Our new home

By SomeElvenReader

166K 2.5K 156

in the year 2031 and two human twins, Max and Addison, are trying to survive in the world after the vampires... More

The New Parents
The Doctors
Clothes Shopping
Our Little Suprise
Our first home
Author's Notes
New Toys
Play time
Author's Notes 2
The Bite
Sick Day
Doctors aren't bad
Bath time
First friendship
The Mind Doctor

The Mall

17K 238 13
By SomeElvenReader

We wake up, this time, to being shaken by the two people who took us. Of course, being "raised" in the streets and being tormented by people, that woke us up, scared us and made us start shaking. "Oh, sorry boys, we didn't mean to scare you...sh shshsh...it's ok, we're here, we promise to take good care of you two." They say to us, trying to comfort us. Just as we looked away from them, we saw a huge, and I mean HUGE building. We looked back at the male with a curious feeling and as if he knew what I was about to think, he exclaimed, "we're here to get you new toys, clothes and your first teddies. But first I think we need to get you two something inside those tummies of yours." He then started to tickle us, which made us giggle and laugh. Then they put us in some sort of rolling seat that's made for two people...almost as if they planned on getting us...but we didn't really care, we were mostly curious about what it exactly was. (if you haven't gotten it by now, me and my twin brother are able to tell what emotions, thoughts and feelings we're both having). Anyways, as we were looking at it, the male told us, "this is a stroller, it makes it easier to take babies around places so we don't have to carry so much stuff around at ounce, this stroller was made for two people, such as twins, like you two." When he said that we somehow understood and...WAIT WHAT...did he just say BABIES!? At this point we start to get scared about being treated like babies, although we might have a family now.

This is there stroller.

(10 min later)

"Now what do you two want to have for lunch?" our 'daddy' asked us, while we were going to this place called a "food court." We didn't know what to have, since we never had much food back in the alleys. So we just looked around and couldn't seem to decided, and our stomachs started grumbling, which was a tiny bit painful because we haven't eaten anything in awhile. when we got to the food court they told us "I think we should take them to McDonalds!"

After we enter the McDonalds, they get two really tall chairs, places them beside a table and put us both in them. Meanwhile, we're looking at these chairs, wondering what these really tall chairs are. Just as if they knew what we were thinking, our new 'mommy' informed us that, "those are called highchairs, they're made for babies because they're too small to sit in a regular chair." That made us scared, yet curious about why they keep saying babies. Just as we were about to ask, our new 'daddy' came back with food. "Eat up, you'll need your strength, we have a lot of shopping to do. But don't worry if you don't finish. we'll just keep the food for snacks if you get hungry later ok?" He exclaims to us, all we do is nod. Before we eat, we ask "w-w-why  awe o-ou doin dis fow us?" They both look at each other, then back at us. "Well, when we were in the town we found you in, we were looking for a boy and a girl to have as our own, but when we saw you two and how you were treated, where you were sleeping, we felt sorry for you and we knew we had to have you and raise you as our own kids." Our mommy said. That made us smile and blush. Soon after, we started eating our food, but we couldn't eat it all, so we just saved the rest for snacks.

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