camouflage [h.s]

By lolteenager

24.5M 683K 346K

She's always been the shy girl that no one notices, but once she catches Harry's attention will things ever b... More

author's note


323K 11.2K 3.4K
By lolteenager

Harry's POV:

"She's what?" I ask, mouth agape in shock of what Liam has just revealed to me.

"Pregnant, you know, has a bun in the oven." He says in a poor attempt at a joke.

I still can't wrap my mind around them having a child. Liam seems like the type of guy to take every precaution possible before having sex.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so, she kind of peed on a stick and there were two lines which means you're pregnant and-"

"That's all I need to know," I say before he can go into detail.

"We're going to the doctor in a few days, and I'm honestly scared as hell. I don't think I'm ready to start a family, and we all know once you have a kid you have to get married. My parents will practically force me to get down on one knee once they find out about the baby."

"Who else knows that she's expecting?"

"Just you and Zayn, so far."

I feel kind of elated that I'm one of the only people that has been told, showing that me and Liam are really close.

"She hasn't told Leah yet?"

"She said she would soon, I just think she's scared for what her best friend's reaction will be. Honestly, I was scared as hell for yours as well, you never know what you'll get in this situation."

"You should get congratulations, having a kid should be happy, shouldn't it?" I say, trying to make the situation less dreary than it seems to be.

"It really should be, but we didn't mean for this to happen, Harry. I mean, protection is my number one thing and the fact that this happened is just- well, it sucks."

"Don't look at it that way, in nine months you'll forget all about this," I say, "how's Casey taking all of this?"

"I'm not really sure, but I'm trying to be there for her, it's just hard when I didn't think this would happen."

"I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually, just give it some time."

"Hopefully that's what will happen. I'm going to get going, but thanks for letting me talk your ear off with my problems, mate." Liam says before walking back out the door of my room, leaving me by myself.

Once he's gone I can't help but think how I could easily be in his position, and wonder how I would even take it.


Leah's POV:

I hold her hair back as everything in her stomach is emptied into the toilet, flushing it once she is finished.

Casey sighs as she leans her head against the bathroom wall, hair and makeup disheveled after the long evening of drinking she must've had.

I can't believe Liam let her get so wasted that she came home and was immediately sick, multiple times. Usually he makes sure that she only has a few drinks, but apparently last night was a different story.

I stand, pulling Casey up with me as well. She walks to the sink, brushing her teeth in silence. I notice her glance at me a few times, some sort of guilt in her eyes. It's not like I'm or mother or anything, so there's no need for her to feel that way.

"How was the party?" I ask once she's finished up, both of us walking into the living room.

"There was no party last night, at least not one that I went to," she says.

"Do you have a stomach bug, eat some bad sushi?" I ask, genuinely concerned with the fact that she's been sick all morning.

"Neither, you should probably sit down for this." She says, sitting down on our brand new couch and patting the spot beside her. I contemplate for a moment before sitting and turning myself so that I am facing her.

I watch as her gray eyes flicker between my own and the wall just behind me, before finally taking a deep breath and opening her mouth to speak.

"I've been throwing up for the past few weeks, having an extremely sensitive stomach, and just not feeling like myself," she says, "so I went and got a pregnancy test." She pauses before speaking again, "I'm pregnant."

My mind goes into shock, Casey, pregnant? It seems as if with everything going on with Harry and Nikolai, I lost track of what was going on in my own best friend's life. The only reaction I have is to smile happily, and bring her into a tight embrace.

"Congratulations, how is Liam taking the news?" I say, pulling away to find tears in her eyes, and surprised when there are some in my own as well.

"Not so great, he just didn't think this would happen, so I think he's still in shock and a bit of denial."

"That's understandable, I'm sure once everything sinks in he'll be really excited. I can already tell Liam will be a great father."

"That's what I'm hoping for, he just seems to be distant lately."

"Just give him some time, men seem to have a harder time adjusting to changes," I say. "Now, how are you taking this?"

"Becoming a mother was always something I thought about, but not exactly at this age," she says with a frown,"but I guess life gives you what you can handle."

"I like how you're looking at it, maybe you can get Liam to see it that way too."

"Trust me, I've been trying. He's just been closed off, and I just want him to talk to someone about it, literally anyone."

Our heads turn as Harry barges through the front door, "she told you, didn't she?" Is the first thing that he says after looking at the both of us, causing Casey and I to laugh.

"Yes, I did, and it looks like Liam told you also." Casey says with a satisfied smile, clearly her boyfriend actually telling people they are expecting is a big step.

"He surprisingly did, and I tried my best to get him out of his own head, but he's stubborn as hell."

"He's no better with me either, I think I'm going to go over there right now and try to talk to him." Casey hugs me again before standing and walking over to grab her keys off of the kitchen counter, saying goodbye before walking out the front door, leaving Harry and I alone.

"How are you?" Harry asks as he comes to sit beside me, the couch dipping slightly as he does so.

"In shock that my best friend is pregnant, and I didn't even realize it. I should have seen the signs, they were right in front of me, but I was so caught up with you and everything going on that I wasn't able to see it."

"Babe, you can't blame yourself for not figuring out someone is pregnant, at least now you know and you can be there for her." He says, and I nod because I know he is completely right.

"So, Liam really isn't taking it that well, is he?" I ask, feeling terrible that he's not taking the news of having a baby joyously.

"I think he needs to get used to the idea, you know?" He smiles, "and I've been talking a lot today, so I'd rather put my mouth to use in other ways."

I squeal as he pulls me onto his lap, crashing our lips together before I can even say a word. His mouth tastes of spearmint as we kiss, and I still can't help but think if he has a lifetime supply of gum.

"Can you stop thinking and make out with me, please?" Harry asks, pulling away slightly so we can catch our breath.

"Sorry, it's just, do you always have gum on you, or something?"

"Yeah, do you want a piece?" He asks with a cheeky grin, clearly being sarcastic.

"Your sarcasm is not needed right now, Harold."

He huffs, "if you keep calling me that, I swear."

I quickly kiss him, "Harold."

"You're lucky I love you, Leanne."

"Okay, that did not work whatsoever." I say while laughing.

"Whatever, you'll still make out with me anyway." He says before bringing his lips to mine, heat spreading throughout me just from our contact. His hands travel down my sides as mine wrap themselves loosely around his neck. I gasp when he pulls away and sucks at the skin just under my ear, most likely leaving a noticeable mark.

"I forgot my- oh sorry, don't want to interrupt." We quickly pull apart to find Casey rushing to her room, coming back out seconds later and giving us an apologetic look before leaving the apartment once again.

Harry and I both look at each other with wide eyes before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

There was so much dialogue in this oh my god

Goal: 1000 votes and 300 comments

Somehow this story has gotten over a million reads and I couldn't be more thankful, all of your votes and comments really do mean a lot to me, so thank you.

What's been your favorite music video done by the boys so far? Mine would have to be Story of My Life!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

Instagram: @heswriting

-Jo x

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