, changing the channel of the television. She took a while to answer.

“I want to tell you something. I’ve never told anyone before because I’ve never felt comfortable enough. No one would have understood. Not even my mother. But we’ve become closer the past month and I feel really comfortable around you and I can’t help but feel I can trust you. So can you tell me what you think as I babble to you?” She asked sheepishly with a smile on her face that I instantly returned.

“Of course, Kay. You know you can tell me anything.” I said, taking her hand and giving it a tight squeeze before letting go. I wondered if she was going to tell me about how she got pregnant because she never really had before and I had never pressed on further, knowing how annoying that was.

“I was at a party, just any regular Northeast party with our friends.” She said, looking at me and I immediately know who she was referring to. “Things got a little out of control and well, I had way too much to drink. I had been flirting and dancing all night with Ryan so... you can guess the rest.” She said, trailing off and my eyes widened. The father was Ryan? Wow.

“Go on.” I urged her and forced myself to act normal.

“Well, he’s been around, shockingly, and he’s promised to do anything he can once the baby’s born but I don’t know, Ev. I feel so alone in this because I never felt anything for him! At least you love Jake and he loves you but Ryan and I never shared that. So I feel like there’s no foundation, nothing to turn and smile about and think ‘oh, everything will be alright with him by my side because we’re in love.’ I don’t know what to do with her.” Kayla said, a tear falling down her cheek as she looked at me desperately. 

“Shh. It’s okay, Kayla.” I said, taking her hands. “I’m always going to be here for you and we can help each other. Ryan’s the father and we can’t do anything about that but deal with it because there’s no point in stressing out over things that can’t be changed. You’ll torment yourself. rust me, I know.” I whispered, remembering the horrid blue eyes that I hadn’t thought of in a while. “Now, inside of you, you already know what you’re going to do with here, Kay. What do you feel when you think of keeping her? Giving her up for adoption? What do you know is the right thing?” I ask and Kayla sniffs, wiping a tear away.

“I- I feel like I should keep her. That’s what I want but I don’t know what’s better for her.”

“Kayla, if you feel that you can provide her with everything she needs and that you can raise with the love and care she needs then that’s all you need. If you don’t think that’s possible then you know what you should do.” I said, smiling gently at her.

“You’re right. And I know that I can. I can do everything for her even if I don’t have a guy beside me.” She said, looking determined. “She’s all I have.” Kayla whispered and I wanted to hold my friend and tell her all would be fine. So I did.

“Everything will be okay. Kayla, you’re a wonderful person and I know you’ll find a guy that will love you and your baby girl with all his heart. He’ll keep both of you safe and he’ll be by your side. You’ll find love. Someone as wonderful as you is bound to find love.” I said, smiling and she chuckled.

“You’re so sweet, Ev. You always know what to say.” Kay smiled and I laughed with her.

“Sometimes.” I said. “Come on. Let’s watch some movies or something. And we need Nutella. I’ve been craving Nutella with such horrible passion that I think I’ll die if I don’t have some.” I said and Kay chuckled.

“Mmm. Nutella!” She said happily, licking her lips. “Pick something out from the DVD pile.” I said and walked over to my kitchen where I took my supply of Nutella with two spoons and some water, knowing we’d get thirsty.

When I walked back, Kayla had already popped the DVD in and had the screen on main menu. She had picked out the movie Step Brothers much to my happiness. I loved that movie.

“Here you go, Kay.” I said, handing her the spoon and sitting beside her on the couch, cross legged and resting my big belly on the circle of my legs. The Nutella was in between my leg and hers where both of us could easily reach.

Kay pressed play and we watched one of the funniest movies of all time together, having a nice time laughing and enjoying the film. I was so glad that I had bumped into Kayla a month ago at Babies ‘R’ Us because I wouldn't have been able to do this otherwise. 


“Oh my God, I never get tired of that movie!” Kayla explained, still laughing along with me.

“I know, it’s hilarious!” I agreed. 

“What are we doing now?” Kay asked and as soon as she did, my phone vibrated. 

“Hold on a sec.” I said and Kayla playfully groaned, causing me to roll my eyes. 

“He’s taking you away from me isn’t he?” She asked and I chuckled as I read the text message.

On my way back, babe. 

“Nah. He’s not taking me away from you because you’re going to be staying here with us, kay?” I ask, smiling and she nods.

“Just as long as you two don’t get nasty.” She jokes and I laugh. Kayla and I hung out until a knock sounded on my door.

“Honey, I’m home!” Jake sang from outside the house, causing Kayla and I to break out in laughter.

“That boy.” I said, grinning as I shook my head.

“Hurry up, babe!” He yelled.

“Coming!” I called back and opened the door to reveal Jake’s handsome face. 

“How was the day without me, babe?” He asks, pulling me close to him and giving me a peck on my lips.

“Just fine.” I smiled and he frowned jokingly.

“Really?” He rose an eyebrow and I nodded my head. 

“She was here with me! Of course her day was awesome!” Kayla called out and I smiled up at Jake.

“Glad you had some second class entertainment.” He said with a cheeky grin. I chuckled and playfully hit his arm. “Be nice.” I scolded.

“Yeah! Jerk.” Kayla scowled and Jake and I laughed. We entered the house and Jake took me into his arms right in front of Kayla, smirking down at me, and I chuckled right before the sound was cut off by his lips. Our lips molded and our tongues caressed each other, my hands locking around his neck and his holding my hips. I chuckled under his kiss, knowing Kayla was probably making disgusted faces by now and Jake laughed too.

“This is just nasty! Get some manners, people. I don’t need to see you two tonguing each other in front of me. Yuck. Ew. Gross.” Kayla exclaimed, making gagging sounds. Jake and I pulled apart, looking into each others eyes, laughing, before looking at her face and laughing harder.

“You just make it so fun to bother you.” I said to her and she shook her head, trying to hide a smile. Kayla just wasn’t one to get angry.

“You’re nasty. Let’s watch a movie or something.” She suggested and I heard Jake groan beside me.

“She’s not leaving?” He whined but In knew he was playing, thought that didn’t hold me back from punching him.

“Be nice!” I exclaimed, chuckling.

“Jerk.” Kayla muttered once more, causing Jacob to bawl with laughter and we were off to watch a movie, just the three of us. 


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